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Mouse and human cDNA clones encoding the T-cell and mast cell growth factor P40, now designated IL-9, were used to identify DNA restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs) in sets of somatic cell hybrids and between inbred strains of mice and interspecific backcross progeny. Segregation of mouse and human chromosomes among somatic cell hybrids indicated a location on mouse chromosome 13 and human chromosome 5. RFLPs were identified among inbred strains of mice. Analysis of chromosome 13 alleles for Tcrg, Dhfr, and Il-9 in an interspecific cross between Mus musculus and NFS/N or C58/J mice indicates that IL-9 is distal to Tcrg and Proximal to Dhfr.  相似文献   
The resiliency of rats during early postnatal development to CCl4 or to an interactive hepatotoxicity of chlordecone (CD) + CCl4 has been shown to be due to an efficient stimulation of tissue repair. The objective of the current study was to investigate if this is due to efficient expression of transforming growth factor-α (TGF-α) and proto-oncogenes. Postnatally developing (20 day old) and adult (60 day old) male Sprague–Dawley rats were challenged with a single low dose of CCl4 (100 μL/kg, ip) or corn oil. Liver samples were collected during a time course (0–96 h) after the administration of CCl4 and used to examine TGF-α and early (c-fos) and late (H-ras and K-ras) proto-oncogenes mRNA expressions. Significant increases in TGF-α, H-ras, and K-ras gene expressions were evident as early as 12 hours after CCl4 and peaked between 24 and 48 hours in an age-dependent manner as detected by slot-blot analysis. Results of the study revealed three- and twofold increases in TGF-α gene expression in 20 and 60 day old rats, respectively, after CCl4. There were 3.5- and 2.5-fold increases in H-ras and 4.4- and 3.4-fold increases in K-ras in 20 and 60 day old rats, respectively. In contrast, a 10-fold increase in c-fos mRNA expression was evident in 20 day old rats 1 hour after CCl4 treatment, returning to the baseline value by 3 hours, whereas in 60 day old rats, this increase was less than twofold. The overall findings of this study indicate that TGF-α and the early and late proto-oncogene mRNA expressions were enhanced in an age- and time-dependent manner in response to a low dose of CCl4. These results further strengthen the view that the remarkable resiliency of rats to hepatotoxicants during early postnatal development is due to substantial increases in stimulation of hepatocellular regeneration and tissue repair mechanisms, leading to regression of liver injury and recovery. © 1996 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   
We report the presence of a diverse number ofChloroflexus-like organisms in intertidal marine and submerged hypersaline microbial mats using light, infrared fluorescence, and electron microscopy. The intertidal organisms appear morphologically very similar to thermophilicC. aurantiacus while the 2 hypersaline strains are larger and have a more complex ultrastructure composed of chlorosome-bearing internal membranes that appear to arise as invaginations of the cell membrane. By comparing spectroradiometry of microbial mat layers with microscopic observations, we have confirmed that theChloroflexus-like organisms are major constituents of the hypersaline microbial mat communities. In situ studies on mat layers dominated byChloroflexus-like organisms showed that sulfide-dependent photoautotrophic activity sustained by near infrared radiation prevailed. Autoradiographic analyses revealed that autotrophy was sustained in the filaments by 750 nm radiation. Three morphologically distinct strains are now maintained in mixed culture. One of these appears to be growing photoautotrophically.  相似文献   
Individual differences in sensitivity to bitter-tasting substances   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0  
Perception of several bitter-tasting compounds was tested in52 subjects. Stable individual differences in the perceivedintensity of the bitterness of suprathreshold concentrationsof quinine sulfate (QSO4) and urea were found. Whereas 18 subjectsjudged selected concentrations of these compounds to be equallybitter, 17 found QSO4 to be more bitter than urea, and 17 foundurea to be more bitter than QSO4. These reliable individualdifferences were significantly related to threshold sensitivityto QSO4; that is, individuals who perceived QSO4 to be moreintense than urea at suprathreshold concentrations also hadlower QSO4 thresholds than did those who perceived urea to bemore intense than QSO4. There appeared to be no relationshipbetween the relative perceived intensities of these compoundsand rating of the bitterness of PROP (6-n-propylthiouracil).However, QSO4-sensitive individuals tended to find the bitternessof suprathreshold caffeine and sucrose octaacetate to be greaterthan that of suprathreshold magnesium sulfate, whereas the reversewas true for urea-sensitive individuals. This pattern parallelsthe pattern of cross-adaptation among these compounds reportedby other investigators. These results are consistent with theexistence of multiple bitter transduction sequences and suggestthat individual differences in response to various bitter compoundsmay reflect differences in teh relative availability of specifictransduction sequences.  相似文献   
