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Genetic mapping and sequencing of plant genomes have been useful for investigating eukaryotic chromosome structural organization. In many cases, analyses have been limited in the number of representatives sampled from specific groups. The degree of intraspecific genome diversity remains in question. The possibility exists that a single model genome may have limited utility for identifying genes in related members of the species or genus. Crop improvement programs have particular interests in disease resistance genes that are harbored by wild relatives of modern cultivated crops. These genes are evolutionarily dynamic and under selective pressure by a broad range of pathogenic organisms. Using resistance gene analogs as models for gene evolution, intraspecific genome comparisons were made among populations of wild diploid wheat (Aegilops tauschii). We observed that deletion haplotypes are occurring frequently and independently in the genome. Haplotypes are geographically correlated and maintenance of gene complements in localized populations indicates selective advantage. Furthermore, deletion haplotypes are not detrimental to plant health, since genes without adaptive value in alternate environments are eliminated from the genome. Deletion haplotypes appear to be a common form of allelic variation in plants, and we address the consequences on genome restructuring and gene evolution. Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available for this article at and is accessible for authorized users.  相似文献   
In many neurodegenerative disorders that lead to memory loss and dementia, the brain pathology responsible for neuronal loss is marked by accumulations of proteins in the form of extracellular plaques and intracellular filamentous tangles, containing hyperphosphorylated cytoskeletal proteins. These are assumed to arise as a consequence of deregulation of a normal pattern of topographic phosphorylation-that is, an abnormal shift of cytoskeletal protein phosphorylation from the normal axonal compartment to cell bodies. Although decades of studies have been directed to this problem, biochemical approaches in mammalian systems are limited: neurons are too small to permit separation of cell body and axon compartments. Since the pioneering studies of Hodgkin and Huxley on the giant fiber system of the squid, however, the stellate ganglion and its giant axons have been the focus of a large literature on the physiology and biochemistry of neuron function. This review concentrates on a host of studies in our laboratory and others on the factors regulating compartment-specific patterns of cytoskeletal protein phosphorylation (primarily neurofilaments) in an effort to establish a normal baseline of information for further studies on neurodegeneration. On the basis of these data, a model of topographic regulation is proposed that offers several possibilities for further studies on potential sites of deregulation that may lead to pathologies resembling those seen in mammalian and human brains showing neurodegeneration, dementia, and neuronal cell death.  相似文献   
Aluminum phosphide, a well-known stored grain fumigant, available in solid formulation, has shown promise as wood fumigant. This chemical decomposes to phosphine when exposed to moisture. The feasibility of fumigant treatment to extend the service life of wood was evaluated in a small block test of two wood species. Hard wood (Mangifera indica L.) and conifer blocks (Pinus roxburghii Sargent) were fumigated with different concentrations (0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.4, 0.8, and 1.6%) of aluminum phosphide. Fumigated blocks were exposed to Lyctus africanus Lesne (Coleoptera; Lyctidae) larvae. Results revealed that aluminum phosphide showed complete mortality of Lyctus larvae at 0.2% concentration, that is, 0.93 g/m3 retention level. Mean mortality of 74% of Lyctus larvae was observed in soft wood blocks fumigated with lowest concentration, that is, 0.05% of aluminum phosphide, whereas in hard wood blocks > 85% mortality was observed at this concentration.  相似文献   
Hormonal therapies, mainly combinations of anti-androgens and androgen deprivation, have been the mainstay treatment for advanced prostate cancer because the androgen-androgen receptor (AR) system plays a pivotal role in the development and progression of prostate cancers. However, the emergence of androgen resistance, largely due to inefficient anti-hormone action, limits the therapeutic usefulness of these therapies. Here, we report that 6-(3,4-dihydro-1H-isoquinolin-2-yl)-N-(6-methylpyridin-2-yl)nicotinamide (DIMN) acts as a novel anti-androgenic compound that may be effective in the treatment of both androgen-dependent and androgen-independent prostate cancers. Through AR structure-based virtual screening using the FlexX docking model, fifty-four compounds were selected and further screened for AR antagonism via cell-based tests. One compound, DIMN, showed an antagonistic effect specific to AR with comparable potency to that of the classical AR antagonists, hydroxyflutamide and bicalutamide. Consistent with their anti-androgenic activity, DIMN inhibited the growth of androgen-dependent LNCaP prostate cancer cells. Interestingly, the compound also suppressed the growth of androgen-independent C4-2 and CWR22rv prostate cancer cells, which express a functional AR, but did not suppress the growth of the AR-negative prostate cancer cells PPC-1, DU145, and R3327-AT3.1. Taken together, the results suggest that the synthetic compound DIMN is a novel anti-androgen and strong candidate for useful therapeutic agent against early stage to advanced prostate cancer.  相似文献   
