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The molecular mechanisms of how alpha(1) and beta subunits of voltage-gated Ca(2+) channels interact with one another are still controversial. Here we show that despite a mutation in the beta interaction domain that has previously been shown to disrupt binding, alpha(1C)Y467S and beta(1a-myc) still formed immunoprecipitable complexes when coexpressed in tsA201 cells. However, the alpha(1C)Y467S-beta(1a-myc) complexes had a decreased affinity to (+)-[(3)H]isradipine. This indicates that the beta interaction domain in the I-II loop of the alpha(1) subunit is not merely an anchor required for the functional interaction of the two Ca(2+) channel subunits but is itself part of the effector pathway for beta-induced channel modulation.  相似文献   
Trace element contents and stable isotopic composition of Middle Campanian marl-limestone rhythmites and belemnite rostra of Belemnitella mucronata were investigated. High strontium and low iron as well as manganese and magnesium contents of belemnite calcite and bulk rock samples suggest no diagenetic overprint. However, the orange-coloured cathodoluminescence of coccolith-rich sediments indicates diagenetic cementation and/or recrystallization. The non-luminescent belemnite rostra reveal an extraordinary preservation of the microstructures that is interpreted to have been favoured by a silification of the outer rim of the belemnite rostra. Carbon isotope ratios of the coccolith limestones and belemnite rostra are comparable, with higher δ13C variations observed for belemnite calcite. The 1.5-2‰ depletion in δ18O of the marl-limestone rhythmites relative to belemnite calcite is explained by diagenetic alteration of the sediments. Palaeotemperatures, calculated from the δ18O values of the well-preserved belemnite rostra, are around 12.5 ± 2 °C and suggest rather low sea-surface temperatures for the Middle Campanian epicontinental sea of north Germany assuming a water depth of less than 100 m.  相似文献   
A candidate gene approach has been used as a first step to identify the molecular basis of quantitative trait variation in potato. Sugar content of tubers upon cold storage was the model trait chosen because the metabolic pathways involved in starch and sugar metabolism are well known and many of the genes have been cloned. Tubers of two F(1) populations of diploid potato grown in six environments were evaluated for sugar content after cold storage. The populations were genotyped with RFLP, AFLP, and candidate gene markers. QTL analysis revealed that QTL for glucose, fructose, and sucrose content were located on all potato chromosomes. Most QTL for glucose content mapped to the same positions as QTL for fructose content. QTL explaining >10% of the variability for reducing sugars were located on linkage groups I, III, VII, VIII, IX, and XI. QTL consistent across populations and/or environments were identified. QTL were linked to genes encoding invertase, sucrose synthase 3, sucrose phosphate synthase, ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase, sucrose transporter 1, and a putative sucrose sensor. The results suggest that allelic variants of enzymes operating in carbohydrate metabolic pathways contribute to the genetic variation in cold sweetening.  相似文献   
The 3-hydroxypropionate cycle has been proposed as a new autotrophic CO(2) fixation pathway for the phototrophic green non-sulfur eubacterium Chloroflexus aurantiacus and for some chemotrophic archaebacteria. The cycle requires the reductive conversion of the characteristic intermediate 3-hydroxypropionate to propionyl-CoA. The specific activity of the 3-hydroxypropionate-, CoA-, K(+)-, and MgATP-dependent oxidation of NADPH in autotrophically grown cells was 0.09 micromol min(-1) mg(-1) protein, which was 2-fold down-regulated in heterotrophically grown cells. Unexpectedly, a single enzyme catalyzes the entire reaction sequence: 3-hydroxypropionate + MgATP + CoA + NADPH + H(+) --> propionyl-CoA + MgAMP + PP(i) + NADP(+) + H(2)O. The enzyme was purified 30-fold to near homogeneity and has a very large native molecular mass between 500 and 800 kDa, with subunits of about 185 kDa as judged by SDS-PAGE, suggesting a homotrimeric or homotetrameric structure. Upon incubation of this new enzyme, termed propionyl-CoA synthase, with the proteinase trypsin, the NADPH oxidation function of the enzyme was lost, whereas the enzyme still activated 3-hydroxypropionate to its CoA-thioester and dehydrated it to acrylyl-CoA. SDS-PAGE revealed that the subunits of propionyl-CoA synthase had been cleaved once and the N-terminal amino acid sequences of the two trypsin digestion products were determined. Two parts of the gene encoding propionyl-CoA synthase (pcs) were identified on two contigs of an incomplete genome data base of C. aurantiacus, and the sequence of the pcs gene was completed. Propionyl-CoA synthase is a natural fusion protein of 201 kDa consisting of a CoA ligase, an enoyl-CoA hydratase, and an enoyl-CoA reductase, the reductase domain containing the trypsin cleavage site. Similar polyfunctional large enzymes are common in secondary metabolism (e.g. polyketide synthases) but rare in primary metabolism (e.g. eukaryotic type I fatty acid synthase). These results lend strong support to the operation of the proposed pathway in autotrophic CO(2) fixation.  相似文献   
