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The tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases-3 (TIMP3) is a multifunctional protein tightly associated with the extracellular matrix (ECM). A specific type of mutation in TIMP3 which results in potentially unpaired cysteine residues at the C-terminus of the protein has been shown to cause Sorsby fundus dystrophy (SFD), an autosomal dominant retinopathy of late onset. An early finding in SFD is a striking accumulation of protein and lipid material in Bruch's membrane, a multilayered ECM structure located between the choroid and the RPE. To study the molecular mechanisms underlying SFD pathology, we recently generated two mouse lines, one deficient in Timp3 (Timp3(-/-)) and one carrying an SFD-related mutation in the orthologous murine Timp3 gene (Timp3(S156C/S156C)). We now established immortalized fibroblast cells from the mutant mouse strains and provide evidence that the various cell lines display distinct morphological and physiological features that are dependent on the mutational status of the Timp3 protein in the secreted ECM. We show that matrix metalloproteinase (MMP) activity and inhibitory properties of Timp3 are not affected by the SFD-associated mutation. We further demonstrate that Timp3(S156C) protein accumulates in the ECM of the mutant fibroblast cells and that this accumulation is not due to a prolonged turnover rate of mutant vs. normal Timp3. We also show that the relative abundance of mutant and normal Timp3 in the ECM has no measurable effects on cellular phenotypes. Together, these findings suggest (i) a functional role of normal Timp3 in pathways determining cellular morphology and (ii) a loss of this particular function as a consequence of the Ser156Cys mutation. We therefore hypothesize that SFD pathogenesis is due to a loss-of-function mutation in TIMP3.  相似文献   
An increasing number of mammalian secreted phospholipases A(2) (sPLA(2)s) has been identified over the past few years. Here, we report the identification and recombinant expression of a novel sPLA(2)-like protein in mouse and human species that has been called group XIIB (GXIIB). The mature protein has a molecular mass of 19.7 kDa and structural features similar to those of the previously identified GXII sPLA(2), now called GXIIA. Strikingly, the GXIIB sPLA(2) has a mutation in the active site, replacing the canonical histidine by a leucine, suggesting that this sPLA(2) is catalytically inactive. Recombinant expression of human (hGXIIB) and mouse (mGXIIB) sPLA(2)s in Escherichia coli indicates that GXIIB sPLA(2)s display no measurable lipolytic activity on various types of phospholipid substrates. Furthermore, these sPLA(2)-like proteins display relatively weak affinity to phospholipid vesicles. Binding experiments indicate that these proteins are also unable to bind to the well-known M-type sPLA(2) receptor. The RNA tissue distribution of GXIIB sPLA(2)s is distinct from that of other sPLA(2)s including the homologous GXIIA. Strong expression was observed in liver, small intestine, and kidney in both human and mouse species. Interestingly, the expression of the novel sPLA(2) is dramatically decreased in human tumors from the same tissues. The absence of enzymatic activity suggests that the GXIIB sPLA(2)-like proteins probably exert their biological roles by acting as ligands for as yet unidentified receptors.  相似文献   
Effect of hemodialysis on the antioxidative properties of serum   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
In patients with chronic renal failure undergoing regular hemodialysis (HD), oxidative stress is involved in the development of dialysis-related pathologies. The aim of the study was to measure the effect of HD treatment on the general antioxidative status of serum with special consideration of the specific oxidizability of lipids and proteins. Indicators for the oxidative/antioxidative status of plasma were monitored at the beginning and at the end of a dialysis session on the arterial and venous side of the dialyzer. A decrease in the antioxidant status was accompanied by an increased oxidizability of proteins as well as lipids during HD treatment. During the first passage of the dialyzer, the lag time of lipid oxidation decreased from 114.0+/-19.8 to 81.5+/-18.9 min, the lag time of protein oxidation decreased from 105.0+/-24.6 to 72.9+/-21.3 min and the total antioxidative status decreased from 518+/-24 to 252+/-124 microM trolox equivalents. The carbonyl content of serum proteins was high in patients with end stage renal disease (ESRD) (3.9+/-1.1 vs. 0.9+/-0.1 nmol/mg in controls) but did not change significantly during dialysis procedure. Our data demonstrate that the susceptibility of serum lipids and proteins to oxidative modification is severely increased by HD treatment.  相似文献   
The diiron(II) cluster in the R2 subunit of Escherichia coli ribonucleotide reductase (RNR) activates oxygen to generate a mu-oxodiiron(III) cluster and the stable tyrosyl radical that is critical for the conversion of ribonucleotides to deoxyribonucleotides. Like those in other diiron carboxylate proteins, such as methane monooxygenase (MMO), the R2 diiron cluster is proposed to activate oxygen by formation of a peroxodiiron(III) intermediate followed by an oxidizing high-valent cluster. Substitution of key active site residues results in perturbations of the normal oxygen activation pathway. Variants in which the active site ligand, aspartate (D) 84, is changed to glutamate (E) are capable of accumulating a mu-peroxodiiron(III) complex in the reaction pathway. Using rapid freeze-quench techniques, this intermediate in a double variant, R2-W48A/D84E, was trapped for characterization by M?ssbauer and X-ray absorption spectroscopy. These samples contained 70% peroxodiiron(III) intermediate and 30% diferrous R2. An Fe-Fe distance of 2.5 A was found to be associated with the peroxo intermediate. As has been proposed for the structures of the higher valent intermediates in both R2 and MMO, carboxylate shifts to a mu-(eta(1),eta(2)) or a mu-1,1 conformation would most likely be required to accommodate the short 2.5 A Fe-Fe distance. In addition, the diferrous form of the enzyme present in the reacted sample has a longer Fe-Fe distance (3.5 A) than does a sample of anaerobically prepared diferrous R2 (3.4 A). Possible explanations for this difference in detected Fe-Fe distance include an O(2)-induced conformational change prior to covalent chemistry or differing O(2) reactivity among multiple diiron(II) forms of the cluster.  相似文献   
