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A model of self-organization of synapses in the striate cortex is described, and its functional implications discussed. Principal assumptions are: (a) covariance of cell firing declines with distance in cortex, (b) covariance of stimulus characteristics declines with distance in the visual field, and (c) metabolic rates are approximately uniform in all small axonal segments. Under these constraints, Hebbian learning implies a maximally stable synaptic configuration corresponding to anatomically and physiologically realistic ‘‘local maps’’, each of macro-columnar size, and each organized as Möbius projections of a “global map” of retinotopic form. Convergence to the maximally stable configuration is facilitated by the spatio-temporal learning rule. A tiling of V1, constructed of approximately mirror-image reflections of each local map by its neighbors, is formed. The model supplements standard concepts of feed-forward visual processing by introducing a new basis for contextual modulation and neural network identifications of visual signals, as perturbation of the synaptic configuration by rapid stimulus transients. On a long time-scale, synaptic development could overwrite the Möbius configuration, while LTP and LTD could mediate synaptic gain on intermediate time-scales.  相似文献   
The 2',3'-cyclic phosphate termini are produced, as either intermediates or final products, during RNA cleavage by many different endoribonucleases. Likewise, ribozymes such as hammerheads, hairpins, or the hepatitis delta ribozyme, generate 2',3'-cyclic phosphate ends. Discovery of the RNA 3'-terminal phosphate cyclase has indicated that cyclic phosphate termini in RNA can also be produced by an entirely different mechanism. The RNA 3'-phosphate cyclase converts the 3'-terminal phosphate in RNA into the 2',3'-cyclic phosphodiester in the ATP-dependent reaction which involves formation of the covalent cyclase-AMP and the RNA-N3' pp5' A intermediates. The findings that several eukaryotic and prokaryotic RNA ligases require the 2',3'-cyclic phosphate for the ligation of RNA molecules raised a possibility that the RNA 3'-phosphate cyclase may have an anabolic function in RNA metabolism by generating terminal cyclic groups required for ligation. Recent cloning of a cDNA encoding the human cyclase indicated that genes encoding cyclase-like proteins are conserved among Eucarya, Bacteria, and Archaea. The protein encoded by the Escherichia coli gene was overexpressed and shown to have the RNA 3'-phosphate cyclase activity. This article reviews properties of the human and bacterial cyclases, their mechanism of action and substrate specificity. Possible biological functions of the enzymes are also discussed.  相似文献   
Abstract— The swelling of intact, exposed primate cerebral cortex perfused in vioo under, isosmotic conditions was a linear function of the concentration of K+ in perfusate over the range 25–117 mM. The K+-dependent swelling was manifested throughout the depth of the cerebral cortex studied and was associated with an increased content of chloride in the swollen tissue, despite the constancy of the concentration of external chloride. The swelling of the cerebral cortex was a linear function of the temperature of the perfusate over the range 15–38°C, despite the constancy of the concentration of external K+. Moreover, the content of chloride in the swollen cerebral cortex was a linear function of the temperature of the overlying perfusate, despite the constancy of the external concentration of chloride. The changes in the contents of Na+ and K+ in the swollen cerebral cortex perfused with solutions containing constant concentrations of external Na+ and K+ but differing in temperature suggested that the fluid of swelling in the tissue was rich in both K+ and CI-, as had been shown previously in vitro. Perfusion of the exposed, intact cerebral cortex in uiuo with K+-rich fluids usually involved the reciprocal reduction of the concentrations of Na+ in the perfusate to maintain isotonicity. When comparable reductions in the concentration of external Na+ were achieved by replacement with choline (instead of K+), swelling of the perfused, exposed cortex was significantly less than that attributed to isotonic, K+-rich but Na+-poor fluids. These observations suggested that it was the elevated levels of K+ rather than lowered concentrations of Na+ that promoted the swelling of the perfused cerebral cortex. The apparent rate of influx of 36Cl from the perfusate into the underlying exposed and intact monkey cerebral cortex in vivo was a linear function of the concentration of K+ in perfusate over the range 25–117 mM and conformed to Michaelis-Menten kinetics when plotted according to Lineweaver and Burk. Moreover, the apparent influx of chloride from perfusate into swollen cerebral cortex was a linear function of the percentage swelling of cerebral cortex over the range 6–30 per cent. However, the apparent rate of influx of chloride from perfusate into unswollen cortex was not consistent with the linear correlation already described for swollen cerebral cortex. One reason for this discrepancy was the reduction in the size of the true (inulin) extracellular space associated with the K+-dependent swelling of cerebral cortex in vivo. The anatomical locus for this K+-dependent swelling of cerebral cortex was an expanded glial compartment, as demonstrated by electron-microscopy. The parenteral administration (50 mg/kg) or local perfusion (5 mM) of acetazolamide inhibited the K+-dependent swelling of cerebral cortex in vivo. Moreover, administration of acetazolamide inhibited the K+-dependent increase in content of C1- and the K+-dependent rate of influx of 36Cl into swollen cerebral cortex. We have discussed the possible enzymatic basis of these K+-dependent alterations in content of fluid and chloride and transport of chloride in mammalian cerebral cortex in viuo.  相似文献   
