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The kisspeptins are KiSS-1 gene-derived peptides that signal through the G protein-coupled receptor-54 (GPR54) and have recently been shown to be critical regulators of reproduction. Acute intracerebroventricular or peripheral administration of kisspeptin stimulates the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal (HPG) axis. This effect is thought to be mediated via the hypothalamic gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) system. Chronic administration of GnRH agonists paradoxically suppresses the HPG axis after an initial agonistic stimulation. We investigated the effects of continuous peripheral kisspeptin administration in male rats by use of Alzet minipumps. Initially we compared the effects of acute subcutaneous administration of kisspeptin-10, -14, and -54 on the HPG axis. Kisspeptin-54 produced the greatest increase in plasma LH and total testosterone at 60 min postinjection and was used in the subsequent continuous administration experiments. Chronic subcutaneous long-term administration of 50 nmol kisspeptin-54/day for 13 days decreased testicular weight. Histological examination showed degeneration of the seminiferous tubules associated with a significant decrease in the circulating levels of the testes-derived hormone, inhibin B. Plasma free and total testosterone were also lower, although these changes did not reach statistical significance. Further studies examined the effects of shorter periods of continuous kisspeptin administration. Subcutaneous administration of 50 nmol kisspeptin-54 for 1 day increased plasma LH and testosterone. This effect was lost after 2 days of administration, suggesting a downregulation of the HPG axis response to kisspeptin following continuous administration. These findings indicate that kisspeptin may provide a novel tool for the manipulation of the HPG axis and spermatogenesis.  相似文献   
Examination of the localization of the dicarboxylate binding protein (DBP) in the cell envelope of Escherichia coli K12 reveals that this protein is present on the cell surface, and also in the inner and outer regions of the periplasmic space. The cell surface DBP is release by treating the cells with EDTA. This protein can be surface labeled by lactoperoxidase radioiodination, and by diazo[125I]iodosulfanilic acid in whole cells. It also binds tightly, but not covalently, to lipopolysaccharide. The DBP located in the outer region of the periplasmic space is released when the outer membrane is dissociated by EDTA-osmotic shock treatment. The DBP located in the inner region of the periplasmic space is released only when the EDTA-osmotic shocked cells are subjected to lysozyme treatment. At the moment, it is not certain whether this protein is bound to or trapped by the peptidoglycan network. This protein cannot be surface labeled in whole cells or in EDTA-osmotic shock treated cells; and it is not associated with lipopolysaccharide. Analysis of transport mutants indicates that these DBP are coded by the same gene.  相似文献   
When migration is a learned behavior, small populations have a significant problem of maintaining migratory knowledge across generations. These populations risk losing migratory behavior entirely, which may exacerbate existing stressors on population size. Here we investigated the success of various behavioral, demographic, and social factors towards maintaining migration within small populations. Using a discrete-time probabilistic model to simulate repeated migrations, we found that migratory group size plays an important role in maintaining migratory knowledge within the population. Rare, large groups allow for migratory knowledge to be spread to many individuals at once. When a population learns migration information incrementally, the presence of individuals that can learn quickly, therefore transitioning rapidly into leaders, has a profound impact on migrational persistence. Furthermore, small populations are better able to maintain migratory behavior when groups rely on informed leaders as compared to using collective group knowledge, even when that collective knowledge is heavily weighted towards knowledgeable individuals. Finally, we found that both species with short lifespans and species that migrate with fixed group compositions are at especially high risk of losing their migration behavior at small population sizes.  相似文献   
A reduction in angiotensinII (ANG II) in vivo by treatment of rabbits with theangiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor, captopril, increasesNa+-K+ pump current (Ip)of cardiac myocytes. This increase is abolished by exposure of myocytesto ANG II in vitro. Because ANG II induces translocation of the-isoform of protein kinase C (PKC), we examined whether thisisozyme regulates the pump. We treated rabbits with captopril, isolatedmyocytes, and measured Ip of myocytes voltageclamped with wide-tipped patch pipettes. Ip ofmyocytes from captopril-treated rabbits was larger thanIp of myocytes from controls. ANG II superfusionof myocytes from captopril-treated rabbits decreasedIp to levels similar to controls. Inclusion ofPKC-specific blocking peptide in pipette solutions used to perfusethe intracellular compartment abolished the effect of ANG II. Inclusionof RACK, a PKC-specific activating peptide, in pipettesolutions had an effect on Ip that was similarto that of ANG II. There was no additive effect of ANG II andRACK. We conclude that PKC regulates the sarcolemmalNa+-K+ pump.