The copper-containing amine oxidase from Arthrobacter globiformis has been expressed and purified as a fusion protein with a C-terminal Strep-tag II peptide. This tag facilitates the rapid purification of the enzyme on a large scale using the StrepTactin POROS medium. For example, we have demonstrated that 50 mg of protein can be obtained in 2 days from 2 L of Escherichia coli. The purified fusion protein displays turnover and spectroscopic properties that are essentially identical to those of the wild-type enzyme. Given the location of the C-terminus in four amine oxidase crystal structures, this strategy should be quite general for the rapid purification of amine oxidases from multiple sources.  相似文献   
Previous work with Pseudomonas aeruginosa showed that catalase activity in biofilms was significantly reduced relative to that in planktonic cells. To better understand biofilm physiology, we examined possible explanations for the differential expression of catalase in cells cultured in these two different conditions. For maximal catalase activity, biofilm cells required significantly more iron (25 microM as FeCl(3)) in the medium, whereas planktonic cultures required no addition of iron. However, iron-stimulated catalase activity in biofilms was still only about one-third that in planktonic cells. Oxygen effects on catalase activity were also investigated. Nitrate-respiring planktonic cultures produced approximately twice as much catalase activity as aerobic cultures grown in the presence of nitrate; the nitrate stimulation effect could also be demonstrated in biofilms. Cultures fermenting arginine had reduced catalase levels; however, catalase repression was also observed in aerobic cultures grown in the presence of arginine. It was concluded that iron availability, but not oxygen availability, is a major factor affecting catalase expression in biofilms.  相似文献   
The Per1 and Per2 genes are components of the mammalian circadian clock. Mutations in these genes alter phase resetting in response to a nocturnal light pulse, and Per2 mutant mice are known to become arrhythmic in constant darkness. We show that under constant light conditions, Per2 mutant mice exhibit robust activity rhythms as well as body temperature rhythms with a period length that is less than 24 h. In Per1 mutants, the period length of both activity and body temperature rhythms is longer than 24 h in constant light. Per1 mutants prolong their period length (tao) when illuminance is increased, whereas Per2 mutants shorten their endogenous period. Additionally, the authors show that the circadian pattern of Per1 and Per2 gene expression in mice is modified under different photoperiods and that there is a mutual influence of these genes on their timing of expression. We propose that, in mice, the phase relationship between Per1 and Per2 gene expression might be critical for transducing day length information to the organism. Per1 could be part of a morning oscillator tracking dawn, and Per2 could be part of an evening oscillator tracking dusk.  相似文献   
The completed fruit fly genome was found to contain up to 15 putative UDP-N-acetyl-alpha-d-galactosamine:polypeptide N-acetylgalactosaminyltransferase (GalNAc-transferase) genes. Phylogenetic analysis of the putative catalytic domains of the large GalNAc-transferase enzyme families of Drosophila melanogaster (13 available), Caenorhabditis elegans (9 genes), and mammals (12 genes) indicated that distinct subfamilies of orthologous genes are conserved in each species. In support of this hypothesis, we provide evidence that distinctive functional properties of Drosophila and human GalNAc-transferase isoforms were exhibited by evolutionarily conserved members of two subfamilies (dGalNAc-T1 (l(2)35Aa) and GalNAc-T11; dGalNAc-T2 (CG6394) and GalNAc-T7). dGalNAc-T1 and novel human GalNAc-T11 were shown to encode functional GalNAc-transferases with the same polypeptide acceptor substrate specificity, and dGalNAc-T2 was shown to encode a GalNAc-transferase with similar GalNAc glycopeptide substrate specificity as GalNAc-T7. Previous data suggested that the putative GalNAc-transferase encoded by l(2)35Aa had a lethal phenotype (Flores, C., and Engels, W. (1999) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 96, 2964-2969), and this was substantiated by sequencing of three lethal alleles l(2)35Aa(HG8), l(2)35Aa(SF12), and l(2)35Aa(SF32). The finding that subfamilies of GalNAc-transferases with distinct catalytic functions are evolutionarily conserved stresses that GalNAc-transferase isoforms may serve unique biological functions rather than providing functional redundancy, and this is further supported by the lethal phenotype of l(2)35Aa.  相似文献   
The molecular mechanisms of how alpha(1) and beta subunits of voltage-gated Ca(2+) channels interact with one another are still controversial. Here we show that despite a mutation in the beta interaction domain that has previously been shown to disrupt binding, alpha(1C)Y467S and beta(1a-myc) still formed immunoprecipitable complexes when coexpressed in tsA201 cells. However, the alpha(1C)Y467S-beta(1a-myc) complexes had a decreased affinity to (+)-[(3)H]isradipine. This indicates that the beta interaction domain in the I-II loop of the alpha(1) subunit is not merely an anchor required for the functional interaction of the two Ca(2+) channel subunits but is itself part of the effector pathway for beta-induced channel modulation.  相似文献   
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