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The cytoplasmic membrane protein TatB is an essential component of the Escherichia coli twin-arginine (Tat) protein translocation pathway. Together with the TatC component it forms a complex that functions as a membrane receptor for substrate proteins. Structural predictions suggest that TatB is anchored to the membrane via an N-terminal transmembrane alpha-helix that precedes an amphipathic alpha-helical section of the protein. From truncation analysis it is known that both these regions of the protein are essential for function. Here we construct 31 unique cysteine substitutions in the first 42 residues of TatB. Each of the substitutions results in a TatB protein that is competent to support Tat-dependent protein translocation. Oxidant-induced disulfide cross-linking shows that both the N-terminal and amphipathic helices form contacts with at least one other TatB protomer. For the transmembrane helix these contacts are localized to one face of the helix. Molecular modeling and molecular dynamics simulations provide insight into the possible structural basis of the transmembrane helix interactions. Using variants with double cysteine substitutions in the transmembrane helix, we were able to detect cross-links between up to five TatB molecules. Protein purification showed that species containing at least four cross-linked TatB molecules are found in correctly assembled TatBC complexes. Our results suggest that the transmembrane helices of TatB protomers are in the center rather than the periphery of the TatBC complex.  相似文献   
In the reductive phase of its catalytic cycle, cytochrome c oxidase receives electrons from external electron donors. Two electrons have to be transferred into the catalytic center, composed of heme a(3) and Cu(B), before reaction with oxygen takes place. In addition, this phase of catalysis appears to be involved in proton translocation. Here, we report for the first time the kinetics of electron transfer to both heme a(3) and Cu(B) during the transition from the oxidized to the fully reduced state. The state of reduction of both heme a(3) and Cu(B) was monitored by a combination of EPR spectroscopy, the rapid freeze procedure, and the stopped-flow method. The kinetics of cytochrome c oxidase reduction by hexaamineruthenium under anaerobic conditions revealed that the rate-limiting step is the initial electron transfer to the catalytic site that proceeds with apparently identical rates to both heme a(3) and Cu(B). After Cu(B) is reduced, electron transfer to oxidized heme a(3) is enhanced relative to the rate of entry of the first electron.  相似文献   
Exogenous soluble human alpha3 noncollagenous (NC1) domain of collagen IV inhibits angiogenesis and tumor growth. These biological functions are attributed to the binding of alpha3NC1 to integrin alphavbeta3. However, in some tumor cells that express integrin alphavbeta3, the alpha3NC1 domain does not inhibit proliferation, suggesting that integrin alphavbeta3 expression is not sufficient to mediate the anti-tumorigenic activity of this domain. Therefore, in the present study, we searched for novel binding receptors for the soluble alpha3NC1 domain in cells lacking alphavbeta3 integrin. In these cells, soluble alpha3NC1 bound integrin alpha3beta1; however, unlike alphavbeta3, alpha3beta1 integrin did not mediate cell adhesion to immobilized alpha3NC1 domain. Interestingly, in cells lacking integrin alpha3beta1, adhesion to the alpha3NC1 domain was enhanced due to activation of integrin alphavbeta3. These findings indicate that integrin alpha3beta1 is a receptor for the alpha3NC1 domain and transdominantly inhibits integrin alphavbeta3 activation. Thus integrin alpha3beta1, in conjunction with integrin alphavbeta3, modulates cellular responses to the alpha3NC1 domain, which may be pivotal in the mechanism underpinning its anti-angiogenic and anti-tumorigenic activities.  相似文献   
The spectral and kinetic characteristics of two oxidized states of bovine heart cytochrome c oxidase (CcO) have been compared. The first is the oxidized state of enzyme isolated in the fast form (O) and the second is the form that is obtained immediately after oxidation of fully reduced CcO with O2 (OH). No observable differences were found between O and OH states in: (i) the rate of anaerobic reduction of heme a3 for both the detergent-solubilized enzyme and for enzyme embedded in its natural membraneous environment, (ii) the one-electron distribution between heme a3 and CuB in the course of the full anaerobic reduction, (iii) the optical and (iv) EPR spectra. Within experimental error of these characteristics both forms are identical. Based on these observations it is concluded that the reduction potentials and the ligation states of heme a3 and CuB are the same for CcO in the O and OH states.  相似文献   
