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Ripening of fleshy fruit: Molecular insight and the role of ethylene   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Development and ripening in fruit is a unique phase in the life cycle of higher plants which encompasses several stages progressively such as fruit development, its maturation, ripening and finally senescence. During ripening phase, several physiological and biochemical changes take place through differential expression of various genes that are developmentally regulated. Expression and/or suppression of these genes contribute to various changes in the fruit that make it visually attractive and edible. However, in fleshy fruit massive losses accrue during post harvest handling of the fruit which may run into billions of dollars worldwide. This encouraged scientists to look for various ways to save these losses. Genetic engineering appears to be the most promising and cost effective means to prevent these losses. Most fleshy fruit ripen in the presence of ethylene and once ripening has been initiated proceeds uncontrollably. Ethylene evokes several responses during ripening through a signaling cascade and thousands of genes participate which not only sets in ripening but also responsible for its spoilage. Slowing down post ripening process in fleshy fruit has been the major focus of ripening-related research. In this review article, various developments that have taken place in the last decade with respect to identifying and altering the function of ripening-related genes have been described. Role of ethylene and ethylene-responsive genes in ripening of fleshy fruit is also included. Taking clues from the studies in tomato as a model fruit, few case studies are reviewed.  相似文献   
The mechanism of cytoplasmic male sterility was investigated in maize by isolating mitochondria from seedlings and various anther stages and analyzing cytochrome oxidase and succinic dehydrogenase biochemically and electrophoretically. Sterile anthers exhibited a lack of biochemical activity and fewer isozymatic bands for cytochrome oxidase. No apparent differences were detected biochemically or electrophoretically between fertile and sterile anthers for succinate dehydrogenase.  相似文献   
The question of whether nonhydrolyzable nucleotide analogues and other nucleoside triphosphates support tubulin assembly was addressed. Tubulin which contained residual GTP at the exchangeable site polymerized in the absence of added GTP in the presence of DMSO or glycerol. After maximum absorbance was reached, disassembly occurred at a slow rate. When 0.5 mM GMPPCP, GMPPNP, or ATP was included in the assembly reaction, disassembly did not occur, and about 0.1 mol of these nucleotides per mole of tubulin was incorporated into the protein. When 5 mM nucleotide was used or alkaline phosphatase was included in the case of the nonhydrolyzable analogues, a greater amount of assembly occurred and about 0.7-0.8 mol of analogue was incorporated. The products of the assembly reaction were cold-labile microtubules and protofilament ribbons. After cold-depolymerization of the microtubules and ribbons, a second cycle of assembly produced some microtubules, but cold-stable amorphous polymers were the major product. In addition, when GTP at the exchangeable site was first removed by a cycle of assembly, followed by depolymerization, assembly in the presence of GMPPCP, GMPPNP, or ATP produced a mixture of microtubules and cold-stable polymers, both of which contained bound analogue. Incorporation of GMPPCP, GMPPNP, or ATP into polymerized tubulin always occurred at the expense of GDP at the exchangeable site, the content of which decreased correspondingly. Incubation of tubulin with 5 mM GMPPCP, GMPPNP, or ATP under nonassembly conditions also displaced GDP.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
Population genetic analysis in the important endangered medicinal and aromatic plant species, Valeriana jatamansi, provided, first time, insights into the identification of novel sources of genetic variation as an aid for improvement and domestication, and for optimizing conservation strategies. The 75 genotypes of V. jatamansi were collected from 36 locations across northeast to northwest Indian Himalayas of ~1,000 km, harbouring variable climatic and ecological conditions and rugged rocky terrain. The known protocols for DNA extraction failed to yield quality DNA in good quantity. A new protocol was standardized for this purpose. All the three (RAPD, ISSR, AFLP) DNA markers were successful in detecting polymorphism in V. jatamansi genotypes, and the ISSR marker, vis-à-vis RAPD and AFLP markers, generated the highest level of polymorphism. The RAPD, ISSR and AFLP fingerprints with 23 and 15 primers and 8 primer combinations, respectively, revealed 85.8, 89.0 and 67.7 % polymorphism among 141, 91 and 37 genetic loci amplified from the 75 genotypes, respectively. The AMOVA analysis of AFLP (55.0, 8.3, 36.7 %), RAPD (57.4, 11.9, 30.6 %) and ISSR (76.0, 4.8, 19.1 %) data indicated that more variation existed in differences in genotypes within populations than between populations within a region and between regions, respectively. The present comprehensive input will assist in effective management and (or) devising conservation strategies of this important medicinal plant species. This study reports the start of a molecular biology programme targeting nuclear genome of V. jatamansi, the genetics of which is very little known.  相似文献   


Interleukin 4 (IL-4) is an anti-inflammatory cytokine, which regulates balance between TH1 and TH2 immune response, immunoglobulin class switching and humoral immunity. Polymorphisms in this gene have been reported to affect the risk of infectious and autoimmune diseases.


We have analyzed three regulatory IL-4 polymorphisms; -590C>T, -34C>T and 70 bp intron-3 VNTR, in 4216 individuals; including: (1) 430 ethnically matched case-control groups (173 severe malaria, 101 mild malaria and 156 asymptomatic); (2) 3452 individuals from 76 linguistically and geographically distinct endogamous populations of India, and (3) 334 individuals with different ancestry from outside India (84 Brazilian, 104 Syrian, and 146 Vietnamese).


