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A K Bhuyan  J B Udgaonkar 《Biochemistry》1999,38(28):9158-9168
The kinetics of the slow folding and unfolding reactions of barstar, a bacterial ribonuclease inhibitor protein, have been studied at 23(+/-1) degrees C, pH 8, by the use of tryptophan fluorescence, far-UV circular dichroism (CD), near-UV CD, and transient mixing (1)H nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopic measurements in the 0-4 M range of guanidine hydrochloride (GdnHCl) concentration. The denaturant dependences of the rates of folding and unfolding processes, and of the initial and final values of optical signals associated with these kinetic processes, have been determined for each of the four probes of measurement. Values determined for rates as well as amplitudes are shown to be very much probe dependent. Significant differences in the intensities and rates of appearance and disappearance of several resolved resonances in the real-time one-dimensional NMR spectra have been noted. The NMR spectra also show increasing dispersion of chemical shifts during the slow phase of refolding. The denaturant dependences of rates display characteristic folding chevrons with distinct rollovers under strongly native as well as strongly unfolding conditions. Analyses of the data and comparison of the results obtained with different probes of measurement appear to indicate the accumulation of a myriad of intermediates on parallel folding and unfolding pathways, and suggest the existence of an ensemble of transition states. The energetic stabilities of the intermediates estimated from kinetic data suggest that they are approximately half as stable as the fully folded protein. The slowness of the folding and unfolding processes (tau = 10-333 s) and values of 20.5 (+/-1.4) and 18 (+/-0.5) kcal mol(-)(1) for the activation energies of the slow refolding and unfolding reactions suggest that proline isomerization is involved in these reactions, and that the intermediates accumulate and are therefore detectable because the slow proline isomerization reaction serves as a kinetic trap during folding.  相似文献   
The effects of cage fish farming on physico-chemical and bacteriological water quality in Lake Volta, Ghana, were investigated in 2013–2014. Farmed and unfarmed (control) areas of the lake were selected for monitoring. Nutrients, temperature, dissolved oxygen, conductivity, turbidity, pH, total coliforms, Pseudomonas and Vibrio spp. in the water were monitored monthly. Analyses of the water samples were carried out according to standard procedures. Physico-chemical quality of the water in both farm and control sites were within ranges typical of minimally impacted water and did not vary significantly between the two contrasting sites. The bacteriological analysis, however, revealed contamination of the lake water by fish farming. The bacterial counts at the farmed sites were significantly higher (p < 0.05) than those of the control sites, with figures at the farmed sites ranging from 132 to 1 708 cfu 100 ml?1 for total coliforms, 514 to 5 170 cfu 100 ml?1 Pseudomonas spp. and 14 to 516 cfu 100 ml?1 for Vibrio spp. The results suggested that cage fish farming has increased bacterial loads in the lake water, but has had minimal impact on its physico-chemical quality.  相似文献   
This paper explores the possibility of classification based on Pareto multi-objective optimization. The efforts on solving optimization problems using the Pareto-based MOO methodology have gained increasing impetus on comparison of selected constraints. Moreover we have different types of classification problem based on optimization model like single objective optimization, MOO, Pareto optimization and convex optimization. All above techniques fail to generate distinguished class/subclass from existing class based on sensitive data. However, in this regard Pareto-based MOO approach is more powerful and effective in addressing various data mining tasks such as clustering, feature selection, classification, and knowledge extraction. The primary contribution of this paper is to solve such noble classification problem. Our work provides an overview of the existing research on MOO and contribution of Pareto based MOO focusing on classification. Particularly, the entire work deals with association of sub-features for noble classification. Moreover potentially interesting sub-features in MOO for classification are used to strengthen the concept of Pareto based MOO. Experiment has been carried out to validate the theory with different real world data sets which are more sensitive in nature. Finally, experimental results provide effectiveness of the proposed method using sensitive data.  相似文献   
