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A total of 24 aryl-substituted analogues of nicotine (1a) and two related series of nicotinic ligands, aminomethylpyridines 3 and ether analogues 8, were examined to determine if they bind at alpha4beta2 nACh receptors in a common manner. A modest correlation (r=0.785) was found between the affinities of the nicotine analogues and derivatives of 3, but little correlation (r=0.348) was found with analogues 8. However, a modest correlation (r=0.742) exists between the binding of analogues 3 and 8. It seems that 1-series and 8-series compounds bind differently but that the 3-series compounds share some intermediate binding similarity with both.  相似文献   
The Merkel cell polyomavirus (MCPyV) was identified recently in human Merkel cell carcinomas, an aggressive neuroendocrine skin cancer. Here, we identify a putative host cell receptor for MCPyV. We found that recombinant MCPyV VP1 pentameric capsomeres both hemagglutinated sheep red blood cells and interacted with ganglioside GT1b in a sucrose gradient flotation assay. Structural differences between the analyzed gangliosides suggest that MCPyV VP1 likely interacts with sialic acids on both branches of the GT1b carbohydrate chain. Identification of a potential host cell receptor for MCPyV will aid in the elucidation of its entry mechanism and pathophysiology.Members of the polyomavirus (PyV) family, including simian virus 40 (SV40), murine PyV (mPyV), and BK virus (BKV), bind cell surface gangliosides to initiate infection (2, 8, 11, 15). PyV capsids are assembled from 72 pentamers (capsomeres) of the major coat protein VP1, with the internal proteins VP2 and VP3 buried within the capsids (7, 12). The VP1 pentamer makes direct contact with the carbohydrate portion of the ganglioside (10, 12, 13) and dictates the specificity of virus interaction with the cell. Gangliosides are glycolipids that contain a ceramide domain inserted into the plasma membrane and a carbohydrate domain that directly binds the virus. Specifically, SV40 binds to ganglioside GM1 (2, 10, 15), mPyV binds to gangliosides GD1a and GT1b (11, 15), and BKV binds to gangliosides GD1b and GT1b (8).Recently, a new human PyV designated Merkel cell PyV (MCPyV) was identified in Merkel cell carcinomas, a rare but aggressive skin cancer of neuroendocrine origin (3). It is as yet unclear whether MCPyV is the causative agent of Merkel cell carcinomas (17). A key to understanding the infectious and transforming properties of MCPyV is the elucidation of its cellular entry pathway. In this study, we identify a putative host cell receptor for MCPyV.Because an intact infectious MCPyV has not yet been isolated, we generated recombinant MCPyV VP1 pentamers in order to characterize cellular factors that bind to MCPyV. VP1 capsomeres have been previously shown to be equivalent to virus with respect to hemagglutination properties (4, 16), and the atomic structure of VP1 bound to sialyllactose has demonstrated that the capsomere is sufficient for this interaction (12, 13). The MCPyV VP1 protein (strain w162) was expressed and purified as described previously (1, 6). Briefly, a glutathione S-transferase-MCPyV VP1 fusion protein was expressed in Escherichia coli and purified using glutathione-Sepharose affinity chromatography. The fusion protein was eluted using glutathione and cleaved in solution with thrombin. The thrombin-cleaved sample was then rechromatographed on a second glutathione-Sepharose column to remove glutathione transferase and any uncleaved protein. The unbound VP1 was then chromatographed on a P-11 phosphocellulose column, and peak fractions eluting between 400 and 450 mM NaCl were collected. The purified protein was analyzed by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE), followed by Coomassie blue staining (Fig. (Fig.1A,1A, left) and immunoblotting using an antibody (I58) that generally recognizes PyV VP1 proteins (Fig. (Fig.1A,1A, right) (9). Transmission electron microscopy (Philips CM10) analysis confirmed that the purified recombinant MCPyV VP1 formed pentamers (capsomeres), which did not assemble further into virus-like particles (Fig. (Fig.1B).1B). In an initial screening of its cell binding properties, we tested whether the MCPyV VP1 pentamers hemagglutinated red blood cells (RBCs). The MCPyV VP1 pentamers were incubated with sheep RBCs and assayed as previously described (5). SV40 and mPyV recombinant VP1 pentamers served as negative and positive controls, respectively. We found that MCPyV VP1 hemagglutinated the RBCs with the same efficiency as mPyV VP1 (protein concentration/hemagglutination unit) (Fig. (Fig.1C,1C, compare rows B and C from wells 1 to 11), suggesting that MCPyV VP1 engages a plasma membrane receptor on the RBCs. The recombinant murine VP1 protein used for comparison was from the RA strain, a small plaque virus (4). Thus, MCPyV VP1 has the hemagglutination characteristics of a small plaque mPyV (12, 13).Open in a separate windowFIG. 