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The Bcr/Abl oncoprotein is directly responsible for the development of chronic myelogenous leukemia and Philadelphia chromosome-positive acute lymphoblastic leukemia in humans. The adapter protein Crkl is one of the most prominently tyrosine-phosphorylated substrates of Bcr/Abl in cells and tissues isolated from such patients. The guanine nucleotide exchange factor for the small GTPase Rap1, C3G, binds constitutively to Crkl. Here, we report that Crkl mediates the formation of protein complexes that include C3G and Bcr/Abl. These complexes contain highly elevated levels of tyrosine-phosphorylated C3G and P130Cas, a scaffolding protein. Moreover, the presence of Rap1 further promoted tyrosine phosphorylation of C3G and Cas. Co-expression of Crkl and C3G with Bcr/Abl generated increased levels of activated Rap1. In addition, lysates from leukemic cells of P190 BCR/ABL transgenic mice and of the myelogenous leukemia cell line K562 contained tyrosine-phosphorylated C3G and activated Rap1. These data suggest a role for C3G-mediated Rap1 activation in Bcr/Abl-induced leukemia development.  相似文献   
We investigated the effects of chemical variation in thyme (Thymus vulgaris L.) on its interactions with competitors, herbivores, and herbivore predators. Four different thyme monoterpene phenotypes (chemotypes) were grown in a 4x2x2 factorial of chemotype, caging (sham half-cages vs. full cages), and competition (control vs. the grass Bromus madritensis L.). Cages reduced numbers of arthropod predators. Thyme-feeding aphids Aphis serpylli Koch passed through full cage walls to increase more than fourfold. As a result, freed from their predators, aphids had a large negative effect on thyme size and flowering. Similarly, competition from Bromus had a negative effect on thyme size and flowering. Individual effects of aphids and competition were nonadditive, however, and their combined effect was significantly less than that predicted by a multiplicative null model. Differential thyme sizes among chemotypes were not mediated by herbivores or competitors, but differential flowering was due to the effects of chemotype on aphids. We thus document differential selection by aphids among thyme chemotypes and the influence of Bromus on the strength of these negative effects of aphids.  相似文献   
Freshly isolated human monocytes transport L-arginine mostly through a sodium independent, NEM insensitive pathway inhibited by L-leucine in the presence, but not in the absence of sodium. Interferon-gamma (IFNgamma) stimulates this pathway, identifiable with system y+L, and markedly enhances the expression of SLC7A7, the gene that encodes for system y+L subunit y+LAT1, but not of SLC7A6, that codes for the alternative subunit y+LAT2. System y+ plays a minor role in arginine uptake by monocytes and the expression of system y+-related genes, SLC7A1 and SLC7A2, is not changed by IFNgamma. These results demonstrate that system y+L is sensitive to IFNgamma.  相似文献   
The uropathogenic Escherichia coli strain 536 carries at least five genetic elements on its chromosome that meet all criteria characteristic of pathogenicity islands (PAIs). One main feature of these distinct DNA regions is their instability. We applied the so-called island-probing approach and individually labeled all five PAIs of E. coli 536 with the counterselectable marker sacB to evaluate the frequency of PAI-negative colonies under the influence of different environmental conditions. Furthermore, we investigated the boundaries of these PAIs. According to our experiments, PAI II536 and PAI III536 were the most unstable islands followed by PAI I536 and PAI V536, whereas PAI IV536 was stable. In addition, we found that deletion of PAI II536 and PAI III536 was induced by several environmental stimuli. Whereas excision of PAI I536, PAI II536, and PAI V536 was based on site-specific recombination between short direct repeat sequences at their boundaries, PAI III536 was deleted either by site-specific recombination or by homologous recombination between two IS100-specific sequences. In all cases, deletion is thought to lead to the formation of nonreplicative circular intermediates. Such extrachromosomal derivatives of PAI II536 and PAI III536 were detected by a specific PCR assay. Our data indicate that the genome content of uropathogenic E. coli can be modulated by deletion of PAIs.  相似文献   