While the pharmacological and toxicological properties of eucalypts are well known in indigenous Australian medicinal practice, investigations of the bioactivity of eucalypt extracts against high mortality diseases such as pancreatic cancer in Western medicine have to date been limited, particularly amongst the genera Corymbia and Angophora. Four Angophora and Corymbia species were evaluated for their phytochemical profile and efficacy against both primary and secondary pancreatic cancer cell lines. The aqueous leaf extract of Angophora hispida exhibited statistically higher total phenolic content (107.85 ± 1.46 mg of gallic acid equiv. per g) and total flavonoid content (57.96 ± 1.93 mg rutin equiv. per g) and antioxidant capacity compared to the other tested eucalypts (< 0.05). Both Ahispida and Afloribunda aqueous extracts showed statistically similar saponin contents. Angophora floribunda extract exerted significantly greater cell growth inhibition of 77.91 ± 4.93% followed by Ahispida with 62.04 ± 7.47% (< 0.05) at 100 μg/ml in MIA PaCa‐2 cells with IC50 values of 75.58 and 87.28 μg/ml, respectively. More studies are required to isolate and identify the bioactive compounds from these two Angophora species and to determine their mode of action against pancreatic malignancies.  相似文献   
Membranes in the mitotic apparatus have been investigated ultrastructually in dividing cells of barley (Hordeum vulgare). After osmium tetroxide- potassium ferricyanide or ferrocyanide postfixation (OsFeCN) of material that had been fixed in glutaraldehyde in the presence of Ca(++), the nuclear envolope (NE)-endoplasmic reticulum (ER) complex is selectively stained, permitting observations on the cellular pattern and structural ramifications of this membrane system that have not been previously recognized. Specifically, it is observed that membrane system that have not been previously recognized. Specifically, it is observed that during mitosis the NE-ER forms a continuous membrane system that ensheathes and isolates the mitotic apparatus (MA). Elements of ER progressively accumulate in the region of the spindle pole, becoming most concentrated by early anaphase. Within the MA itself, there are striking spindle- membrane associations; in particular, tubular elements of predominantly smooth NE-ER invade the spindle interior selectively along kinetochore microtubules. The membrane elements at the pole and surrounding the MA consist of tubular reticulum and fenestrated lamellae. Membranes of the MA thus resemble in considerable detail the tubular network and fenestrated elements of the sarcoplasmic reticulum of muscle. It is suggested that the NE-ER of the dividing barley cell may function in one or both of the following ways: (a) to control the concentration of free Ca(++) in the MA and (b) to serve as an anchor to chromosome motion.  相似文献   
The angiotensin II (Ang II) type 1 receptor mediates various actions of Ang II, whereas the function of the type 2 (AT2) receptor is not well understood. In the mice lacking the gene encoding the AT2 receptor, the pressor response to Ang II was increased although the underlying mechanism is unknown. We tested the hypothesis that vasoconstrictor response is exaggerated in the AT2 receptor null mice. We measured hemodynamic parameters and evaluated systemic vascular resistance (SVR) in the anesthetized open-chest wild-type and AT2 receptor null mice. Ang II infusion caused dose-dependent increases in SVR in both strains, while the response was significantly higher at 0.5 microgram/kg Ang II in the AT2 receptor null mice (305 +/- 53% of baseline) than in the wild-type mice (179 +/- 27% of baseline). To investigate further the vascular contractility, we examined contraction of aortic rings in vitro. The contraction induced by 1 microM Ang II was increased in the AT2 receptor null mice compared with that in the wild-type mice (0.82 +/- 0.11 vs. 0.54 +/- 0.12 g). Ang II-induced contraction was still greater in the AT2 receptor null mice when calibrated by the maximum tension induced by 90 mM KCl. These data suggest that the AT2 receptor modulates vascular contractility, which may influence blood pressure.  相似文献   
Backbone dynamics of uniformly 15N-labeled free barnase and its complex with unlabelled barstar have been studied at 40°C, pH 6.6, using 15N relaxation data obtained from proton-detected 2D {1H}-15N NMR spectroscopy. 