1.Characterization of MCPyV VP1. Recombinant MCPyV VP1 forms pentamers and hemagglutinates sheep RBCs. (A) Coomassie blue-stained SDS-PAGE and an immunoblot of the purified recombinant MCPyV VP1 protein are shown. Molecular mass markers are indicated. (B) Electron micrograph of the purified MCPyV VP1. MCPyV VP1 (shown in panel A) was diluted to 100 μg/ml and absorbed onto Formvar/carbon-coated copper grids. Samples were washed with phosphate-buffered saline, stained with 1% uranyl acetate, and visualized by transmission electron microscopy at 80 kV. Bar = 20 nm. (C) Sheep RBCs (0.5%) were incubated with decreasing concentrations of purified recombinant SV40 VP1 (row A), mPyV VP1 (row B), and MCPyV VP1 (row C). Wells 1 to 11 contain twofold serial dilutions of protein, starting at 2 μg/ml (well 1). Well 12 contains buffer only and serves as a negative control. Well 7 (rows B and C) corresponds to 128 hemagglutination units per 2 μg/ml VP1 protein.To characterize the chemical nature of the putative receptor for MCPyV, total membranes from RBCs were purified as described previously (15). The plasma membranes (30 μg) were incubated with MCPyV VP1 (0.5 μg) and floated on a discontinuous sucrose gradient (15). After fractionation, the samples were analyzed by SDS-PAGE, followed by immunoblotting with I58. VP1 was found in the bottom of the gradient in the absence of the plasma membranes (Fig. (Fig.2A,2A, first panel). In the presence of plasma membranes, a fraction of the VP1 floated to the middle of the gradient (Fig. (Fig.2A,2A, second panel), supporting the hemagglutination results that suggested that MCPyV VP1 binds to a receptor on the plasma membrane.Open in a separate windowFIG. 2.MCPyV VP1 binds to a protease-resistant, sialic acid-containing receptor on the plasma membrane. (A) Purified recombinant MCPyV VP1 was incubated with or without the indicated plasma membranes. The samples were floated in a discontinuous sucrose gradient, and the fractions were collected from the top of the gradient, subjected to SDS-PAGE, and immunoblotted with the anti-VP1 antibody I58. (B) Control and proteinase K-treated plasma membranes were subjected to SDS-PAGE, followed by Coomassie blue staining. (C) HeLa cells treated with proteinase K (4 μg/ml) were incubated with MCPyV at 4°C, and the resulting cell lysate was probed for the presence of MCPyV VP1. (D) As described in the legend to panel C, except 293T cells were used. (E) Purified MCPyV VP1 was incubated with plasma membranes pretreated with or without α2-3,6,8 neuraminidase and analyzed as described in the legend to panel A.To determine whether the receptor is a protein or a lipid, plasma membrane preparations (30 μg) were incubated with proteinase K (Sigma), followed by analysis with SDS-PAGE and Coomassie blue staining. Under these conditions, the majority of the proteins in the plasma membranes were degraded by the protease (Fig. (Fig.2B,2B, compare lanes 1 and 2). Despite the lack of proteins, the proteinase K-treated plasma membranes bound MCPyV VP1 as efficiently as control plasma membranes (Fig. (Fig.2A,2A, compare the second and third panels), demonstrating that MCPyV VP1 interacts with a protease-resistant receptor. The absence of VP1 in the bottom fraction in Fig. Fig.2A2A (third panel) is consistent with the fact that the buoyant density of the membranes is lowered by proteolysis. Of note, a similar result was seen with binding of the mPyV to the plasma membrane (15). Binding of MCPyV to the cell surface of two human tissue culture cells (i.e., HeLa and 293T) was also largely unaffected by pretreatment of the cells with proteinase K (Fig. 2C and D, compare lanes 1 and 2), further indicating that a nonproteinaceous molecule on the plasma membrane engages the virus.We next determined whether the protease-resistant receptor contains a sialic acid modification. Plasma membranes (10 μg) were incubated with a neuraminidase (α2-3,6,8 neuraminidase; Calbiochem) to remove the sialic acid groups. In contrast to the control plasma membranes, the neuraminidase-treated membranes did not bind MCPyV VP1 (Fig. (Fig.2E,2E, compare first and second panels), indicating that the MCPyV receptor includes a sialic acid modification.Gangliosides are lipids that contain sialic acid modifications. We asked if MCPyV VP1 binds to gangliosides similar to other PyV family members. The structures of the gangliosides used in this analysis (gangliosides GM1, GD1a, GD1b, and GT1b) are depicted in Fig. Fig.3A.3A. To assess a possible ganglioside-VP1 interaction, we employed a liposome flotation assay established previously (15). When liposomes (consisting of