Global climate change will remodel ecological communities worldwide. However, as a consequence of biotic interactions, communities may respond to climate change in idiosyncratic ways. This makes predictive models that incorporate biotic interactions necessary. We show how such models can be constructed based on empirical studies in combination with predictions or assumptions regarding the abiotic consequences of climate change. Specifically, we consider a well‐studied ant community in North America. First, we use historical data to parameterize a basic model for species coexistence. Using this model, we determine the importance of various factors, including thermal niches, food discovery rates, and food removal rates, to historical species coexistence. We then extend the model to predict how the community will restructure in response to several climate‐related changes, such as increased temperature, shifts in species phenology, and altered resource availability. Interestingly, our mechanistic model suggests that increased temperature and shifts in species phenology can have contrasting effects. Nevertheless, for almost all scenarios considered, we find that the most subordinate ant species suffers most as a result of climate change. More generally, our analysis shows that community composition can respond to climate warming in nonintuitive ways. For example, in the context of a community, it is not necessarily the most heat‐sensitive species that are most at risk. Our results demonstrate how models that account for niche partitioning and interspecific trade‐offs among species can be used to predict the likely idiosyncratic responses of local communities to climate change.  相似文献   
A novel dissection and recording technique is described for optical monitoring staining and de-staining of lanceolate terminals surrounding hair follicles in the skin of the mouse pinna. The preparation is simple and relatively fast, reliably yielding extensive regions of multiple labeled units of living nerve terminals to study uptake and release of styryl pyridinium dyes extensively used in studies of vesicle recycling. Subdividing the preparations before labeling allows test vs. control comparisons in the same ear from a single individual. Helpful tips are given for improving the quality of the preparation, the labeling and the imaging parameters. This new system is suitable for assaying pharmacologically and mechanically-induced uptake and release of these vital dyes in lanceolate terminals in both wild-type and genetically modified animals. Examples of modulatory influences on labeling intensity are given.  相似文献   
The effects of adding chloramphenicol before inoculation and during exponential growth of Streptomyces venezuelae (3022a) in fermentors were studied. The responses of the organism during synthesis of chloramphenicol (in a glycerol-serine-lactate medium) were compared with those in media supporting less (glycerol-nutrient broth-yeast extract) or no synthesis (glucosemineral salts). In systems where little or no synthesis of the chloramphenicol occurred, addition of the antibiotic induced micromorphological and ultrastructural abnormalities similar to those reported for sensitive bacteria. There was also an increase in the frequency of mesosomes and electron-light areas. It was suggested that the former may be associated with activity of chloramphenicol hydrolase and the latter with storage and/or excretion of the breakdown product; N-acetyl p-nitro-phenylserinol. When chloramphenicol synthesis occurred, addition of the antibiotic had less effect on the micromorphology or ultrastructure of S. venezuelae as permeability barriers to external chloramphenicol had been established. Electron-light areas were frequent, possibly being associated with storage and excretion of precursors of chloramphenicol.  相似文献   
Summary Aerobic decomposition of tylosin fermentation waste was studied by O2 uptake and CO2, NH4 + and NO3 release over 10 weeks in a light compost-soil at 3 concentrations and 4 temperatures. Comparisons of O2 uptake and CO2 release at each temperature showed that aerobic conditions were maintained in the system. Maximal rates of respiration (C mineralization) increased with temperature. At 23°C 50% of the substrate C had been mineralized in 10 weeks. At 10–15°C and at 4°C C mineralization was approximately 38% and 22% respectively. Except at 4°C mineralization had almost ceased within 10 weeks. There was evidence of a permanent inhibition of C mineralization at 10–15°C compared with 23°C, and a temporary inhibition at 10°C compared with 15°C.At 10 weeks 25% of the N had been mineralized at 23, 15 and 10°C, while 14% had been mineralized at 4°C. The time taken to reach maximum N mineralization was reduced by increase in temperature and by 10 weeks mineralization had almost ceased at 15 and 23°C. In terms of the fertilizing effect of tylosin fermentation, 25% of the total N was available within 10 weeks at 10–23°C. Nitrification was strongly inhibited at 4 and 10°C. Both C and N mineralization were in direct proportion to the concentration of tylosin fermentation waste added to the soil.  相似文献   
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