While there are persistent calls for developing more marine protected areas (MPAs) for Asian horseshoe crab conservation in response to population declines in Asia–Pacific region, most existing horseshoe crab MPAs were designated without prior comprehensive population assessment and habitat characterization. This study collected biological and habitat information in Hong Kong, in order to identify priority sites for conservation and management of Asian horseshoe crab populations. The territory-wide surveys at 18 spawning/nursery beaches displayed a persistently low mean juvenile density from 0.16 to 2.19 ind/100 m2 in 2012 and 0.08 to 1.41 ind/100 m2 in 2014. These density data were within the same range of that in 2002 and 2007 (0.10–1.97 ind/100 m2), apart from a low survey return of 0.08–0.31 ind/100 m2 in 2004. The current population of juvenile T. tridentatus and C. rotundicauda in Hong Kong is estimated about 2100–4300 and 2400–3000 individuals, respectively. From the 2012–2014 data, no new recruitments of 1st–3rd instar juveniles were found, as the shores were occupied mostly by 6th–9th instar juveniles of prosomal width between 23 and 45 mm, in which considerably high mortality rates were noted. The present findings of existing small and discrete juvenile populations, coupled with relatively few recruits, suggest that the status of juvenile horseshoe crabs in Hong Kong is fragile and vulnerable to local extirpation, especially if no urgent protection measures are implemented. Based on available population data and habitat characteristics, three MPAs, ranging from 5 to 7 km2, are proposed, so as to conserve over 60 and 70 % of the existing juvenile populations of T. tridentatus and C. rotundicauda, respectively. The approach adopted in this study may serve as a case study for proposing other horseshoe crab MPAs in Asia, where increasing human disturbances and over-harvest are imminent.  相似文献   
This study was conducted to evaluate morphologic differences in pig oocytes matured in vivo and in vitro, with particular reference to the potential relationship between oocyte morphology and the occurrence of polyspermy after in vitro fertilization (IVF). In vivo–matured oocytes were surgically recovered from the oviducts of gilts with ovulated follicles on day 2 of estrus, and in vitro–matured oocytes were obtained by culturing follicular oocytes in a oocyte maturation system that has resulted previously in production of live offspring following IVF. Comparisons were made of the cytoplasm density, the diameter of oocytes with or without zona pellucida (ZP), the thickness of the ZP, the size of the perivitelline space (PVS), ZP dissolution time, and cortical granule (CG) distribution before IVF, and CG exocytosis and polyspermic penetration after IVF. Oviductal oocytes have clear areas in the cytoplasm cortex, while in vitro–matured oocytes have very dense cortex. The diameter of ovulated oocytes with ZPs was significantly (P < 0.001) greater than that of in vitro–matured oocytes. However, no difference was observed in the diameter of the oocyte proper. Significantly (P < 0.001) thicker ZPs and wider PVSs were observed in the ovulated oocytes. The ZPs of ovulated oocytes were not dissolved by exposure to 0.1% pronase within 2 hr, but the ZPs of in vitro–matured oocytes were dissolved within 131.7 ± 7.6 sec. The ZPs of ovulated oocytes, but not of in vitro–matured oocytes, were strongly labeled by a lectin from archis hypogaea that is specific for β-D-Gal(1–3)-D-GalNAc. Polyspermy rate was significantly (P < 0.01) higher for in vitro–matured oocytes (65%) than for ovulated oocytes (28%). CGs of oviductal oocytes appeared more aggregated than those of in vitro–matured oocytes. Most of CGs were released from both groups of oocytes 6 hr after IVF regardless of whether they were polyspermic or monospermic oocytes. These results indicate that in vitro–matured and in vivo–matured pig oocytes possess equal ability to release CGs on sperm penetration. Unknown changes in the extracellular matrix and/or cytoplasm of the oocytes while in the oviduct may play an important role(s) in the establishment of a functional block to polyspermy in pig oocytes. Mol. Reprod. Dev. 49:308–316, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
It has long been recognised that polyploid species do not always neatly fall into the categories of auto‐ or allopolyploid, leading to the term ‘segmental allopolyploid’ to describe everything in between. The meiotic behaviour of such intermediate species is not fully understood, nor is there consensus as to how to model their inheritance patterns. In this study we used a tetraploid cut rose (Rosa hybrida) population, genotyped using the 68K WagRhSNP array, to construct an ultra‐high‐density linkage map of all homologous chromosomes using methods previously developed for autotetraploids. Using the predicted bivalent configurations in this population we quantified differences in pairing behaviour among and along homologous chromosomes, leading us to correct our estimates of recombination frequency to account for this behaviour. This resulted in the re‐mapping of 25 695 SNP markers across all homologues of the seven rose chromosomes, tailored to the pairing behaviour of each chromosome in each parent. We confirmed the inferred differences in pairing behaviour among chromosomes by examining repulsion‐phase linkage estimates, which also carry information about preferential pairing and recombination. Currently, the closest sequenced relative to rose is Fragaria vesca. Aligning the integrated ultra‐dense rose map with the strawberry genome sequence provided a detailed picture of the synteny, confirming overall co‐linearity but also revealing new genomic rearrangements. Our results suggest that pairing affinities may vary along chromosome arms, which broadens our current understanding of segmental allopolyploidy.  相似文献   
The Hsp70 molecular chaperones are ATPases that play critical roles in the pathogenesis of many human diseases, including breast cancer. Hsp70 ATP hydrolysis is relatively weak but is stimulated by J domain-containing proteins. We identified pyrimidinone-peptoid hybrid molecules that inhibit cell proliferation with greater potency than previously described Hsp70 modulators. In many cases, anti-proliferative activity correlated with inhibition of J domain stimulation of Hsp70.  相似文献   
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