We analyzed pre-steady state and single turnover kinetics of bacteriophage T4Dam DNA-(adenine-N(6))-methyltransferase-mediated methyl group transfer from S-adenosyl-l-methionine (AdoMet) to 40-mer duplexes containing native recognition sites (5'-GATC/5'-GATC) or some modified variant(s). The results extend a model from studies with single-site 20-mer duplexes. Under pre-steady state conditions, monomeric T4Dam methyltransferase-AdoMet complexes were capable of rapid methylation of adenine residues in 40-mer duplexes containing two sites. During processive movement of T4Dam to the next site, the rate-limiting step was the exchange of the product S-adenosyl-l-homocysteine (AdoHcy) for AdoMet without T4Dam dissociating from the duplex. Consequently, instead of a single exponential rate dependence, complex methylation curves were obtained with at least two pre-steady state steps. With 40-mer duplexes containing a single target site, the kinetics were simpler, fitting a single exponential followed by a linear steady state phase. Single turnover methylation of 40-mer duplexes also proceeded in two stages. First, two dimeric T4Dam-AdoMet molecules bound, and each catalyzed a two-step methylation. Instead of processive movement of T4Dam, a conformational adaptation occurred. We propose that following methyl transfer to one strand, dimeric (T4Dam-AdoMet)-(T4Dam-AdoHcy) was capable of rapidly reorienting itself and catalyzing methyl transfer to the target adenine on the complementary, unmethylated strand. This second stage methyl transfer occurred at a rate about 25-fold slower than in the first step; it was rate-limited by Dam-AdoHcy dissociation or its clearance from the methylated complementary strand. Under single turnover conditions, there was complete methylation of all target adenine residues with each of the two-site 40-mer duplexes.  相似文献   
Plasmacytoid dendritic cells (pDC) are the principal producers of IFN-alpha in response to viral infection. Because pDC are present in the thymus, we investigated the consequences of HIV-1-induced IFN-alpha production by thymic pDC. We observed that thymic pDC as well as thymocytes express intracellular IFN-alpha upon infection with HIV-1. However, only the pDC could suppress HIV-1 replication, because depletion of pDC resulted in enhancement of HIV-1 replication in thymocytes. Thymic pDC could also produce IFN-alpha in response to CpG oligonucleotides, consistent with the observations of others that peripheral pDC produce IFN-alpha upon engagement of TLR-9. Importantly, CpG considerably increased IFN-alpha production induced by HIV-1, and addition of CpG during HIV-1 infection enhanced expression of the IFN response protein MxA in thymocytes and strongly reduced HIV-replication. Our data indicate that thymic pDC modulate HIV-1 replication through secretion of IFN-alpha. The degree of inhibition depends on the level of IFN-alpha produced by the thymic pDC.  相似文献   
Autoantibodies to the muscle acetylcholine receptor (AChR) cause the symptoms of human and experimental myasthenia gravis (EMG). AChR-specific CD4+ T cells permit development of these diseases, but the role(s) of the Th1 and Th2 subsets is unclear. The STAT4 and STAT6 proteins, which mediate intracellular cytokine signaling, are important for differentiation of Th1 and Th2 cells, respectively. Wild-type (WT) BALB/c mice, which are prone to develop Th2 rather than Th1 responses to Ag, are resistant to EMG. We have examined the role of Th1 and Th2 cells in EMG using STAT4 (STAT4-/-)- or STAT6 (STAT6-/-)-deficient BALB/c mice. After AChR immunization, STAT6-/- mice were susceptible to EMG: they developed more serum anti-AChR Ab, and had more complement-fixing anti-AChR IgG2a and 2b and less IgG1 than WT or STAT4-/- mice. The susceptibility to EMG of STAT6-/- mice is most likely related to the Th1 cell-induced synthesis of anti-AChR Ab, which trigger complement-mediated destruction of the neuromuscular junction. CD4+ T cells of the STAT6-/- mice had proliferative responses to the AChR comparable to those of WT and STAT4-/- mice, and recognized similar AChR epitopes. STAT6-/- mice had abundant AChR-specific Th1 cells, which were nearly absent in WT and STAT4-/- mice. Spleen and lymph nodes from STAT6-/- mice contained cells that secreted IL-4 when cultured with AChR: these are most likely STAT6-independent cells, stimulated in a non-Ag-specific manner by the cytokines secreted by AChR-specific Th1 cells.  相似文献   