phosphatidyl-choline [19 μl of 10 mg/ml], -ethanolamine [5 μl of 10 mg/ml], -serine [1 μl of 10 mg/ml], and -inositol [3 μl of 10 mg/ml]) were incubated with MCPyV VP1 and subjected to the sucrose flotation assay, the VP1 remained in the bottom fraction (Fig. (Fig.3B,3B, first panel), indicating that VP1 does not interact with these phospholipids. However, when liposomes containing GT1b (1 μl of 1 mM), but not GM1 (1 μl of 1 mM) or GD1a (1 μl of 1 mM), were incubated with MCPyV VP1, the vesicles bound this VP1 (Fig. (Fig.3B).3B). A low level of virus floated partially when incubated with liposomes containing GD1b (Fig. (Fig.3B),3B), perhaps reflecting a weak affinity between MCPyV and GD1b. Importantly, MCPyV binds less efficiently to neuraminidase-treated GT1b-containing liposomes than to GT1b-containing liposomes (Fig. (Fig.3B,3B, sixth panel), suggesting that the GT1b sialic acids are involved in virus binding. This finding is consistent with the ability of neuraminidase to block MCPyV binding to the plasma membrane (Fig. (Fig.2E).2E). The level of virus flotation observed in the neuraminidase-treated GT1b-containing liposomes is likely due to the inefficiency of the neuraminidase reaction with a high concentration of GT1b used to prepare the vesicles.Open in a separate windowFIG. 3.MCPyV VP1 binds to ganglioside GT1b. (A) Structures of gangliosides GM1, GD1a, GD1b, and GT1b. The nature of the glycosidic linkages is indicated. (B) Purified MCPyV VP1 protein was incubated with liposomes only or with liposomes containing the indicated gangliosides. The samples were analyzed as described in the legend to Fig. Fig.2A.2A. Where indicated, GT1b-containing liposomes were pretreated with α2-3,6,8 neuraminidase and analyzed subsequently for virus binding. (C to E) The indicated viruses were incubated with liposomes and analyzed as described in the legend to panel B.As controls, GM1-containing liposomes bound SV40 (Fig. (Fig.3C),3C), GD1a-containing liposomes bound mPyV (Fig. (Fig.3D),3D), and GD1b-containing liposomes bound BKV (Fig. (Fig.3E),3E), demonstrating that the liposomes were functionally intact. We note that, while all of the MCPyV VP1 floated when incubated with liposomes containing GT1b (Fig. (Fig.3B,3B, sixth panel), a significant fraction of SV40, mPyV, and BKV VP1 remained in the bottom fraction despite being incubated with liposomes containing their respective ganglioside receptors (Fig. 3C to E, second panels). This result is likely due to the fact that in contrast to MCPyV, which are assembled as pentamers (Fig. (Fig.1B),1B), the SV40, mPyV, and BKV used in these experiments are fully assembled particles: their larger and denser nature prevents efficient flotation. Nonetheless, we conclude that MCPyV VP1 binds to ganglioside GT1b efficiently.The observation that GD1a does not bind to MCPyV VP1 suggests that the monosialic acid modification on the right branch of GT1b (Fig. (Fig.3A)3A) is insufficient for binding. Similarly, the failure of GD1b to bind MCPyV VP1 suggests that the sialic acid on the left arm of GT1b is necessary for binding. Together, these observations suggest that MCPyV VP1 interacts with sialic acids on both branches of GT1b (Fig. (Fig.4).4). A recent structure of SV40 VP1 in complex with the sugar portion of GM1 (10) demonstrated that although SV40 VP1 binds both branches of GM1 (Fig. (Fig.4),4), only a single sialic acid in GM1 is involved in this interaction. In the case of mPyV, structures of mPyV VP1 in complex with different carbohydrates (12, 13) revealed that the sialic acid-galactose moiety on the left branch of GD1a (and GT1b) is sufficient for mPyV VP1 binding (Fig. (Fig.4).4). Although no structure of BKV in complex with the sugar portion of GD1b (or GT1b) is available, in vitro binding studies (8) have suggested that the disialic acid modification on the right branch of GD1b (and GT1b) is responsible for binding BKV VP1 (Fig. (Fig.4).4). Thus, it appears that the unique feature of the MCPyV VP1-GT1b interaction is that the sialic acids on both branches of this ganglioside are likely involved in capsid binding.Open in a separate windowFIG. 4.A potential model of the different VP1-ganglioside interactions (see the text for discussion).The identification of a potential cellular receptor for MCPyV will facilitate the study of its entry mechanism. An important issue for further study is to determine whether MCPyV targets Merkel cells preferentially, and if so, whether GT1b is found in higher levels in these cells to increase susceptibility.  相似文献   


Widow Inheritance is a widespread cultural practice in sub-Saharan Africa that has been postulated as contributing to risk of HIV transmission. We present baseline results from a study designed to investigate the association between widow inheritance and HIV acquisition.