Though cell culture-based protein production processes are rarely carried out under batch mode of operation, cell line and initial process development operations are usually carried out in batch mode due to simplicity of operation in widely used scale down platforms like shake flasks. Nutrient feeding, if performed, is achieved by bolus addition of concentrated feed solution at different intervals, which leads to large transient increases in nutrient concentrations. One negative consequence is increased waste metabolite production. We have developed a hydrogel-based nutrient delivery system for continuous feeding of nutrients in scale down models like shake flasks without the need for manual feed additions or any additional infrastructure. Continuous delivery also enables maintaining nutrient concentrations at low levels, if desired. The authors demonstrate the use of these systems for continuous feeding of glucose and protein hydrolysate to a suspension Chinese Hamster Ovary (CHO) culture in a shake flask. Glucose feeding achieved using the glucose-loaded hydrogel resulted in a 23% higher integral viable cell density and an 89% lower lactate concentration at the end of the culture when compared with a bolus-feed of glucose.  相似文献   
Cytochrome P4501B1 (CYP1B1), a polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) metabolizing CYP, is genetically polymorphic in humans and may be involved in the individual susceptibility to chemical-induced cancer. In the present study, genotype and haplotype frequencies of four single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in CYP1B1 that cause amino acid changes (Arg-Gly at codon 48, Ala-Ser at codon 119, Leu-Val at codon 432 and Asn-Ser at codon 453) were studied in 150 cases suffering from head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) and in an equal number of controls. A significant difference was observed for the distribution of variant genotypes of Arg48Gly (CYP1B1*2) and Ala119Ser (CYP1B1*2) polymorphisms of CYP1B1 in cases versus controls. No significant differences were observed for the distribution of variant genotypes-Leu432Val (CYP1B1*3) and Asn453Ser (CYP1B1*4), respectively. When the four SNPs were analyzed using a haplotype approach, SNPs at codon 48 (Arg48Gly) and codon 119 (Ala119Ser) exhibited complete linkage disequilibrium (LD) in all the cases and controls. Significant differences in the distribution of the two haplotypes (G-T-C-A and G-T-G-A) were observed both in the cases and in controls. Furthermore, our data indicates a several fold increase in risk in the cases who use tobacco (cigarette smoking or tobacco chewing) or alcohol with the variant genotypes of CYP1B1 (CYP1B1*2 and CYP1B1*3) suggesting the role of gene-environment interaction in the susceptibility to HNSCC.  相似文献   
Aberrant phosphorylation of neuronal cytoskeletal proteins is a key pathological event in neurodegenerative disorders such as Alzheimer disease (AD) and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, but the underlying mechanisms are still unclear. Previous studies have shown that Pin1, a peptidylprolyl cis/trans-isomerase, may be actively involved in the regulation of Tau hyperphosphorylation in AD. Here, we show that Pin1 modulates oxidative stress-induced NF-H phosphorylation. In an in vitro kinase assay, the addition of Pin1 substantially increased phosphorylation of NF-H KSP repeats by proline-directed kinases, Erk1/2, Cdk5/p35, and JNK3 in a concentration-dependent manner. In vivo, dominant-negative (DN) Pin1 and Pin1 small interfering RNA inhibited epidermal growth factor-induced NF-H phosphorylation. Because oxidative stress plays an important role in the pathogenesis of neurodegenerative diseases, we studied the role of Pin1 in stressed cortical neurons and HEK293 cells. Both hydrogen peroxide (H(2)O(2)) and heat stresses induce phosphorylation of NF-H in transfected HEK293 cells and primary cortical cultures. Knockdown of Pin1 by transfected Pin1 short interference RNA and DN-Pin1 rescues the effect of stress-induced NF-H phosphorylation. The H(2)O(2) and heat shock induced perikaryal phospho-NF-H accumulations, and neuronal apoptosis was rescued by inhibition of Pin1 in cortical neurons. JNK3, a brain-specific JNK isoform, is activated under oxidative and heat stresses, and inhibition of Pin1 by Pin1 short interference RNA and DN-Pin1 inhibits this pathway. These results implicate Pin1 as a possible modulator of stress-induced NF-H phosphorylation as seen in neurodegenerative disorders like AD and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Thus, Pin1 may be a potential therapeutic target for these diseases.  相似文献   
Extraction of the organic content from vegetable market waste and tea waste was carried out in a packed digester for 24 and 300 h respectively. The sequence of appearance of volatile fatty acids during digestion of both the substrates was found to be different. The sequence was (Acetic, Propionic) > (Isobutyric, Butyric) > Valeric for digestion of vegetable market waste while it was Isovaleric > (Isobutyric, Acetic) > Propionic during digestion of tea waste. During the course of digestion, the early appearance of an acid did not relate to its high concentration. The rate of production of acetic acid and propionic acid was found to be higher than other volatile acids during digestion of both the substrates, although it was approximately ten times higher for vegetable market waste compared to tea waste. The acids can be arranged in four groups according to their rate of production as Acetic > Propionic > Butyric > (Valeric, Isobutyric) for vegetable market waste and Acetic > Isobutyric > Isovaleric > Propionic for tea waste.  相似文献   
The variation in acid phosphatase (EC activity inAntheraea mylitta was similar in all light and dark groups exposed to different photophases (LD =0:24, 24:0, 18:6, 14:10, 10:14 and 12:12 h) maintaining all along a higher activity than its alkaline counterpart. The highest activity was recorded on day 82 in LD group 10:14 h. The non-diapausingPhilosamia ricini larvae registered highest activity in LD group 0:24 h on day 5. Alkaline phosphatase (EC activity was low all through metamorphosis in both the lepidopterans, although significantly elevated activity was observed on day 5 in larvae of allPhilosamia ricini LD regimens and on day 82 inAntherae mylitta. Photoperiodic effect on Phosphorylase (EC activity, glycogen and inorganic phosphates content have also been studied. Exposure to LD 10:14, 14:10 and 18:6 h provoked early diapause termination inAntheraea mylitta. The non-diapausingPhilosamia ricini was unaffected in moth emergence but the emerged adults of LD 24:0 and 0:24 h groups were unhealthy, small and did not mate or oviposit.  相似文献   
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