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Apoptosis contributes to the pathology of gastric epithelial cell damage that characterizes Helicobacter pylori infection. The secreted peptidyl prolyl cis, trans-isomerase of H. pylori, HP0175 executed apoptosis of the gastric epithelial cell line AGS in a dose- and time-dependent manner. The effect of HP0175 was confirmed by generating an isogenic mutant of H. pylori disrupted in the HP0175 gene. The apoptosis-inducing ability of this mutant was impaired compared with that of the wild type. The effect of HP0175 was mediated through TLR4. Preincubation of the gastric epithelial cell line AGS with anti-TLR4 mAb inhibited apoptosis induced by HP0175. Downstream of TLR4, apoptosis signal-regulating kinase 1 activated MAPK p38, leading to the caspase 8-dependent cleavage of Bid, its translocation to the mitochondria, mitochondrial pore formation, cytochrome c release, and activation of caspases 9 and 3. We show for the first time that a secreted bacterial Ag with peptidyl prolyl cis,trans-isomerase activity signals through TLR4, and that this Ag executes gastric epithelial cell apoptosis through a signaling pathway in which TLR4 and apoptosis signal-regulating kinase 1 are central players.  相似文献   
Expansion of a polyalanine stretch from 10 to 12-17 residues in the N-terminus of the protein PABP2 has been implicated in the genetically acquired disease oculopharyngeal muscular dystrophy, characterized by nuclear protein deposits. Here we report a correlation between the structural properties and cell toxicity of two peptides mimicking the N-terminal domain of PABP2: one containing seven and the other 11 uninterrupted alanine residues. Consistent with earlier observations, the longer peptide (11-ala) was found to adopt beta-sheet structure while the shorter one (7-ala) formed alpha-helix over a wide range of concentrations ( approximately 20-500 microM). We observed that treatment with 11-ala resulted in significantly enhanced death of Chinese hamster V79 cells, compared to the effect of treatment with 7-ala, via the cytochrome c mediated apoptotic pathway. Increases in caspase 8 and caspase 3 activity were also observed in human cells (K562) treated with 11-ala. These results indicate that the toxicity of pathogenic peptides is directly linked to their beta-sheet structure and also support recent observations that small oligomeric species of peptides and proteins are the key toxic elements in causing protein aggregation diseases.  相似文献   
Ca2+-dependent membrane interaction has long been recognized as a general property of the annexin (ANX) family of proteins. More recently, it has become clear that ANXs can also undergo Ca2+-independent membrane interactions at mildly acidic pH. Here we use site-directed spin labeling in combination with circular dichroism and biochemical labeling methods to compare the structure and membrane topography of these two different membrane-bound forms of ANX12. Our results reveal strong similarities between the solution structure and the structure of the Ca2+-dependent membrane-bound form at neutral pH. In contrast, all Ca2+-independent membrane interactions tested resulted in large scale conformational changes and membrane insertion. Pairs of spin labels that were in close proximity across the interface of different domains of the protein in both the soluble and Ca2+-dependent membrane form were >25 A apart in the Ca2+-independent membrane-bound form. Despite these major conformational changes, the overall secondary structure content did not appear to be strongly altered and ANX12 remained largely helical. Thus, Ca2+-independent membrane interaction leads to massive refolding but not unfolding. Refolding did not occur at low pH in the absence of membranes but occurred within a few seconds after phospholipid vesicles were added. The phospholipid composition of the vesicles was an important modulator of Ca2+-independent membrane interaction. For example, cardiolipin-containing vesicles induced Ca2+-independent membrane interaction even at near neutral pH, thereby raising the possibility that lipid composition could induce relatively rapid Ca2+-independent membrane interaction in vivo.  相似文献   
Mutation of all nonessential cysteine residues in rhodanese turns the enzyme into a form (C3S) that is fully active but less stable than wild type (WT). This less stable mutant allowed testing of two hypotheses; (a) the two domains of rhodanese are differentially stable, and (b) the chaperonin GroEL can bind better to less stable proteins. Reduced temperatures during expression and purification were required to limit inclusion bodies and obtain usable quantities of soluble C3S. C3S and WT have the same secondary structures by circular dichroism. C3S, in the absence of the substrate thiosulfate, is cleaved by trypsin to give a stable 21-kDa species. With thiosulfate, C3S is resistant to proteolysis. In contrast, wild type rhodanese is not proteolyzed significantly under any of the experimental conditions used here. Mass spectrometric analysis of bands from SDS gels of digested C3S indicated that the C-terminal domain of C3S was preferentially digested. Active C3S can exist in a state(s) recognized by GroEL, and it displays additional accessibility of tryptophans to acrylamide quenching. Unlike WT, the sulfur-loaded mutant form (C3S-ES) shows slow inactivation in the presence of GroEL. Both WT and C3S lacking transferred sulfur (WT-E and C3S-E) become inactivated. Inactivation is not due to irreversible covalent modification, since GroEL can reactivate both C3S-E and WT-E in the presence of GroES and ATP. C3S-E can be reactivated to 100%, the highest reactivation observed for any form of rhodanese. These results suggest that inactivation of C3S-E or WT-E is due to formation of an altered, labile conformation accessible from the native state. This conformation cannot as easily be achieved in the presence of the substrate, thiosulfate.  相似文献   