The -590T, -34T and intron-3 VNTR R2 alleles were found to be associated with reduced malaria risk (P<0.001 for -590C>T and -34C>T, and P = 0.003 for VNTR). These three alleles were in strong LD (r2>0.75) and the TTR2 (-590T, -34T and intron-3 VNTR R2) haplotype appeared to be a susceptibility factor for malaria (P = 0.009, OR = 0.552, 95% CI = 0.356 –0.854). Allele and genotype frequencies differ significantly between caste, nomadic, tribe and ancestral tribal populations (ATP). The distribution of protective haplotype TTR2 was found to be significant (χ2 3 = 182.95, p-value <0.001), which is highest in ATP (40.5%); intermediate in tribes (33%); and lowest in caste (17.8%) and nomadic (21.6%).


Our study suggests that the IL-4 polymorphisms regulate host susceptibility to malaria and disease progression. TTR2 haplotype, which gives protection against malaria, is high among ATPs. Since they inhabited in isolation and mainly practice hunter-gatherer lifestyles and exposed to various parasites, IL-4 TTR2 haplotype might be under positive selection.  相似文献   
Split-hand/foot malformation with long-bone deficiency (SHFLD) is a rare, severe limb deformity characterized by tibia aplasia with or without split-hand/split-foot deformity. Identification of genetic susceptibility loci for SHFLD has been unsuccessful because of its rare incidence, variable phenotypic expression and associated anomalies, and uncertain inheritance pattern. SHFLD is usually inherited as an autosomal dominant trait with reduced penetrance, although recessive inheritance has also been postulated. We conducted a genomewide linkage analysis, using a 10K SNP array in a large consanguineous family (UR078) from the United Arab Emirates (UAE) who had disease transmission consistent with an autosomal dominant inheritance pattern. The study identified two novel SHFLD susceptibility loci at 1q42.2-q43 (nonparametric linkage [NPL] 9.8, P=.000065) and 6q14.1 (NPL 7.12, P=.000897). These results were also supported by multipoint parametric linkage analysis. Maximum multipoint LOD scores of 3.20 and 3.78 were detected for genomic locations 1q42.2-43 and 6q14.1, respectively, with the use of an autosomal dominant mode of inheritance with reduced penetrance. Haplotype analysis with informative crossovers enabled mapping of the SHFLD loci to a region of approximately 18.38 cM (8.4 Mb) between single-nucleotide polymorphisms rs1124110 and rs535043 on 1q42.2-q43 and to a region of approximately 1.96 cM (4.1 Mb) between rs623155 and rs1547251 on 6q14.1. The study identified two novel loci for the SHFLD phenotype in this UAE family.  相似文献   
Study was undertaken to compare Cr accumulation in two ferns (Adiantum capillus-veneris Linn. and Microsorium punctatum (Linn.) Copel) and the role of antioxidants were also investigated towards metal tolerance in order to assess the use of ferns in phytomediation/ phytostabilization. Different concentrations (0, 50, 100, 150 microg g(-1) dw) of Cr were added to fern planted in pot containing 1 kg soil. In both the ferns, Cr accumulation increased with increase in metal concentration and maximum accumulation of 800.5 microg g(-1) (fronds) and 1457.4 microg g(-1) (roots) in M. punctatum and 660.8 microg g(-1) (fronds) and 1259.6 microg g(-1) (roots) in A. capillus-veneris was recorded. The increase in the levels of malondialdehyde, antioxidants and antioxidant enzymes (superoxide dismutase, glutathione peroxidase) in A. capillus-veneris was less pronounced than M. punctatum under Cr exposure as compared to their respective controls. In view of less decrease in chlorophyll content and antioxidants along with higher accumulation of Cr in the fronds M. punctatum, is indicative of its higher tolerance towards Cr. However, bioaccumulation factor (concentration of Cr in fronds/concentration of Cr in the soil) of both the ferns was recorded > 1 which qualifies the plants as potential Cr hyperaccumulator and suitable for phytoremediaton.  相似文献   
Enterohaemorrhagic Escherichia coli (EHEC) colonizes the intestine and causes bloody diarrhoea and kidney failure by producing Shiga toxin. Upon binding intestinal cells, EHEC triggers a change in host cell shape, generating actin ‘pedestals’ beneath bound bacteria. To investigate the importance of pedestal formation to disease, we infected genetically engineered mice incapable of supporting pedestal formation by an EHEC‐like mouse pathogen, or wild type mice with a mutant of that pathogen incapable of generating pedestals. We found that pedestal formation promotes attachment of bacteria to the intestinal mucosa and vastly increases the severity of Shiga toxin‐mediated disease.  相似文献   
A total of 200 doubled haploids (DHs) were generated from an elite rice hybrid, ‘BS6444G’ for which an androgenic method was developed by manipulating the physical and chemical factors. The spike pretreated at 10?°C for 7–8 days was effective for callusing and green plant regeneration. The maximum callus frequency was achieved when the anthers cultured in N6 medium supplemented with 2.0 mg L?1 2,4-diclorophenoxyacetic acid, 0.5 mg L?1 6-benzylaminopurine and 3% maltose. Calli induced in N6 media also showed significant green shoot regeneration in MS medium supplemented with 0.5 mg L?1 1-napthalene acetic acid, 0.5 mg L?1 kinetin, 1.5 mg L?1 benzylaminopurine and 3% sucrose producing 210 green plants. Assessment of the ploidy status showed 95.71% fertile diploids and 4.2% polyploids; no haploids were observed. A total of 38 sequence-tagged microsatellite (STMS) markers proved able to discriminate a heterozygote from all the 200 DHs. The DHs grown in the field showed significant variation for their agronomic traits. Comparison of traits with control indicates homogeneity within each DH line and significant variance of traits between DH lines. Nine DH lines produce higher grain yield than the hybrid parent which suggests the possibility of exploiting hybrid vigor in indica rice through the development of DH lines of high yielding hybrids.  相似文献   
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