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The anaerobic acetogenic bacterium Acetobacterium woodii couples caffeate reduction with electrons derived from hydrogen to the synthesis of ATP by a chemiosmotic mechanism with sodium ions as coupling ions, a process referred to as caffeate respiration. We addressed the nature of the hitherto unknown enzymatic activities involved in this process and their cellular localization. Cell extract of A. woodii catalyzes H2-dependent caffeate reduction. This reaction is strictly ATP dependent but can be activated also by acetyl coenzyme A (CoA), indicating that there is formation of caffeyl-CoA prior to reduction. Two-dimensional gel electrophoresis revealed proteins present only in caffeate-grown cells. Two proteins were identified by electrospray ionization-mass spectrometry/mass spectrometry, and the encoding genes were cloned. These proteins are very similar to subunits α (EtfA) and β (EtfB) of electron transfer flavoproteins present in various anaerobic bacteria. Western blot analysis demonstrated that they are induced by caffeate and localized in the cytoplasm. Etf proteins are known electron carriers that shuttle electrons from NADH to different acceptors. Indeed, NADH was used as an electron donor for cytosolic caffeate reduction. Since the hydrogenase was soluble and used ferredoxin as an electron acceptor, the missing link was a ferredoxin:NAD+ oxidoreductase. This activity could be determined and, interestingly, was membrane bound. A search for genes that could encode this activity revealed DNA fragments encoding subunits C and D of a membrane-bound Rnf-type NADH dehydrogenase that is a potential Na+ pump. These data suggest the following electron transport chain: H2 → ferredoxin → NAD+ → Etf → caffeyl-CoA reductase. They also imply that the sodium motive step in the chain is the ferredoxin-dependent NAD+ reduction catalyzed by Rnf.  相似文献   
黑素皮质素受体-4的研究进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
黑素皮质素受体 4 (MC4R)是人类中枢神经系统中参与调节肥胖症发生的重要因素 ,可调节动物的体重和采食量。自MC4R基因克隆以来 ,学者们对MC4R的结构 ,生理功能 ,调控 ,作用机制及其基因突变与体重的关系等方面进行了大量的研究。  相似文献   
&#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &# 《水生生物学报》2015,39(5):893-901
运用氮稳定同位素技术分析了大宁河静水水域和流水河段主要鱼类的氮稳定同位素比值和营养层级,并对静水水域不同水文时期相同鱼类的营养层级进行了比较研究。结果表明, 颗粒有机物(POM)氮稳定性同位素变化幅度较大, 并存在季节差异。大宁河下游静水水域鱼类15N 值范围为4.5417.51, 营养级处于1.513.88, 平均营养层级为2.49;上游流水水域鱼类的15N 值范围为2.2510.81, 营养层级范围为1.494.01, 平均营养层级为2.87。大宁河上游鱼类的平均营养层级大于下游静水水域, 可能是由于上游底栖生物丰富, 鱼类倾向摄食适口性更高的动物性食物而导致。大宁河下游静水水域汛期的鱼类营养层级较非汛期的值显著降低, 可能是因为汛期的水文扰动影响鱼类摄食中间捕食者, 以及水位的降低导致鱼类食物竞争增加迫使其摄食低营养水平的食物。重复基准生物采样建立精确充足的基线值以及确定合适的富集度,是提高营养层级评估准确性的重要手段。    相似文献   
采用Slater区分单基因和多基因遗传的计算模式及Smith无偏分析方法对21个家系资料的分析表明:利手、优势足、扣手特征均为常染色体单基因显性遗传,R型为显性性状。虽然环境因素对这类特征的表现也有一定的影响,但遗传因素仍起主要作用。 Abstract:The data of 21 families were analyzed by the method of Slater's calculating model to differentiate between single-gene and multi-gene heredity and by the method of non-deviation analysis.The results showed that the hereditary mode of handedness or preferential foot or hand-clasping is the dominant heredity of single gene of autosome,and the right type of all of them is the dominant character.In a way,although environmental factors affected the phenotypes of these characters,hereditary factors were also the decisive ones.  相似文献   
利手、优势足及扣手的遗传方式初探   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用Slater区分单基因和多基因遗传的计算模式及Smith无偏分析方法对21个家系资料的分析表明:利手、优势足、扣手特征均为常染色体单基因显性遗传,R型为显性性状。虽然环境因素对这类特征的表现也有一定的影响,但影响因素仍起主要作用。  相似文献   