15N spin-lattice relaxation rate constants (R1), spin-spin relaxation rate constants (R2), and steady-state heteronuclear {1H}-15N NOEs have been measured at a magnetic field strength of 14.1 Tesla for 91 residues of free barnase and for 90 residues out of a total of 106 in the complex (excluding three prolines and the N-terminal residue) backbone amide 15N sites of barnase. The primary relaxation data for both the cases have been analyzed in the framework of the model-free formalism using both isotropic and axially symmetric models of the rotational diffusion tensor. As per the latter, the overall rotational correlation times (m) are 5.0 and 9.5 ns for the free and complexed barnase, respectively. The average order parameter is found to be 0.80 for free barnase and 0.86 for the complex. However, the changes are not uniform along the backbone and for about 5 residues near the binding interface there is actually a significant decrease in the order parameters on complex formation. These residues are not involved in the actual binding. For the residues where the order parameter increases, the magnitudes vary significantly. It is observed that the complex has much less internal mobility, compared to free barnase. From the changes in the order parameters, the entropic contribution of NH bond vector motion to the free energy of complex formation has been calculated. It is apparent that these motions cause significant unfavorable contributions and therefore must be compensated by many other favorable contributions to effect tight complex formation. The observed variations in the motion and their different locations with regard to the binding interface may have important implications for remote effects and regulation of the enzyme action.  相似文献   
Several lines of experimental evidence are presented suggesting that the L antigens in low potassium (LK) sheep red cells are associated with separate Na(+)K(+) pump flux is distinct from the action of anti-L(l) on K(+) leak flux, implying that K(+) leak transport sites may not be converted into active pumps by the L antiserum. Treatment of LK red cells with trypsin completely abolished both the stimulation of K(+) pump flux and the enhancement of the rate of ouabain binding brought about by anti- L. That this effect is due to a total destruction of the L(p) determinant associated with the LK pump was evident from the complete failure of anti-L(p) to bind to trypsinized LK red cells. The L(p) antigen can be effectively protected against the trypsin attack by prior incubation with anti-L, indicating that the sites for antibody binding and trypsin action may be closely adjacent at the structural level. Trypsin treatment, however, did not interfere with anti-L(l) reducing ouabain insensitive K(+) leak influx, nor did it prevent binding of anti-L(ly), the hemolytically active L antibody which is probably identical with anti-L(l). The functional independence of the L(p) and L(l) sites was documented by the observation that anti-L(l) still reduced K(+) leak influx in LK cells with experimentally induced high potassium concentrations, at which K(+) pump flux is fully suppressed, whether or not anti-L(p) was binding to the L(p) antigen associated with the LK pump.  相似文献   
Human somatic angiotensin I-converting enzyme (ACE), a zinc-dependent dipeptidyl carboxypeptidase, is central to the regulation of the renin-angiotensin aldosterone system. It is a well-known target for combating hypertension and related cardiovascular diseases. In a recent study by Bhuyan and Mugesh [Org. Biomol. Chem. (2011) 9, 1356-1365], it was shown that the selenium analogues of captopril (a well-known clinical inhibitor of ACE) not only inhibit ACE, but also protect against peroxynitrite-mediated nitration of peptides and proteins. Here, we report the crystal structures of human testis ACE (tACE) and a homologue of ACE, known as AnCE, from Drosophila melanogaster in complex with the most promising selenium analogue of captopril (SeCap) determined at 2.4 and 2.35 ? resolution, respectively. The inhibitor binds at the active site of tACE and AnCE in an analogous fashion to that observed for captopril and provide the first examples of a protein-selenolate interaction. These new structures of tACE-SeCap and AnCE-SeCap inhibitor complexes presented here provide important information for further exploration of zinc coordinating selenium-based ACE inhibitor pharmacophores with significant antioxidant activity.  相似文献   


Frequent assessments of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) disease activity allow timely adaptation of therapy, which is essential in preventing disease progression. However, values of acute phase reactants (APRs) are needed to calculate current composite activity indices, such as the Disease Activity Score (DAS)28, the DAS28-CRP (i.e. the DAS28 using C-reactive protein instead of erythrocyte sedimentation rate) and the Simplified Disease Activity Index (SDAI). We hypothesized that APRs make limited contribution to the SDAI, and that an SDAI-modification eliminating APRs – termed the Clinical Disease Activity Index (CDAI; i.e. the sum of tender and swollen joint counts [28 joints] and patient and physician global assessments [in cm]) – would have comparable validity in clinical cohorts.  相似文献   
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