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We describe the polypeptide structure and some of the catalytic properties of a DNA polymerase alpha.DNA primase complex that can be prepared from KB cells by immunoaffinity purification. The procedure is based on monoclonal antibodies that were raised against a biochemically purified, catalytically active core protomer of the polymerase. In all respects tested, the basic mechanism of substrate recognition and binding by the immunoaffinity-purified polymerase is qualitatively identical to that of the core protomer. The immunoaffinity-purified KB cell polymerase alpha X DNA primase is structurally complex. On the basis of extensive immunochemical analyses with five independent monoclonal antibodies, three of which are potent neutralizers of polymerase alpha activity, peptide mapping studies, and the application of a sensitive immunoassay that permits detection of polymerase alpha antigens in crude cell lysates, we have established that the principal form of catalytically active DNA polymerase alpha in KB cells is a phosphoprotein with a molecular mass of 180 kilodaltons. This protein is stable in vivo, with an estimated half-life of greater than or equal to 15 h. In contrast, the polypeptide is extremely fragile in vitro and generates partial degradation products of p165, p140, and p125 that explain the "microheterogeneity" typically exhibited by polymerase alpha peptides in denaturing polyacrylamide gels. In addition to the catalytically active polymerase alpha polypeptide(s), the immunopurified enzyme fraction typically contains three other proteins, p77, p55, and p49, the functions of which have not yet been established. These proteins do not display polymerase alpha epitopes and have been shown by peptide mapping to be independent species that are unrelated either to the large polymerase peptides or to one another. The polypeptide p77 is also a phosphoprotein, and in both p180 and p77 the phosphorylated amino acids are exclusively serine and threonine.  相似文献   
The effect of the Red Sea flatfish toxin pardaxin was examined on K+-evoked and on basal release of either [3H]norepinephrine or [3H]5-hydroxytryptamine from preloaded rat cortical slices. The K+-induced release of the neurotransmitters was stimulated in a dose-related manner at concentrations ranging from 0.5 to 4 micrograms/ml. Basal release of the two transmitters was elevated to a lesser extent. Although the stimulation of evoked release was approximately equivalent for the two neurotransmitters, the response to 5-hydroxytryptamine was reversible whereas that of norepinephrine was not washed by 20 min of superfusion. The mechanisms involved in producing these actions of pardaxin are not known; however, they may be mediated by changes in electrolyte fluxes across the neuronal membranes.  相似文献   
在麻醉猫,经推动脉注入梭曼、VX,沙林及乙酰甲胆碱引起呼吸中枢严重抑制的剂量分别为0.5—1、3、15、2001μg/头;但在无麻醉、箭毒麻痹、人工呼吸并用药物保护循环的清醒猫,VX用量要增加十多倍,沙林用量增加2~8倍,棱曼用量不变。在严重抑制剂量的给药早期,梭曼使34.8%动物较早地出现膈神经单纤维放电加强,其每次吸气放电的冲动频率由20~30Hz增至50~80Hz,冲动个数由15~25个/每次放电增至40~60个/每次放电,兴奋持续短、迅速转入抑制且不易自动恢复;VX和乙酰甲胆碱使100%动物出现显著的放电加强,其冲动频率由20~30Hz增至70~130Hz、冲动个数由15~25个/每次放电增至60~80个/第次放电,兴奋持续时间较长、转入抑制慢但自动恢复较快;沙林使76.9%动物出现放电加强,其他表现类似VX。三种胆碱酯酶抑制剂和乙酰甲胆碱共使33/52根单纤维放电发生时相变化。结果表明:梭曼对呼吸中枢作用最强、沙林次之、VX最弱且更似乙酰甲胆碱。  相似文献   