A galanin (GAL)-like peptidergic system was investigated in the brain of Anguilla anguilla subjected to hyperosmolar and hypoosmolar conditions, by using antisera raised against porcine 1-29 GAL. A group of immunoreactive perikaria was identified in the periventricular hypothalamus, in the ventral thalamus, in the pretectal areas and in the optic tectum. Immunoreactive perikaria were present in the nucleus lateralis of the torus semicircularis in seawater (SW) adapted eels, and were absent in the freshwater (FW) adapted eels. Galaninergic fibres were observed in many areas of the brain. The immunoreactive perikaria and fibres, when localised in the same areas, were more strongly labelled and numerous in the SW adapted eels in comparison to the FW adapted animals. GAL-specific binding sites, investigated by autoradiography using iodinated porcine GAL, occurred in several regions of the brain, in particular in the dorsal telencephalon, in the dorsal thalamus and in the torus semicircularis, where a high density of binding sites was observed in the SW adapted eels. Conversely, a higher density of binding sites was observed in the caudal substantia reticularis and in the corpus cerebelli in the FW adapted eels. We conclude that different distributions and intensity in immunoreactive elements occur in response to the two environmental conditions.  相似文献   
Enterocytes, a major cell population of the intestinal epithelium, represent one possible barrier to the entry of prions after oral exposure. We established a cell culture system employing enterocytes from different species to study alimentary prion interaction with the 37-kDa/67-kDa laminin receptor LRP/LR. Human, bovine, porcine, ovine, and cervid enterocytes were cocultured with brain homogenates from cervid, sheep, and cattle suffering from chronic wasting disease (CWD), scrapie, and bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE), respectively. PrPCWD, ovine PrPSc, and PrPBSE all colocalized with LRP/LR on human enterocytes. PrPCWD failed to colocalize with LRP/LR on bovine, porcine, and ovine enterocytes. Ovine PrPSc colocalized with the receptor on bovine enterocytes, but failed to colocalize with LRP/LR on cervid and porcine enterocytes. PrPBSE failed to colocalize with the receptor on cervid and ovine enterocytes. These data suggest possible oral transmissibility of CWD and sheep scrapie to humans and may confirm the oral transmissibility of BSE to humans, resulting in zoonotic variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease. CWD might not be transmissible to cattle, pigs, and sheep. Sheep scrapie might have caused BSE, but may not cause transmissible spongiform encephalopathy in cervids and pigs. BSE may not be transmissible to cervids. Our data recommend the enterocyte model system for further investigations of the intestinal pathophysiology of alimentary prion infections.  相似文献   
Salmonellosis caused by Salmonella enterica serovar Newport is a major global public health concern, particularly because S. Newport isolates that are resistant to multiple drugs (MDR), including third-generation cephalosporins (MDR-AmpC phenotype), have been commonly isolated from food animals. We analyzed 384 S. Newport isolates from various sources by a multilocus sequence typing (MLST) scheme to study the evolution and population structure of the serovar. These were compared to the population structure of S. enterica serovars Enteritidis, Kentucky, Paratyphi B, and Typhimurium. Our S. Newport collection fell into three lineages, Newport-I, Newport-II, and Newport-III, each of which contained multiple sequence types (STs). Newport-I has only a few STs, unlike Newport-II or Newport-III, and has possibly emerged recently. Newport-I is more prevalent among humans in Europe than in North America, whereas Newport-II is preferentially associated with animals. Two STs of Newport-II encompassed all MDR-AmpC isolates, suggesting recent global spread after the acquisition of the bla(CMY-2) gene. In contrast, most Newport-III isolates were from humans in North America and were pansusceptible to antibiotics. Newport was intermediate in population structure to the other serovars, which varied from a single monophyletic lineage in S. Enteritidis or S. Typhimurium to four discrete lineages within S. Paratyphi B. Both mutation and homologous recombination are responsible for diversification within each of these lineages, but the relative frequencies differed with the lineage. We conclude that serovars of S. enterica provide a variety of different population structures.  相似文献   
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