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The isomeric composition of type-III heptacarboxylic porphyrinogens derived from decarbosylation of uroporphyrinogen III by erythrocyte uroporphyringogen decarboxylase was analysed by h.p.l.c. with electrochemical detection. All four possible isomers were identified, and there were little differences in the proportion of isomers formed by erythrocytes from normal subjects and from patients with sporadic porphyria cutanea tarda. The results provide conclusive evidence that the normal decarboxylation pathway is random in nature, and the fourth isomer only increases when enzyme abnormality is found.  相似文献   
原生质体来源的大白菜 Brasstca campessris var.pekinsis 悬浮细胞系在二甲亚砜的保护下,能在液氮中(-196℃)长期冻存。加入山梨醇能增强保护作用;而加入甘露糖则降低保护作用。培养基对冻存也有明显的影响。在液氮中存放的时间长短对细胞存活率没有多大影响。冻后相对活性最高可达75.4%,恢复生长快,化冻后重新悬浮培养6天,生长量可达300-500%。遮光比不遮光对恢复更有利。冻存后恢复生长的悬浮细胞,能与未经冰冻的对照一样进行原生质体分离和培养。  相似文献   
Applied anatomy of the anterolateral femoral flap   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
A study of the source of the blood supply to the anterolateral femoral flap was carried out on 42 lower limbs of adult cadavers (among them 35 cadavers with injection of red latex and 1 with india ink into the arteries and 6 vascular cast specimens), and the surface locations of the vascular pedicle were detected on 50 healthy adults. It was found that the descending branch of the lateral circumflex femoral vessel was an ideal axial vessel. There are constant perforating branches of the myocutaneous artery or cutaneous branches from the intermuscular space to the anterolateral femoral skin. The area extends about 12 x 30 cm. Within the flap, the anterior branch of the anterolateral cutaneous nerve of the high is located. This flap has been widely used for free transplantation in China since 1983 with satisfactory results.  相似文献   
本文指出了酸雨对翅荚木细胞透性、pH值、等电点、耐酸力均有显著的影响。其影响是随酸雨pH值的下降和浸没时间的延长而增加。发芽种子的抗坏血酸氧化酶、多酚氧化酶的活性,呼吸强度和可溶性糖、粗脂肪和蛋白质的含量,也是随酸雨pH值的下降而降低。叶绿素总量、叶绿素a,b和a/b的比值,pH 5处理与对照无差异,低于pH4以下的处理叶绿素a含量则大幅度减少。叶绿素b含量则较稳定。根系的活力也是随酸雨pH值下降而急剧减少。酸雨对翅荚木种子的发芽率、出苗率及胚和幼苗的生长,都表现有不同程度的抑制效应,酸雨对叶片的伤害,也是随酸雨pH值的降低、喷洒次数的增多和浸没时间的延长而加重。  相似文献   
在动物离心机上测定了7只轻度麻醉家免暴露于+G_Z时心、眼水平动脉压和心率的变化。+G_Z作用5-12s时、心水平动脉压(HABP)降至最低水平,然后开始代偿性回升。当+G_Z增大到一定值时,于加速度达峰值后,HABP降为0 mmHg、并在峰值后5.5±1.7s降到最大负值,继之代偿性升为正值,并常再度降为负值。我们称HABP的这种变化状态为“临界状态”。+G_Z暴露时,心率以两种型式发生改变:第一种,随着G值增大,心率发生不同程度增快,当加速度达某一G值时,心率突然减慢至2次/秒左右;第二种,当G值≥3时,在暴露过程中,心率逐渐减慢,并在某一G值,心率减慢到2次/秒左右。心率和HABP关系密切。当HABP达临界状态时,心率减慢至2次/秒左右并出现明显节律不整。以心率减慢到2次/秒左右作为家免+G_Z耐力终点是合适的,该指标规律性强,重复性好,实验方法对动物无损伤又易实施。按此标准,测得7只家免的+G_Z耐力为4.85±0.47G。  相似文献   
曾毅等建立了一系列检测EB病毒IgA/VCA和IgA/EA抗体的鼻咽癌早期诊断方法,取得了满意的结果。为了进一步提高对鼻咽癌诊断更为特异的IgA/EA抗体的检出率,我们建立了检测EB病毒IgA/EA抗体的蛋白印迹法。方法敏感特异,结果令人满意。 本法中所用的两个质粒系由本实验室与西德Pettenkofer研究所Wolf教授的实验室合作构建。pUCARG1140和pUC9MBcE3.2质粒均为表达质粒,前者携带着来源于EB病毒Bam  相似文献   
测定了3T3细胞、人和大鼠一些组织中DNA拓扑异构酶Ⅰ的活性;估计了核酸内切酶对拓扑酶Ⅰ松弛活性测定的干扰程度;发现增殖组织全细胞抽提液中酶比活高于正常分化组织,而且在异常增殖组织中酶比活的增高更为显著。  相似文献   
长吻鮠精巢发育的分期及精子的发生和形成   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
长吻鮠精巢的发育分为精原细胞增殖期、精母细胞生长期、精母细胞成熟期、精子细胞出现期,精子完全成熟期和精子退化吸收期。精巢的后1/3不产生也不贮存精子,精子的发生和形成经过精原细胞、精母细胞、精子细胞到精子的一系列过程。精原细胞有两种类型。精子无顶体,有中心粒帽,中片长,核凹窝和线粒体发达,鞭毛具侧鳍。  相似文献   
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