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Enhancement and phototransduction in the ventral eye of limulus   总被引:9,自引:8,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Limulus ventral photoreceptors were voltage clamped to the resting (dark) potential and stimulated by a 20-ms test flash and a 1-s conditioning flash. At a constant level of adaptation, we measured the response to the test flash given in the dark (control) and the incremental response produced when the test flash occurred within the duration of the conditioning flash. The incremental response is defined as the response to the conditioning and test flashes minus the response to the conditioning flash given alone. When the test flash was presented within 100 ms after the onset of the conditioning flash we observed that: (a) for dim conditioning flashes the incremental response equaled the control response; (b) for intermediate intensity conditioning flashes the incremental response was greater than the control response (we refer to this as enhancement); (c) for high intensity conditioning flashes the incremental response nearly equaled the control response. Using 10-μm diam spots of illumnination, we stimulated two spatially separate regions of one photoreceptor. When the test flash and the conditioning flash were presented to the same region, enhancement was present; but when the flashes were applied to separate regions, enhancement was nearly absent. This result indicates that enhancement is localized to the region of illumination. We discuss mechanisms that may account for enhancement.  相似文献   
Vertebrate immune responses to ectoparasites influence pathogen transmission and host fitness costs. Few studies have characterized natural immune responses to ectoparasites and resultant fitness effects on the ectoparasite. These are critical gaps in understanding vertebrate-ectoparasite interaction, disease ecology and host-parasite co-adaptation. This study focused on an ectoparasite of birds—the northern fowl mite (NFM) (Ornithonyssus sylviarum). Based on prior evidence that chickens develop resistance to NFM, these experiments tested two hypotheses: (i) skin inflammation blocks mite access to blood, impairing development, reproduction and survival; and (ii) host immunogenetic variation influences the inflammatory response and subsequent effects on the ectoparasite. On infested hosts, histology of skin inflammation revealed increased epidermal cell number and size, immigration of leukocytes and deposition of serous exudates on the skin surface. Survival of adult mites and their offspring decreased as the area of skin inflammation increased during an infestation. Inflammation increased the distance to blood vessels beyond the length of mite mouthparts (100-160 μm) and prevented protonymphs and adults from reaching a blood source. Consequently, protonymphs could not complete development, evidenced by a significant inverse relationship between inflammation and protonymph feeding success, as well as an increasing protonymph/adult ratio. Adult females were unable to feed and reproduce, indicated by an inverse relationship between inflammation and egg production, and decreasing female/juvenile ratio. These combined impacts of host inflammation reversed NFM population growth. Intensity of inflammation was influenced by the genotype of the major histocompatibility complex (MHC), supporting previous research that linked these immunological loci with NFM resistance. Overall, these data provide a model for a mechanism of avian resistance to an ectoparasitic arthropod and the fitness costs to the parasite of that host defense.  相似文献   
An organism's morphology is driven by selection on function while being constrained by phylogenetic and developmental factors as well as functional trade‐offs. If selection on function is strong and solutions limited, then convergence is expected. In this paper we quantify head shape in a group of ecologically diverse snakes (homalopsid snakes) differing in habitat use and diet using three‐dimensional geometric morphometric approaches. Using data on head shape we explore whether snakes eating different prey show different morphologies. Moreover, we test whether head shape is constrained by other factors such as habitat use, burrow use, or activity pattern. Our results demonstrate similar head shapes in species consuming similar prey. Snakes that capture elusive prey under water differ from those that capture and swallow prey like frogs or crustaceans. Moreover, habitat use, the use of burrows, and activity pattern also significantly impact head shape in this group of snakes. However, this signal appears to be partly confounded by the diet signal. For axes discriminating specifically between habitat use groups or animals that use burrows vs. those that do not shapes were in accordance with our predictions. Our results suggests an adaptive signal in the evolution of head shape in homalopsid snakes with diet, habitat use and the use of burrows all influencing the evolution of head shape in the group.  相似文献   
The global amphibian trade is suspected to have brought several species to the brink of extinction, and has led to the spread of amphibian pathogens. Moreover, international trade is not regulated for ~98 % of species. Here we outline patterns and complexity underlying global amphibian trade, highlighting some loopholes that need to be addressed, focusing on the European Union. In spite of being one of the leading amphibian importers, the EU’s current legislation is insufficient to prevent overharvesting of those species in demand or the introduction and/or spread of amphibian pathogens into captive and wild populations. We suggest steps to improve the policy (implementation and enforcement) framework, including (i) an identifier specifically for amphibians in the World Customs Organisation’s harmonised system, (ii) Parties to CITES should strive to include more species in the CITES appendices, and (iii) restriction or suspension of trade of threatened species, restricted-range species, and species protected in their country of origin. Commercial trade should not put survival of amphibian species further at risk.  相似文献   
A series of 2-[(2,6)-dimethylphenyl]benzimidazole analogs displayed strong potential for mutagenicity following metabolic activation in either TA98 or TA100 Salmonella typhimurium strains. The number of revertants was significantly reduced by replacing the 2,6-dimethylphenyl group with a 2,6-dichlorophenyl moiety. Time-dependent CYP3A4 inhibition was also observed with a compound containing a 2-[(2,6)-dimethylphenyl] benzimidazole ring, implying risk for this scaffold to generate reactive metabolites.  相似文献   


In sheep dairy production, total lactation performance, and length of lactation of lactation are of economic significance. A more persistent lactation has been associated with improved udder health. An extended lactation is defined by a longer period of milkability. This study is the first investigation to examine the presence of quantitative trait loci (QTL) for extended lactation and lactation persistency in sheep.