Compositional distributions in three different codon positions as well as codon usage biases of all available DNA sequences of Buchnera aphidicola genome have been analyzed. It was observed that GC levels among the three codon positions is I>II>III as observed in other extremely high AT rich organisms. B. aphidicola being an AT rich organism is expected to have A and/or T at the third positions of codons. Overall codon usage analyses indicate that A and/or T ending codons are predominant in this organism and some particular amino acids are abundant in the coding region of genes. However, multivariate statistical analysis indicates two major trends in the codon usage variation among the genes; one being strongly correlated with the GC contents at the third synonymous positions of codons, and the other being associated with the expression level of genes. Moreover, codon usage biases of the highly expressed genes are almost identical with the overall codon usage biases of all the genes of this organism. These observations suggest that mutational bias is the main factor in determining the codon usage variation among the genes in B. aphidicola.  相似文献   
The Ig Id of a B cell lymphoma is a tumor-specific Ag, although as a self-Ag it is likely to be a weak immunogen. Provision of a foreign gene may enhance the immunogenicity of the idiotype. Viral vectors allow highly efficient transfer of genetic material and are themselves innately immunogenic. We have investigated the ability of recombinant adenoviral vectors, encoding the idiotypic gene with or without fusion to the human Fc region, to produce anti-idiotypic Ab- and T cell-mediated responses in a syngeneic BALB/c A20 murine lymphoma model. The idiotypic V(H) and V(L) sequences were assembled as a single chain variable fragment (scFv) and adenoviral vectors encoding the A20 scFv (Ad.A20) and A20 scFv linked to the Fc fragment of human IgG1 (Ad.A20hFc) were constructed. A single immunization of BALB/c mice with Ad.A20hFc but not Ad.A20 induced a specific anti-idiotypic Ab response. T cell lines generated from mice vaccinated with either vector displayed specific cytotoxicity, proliferation, and IFN-gamma release against a syngeneic dendritic cell line transduced using a retroviral vector to express the A20 scFv idiotype (XS52.A1.A20). Importantly, both T cell lines lysed the A20 lymphoma cells. An immunodominant H-2K(d)-restricted CD8(+) T cell peptide, DYWGQGTEL (A20[106-114]), was identified as a naturally occurring A20 scFv epitope. A single immunization with Ad.A20hFc but not Ad.A20 provided protection in >40% of animals challenged with a lethal dose of the A20 tumor line and was more effective, in this model, than a previously optimized plasmid vaccine.  相似文献   
Effect of flanking base pairs on CA and AA dinluceotide step-geometry has been studied using molecular dynamics method. Sixteen dodecameric sequences are constructed for each doublet with all possible bases at their 5' and 3' positions along with their complementary sequences. Structural parameter, formation of Extra Watson Crick bifurcated hydrogen bonds along or across the strands and effect of sodium ions are studied for these sequences. It is found that geometry of CA doublet step is perturbed by the neighboring base pairs, which might be due to inherent flexibility of the step. Flexible character of CA step is reflected in its low bifurcated hydrogen bond formation capability and lower preference of sodium ions to enter in minor or major grooves. AA step on the other hand is quite rigid according to different structural parameters and respond much less to environmental changes due to formation of strong Extra Watson-Crick hydrogen bonds.  相似文献   
Disaggregation and reactivation of aggregated proteins by chaperones is well established. However, little is known regarding such kind of function of single-domain small cyclophilins (CyPs). Here we demonstrate that, with increasing concentrations, fully active adenosine kinase (AdK) of Leishmania donovani tends to form soluble aggregates, resulting in inactivation. Using this inactive enzyme as the substrate, it is shown that a CyP from L. donovani (LdCyP) alone can cause complete disaggregation, leading to reactivation of the enzyme. The reactivating ability of LdCyP remains unaffected even in the presence of cyclosporin A and macromolecular crowding agents. The reactivation occurs noncatalytically and is reversible. A truncated LdCyP, devoid of 88 amino acids from the N terminus, is found to be required in near stoichiometric proportion to reactivate AdK, suggesting essentiality of the C-terminal region. Gel filtration and light-scattering experiments together with protein cross-linking studies revealed that both full-length LdCyP and the truncated form directly interact with AdK and convert oligomeric forms of the enzyme to monomeric state. Homology modeling studies suggest that the exposed hydrophobic residues of LdCyP, by interacting with solvent-accessible hydrophobic surface of AdK, pull apart its aggregated inactive oligomers to functional monomers. Clearly, the results are consistent with the interpretation that the higher efficiency of the truncated LdCyP is most likely due to increased exposure of the hydrophobic residues on its surface. These observations, besides establishing L. donovani AdK as one of the model enzymes to study aggregation-disaggregation of proteins, raise the possibility that single-domain small CyPs, under physiological conditions, may regulate the activity of aggregation-prone proteins by ensuring their disaggregation.  相似文献   
Role of Magnesium ion is well substantiated in DNA structure and function though the appropriate nature of DNA magnesium interaction is still not fully established. We have analyzed available DNA crystal structures in presence of magnesium ion, which show the experimental evidences for various interaction modes between DNA molecule and magnesium ion. Two preferred modes are found: direct coordinating interaction between magnesium ion and electronegative DNA atoms, and the secondary mode of interaction via formation of hydrogen bonds. This qualitative data is further supported by ab initio quantum chemical calculations using restricted Hartree-Fock and Density Functional Theory. We have analyzed the energies and partial charges of different DNA fragments and hydrated magnesium ions, following restrained and unrestrained geometry optimizations along the reaction coordinate. The restrained optimizations for the systems generally show two energy minima separated by an energy barrier, the height ranges from about 5 to 15 kcal/mol, which is in agreement with experimental observations. All these analyses suggest that both modes of interactions occur almost with equal probability, although water mediated secondary mode of interaction is preferred in most cases, which was so far neglected.  相似文献   
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