对浙江省1982~1984年注射了美国产浓缩Ⅶ因子制剂的18例血友病患者,用酶联免疫吸附法(ELTSA)检测了血清中淋巴腺病病毒/人T细胞Ⅲ型病毒(LAV/HTLV-Ⅲ)抗体,发现4例阳性,并经免疫荧光试验和Western印迹法证实。2例应用了国产浓缩Ⅷ因子者抗体阴性。一例从美国来华旅游死于艾滋病者,LAV/HTLV-Ⅲ抗体阳性。本研究证明,LAV/HTLVⅢ病毒巳通过美国生产的Ⅷ因子制剂传入中国。  相似文献   
用聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳方法分析了流行性感冒病毒重组株京生75-29R2 T1(H3N2)及冷适应株31-广(H3N2)的RNA及多肽。重组株京生75-29R2 T1的HA及M基因系来自流行病毒亲本株/甲/北京/29/75(H3N2),而P_2、NA、NP及NS基因则来自温度敏感母株福R3(H2N2)。流行病毒株甲/穗/03/68(H3N2)在低温条件下经鸡胚尿囊腔传递24代而获得的冷适应疫苗毒株31-广(H3N2)其基因型与野毒株一致。  相似文献   
<正> 为了在TSr(Bgl Ⅱ-1)核苷酸顺序中寻找有无类似α—顺序的冷点区顺序,我们在微型电子计算机上编制了查找相似序列顺序(WSS程序)。本程序的特点是运行速度快,无重复扫描,可自行选择欲查找的相似百分比和百分比精度,它不仅适用于寻找内切酶的酶切点,而且可以在相当长度的已测序DNA顺序中快速准确地检出碱基位置和数量发生随机变异的DNA相似片段,并直接计算、打印出相似百分比值。  相似文献   
We have used single strand specific nucleases to map DNA distortion in the adult chicken beta A-globin gene. We have detected two structures of that kind and have mapped nuclease-cutting sites at one base resolution. One prominent site is centered at -190 relative to the RNA capping site and is positioned at the center of a stretch of contiguous C residues. The second site is near the first intron/exon junction (+620) and appears as a series of discrete 1-base-long enzyme-cutting sites. Based upon the pattern of nuclease cutting and the kinetics of nuclease cutting we conclude that the "poly(C)" stretch may assume a looped geometry in supertwisted DNA molecules which is similar to that proposed by Felsenfeld (Nickol, J. M., and Felsenfeld, G. (1983) Cell 35, 467-477). We show that S1 nuclease cuts within the intron occur mainly at the end points of polypurine segments and suggest that such end points may assume a distorted transitional geometry. We find that Neurospora crassa endonuclease cuts both the promotor and intron sites in linear DNA molecules but that in linear DNA the cutting process is limited by a first order conformation change of the DNA substrate. Based upon those kinetics we propose that in unstressed DNA, each of the two sites can convert between a distorted and undistorted geometry. In the enzyme assay buffer at 37 degrees C, the time constant for the equilibrium is nearly 10 h for the promotor site and 7 h for the intron.  相似文献   
Mouse monoclonal antibody, S-30, was produced from hybridoma preparation from mice injected with the cytoskeleton extract of an in vitro aged culture of human fibroblasts derived from a 66-yr-old donor. The antibody stains positively the nuclei of the nonproliferating cells present predominantly in the senescent cultures of five selected fibroblast strains derived from donors of different age groups, whereas a negative reaction is observed in the cultures of their young counterparts. In the intermediate stage of the in vitro life span of these cell strains, a heterogeneous positive reaction for staining with S-30 antibody is observed in different subfractions of cell cultures. However, the expression of S-30 can be induced in the young fibroblasts at the early stage of their life by prolonged culturing to confluence. This induced expression of S-30 nuclear staining can be depleted upon subculturing at low cell density. Immunoelectron microscopy with colloidal gold-protein A complex demonstrates that the S-30 proteins are present in the nuclear plasma and at the region of nuclear envelope in a clustered arrangement. Immunoprecipitation of [3H]leucine labeled cell specimens shows that the antibody S-30 reacts with a protein with a molecular weight of approximately 57,000.  相似文献   
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