An (Awassi × Merino) × Merino single-sire backcross family with 172 ewes was used to map QTL for lactation persistency and extended lactation traits on a framework map of 189 loci across all autosomes. The Wood model was fitted to data from multiple lactations to estimate parameters of ovine lactation curves, and these estimates were used to derive measures of lactation persistency and extended lactation traits of milk, protein, fat, lactose, useful yield, and somatic cell score. These derived traits were subjected to QTL analyses using maximum likelihood estimation and regression analysis.


Overall, one highly significant (LOD > 3.0), four significant (2.0 < LOD < 3.0) and five suggestive (1.7 < LOD < 2.0) QTL were detected across all traits in common by both mapping methods. One additional suggestive QTL was identified using maximum likelihood estimation, and four suggestive (0.01 < P < 0.05) and two significant (P < 0.01) QTL using the regression approach only. All detected QTL had effect sizes in the range of 0.48 to 0.64 SD, corresponding to QTL heritabilities of 3.1 to 8.9%. The comparison of the detected QTL with results in cattle showed conserved linkage regions. Most of the QTL identified for lactation persistency and extended lactation did not coincide. This suggests that persistency and extended lactation for the same as well as different milk yield and component traits are not controlled by the same genes.


This study identified ten novel QTL for lactation persistency and extended lactation in sheep, but results suggest that lactation persistency and extended lactation do not have a major gene in common. These results provide a basis for further validation in extended families and other breeds as well as targeting regions for genome-wide association mapping using high-density SNP arrays.  相似文献   
The cDNAs encoding lactate dehydrogenase isozymes LDH-A (muscle) and LDH-B (heart) from alligator and turtle and LDH-A, LDH-B, and LDH-C (testis) from pigeon were cloned and sequenced. The evolutionary relationships among vertebrate LDH isozymes were analyzed. Contrary to the traditional belief that the turtle lineage branched off before the divergence between the lizard/alligator and bird lineages, the turtle lineage was found to be clustered with either the alligator lineage or the alligator-bird clade, while the lizard lineage was found to have branched off before the divergence between the alligator/turtle and bird lineages. The pigeon testicular LDH-C isozyme was evidently duplicated from LDH-B (heart), so it is not orthologous to the mammalian testicular LDH-C isozymes.   相似文献   


Cardiac time intervals have been described as a measure of cardiac performance, where prolongation, shortening and delay of the different time intervals have been evaluated as markers of cardiac dysfunction. A relatively recently developed method with improved ability to measure cardiac events is Tissue Doppler Imaging (TDI), allowing accurate measurement of myocardial movements.


We propose the state diagram of the heart as a new visualization tool for cardiac time intervals, presenting comparative, normalized data of systolic and diastolic performance, providing a more complete overview of cardiac function. This study aimed to test the feasibility of the state diagram method by presenting examples demonstrating its potential use in the clinical setting and by performing a clinical study, which included a comparison of the state diagram method with established echocardiography methods (E/E' ratio, LVEF and WMSI). The population in the clinical study consisted of seven patients with non ST-elevation myocardial infarction (NSTEMI) and seven control subjects, individually matched according to age and gender. The state diagram of the heart was generated from TDI curves from seven positions in the myocardium, visualizing the inter- and intraventricular function of the heart by displaying the cardiac phases.


The clinical examples demonstrated that the state diagram allows for an intuitive visualization of pathological patterns as ischemia and dyssynchrony. Further, significant differences in percentage duration between the control group and the NSTEMI group were found in eight of the totally twenty phases (10 phases for each ventricle), e.g. in the transition phases (Pre-Ejection and Post-Ejection). These phases were significantly longer (> 2.18%) for the NSTEMI group than for the control group (p < 0.05). No significant differences between the groups were found for the established echocardiography methods.


The test results clearly indicate that the state diagram has potential to be an efficient tool for visualization of cardiac dysfunction and for detection of NSTEMI.  相似文献   
Habitat loss and fragmentation can have severe negative and irreversible effects on biodiversity. We investigated the effects of forest fragmentation on frog diversity in Singapore because of its high rates of deforestation and the demonstration that frogs are some of the most sensitive species to habitat degradation. We surveyed frog species in 12 forest fragments varying from 11 to 935 ha. We compared differences in species richness, abundance, and Shannon's index in relation to forest fragment size, connectivity (distance between fragments), and breeding habitat heterogeneity. A total of 20 species from 12 genera and five families were encountered in 12 fragments. Larger fragments and those closer to larger fragments had higher species richness. Abundance, however, was not correlated with forest area or connectivity, but we found fewer individual frogs in the larger fragments. We also found that breeding habitat heterogeneity best explained frog species diversity and abundance in forest fragments. Fragments with a high diversity of breeding habitats had more species. We found no evidence to suggest that abundance and diversity are strongly correlated, particularly in disturbed areas, but that breeding habitat heterogeneity is an under-appreciated factor that should be considered when prioritizing areas for anuran conservation. Enriching breeding habitat heterogeneity, creating corridors between fragments, and reforesting degraded areas are some of the most beneficial strategies for preserving urban frog biodiversity.  相似文献   
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