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Objectives: Chitosan is widely used as a scaffold for bone tissue engineering. However, up‐to‐date, no previous detailed study has been conducted to elucidate any mechanism of osteogenesis by chitosan itself. Here, we have evaluated effects of chitosan‐coated tissue culture plates on adhesion and osteoblast differentiation processes of human mesenchymal stem cells (hMSCs), isolated from adult bone marrow. Materials and methods: Tissue culture plates coated with chitosan at different coating densities were used to evaluate the effects on hMSC adhesion and osteoblast differentiation. hMSCs were induced to differentiate into osteoblasts on the chitosan‐coated plates and were evaluated using established techniques: alkaline phosphatase assay, demonstration of presence of calcium and real time PCR. Results: The cells adhered to plates of lower coating density of chitosan, but formed viable cell aggregates at higher coating density (100 μg/sq.cm). Coating density of 25 μg/sq.cm, supporting cell adhesion was chosen for osteoblast differentiation experiments. Differentiating hMSCs showed higher mineral deposition and calcium content on chitosan‐coated plates. Chitosan upregulated genes associated with calcium binding and mineralization such as collagen type 1 alpha 1, integrin‐binding sialoprotein, osteopontin, osteonectin and osteocalcin, significantly. Conclusions: We demonstrate for the first time that chitosan enhanced mineralization by upregulating the associated genes. Thus, the study may help clinical situations promoting use of chitosan in bone mineralization, necessary for healing non‐union fractures and more.  相似文献   
Ascending aortic constriction is the most common and successful surgical model for creating pressure overload induced cardiac hypertrophy and heart failure. Here, we describe a detailed surgical procedure for creating pressure overload and cardiac hypertrophy in rats by constriction of the ascending aorta using a small metallic clip. After anesthesia, the trachea is intubated by inserting a cannula through a half way incision made between two cartilage rings of trachea. Then a skin incision is made at the level of the second intercostal space on the left chest wall and muscle layers are cleared to locate the ascending portion of aorta. The ascending aorta is constricted to 50–60% of its original diameter by application of a small sized titanium clip. Following aortic constriction, the second and third ribs are approximated with prolene sutures. The tracheal cannula is removed once spontaneous breathing was re-established. The animal is allowed to recover on the heating pad by gradually lowering anesthesia. The intensity of pressure overload created by constriction of the ascending aorta is determined by recording the pressure gradient using trans-thoracic two dimensional Doppler-echocardiography. Overall this protocol is useful to study the remodeling events and contractile properties of the heart during the gradual onset and progression from compensated cardiac hypertrophy to heart failure stage.  相似文献   
We herein report the design and synthesis of furoquinoline based novel molecules (16-36) and their in vitro multiple targeted inhibitory potency against PI3K/Akt phosphorylation and mTOR using cell based and cell-free kinase assay. In particular, compound 23 in addition to PI3K-mTOR inhibitory potency, it has shown potent inhibition of hypoxia-induced accumulation of HIF-1alpha protein in U251-HRE cell line. The inhibitory activities of compound 23 were confirmed by Western blot analysis, using human non-small cell lung carcinoma H-460 cell line and glioblastoma U251 cell lines.  相似文献   
Environmental factors such as diet, physical activity, drugs, pollution and life style play an important role in the progression and/or precipitation of diseases like diabetes, hypertension, obesity and cardiovascular disorders. Indiscriminate use of antibiotics to combat infectious diseases is one of the commonest forms of misuse of drugs. Antibiotics seem to have a correlation with diabetes and pancreatic function. There are controversial reports about the effect of antibiotics on the pancreatic islets; some suggesting their harmless action, some depicting a beneficial role and others indicating deleterious effect. Moreover, use of antibiotics is mandatory during islet isolation and cultivation to reduce incidences of microbial contamination. It is likely that antibiotic treatment may adversely affect islet viability and its functioning leading to failure of islet transplantation. The presentin vitro study was undertaken to examine the effect of commonly used antibiotics such as gentamycin, penicillin, streptomycin, tetracycline, neomycin, erythromycin and chloramphenicol on islet viability, its functioning and induction of oxidative stress if any. The viability and insulin production data showed that none of the antibiotics used in the present study affect the viability and the functioning of the islets at their pharmacological concentrations. Free radical levels measured in terms of melonyldialdehyde (MDA), nitric oxide (NO) and reduced glutathione (GSH) reveal that except for a marginal increase in lipid peroxidation with tetracycline and slight increase in NO levels with streptomycin, none of these antibiotics affect the oxidative status of the cells. Antioxidant enzymes such as superoxide dismutase and catalase remain unaffected after this treatment. Our results reveal the innocuous nature of the antibiotics used at pharmacological concentrations, suggesting their safety whenever prescribed to combat infections and also during islet isolation procedures.  相似文献   