新疆醉马草化学成分的研究   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:4  
用95%和60%乙醇提取、溶剂萃取、硅胶柱层析、重结晶等方法从新疆醉马草提取分离得到8个活性化合物,根据IR、MS、NMR等光谱技术方法分别鉴定为adenosine(1),veratroylzygadenine(2),germerine(3),十六烷酸2,3-二羟基丙酯(4),3-O-glucoside-veratramine(5),胡萝卜甙(6),4′,6,7-三羟基-3′,5′-二甲氧基黄酮(7),蔗糖(8)。这些成分均为首次从该植物及该属中获得。  相似文献   
为了解渐危植物新疆野核桃的病害情况,在新疆野核桃自然保护区调查不同坡向、不同龄级野核桃4种病害的患病比例,分析病害种类、病害等级与野核桃胸径及坡向的相关关系。结果表明: 保护区野核桃的主要病害为核桃褐斑病(95.8%)、核桃枯枝病(90.5%)、核桃黑斑病(74.4%)和核桃腐朽病(7.7%)。4个坡向的野核桃均易患核桃褐斑病,阴坡和半阴坡的野核桃易患核桃枯枝病,阳坡和阴坡的野核桃易患核桃黑斑病,半阳坡和半阴坡的野核桃相对易患核桃腐朽病。4个坡向野核桃的4种病害均随病害等级(1~4级)的增加而病株比例减小。4个坡向核桃枯枝病、核桃黑斑病、核桃褐斑病均以中龄树比例最大,其次是老龄树,再次是小树,未见幼苗患病;核桃腐朽病仅发生在老龄树。核桃枯枝病、核桃腐朽病、核桃黑斑病、核桃褐斑病与野核桃的胸径呈显著正相关,核桃黑斑病与坡向呈显著负相关,核桃枯枝病、核桃腐朽病、核桃黑斑病的不同病害等级与胸径和坡向存在相关性。  相似文献   
Constitutional 1p36 deletion in a child with neuroblastoma.   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
We describe a child with dysmorphic features, as well as developmental and growth delay, who developed neuroblastoma at 5 mo of age. Cytogenetic analysis of blood lymphocytes revealed an interstitial deletion of 1p36.1-->1p36.2, which was apparent only with high-resolution banding. Molecular analysis with a collection of polymorphic DNA probes for 1p confirmed an interstitial deletion involving subbands of 1p36. Deletions of this region are a common finding in neuroblastoma cells from patients with advanced stages of disease. Therefore, these results (a) suggest that constitutional deletion of this region predisposed the patient to the development of neuroblastoma and (b) support the localization of a neuroblastoma tumor-suppressor locus to 1p36.  相似文献   
Cyanobacterium Anacystis nidulans R2, Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 (wild-type strain and mutants Delta2 and Delta3 lacking PSII and PSI, respectively), and Synechocystis sp. BO 9201 synthesize the pigment--protein complex CP36 (CPIV-4, CP43') under iron deficiency in the medium. Accumulation of CP36 is accompanied by structural reorganizations in the photosynthetic membranes. Integrating mean times of excitation relaxation (quenching) are 2.2 nsec (CP36), 1 nsec (PSI), and 420 psec (PSII in Fm state). The energy migration between CP36 and the photosystems can be described by a model of a one-layer ring of CP36 around core-complexes. The excitation from CP36 to PSI is transferred within <10 psec. The energy transfer from CP36 to PSII occurs during 170 psec. Cells with low content of CP36 probably contain only a latent fraction of unbound to phycobilisomes PSII which is the analog of PSIIbeta of higher plants. In PSI there are four binding sites for CP36 monomers per RC. PSII can bind up to 32 molecules of CP36 per RC. Cells with a large amount of CP36 contain monomer form of PSII core-complex which can bind eight tetramers of CP36 (8 binding sites). In conditions of iron deficiency only one monomer of a dimer PSII core-complex is destroyed and released chlorophyll is accumulated in CP36. Accumulation of CP36 in A. nidulans cells can be accompanied by membrane stacking which is similar to the stacking in chlorophyll b-containing organisms. The stacking can occur in the region of localization of PSII latent fraction bound to CP36. The membrane stacking shields PSII stromal surfaces from the aqueous phase for activation of electron transfer on the acceptor side of PSII.  相似文献   
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