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Herpes simplex virus (HSV) enters cells by means of four essential glycoproteins - gD, gH/gL, gB, activated in a cascade fashion by gD binding to one of its receptors, nectin1 and HVEM. We report that the engineering in gH of a heterologous ligand – a single-chain antibody (scFv) to the cancer-specific HER2 receptor – expands the HSV tropism to cells which express HER2 as the sole receptor. The significance of this finding is twofold. It impacts on our understanding of HSV entry mechanism and the design of retargeted oncolytic-HSVs. Specifically, entry of the recombinant viruses carrying the scFv-HER2–gH chimera into HER2+ cells occurred in the absence of gD receptors, or upon deletion of key residues in gD that constitute the nectin1/HVEM binding sites. In essence, the scFv in gH substituted for gD-mediated activation and rendered a functional gD non-essential for entry via HER2. The activation of the gH moiety in the chimera was carried out by the scFv in cis, not in trans as it occurs with wt-gD. With respect to the design of oncolytic-HSVs, previous retargeting strategies were based exclusively on insertion in gD of ligands to cancer-specific receptors. The current findings show that (i) gH accepts a heterologous ligand. The viruses retargeted via gH (ii) do not require the gD-dependent activation, and (iii) replicate and kill cells at high efficiency. Thus, gH represents an additional tool for the design of fully-virulent oncolytic-HSVs retargeted to cancer receptors and detargeted from gD receptors.  相似文献   
Science is a social process with far-reaching impact on our modern society. In recent years, for the first time we are able to scientifically study the science itself. This is enabled by massive amounts of data on scientific publications that is increasingly becoming available. The data is contained in several databases such as Web of Science or PubMed, maintained by various public and private entities. Unfortunately, these databases are not always consistent, which considerably hinders this study. Relying on the powerful framework of complex networks, we conduct a systematic analysis of the consistency among six major scientific databases. We found that identifying a single "best" database is far from easy. Nevertheless, our results indicate appreciable differences in mutual consistency of different databases, which we interpret as recipes for future bibliometric studies.  相似文献   
Lake Ohrid represents a refugial ecosystem which harbors a great number of endemic and relics living forms. Though the whole Lake’s fauna characterizes high biodiversity and endemism, this is most obvious in the class of Gastropoda. Unlike the Lake, the fauna of the adjacent waters fairly differs from the Lake’s fauna, i.e., it is poorer both in term of diversity and endemism. The main goal of our study was to perform comparative biocenological researches on the gastropod fauna from Lake Ohrid and the adjacent waters in the watershed of the Lake. Based on the results we have obtained, it could be clearly noted that different habitats are characterized with different qualitative composition of the gastropod fauna not only when compared the gastropod settlement between the Lake and its surrounding waters, but also in the Lake for itself. Total of 50 species of gastropods have been recorded in the littoral regions of the lake and its coastal waters during 2009/2010. They belong to subclass Orthogastropoda (50 taxa). 21 species out of 50 are recorded in the adjacent waters: 13 of them settle both the adjacent waters and the Lake, while 8 strictly inhabit the adjacent waters. In terms of endemism, 17 are endemic and 4 cosmopolitan. The remainig 29 (out of 50 recorded) settle up only the littoral zone of the Lake: 25 are endemic and 4 are cosmopolitan. The percentage of endemism based on the recorded species for the class Gastropoda is 84%.  相似文献   
The antimutagenic potential of Vitamin E due to its antioxidative properties was studied. The new Escherichia coli K12 assay-system designed in our laboratory was employed in order to detect the antimutagenic potential of Vitamin E and to determine its molecular mechanisms of action. The assay is composed of three tests. In Test A, we examine the influence of the antioxidant on induced oxidative mutagenesis in a repair-proficient strain. Spontaneous mutagenesis is monitored in Test B, which is performed with two mutator strains, one mismatch repair-deficient (mutS) and another deficient in 8-oxo-dGTP-ase activity (mutT). In Test M, a repair-proficient strain and its mismatch repair-deficient counterpart (mutH), both carrying a plasmid with microsatellite sequences, are used to measure the level of microsatellite instability. To examine the antimutagenic potential of Vitamin E we also used the WP2 antimutagenicity test. Protective properties of Vitamin E against oxidative mutagenesis were detected in all tests with the E. coli K12 assay-system as well as in the WP2 antimutagenicity test. This study confirms that mismatch repair is essential for repair of oxidative DNA damage. The results obtained indicate that Vitamin E prevents the formation of DNA adducts by lipid peroxidation products rather than those formed by direct oxidation of DNA bases. Moreover, it can reduce microsatellite instability. After further validation, the new E. coli K12 assay-system can be used to test the antimutagenic potential of antioxidants.  相似文献   
