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Screening of fifteen nutrients belonging to four categories, viz., carbon, nitrogen, salt and complex organic sources was carried out using Plackett-Burman design for the production of thermostable #-amylase and pullulanase by Clostridium thermosulfurogenes SV2 in solid-state fermentation (SSF). This design involves screening of up to `nу' variables in just `n' number of experiments. Regression co-efficients and t-values were calculated by subjecting the experimental data to statistical analysis. Lactose, diammonium hydrogen phosphate, calcium chloride and casein hydrolysate showed higher regression co-efficients in the biomass formation. Among the fifteen nutrients screened, based on their performance in terms of product promoting ability, availability and cost, magnesium chloride, potato starch, ferrous sulphate, pearl millet flour and corn steep liquor were identified as most effective and, therefore, selected for inclusion in further optimization studies.  相似文献   
This study assessed the responses of vitamin-D3 intraperitoneally injected to Rohu, Labeo rohita @ of 0 IU/kg bw (only solvent), 100 IU/kg bw and 500 IU/kg bw reared in 20 and 40 ppm of calcium (Ca) enriched water. The cellular changes in Corpuscles of Stannius (CS) gland, serum Ca, and inorganic phosphate (Pi) level were analysed up to the 60th day. Rohu administered with 100 IU/kg bw D3 and exposed to 40 ppm Ca-rich water exhibited notable hyperplasia of CS compared with their control groups. Notable changes with high serum Ca level (13.87 ± 0.3 mg/dl) was detected on the 5th day in fish exposed to 40 ppm Ca-rich water, while related values attained (13.74 ± 0.1 mg/dl) only after 7 days in 20 ppm Ca-rich water of 500 IU/kg bw vitamin D3 injection. Similarly, high serum Pi level (7.66 ± 0.2 mg/dl) in 40 ppm Ca injected with D3 at 500 IU/kg bw. The results demonstrated that the Ca homeostasis of Labeo rohita is influenced by intra-peritoneal vitamin D3. Progressive studies should be conducted by increasing the dose of vitamin D3 to investigate optimum dose/supplement in feed for commercially important aquaculture teleost Labeo rohita for maximum and sustainable absorption of Ca from the variable water Calcium levels to maintain Ca2+ homeostasis.  相似文献   

Sorghum is largely grown for food, fodder and for biofuel production in semi-arid regions where the drought or high temperature or their combination co-occur. Plant microRNAs (miRNAs) are integral to the gene regulatory networks that control almost all biological processes including adaptation to stress conditions. Thus far, plant miRNA profiles under separate drought or heat stresses have been reported but not under combined drought and heat. In this study, we report miRNA profiles in leaves of sorghum exposed to individual drought or heat or their combination. Approximately 29 conserved miRNA families represented by 80 individual miRNAs, 26 families represented by 47 members of less conserved or sorghum-specific miRNA families as well as 8 novel miRNA families have been identified. Of these, 25 miRNAs were found to be differentially regulated in response to stress treatments. The comparative profiling revealed that the miRNA regulation was stronger under heat or combination of heat and drought compared to the drought alone. Furthermore, using degradome sequencing, 48 genes were confirmed as targets for the miRNAs in sorghum. Overall, this study provides a framework for understanding of the miRNA-guided gene regulations under combined stresses.

The development of new starter culture of Lactococcus lactis for the manufacture of fermented dairy products with unique characteristics usually requires the isolation and identification of L. lactis up to subspecies level. Therefore, a rapid and specific PCR-RFLP assay has been developed. Forward and reverse primer sets were designed targeting the conserved house keeping gene htrA and yueF encoding a trypsin-like serine protease and a non-proteolytic protein from peptidase family M16, respectively, of L. lactis. Amplicons of 265 bp and 447 bp of htrA and yueF, respectively, were subjected to restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis. Restriction of the 265 bp amplicons with TaqI produced DNA bands of 90 bp and 175 bp with ssp. lactis, and 66 bp and 199 bp with ssp. cremoris. Similarly, restriction of PCR product of 447 bp size with AluI produced digested fragments of 125 bp and 322 bp with ssp. lactis, and 71 bp and 376 bp with ssp. cremoris. The designed primer sets were observed to be specific to L. lactis because other bacteria could not be amplified. The ssp. lactis and cremoris of L. lactis could be identified by restriction of PCR products of htrA and yueF with TaqI and AluI, respectively.  相似文献   
The genetic diversity of 31 identified strains of Lactococcus lactis ssp. lactis isolated from different dairy and non-dairy sources were investigated at gene level using multilocus sequence analysis (MLSA) and PCR-RFLP based on the differences in four selected partial protein coding gene sequences: araT, encoding aromatic amino acid-specific aminotransferase; dtpT, encoding di/tri peptide transporter; yueF, encoding non-proteolytic protein, peptidase, M16 family; and pdhA, encoding pyruvate dehydrogenase E1 component α-subunit. A set of seven test strains from different isolation sources and one reference strain, L. lactis ssp. lactis NCDC 094, were analyzed by MLSA. The strains showed distinct diversity among themselves and exhibited a greater percent similarity with reference strains L. lactis ssp. lactis CV56 (CP002365.1), IL1403 (AE005176.1), and KF147 (CP001834.1) in comparison with L. lactis ssp. cremoris NZ9000 (CP002094.1), MG1363 (AM406671.1), and SK11 (CP00425.1). The MLSA revealed one distinct genomic lineage within strains exclusively of L. lactis ssp. lactis. This analysis also revealed no source-wise genetic relationship in the test strains analyzed. Further, PCR-RFLP of araT, dtpT, yueF and pdhA also characterized the single genomic lineage exclusively of L. lactis ssp. lactis within a total of 24 test strains.  相似文献   