Methods and Findings

We performed a cross-sectional analysis of baseline data from a prospective cohort study to investigate if widow inheritance is a risk practice for HIV infection. Study participants were 1,987 widows who were interviewed regarding their inheritance status and sexual behavior profile and tested for HIV. Of these widows, 56.3% were inherited. HIV prevalence, at 63%, was similar among non-inherited and inherited widows. We stratified exposure status by the relationship of the widow to the inheritor and the reason for inheritance, and reexamined the HIV status of four subgroups of inherited women relative to the HIV status of non-inherited women. When adjusting for age and level of formal education, widows who were inherited by non-relatives for sexual ritual were significantly more likely to be infected than widows who were not inherited (OR = 2.07; 95%CI 1.49–2.86); widows who were inherited by relatives for sexual ritual also had elevated odds of HIV infection (OR = 1.34; 95%CI = 1.07–1.70). Widows who were inherited by relatives for companionship were less likely than women who were not inherited to be infected with HIV (OR = 0.85; 95%CI 0.63–1.14).


HIV prevalence among inherited widows varied depending upon why and by whom they were inherited. The cohort study will determine the risk for HIV acquisition among the HIV seronegative widows in this sample.  相似文献   


Bacteria may compete with yeast for nutrients during bioethanol production process, potentially causing economic losses. This is the first study aiming at the quantification and identification of Lactic Acid Bacteria (LAB) present in the bioethanol industrial processes in different distilleries of Brazil.  相似文献   
To cause disease, cholera toxin (CT) is transported from the cell surface to the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) lumen where the catalytic CTA1 subunit retro-translocates to the cytosol to induce pathological water secretion. Two retro-translocon components are the Derlins and ER-associated multi-spanning E3 ubiquitin ligases including Hrd1 and gp78. We demonstrated previously that Derlin-1 facilitates CTA1 retro-translocation. However, as CTA1 is neither ubiquitinated on lysines nor at its N-terminus, the role of E3 ligases in toxin retro-translocation is unclear. Here, we show that expression of mutant Hrd1 and gp78 and a mutant E2-conjugating enzyme dedicated to retro-translocation (Ube2g2) decrease CTA1 retro-translocation. Hrd1 knockdown also attenuated toxin retro-translocation. Binding studies demonstrate that Hrd1 and gp78 interact with CT and protein disulfide isomerase, an ER chaperone that unfolds CTA1 to initiate translocation. Moreover, we find that the toxin''s association with Hrd1 and gp78 is blocked by dominant-negative Derlin-1, suggesting that CT is targeted initially to Derlin-1 and then transferred to Hrd1 and gp78. These data demonstrate a role of the E3 ubiquitin ligases in CTA1 retro-translocation, implicate a sequence of events experienced by the toxin on the ER membrane, and raise the possibility that ubiquitination is involved in the transport process.  相似文献   
Isoketals and levuglandins are highly reactive gamma-ketoaldehydes formed by oxygenation of arachidonic acid in settings of oxidative injury and cyclooxygenase activation, respectively. These compounds rapidly adduct to proteins via lysyl residues, which can alter protein structure/function. We examined whether pyridoxamine, which has been shown to scavenge alpha-ketoaldehydes formed by carbohydrate or lipid peroxidation, could also effectively protect proteins from the more reactive gamma-ketoaldehydes. Pyridoxamine prevented adduction of ovalbumin and also prevented inhibition of RNase A and glutathione reductase activity by the synthetic gamma-ketoaldehyde, 15-E2-isoketal. We identified the major products of the reaction of pyridoxamine with the 15-E2-isoketal, including a stable lactam adduct. Two lipophilic analogues of pyridoxamine, salicylamine and 5'-O-pentylpyridoxamine, also formed lactam adducts when reacted with 15-E2-isoketal. When we oxidized arachidonic acid in the presence of pyridoxamine or its analogues, pyridoxamine-isoketal adducts were found in significantly greater abundance than the pyridoxamine-N-acyl adducts formed by alpha-ketoaldehyde