Terpenes are often used as ecological and chemotaxonomic markers of plant species, as well as for estimation of geographic variability. Essential oils of relic and Balkan endemic/subendemic conifers, Picea omorika, Pinus heldreichii, and P. peuce, in central part of Balkan Peninsula (Serbia and Montenegro), on the level of terpene classes and common terpene compounds were investigated. In finding terpene combinations, which could show the best diversity between species and their natural populations, several statistical methods were applied. Apart from the content of different terpene classes (P. omorika has the most abundant O-containing monoterpenes and sesquiterpenes; P. heldreichii and P. peuce have the largest abundance of sesquiterpene and monoterpene hydrocarbons, resp.), the species are clearly separated according to terpene profile with 22 common compounds. But, divergences in their populations were established only in combination of several compounds (specific for each species), and they were found to be the results of geomorphologic, climatic, and genetic factors. We found similarities between investigated species and some taxa from literature with respect to terpene composition, possibly due to hybridization and phylogenetic relations. Obtained results are also important regarding to chemotaxonomy, biogeography, phylogeny, and evolution of these taxa.  相似文献   
RPE65, an abundant membrane-associated protein present in the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE), is a vital retinoid isomerase necessary for regenerating 11-cis-retinaldehyde from all-trans retinol in the visual cycle. In patients with inherited retinal dystrophy (IRD), precise genetic diagnosis is an indispensable approach as it is required to establish eligibility for the genetic treatment of RPE65-associated IRDs. This case report aims to report the specific phenotype–genotype correlation of the first patient with a homozygous missense variant RPE65 c.499G>T, p. (Asp167Tyr). We report a case of a 66-year-old male who demonstrated a unique phenotype manifesting less severe functional vision deterioration in childhood and adolescence, and extensive nummular pigment clusters. The underlying causes of the differences in the typical bone spicule and atypical nummular pigment clumping are unknown, but suggest that the variant itself influenced the rate of photoreceptor death. Functional studies are needed to define whether the substitution of aspartate impairs the folding of the tertiary RPE65 structure only and does not lead to the complete abolishment of chromophore production, thus explaining the less severe phenotype in adolescence.  相似文献   
We reported the identification of three outwardly rectifiedCl channel (ORCC) candidateproteins (115, 85, and 52 kDa) from bovine tracheal epithelia. We haveraised polyclonal antibodies against these isolated proteins.Incorporation into planar lipid bilayers of material partly purifiedfrom bovine tracheal apical membranes with one of these antibodies as aligand (anti-p115) resulted in the incorporation of an ORCC identicalin biophysical characteristics to one we previously described. Wedeveloped a new purification procedure to increase the yield and purityof this polypeptide. The purification scheme that gave the best results in terms of overall protein yield and purity was a combination ofanion- and cation-exchange chromatography followed byimmunopurification. By use of this purification scheme, 7 µg of the115-kDa protein were purified from 20 mg of tracheal apical membraneproteins. Incorporation of this highly purified material into planarlipid bilayers revealed a DIDS-inhibitable channel with the following properties: linear conductance of 87 ± 9 pS in symmetricalCl solutions, halideselectivity sequence of I > Cl > Br, and lack of sensitivityto protein kinase A, Ca2+, ordithiothreitol. Using anti-Giantibodies to precipitate Giprotein(s) from the partly purified preparations, we demonstrated thatthe loss of rectification of the ORCC was due to uncoupling ofGi protein(s) from the ORCCprotein and that the 115-kDa polypeptide is an ORCC.