A newly isolated biopolymer-degrading halophilic bacterium, Halomonas sp. strain PS47, yielded higher cellulase activity (0.0076 U/ml) in mineral salt medium (MM63). Activity increased to 0.029 U/ml when carboxymethyl cellulose (0.5 % w/v) was used as carbon source and further to 0.138 U/ml when a combination of yeast extract and peptone was used as nitrogen source. Enzyme secretion was maximal during late exponential and stationary phases (0.15 U/ml, 48 h). Among different agro-residues (1 % w/v), wheat bran gave the highest activity (0.12 U/ml) at pH 7.5, 30 °C and 6 % (w/v) NaCl. The cellulase exhibited higher activity at pH 7.1 and 50 °C. The enzyme exhibited activity over a wide range of NaCl concentrations (0–4 M). Optimum activity was at 0–1 M NaCl. At 4 M NaCl, activity was reduced to 65 % of the initial value. The present investigation thus contributes to the limited information available on halostable cellulases.  相似文献   
Peanut yellow spot virus (PYSV) was efficiently transmitted by Scirtothrips dorsalis Hood in groundnut. Larvae could acquire the virus in 30 min and the maximum percentage transmission of 43.8% by individual insects resulted following two days AAP. Single adult Thrip transmitted the virus after minimum IAP of 30 minutes. The percentage transmission (33.3%) increased linearly with an increase in IAP up to 1.5 days and maximum up to 55 h of IAP (36.1%). PYSV persistently transmitted more than 75% of their life span.  相似文献   
Genetic enhancement of TCT4 and TCT10 was aimed in the present paper. Trichoderma reesei (TCT10/M18) mutant isolate evolved by ethyl methane sulfonate mutations was found to exhibit altered properties compared to its parent isolates. This mutant grew well in the potato dextrose agar (PDA) medium containing carbendazim (50 ppm). RAPD-PCR results suggested the uniqueness of mutants, which was useful in differentiating mutant and wild Trichoderma isolates. These mutants established well in the rhizosphere of rough lemon seedlings. The seedlings treated with carbendazim followed by an application of carbendazim-resistant mutant (TCT10/M18) resulted in a better seedling emergence and a less dry root rot disease caused by Fusarium solani in nursery conditions.  相似文献   
Apigenin, a natural flavone, present in many plants sources, induced apoptosis and cell death in lung epithelium cancer (A549) cells with an IC50 value of 93.7 ± 3.7 μM for 48 h treatment. Target identification investigations using A549 cells and also in cell-free system demonstrated that apigenin depolymerized microtubules and inhibited reassembly of cold depolymerized microtubules of A549 cells. Again apigenin inhibited polymerization of purified tubulin with an IC50 value of 79.8 ± 2.4 μM. It bounds to tubulin in cell-free system and quenched the intrinsic fluorescence of tubulin in a concentration- and time-dependent manner. The interaction was temperature-dependent and kinetics of binding was biphasic in nature with binding rate constants of 11.5 × 10−7 M−1 s−1 and 4.0 × 10−9 M−1 s−1 for fast and slow phases at 37 °C, respectively. The stoichiometry of tubulin–apigenin binding was 1:1 and binding the binding constant (Kd) was 6.08 ± 0.096 μM. Interestingly, apigenin showed synergistic anti-cancer effect with another natural anti-tubulin agent curcumin. Apigenin and curcumin synergistically induced cell death and apoptosis and also blocked cell cycle progression at G2/M phase of A549 cells. The synergistic activity of apigenin and curcumin was also apparent from their strong depolymerizing effects on interphase microtubules and inhibitory effect of reassembly of cold depolymerized microtubules when used in combinations, indicating that these ligands bind to tubulin at different sites. In silico modeling suggested apigenin bounds at the interphase of α–β-subunit of tubulin. The binding site is 19 Å in distance from the previously predicted curcumin binding site. Binding studies with purified protein also showed both apigenin and curcumin can simultaneously bind to purified tubulin. Understanding the mechanism of synergistic effect of apigenin and curcumin could be helped to develop anti-cancer combination drugs from cheap and readily available nutraceuticals.  相似文献   
In Arabidopsis thaliana, light signals modulate the defences against bacteria. Here we show that light perceived by the LOV domain‐regulated two‐component system (Pst–Lov) of Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato DC3000 (Pst DC3000) modulates virulence against A. thaliana. Bioinformatic analysis and the existence of an episomal circular intermediate indicate that the locus encoding Pst–Lov is present in an active genomic island acquired by horizontal transfer. Strains mutated at Pst–Lov showed enhanced growth on minimal medium and in leaves of A. thaliana exposed to light, but not in leaves incubated in darkness or buried in the soil. Pst–Lov repressed the expression of principal and alternative sigma factor genes and their downstream targets linked to bacterial growth, virulence and quorum sensing, in a strictly light‐dependent manner. We propose that the function of Pst–Lov is to distinguish between soil (dark) and leaf (light) environments, attenuating the damage caused to host tissues while releasing growth out of the host. Therefore, in addition to its direct actions via photosynthesis and plant sensory receptors, light may affect plants indirectly via the sensory receptors of bacterial pathogens.  相似文献   
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