The fall armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda (J. E. Smith) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), not only damages crops, but controlling its population also requires synthetic insecticides, which leads to selection of resistant populations and environmental contamination. Essential oils are an alternative for controlling this insect. There are few studies of the effects of these oils on the insect's reproductive system. We evaluated the effects of the long pepper, Piper hispidinervum, essential oil on the gonads of the armyworm and tested its possible influence on the fertility of this insect. Dosages of 30 and 50 mg/ml were tested in 3rd instar caterpillars using the leaf immersion method. Testes and ovarioles were collected, fixed with 10% formalin and embedded in Historesin. The sections were stained with toluidine blue and Mallory trichrome to detect connective tissue, periodic acid-Schiff to detect neutral carbohydrates, and bromophenol blue to detect proteins. We found that the long pepper essential oil affected negatively the spermatogenesis and altered the histochemistry of the ovarioles of S. frugiperda. The effects of long pepper oil suggest that it is a promising tool for controlling the armyworm pest.  相似文献   
PD (Parkinson's disease) is characterized by the selective loss of DA (dopaminergic) neurons in the substantia nigra of the midbrain region, but not in the ventral tegmental area and other catecholaminergic cell group areas. The aetiology of PD is attributed both to environmental and genetic causes, and certain population of individuals may be classified as at risk of developing PD later in life. However, there are as yet no therapy regimens that can help to delay or prevent the onset of the disease to realize long-term benefits from this early diagnosis. In PD, a vicious cycle gets initiated in the substantia nigra, because of which susceptible neurons continue to degenerate whereas damaged neurons do not get enough support for regeneration. This happens primarily because of the local environment of oxidative damage brought about by the dual presence of dopamine and high levels of iron, decline in cellular detoxification systems and low density of glial cells surrounding the DA neurons in the mesencephalic region. To enhance the defence mechanism of the substantia nigra in this situation, it is necessary to combat the oxidative insult while providing trophic factors for the survival and regeneration of the damaged neurons. In light of in vitro and in vivo studies, MSCs (mesenchymal stem cells) as candidates for cell-based therapies in PD have greater scope than as mere replacement of cell type, since they can be used as a cellular system for the detoxification of ROS (reactive oxygen species) as well as a supplier of neurotrophic factors to modulate the local environment. Building on progress in unravelling the multipronged effect of MSCs, we therefore hypothesize that MSCs could be used as a prophylactic strategy to delay or prevent the onset of PD in at-risk individuals, and to slow down the progression of the disease.  相似文献   
Vanadium compounds are known to lower blood glucose level in diabetes but are associated with toxicity. In vitro cytotoxicity of VOSO4 and bis(quercetinato) oxovanadium(IV) (BQOV) was examined in CHO cells. Both the agents showed time and dose dependent increase in ROS generation however it was relatively less in BQOV. Moreover, VOSO4 also caused higher necrosis. Hypoglycemic potential of VOSO4 and BQOV was tested in streptozotocin-induced diabetic Balb/c mice. A marked difference was observed in the hypoglycemic action of VOSO4 and BQOV treated mice that lasted only for about 6 h in VOSO4 as against 24 h in BQOV. Comparison of acute toxicity of the compounds in normal Balb/c mice revealed negligible nephrotoxicity of BQOV. Kidney analyses of VOSO4 treated animals’ revealed high ROS generation and tubular necrosis. Similarly serum levels of urea and creatinine were elevated in these animals indicating kidney dysfunction. No such abnormality was observed in BQOV treated animals. Reduced nephrotoxicity of BQOV could be due to increased catalase activity found in the kidney of BQOV treated animals and BQOV’s radical scavenging activity. The data clearly demonstrates immense hypoglycemic activity and reduced toxicity of BQOV thus making the conjugate a suitable candidate for therapeutic utility.  相似文献   
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