Volatile anesthetics are essential for modern medical practice, but sites and mechanisms of action for any of their numerous cellular effects remain largely unknown. Previous studies with yeast showed that volatile anesthetics induce nutrient-dependent inhibition of growth through mechanisms involving inhibition of mRNA translation. Studies herein show that the volatile anesthetic halothane inhibits protein synthesis in perfused rat liver at doses ranging from 2 to 6%. A marked disaggregation of polysomes occurs, indicating that inhibition of translation initiation plays a key role. Dose- and time-dependent alterations that decrease the function of a variety of translation initiation processes are observed. At 6% halothane, a rapid and persistent increase in phosphorylation of the alpha-subunit of eukaryotic translation initiation factor (eIF)2 occurs. This is accompanied by inhibition of activity of the guanine nucleotide exchange factor eIF2B that is responsible for GDP-GTP exchange on eIF2. At lower doses, neither eIF2alpha phosphorylation nor eIF2B activity is altered. After extended exposure to 6% halothane, alterations in two separate responses regulated by the target of rapamycin pathway occur: 1) redistribution of eIF4E from its translation-stimulatory association with eIF4G to its translation-inactive complex with eIF4E-binding protein-1; and 2) decreased phosphorylation of ribosomal protein S6 (rpS6) with a corresponding decrease in active forms of a kinase that phosphorylates rpS6 (p70(S6K1)). Changes in the association of eIF4E and eIF4G are observed only after extended exposure to low anesthetic doses. Thus dose- and time-dependent alterations in multiple processes permit liver cells to adapt translation to variable degrees and duration of stress imposed by anesthetic exposure.  相似文献   
Although efforts have been made to sample microorganisms from polar regions and to investigate a few of the properties that facilitate survival at freezing or subzero temperatures, soil communities that overwinter in areas exposed to alternate freezing and thawing caused by Foehn or Chinook winds have been largely overlooked. We designed and constructed a cryocycler to automatically subject soil cultures to alternating freeze-thaw cycles. After 48 freeze-thaw cycles, control Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas chlororaphis isolates were no longer viable. Mixed cultures derived from soil samples collected from a Chinook zone showed that the population complexity and viability were reduced after 48 cycles. However, when bacteria that were still viable after the freeze-thaw treatments were used to obtain selected cultures, these cultures proved to be >1,000-fold more freeze-thaw tolerant than the original consortium. Single-colony isolates obtained from survivors after an additional 48 freeze-thaw cycles were putatively identified by 16S RNA gene fragment sequencing. Five different genera were recognized, and one of the cultures, Chryseobacterium sp. strain C14, inhibited ice recrystallization, a property characteristic of antifreeze proteins that prevents the growth of large, potentially damaging ice crystals at temperatures close to the melting temperature. This strain was also notable since cell-free medium derived from cultures of it appeared to enhance the multiple freeze-thaw survival of another isolate, Enterococcus sp. strain C8. The results of this study and the development of a cryocycler should allow further investigations into the biochemical and soil community adaptations to the rigors of a Chinook environment.  相似文献   
Genes can be associated with disease through an individual's inherited genotype, the maternal genotype or the interaction between these two. When the gene is highly polymorphic, it is more difficult to identify the gene's functional role than for less polymorphic loci, because different alleles at the locus may be associated with the disease through separate and joint effects from maternal and offspring genotypes. Family-based studies are used to test genetic associations because of their robustness to population stratification. However, parental genotype data are often missing, and omitting incompletely genotyped families is inefficient. Methods have been proposed to accommodate incomplete families in family-based association studies. They are not easily generalized to allow simultaneous examination of offspring allelic, maternal allelic and maternal-fetal genotype (MFG) incompatibility effects. Since many MFG incompatibility effects occur through matching between maternal and offspring's genotypes, we present an identity-by-state (IBS) framework to incorporate incomplete families in the MFG test when modeling genetic effects produced by a polymorphic gene. Using simulations, we examine the MFG test's performance with incomplete parental genotype data and an IBS framework. The MFG test using the IBS framework is immune to population stratification and efficiently uses information from incomplete families.  相似文献   
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