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The biodiversity and biogeography of protists inhabiting many ecosystems have been intensely studied using different sequencing approaches, but tropical ecosystems are relatively under‐studied. Here, we sampled planktonic waters from 32 lakes associated with four different river–floodplains systems in Brazil, and sequenced the DNA using a metabarcoding approach with general eukaryotic primers. The lakes were dominated by the largely free‐living Discoba (mostly the Euglenida), Ciliophora, and Ochrophyta. There was low community similarity between lakes even within the same river–floodplain. The protists inhabiting these floodplain systems comprise part of the large and relatively undiscovered diversity in the tropics.  相似文献   
Viruses are the most abundant biological entities in aquatic environments, typically exceeding the abundance of bacteria by an order of magnitude. The reliable enumeration of virus-like particles in marine microbiological investigations is a key measurement parameter. Although the size of typical marine viruses (20-200 nm) is too small to permit the resolution of details by light microscopy, such viruses can be visualized by epifluorescence microscopy if stained brightly. This can be achieved using the sensitive DNA dye SYBR Green I (Molecular Probes-Invitrogen). The method relies on simple vacuum filtration to capture viruses on a 0.02-microm aluminum oxide filter, and subsequent staining and mounting to prepare slides. Virus-like particles are brightly stained and easily observed for enumeration, and prokaryotic cells can easily be counted on the same slides. The protocol provides an inexpensive, rapid (30 min) and reliable technique for obtaining counts of viruses and prokaryotes simultaneously.  相似文献   
The basic question addressed in this study is how energy metabolism is adjusted to cope with iron deficiency in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. To investigate the impact of iron deficiency on bioenergetic pathways, comparative proteomics was combined with spectroscopic as well as voltametric oxygen measurements to assess protein dynamics linked to functional properties of respiratory and photosynthetic machineries. Although photosynthetic electron transfer is largely compromised under iron deficiency, our quantitative and spectroscopic data revealed that the functional antenna size of photosystem II (PSII) significantly increased. Concomitantly, stress-related chloroplast polypeptides, like 2-cys peroxiredoxin and a stress-inducible light-harvesting protein, LhcSR3, as well as a novel light-harvesting protein and several proteins of unknown function were induced under iron-deprivation. Respiratory oxygen consumption did not decrease and accordingly, polypeptides of respiratory complexes, harboring numerous iron-sulfur clusters, were only slightly diminished or even increased under low iron. Consequently, iron-deprivation induces a transition from photoheterotrophic to primarily heterotrophic metabolism, indicating that a hierarchy for iron allocations within organelles of a single cell exists that is closely linked with the metabolic state of the cell.  相似文献   
Several clinical studies indicated that the daily use of aspirin or acetylsalicylic acid reduces the cancer risk via cyclooxygenases (Cox-1 and Cox-2) inhibition. In addition, aspirin-induced Cox-dependent and -independent antitumor effects have also been described. Here we report, for the first time, that aspirin treatment of human glioblastoma cancer (GBM) stem cells, a small population responsible for tumor progression and recurrence, is associated with reduced cell proliferation and motility. Aspirin did not interfere with cell viability but induced cell-cycle arrest. Exogenous prostaglandin E2 significantly increased cell proliferation but did not abrogate the aspirin-mediated growth inhibition, suggesting a Cox-independent mechanism. These effects appear to be mediated by the increase of p21 waf1 and p27 Kip1, associated with a reduction of Cyclin D1 and Rb1 protein phosphorylation, and involve the downregulation of key molecules responsible for tumor development, that is, Notch1, Sox2, Stat3, and Survivin. Our results support a possible role of aspirin as adjunctive therapy in the clinical management of GBM patients.  相似文献   
Genetic structure of the Berba of Benin was studied on the basis of biodemographic data and ABO, RH, MNS, KEL, JK, FY, ACP1, ADA, AK1, CA2, ESD, GLO1, G6PD, PGD, PGM1 (subtypes and thermostability), PGM2, PGP, SODA, HBα, HBβ, HBδ, BF, C3, and Hp gene frequencies. Comparisons were carried out with other populations of Benin and of sub-Sahara Africa. Correspondence analysis revealed genetic differentiation among the three main groups of populations who inhabit sub-Saharan Africa: Bushmen-Hottentots, Pygmies, and Negroes. The genetic differentiation of the Negroes in relation to their linguistic affiliation and geographic localization was evident. The first group included the populations belonging to the Bantoid subfamily of the Nigritic linguistic stock living in southern Africa; in the second subcluster the populations of central-eastern Africa were localized, and the third subcluster included the populations living in the West. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
The subcellular localization of specific mRNAs is a widespread mechanism for regulating gene expression. In Xenopus oocytes microtubules are required for localization of Vg1 mRNA to the vegetal cortex during the late RNA localization pathway. The factors that mediate microtubule-based RNA transport during the late pathway have been elusive. Here we show that heterotrimeric kinesin II becomes enriched at the vegetal cortex of stage III/IV Xenopus oocytes concomitant with the localization of endogenous Vg1 mRNA. In addition, expression of a dominant negative mutant peptide fragment or injection of a function-blocking antibody, both of which impair the function of heterotrimeric kinesin II, block localization of Vg1 mRNA. We also show that exogenous Vg1 RNA or Xcat-2, another RNA that can use the late pathway, recruits endogenous kinesin II to the vegetal pole and colocalizes with it at the cortex. These data support a model in which kinesin II mediates the transport of specific RNA complexes destined for the vegetal cortex.  相似文献   
The aim of this study was to identify a simple, rapid method for sex determination of in vitro produced buffalo embryos, amplifying Y-chromosome-specific repeat sequences by polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Buffalo oocytes collected from slaughtered animals were matured, fertilised and cultured in vitro for 7 days. On day 7 embryos were evaluated and divided in to six groups according to developmental stage (2, 4, 8, 16 cells, morulae and blastocyst). Each embryo was stored singly in phosphate-buffered saline at -20 degrees C until PCR. Two different methods of extraction of DNA were compared: a standard procedure (ST), using a normal extraction by phenol-chloroform, isoamyl alcohol and final precipitation in absolute ethanol and a direct procedure (DT), using a commercial kit (Qiaquik-Qiagen mini blood). A pair of bovine satellite primers and two pairs of different bovine Y-chromosome-specific primers (BRY4.a and BRY.1) were used in the PCR assay on embryos and on whole blood samples collected from male and female adult buffaloes, used as control. The trial was carried out on 359 embryos (193 for ST and 166 for DT). When DNA samples from blood were amplified, the sex determined by PCR always corresponded to the anatomical sex. Embryo sexing was not possible in two embryos in ST and one embryo in DT. Both extraction protocols recovered sufficient quantities of target DNA at all developmental stages, but the time required for the ST (24 h) limits its use in embryo sexing and supports the use of commercial extraction kits (5 h).  相似文献   
Pre-auricular tags are relatively common isolated congenital anomalies with a prevalence of about 5 per 1000 live births. Several associations with congenital anomalies have been reported and the opportunity of systematic ultrasonography examinations in these patients were debated in the literature. We conducted a retrospective epidemiological study on 95 affected newborns, to evaluate whether infants with pre-auricular tags may be at risk for associated anomalies. Our results focus the attention on the increased risk of congenital urinary tract and heart malformations in newborns with isolated pre-auricular tags. Therefore, we recommend that a carefully genetic clinical examination to evaluated dysmorphic features evocative of a specific pattern or syndrome and an urinary and cardiac ultrasonography should be performed in infants with isolated pre-auricular tags.  相似文献   
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