Long-distance bird migration consists of a series of stopovers (for refuelling) and flights, with flights taking little time compared to stopovers. Therefore, it has been hypothesized that birds minimize the total time taken for migration through efficient stopover behaviour. Current optimality models for stopover include (1) the fixed expectation rule and (2) the global update rule. These rules maximize the speed of migration by determining the optimal departure fuel load for a given fuel deposition rate. We were interested in simple behavioural rules approaching the stopover behaviour of real birds and how these rules compare to the time minimizing models above with respect to the total time taken for migration. The simple strategies were to stay at a site (1) until a fixed fuel load was reached or (2) for a constant number of days. We simulated migration of small nocturnal passerine birds across an environment of continuously distributed but variable fuel deposition rates, and investigated the influence of different stopover strategies on the duration of migration. Staying for a constant number of days at each stopover site, irrespective of the fuel deposition rate, resulted in only slightly longer than minimum values for migration duration. Additionally, the constant stopover duration, e.g. 10 days, may change by a day or two (per stopover) without having a large effect on total migration duration. There is therefore a possibility that real birds may be close to optimal migration speed without the need for very complex behaviour. When assessing the sensitivity of migration duration to factors other than stopover duration, we found that flight costs, search and settling time, mean fuel deposition rate and the accuracy in the choice of flight direction were the factors with the largest influence. Our results suggest that migrating birds can approximate optimal stopover duration relatively easy with a simple rule, and that other factors, e.g. those above, are more relevant for travel time.  相似文献   
Burkholderia cepacia and Pseudomonas aeruginosa often co-exist as mixed biofilms in the lungs of patients suffering from cystic fibrosis (CF). Here, we report the isolation of 13 random mini-Tn5 insertion mutants of B. cepacia H111 that are defective in biofilm formation on a polystyrene surface. We show that the screening procedure used in this study is biased towards mutants defective in the late stages of biofilm development. A detailed quantitative analysis of the biofilm structures formed by wild-type and mutant strains revealed that the isolated mutants are impaired in their abilities to develop a typical three-dimensional biofilm structure. Molecular investigations showed that the genes required for biofilm maturation fall into several classes: (i). genes encoding for surface proteins; (ii). genes involved in the biogenesis and maintenance of an integral outer membrane; and (iii). genes encoding regulatory factors. It is shown that three of the regulatory mutants produce greatly reduced amounts of N-octanoylhomoserine lactone (C8-HSL). This compound serves as the major signal molecule of the cep quorum-sensing system. As this density-dependent regulatory system is involved in the regulation of biofilm maturation, we investigated the interplay between the three regulatory genes and the quorum-sensing cascade. The results of these investigations show that the identified genes encode for regulatory elements that are positioned upstream of the cep system, indicating that the quorum-sensing system of B. cepacia is a major checkpoint for biofilm formation.  相似文献   
Peroxiredoxins   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Present knowledge on peroxiredoxins is reviewed with special emphasis on catalytic principles, specificities and biological function. Peroxiredoxins are low efficiency peroxidases using thiols as reductants. They appear to be fairly promiscuous with respect to the hydroperoxide substrate; the specificities for the donor substrate vary considerably between the subfamilies, comprising GSH, thioredoxin, tryparedoxin and the analogous CXXC motifs in bacterial AhpF proteins. Peroxiredoxins are definitely responsible for antioxidant defense in bacteria (AhpC), yeast (thioredoxin peroxidase) and trypanosomatids (tryparedoxin peroxidase). They are considered to determine virulence of mycobacteria and trypanosomatids. In higher plants they are involved in balancing hydroperoxide production during photosynthesis. In higher animals peroxiredoxins appear to be involved in the redox-regulation of cellular signaling and differentiation, displaying in part opposite effects.  相似文献   
Sinorhizobium meliloti (Rhizobium meliloti) 2011 has the ability to produce the two acidic exopolysaccharides succinoglycan (EPS I) and galactoglucan (EPS II). EPS I is a branched heteropolysaccharide composed of octasaccharide repeating units, whereas EPS II is a linear heteropolysaccharide consisting of disaccharide subunits. The exo-exs and exp gene clusters are involved in the biosynthesis of EPSI and EPSII, respectively. EPSI and EPSII biosynthesis genes are differentially expressed resulting in a complex regulation of EPS production in S. meliloti. The phosphate concentration was identified as an important factor affecting the expression of exp genes.  相似文献   
While helical transmembrane (TM) region prediction tools achieve high (>90%) success rates for real integral membrane proteins, they produce a considerable number of false positive hits in sequences of known nontransmembrane queries. We propose a modification of the dense alignment surface (DAS) method that achieves a substantial decrease in the false positive error rate. Essentially, a sequence that includes possible transmembrane regions is compared in a second step with TM segments in a sequence library of documented transmembrane proteins. If the performance of the query sequence against the library of documented TM segment-containing sequences in this test is lower than an empirical threshold, it is classified as a non-transmembrane protein. The probability of false positive prediction for trusted TM region hits is expressed in terms of E-values. The modified DAS method, the DAS-TMfilter algorithm, has an unchanged high sensitivity for TM segments ( approximately 95% detected in a learning set of 128 documented transmembrane proteins). At the same time, the selectivity measured over a non-redundant set of 526 soluble proteins with known 3D structure is approximately 99%, mainly because a large number of falsely predicted single membrane-pass proteins are eliminated by the DAS-TMfilter algorithm.  相似文献   
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