The kinetics of the complex-formation reactions between monofunctional palladium(II) complexes [Pd(NNN)Cl]+, where NNN is 2,2:6,2″-terpyridine (terpy), diethylenetriamine (dien) or bis(2-pyridylmethyl)amine (bpma), with pyridine, 4-methylpyridine, 4-acetylpyridine, 4-cyanopyridine and 4-aminopyridine, have been studied in methanol at 25 °C using stopped-flow spectrophotometry. The highest reactivity was observed for the [Pd(terpy)Cl]+ complex, whereas 4-aminopyridine is the strongest nucleophile. The results, compared with those previously published on the [Pt(NNN)Cl]+ complexes, are discussed in terms of reactivity and discrimination ability of the reaction centre. The crystal structure of [Pd(terpy)(py)](ClO4)2 has been determined by X-ray diffraction. Crystals are triclinic, space group , and consist of distorted square planar [Pd(terpy)(py)]2+ cations and perchlorate anions. The Pd-N bond length to the central atom of terpy ligand is well below 2.0 Å and significantly shorter than any of the other M-N distances. The pyridine plane forms a dihedral angle of 61.9(2)° with the coordination N4 donors.  相似文献   
Cell wall isolated from pea roots was used to separate and characterize two fractions possessing class III peroxidase activity: (i) ionically bound proteins and (ii) covalently bound proteins. Modified SDS-PAGE separated peroxidase isoforms by their apparent molecular weights: four bands of 56, 46, 44, and 41kDa were found in the ionically bound fraction (iPOD) and one band (70kDa) was resolved after treatment of the cell wall with cellulase and pectinase (cPOD). Isoelectric focusing (IEF) patterns for iPODs and cPODs were significantly different: five iPODs with highly cationic pI (9.5-9.2) were detected, whereas the nine cPODs were anionic with pI values between pH 3.7 and 5. iPODs and cPODs showed rather specific substrate affinity and different sensitivity to inhibitors, heat, and deglycosylation treatments. Peroxidase and oxidase activities and their IEF patterns for both fractions were determined in different zones along the root and in roots of different ages. New iPODs with pI 9.34 and 9.5 were induced with root growth, while the activity of cPODs was more related to the formation of the cell wall in non-elongating tissue. Treatment with auxin that inhibits root growth led to suppression of iPOD and induction of cPOD. A similar effect was obtained with the widely used elicitor, chitosan, which also induced cPODs with pI 5.3 and 5.7, which may be specifically related to pathogen defence. The differences reported here between biochemical properties of cPOD and iPOD and their differential induction during development and under specific treatments implicate that they are involved in specific and different physiological processes.  相似文献   
Mammillaria gracilis Pfeiff. plants cultivated in the pot (pot plants, PP), as well as in vitro-grown normal shoots (NS), habituated callus (HC), hyperhydric shoots (HS), and tumour tissue (TT) were investigated in order to reveal the influence of in vitro culture on functionality of the photosynthetic apparatus and CAM photosynthesis in cactus M. gracilis Pfeiff. Photosynthetic pigments content as well as maximum (F v/F m) and effective (??PSII) quantum yield of photosystem II (PSII) decreased in all in vitro-grown tissues in comparison to PP. The decrease observed in hyperhydric HC, HS and TT correlated with a low expression of Rubisco large subunit (RbcL) and ?? subunit of ATP synthase (?? ATP synt) and almost undetectable levels of protein D1, light-harvesting chlorophyll a/b-binding protein (LHCII) and cytochrome f protein of thylakoid Cyt b 6 /f-complex (Cyt f) found in these tissues. As for crassulacean acid metabolism (CAM) pattern, PP and NS expressed diurnal acid fluctuation, while HC, HS and TT failed to show it. Nevertheless, all M. gracilis tissues exhibited diurnal changes of phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (PEPC) activity indicating the typical CAM physiology. In conclusion, the photosynthesis was down-regulated in all in vitro-grown tissues. NS maintained typical CAM photosynthesis, while HC, HS and TT withheld PEPC activity, but not acid accumulation specific for CAM. Minor changes observed in NS in comparison to PP could be attributed to the sugar supplementation while the more prominent deviations found in HC, HS and TT could be correlated with hyperhydricity and the loss of characteristic tissue organisation pattern.  相似文献   
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