scavenging. Therefore, pyridoxamine and its analogues appear to preferentially scavenge gamma-ketoaldehydes. Both pyridoxamine and its lipophilic analogues inhibited the formation of lysyl-levuglandin adducts in platelets activated ex vivo with arachidonic acid. The two lipophilic pyridoxamine analogues provided significant protection against H2O2-mediated cytotoxicity in HepG2 cells. These results demonstrate the utility of pyridoxamine and lipophilic pyridoxamine analogues to assess the potential contributions of isoketals and levuglandins in oxidant injury and inflammation and suggest their potential utility as pharmaceutical agents in these conditions.  相似文献   
The pharmacological profiles of the endocannabinoid anandamide and exogenous cannabinoids (e.g., Delta9-tetrahydrocannabinol) are similar, but not exactly the same. One notable difference is that anandamide's in vivo effects in mice are not blocked by the brain cannabinoid (CB1) receptor antagonist SR141716A. The degree to which the rapid metabolism of anandamide to arachidonic acid might be involved in this unexpected lack of effect was the focus of this study. Mice were tested in a tetrad of tests sensitive to cannabinoids, consisting of spontaneous locomotion, ring immobility, rectal temperature and tail flick nociception. Anandamide and arachidonic acid produced a similar profile of effects, but neither drug was blocked by SR141716A. When hydrolysis of anandamide was inhibited by an amidase inhibitor (phenylmethyl sulfonyl fluoride; PMSF), however, SR141716A significantly attenuated anandamide's effects but did not completely block them. Similarly, the effects of the metabolically stable anandamide analog O-1812 were attenuated by SR141716A. The role of oxidative metabolism in anandamide's effects in the tetrad was also investigated through pharmacological modulation of cyclooxygenase and lipoxygenase, two major classes of enzymes that degrade arachidonic acid. Whereas the non-selective cyclooxygenase inhibitor ibuprofen blocked the in vivo effects of arachidonic acid, it did not alter anandamide's effects. Other modulators of the cyclooxygenase and lipoxygenase pathways also failed to block anandamide's effects. Together, these results offer partial support for a pharmacokinetic explanation of the failure of SR141716A to antagonize the effects of anandamide; however, they also suggest that non-CB1, non-CB2 receptors may be involved in mediation of anandamide's in vivo actions, particularly at higher doses.  相似文献   
The alpha-chains of the collagen superfamily are encoded with information that specifies self-assembly into fibrils, microfibrils, and networks that have diverse functions in the extracellular matrix. A key self-organizing step, common to all collagen types, is trimerization that selects, binds, and registers cognate alpha-chains for assembly of triple helical protomers that subsequently oligomerize into specific suprastructures. In this article, we review recent findings on the mechanism of chain selection and infer that terminal noncollagenous domains function as recognition modules in trimerization and are therefore key determinants of specificity in the assembly of suprastructures. This mechanism is also illustrated with computer-generated animations.  相似文献   
SUMMARY: Investigators conducting studies of the molecular genetics of complex traits in humans often need rationally to select a set of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) from the hundreds or thousands available for a candidate gene. Accomplishing this requires integration of genomic data from distributed databases and is both time-consuming and error-prone. We developed the TAMAL (Technology And Money Are Limiting) web site to help identify promising SNPs for further investigation. For a given list of genes, TAMAL identifies SNPs that meet user-specified criteria (e.g. haplotype tagging SNPs or SNP predicted to lead to amino acid changes) from current versions of online resources (i.e. HapMap, Perlegen, Affymetrix, dbSNP and the UCSC genome browser). AVAILABILITY: TAMAL is a platform independent web-based application available free of charge at http://neoref.ils.unc.edu/tamal. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: http://neoref.ils.unc.edu/tamal/.  相似文献   
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