Fibroblast growth factors are believed to play many distinct roles in vertebrate development, owing to their ability to stimulate cell growth, prevent cell death, determine cell fate, and inhibit terminal differentiation in a variety of in vitro culture systems. We have used in situ hybridization to localize fibroblast growth factor-4 (FGF-4, also termed HST and K-FGF) gene expression in 7.5 to 16.5 day gestation mouse embryos. Seven discrete sites of gene expression were detected: (1) primitive streak (E7.5–8.5); (2) paraxial presomitic mesoderm in the trunk (E7.5–11.5); (3) primitive neuroectoderm (E8.0–8.5); (4) pharyngeal pouch endoderm (E8.5–9.5); (5) branchial arch ectoderm (E8.5–9.5); (6) limb apical ectoderm (E10.5–12.5), and (7) skeletal myoblast groups (E9.5–13.5). FGF-4 gene expression is spatially restricted within many of these sites. The profile of FGF-4 gene expression among skeletal muscle groups is overlapping, but distinct, from that of FGF-5, thereby revealing myoblast heterogeneity at the molecular level and suggesting distinct roles for multiple FGFs in muscle development.  相似文献   
The psaA and psaB genes of the chloroplast genome in oxygenic photosynthetic organisms code for the major peptides of the Photosystem 1 reaction center. A heterodimer of the two polypeptides PsaA and PsaB is thought to bind the reaction center chlorophyll, P700, and the early electron acceptors A0, A1 and Fe-SX. Fe-SX is a 4Fe4S center requiring 4 cysteine residues as ligands from the protein. As PsaA and PsaB have only three and two conserved cysteine residues respectively, it has been proposed by several groups that Fe-SX is an unusual inter-peptide center liganded by two cysteines from each peptide. This hypothesis has been tested by site directed mutagenesis of PsaA residue C575 and the adjacent D576. The C575D mutant does not assemble Photosystem 1. The C575H mutant contains a photoxidisable chlorophyll with EPR properties of P700, but no other Photosystem 1 function has been detected. The D576L mutant assembles a modified Photosystem 1 in which the EPR properties of the Fe-SA/B centers are altered. The results confirm the importance of the conserved cysteine motif region in Photosystem 1 structure.Dedicated to the memory of Daniel I. Arnon.  相似文献   
Bombesin (BBS)/gastrin-releasing peptide (GRP) binding sites were characterized and their distribution examined in the goldfish brain and pituitary by radioligand binding and autoradiography. Binding of 125I-[Tyr4]-BBS-14 to tissue sections was found to be saturable, reversible, time-dependent and displaceable by BBS/GRP-like peptides. Analysis of saturable equilibrium binding revealed a one-site model fit with a Kd of 0.665 ± 0.267 nM. This binding site displayed high affinity for members of the BBS subfamily of peptides, including GRP10 (Ki; 0.292 ± 0.038 nM) and GRP27 (Ki; 2.034 ± 1.597 nM), but showed no affinity for the BBS8–14 fragment. While an approximate 100-fold lower binding affinity was displayed by the binding site for neuromedin B (Ki; 61.5 ± 28.2 nM), litorin was highly effective in displacing radiolabeled BBS binding (Ki; 1.469 ± 0.427 nM). The localization of saturable and high affinity BBS/GRP binding sites in specific areas of the goldfish brain and pituitary generally revealed a similar anatomical distribution to BBS/GRP-like immunoreactive material reported previously by our laboratory. Quantitative densitometric analysis of radiolabeled BBS binding to brain nuclei and the pituitary revealed a moderate concentration of BBS/GRP binding sites in the hypothalamic feeding area, including the nucleus diffusus lobi inferioris, nucleus recessus lateralis, nucleus lateral tuberis, and nucleus anterior tuberis. Other brain nuclei known to influence the brain feeding center which contained a high density of BBS/GRP binding sites included nuclei of the dorsal and ventro-medial telencephalon, the preoptic hypothalamus, and the optic tectum. High densities of BBS/GRP binding sites were also localized in the dorsal cerebellum, and nucleus habenularis. In the pituitary, BBS/GRP binding sites were present in high concentration in the neurointermediate lobe, with a relatively lower density localized in the pars distalis. The present study further supports a role for BBS/GRP-like peptides in the regulation of feeding behavior and anterior pituitary hormone secretion in teleosts.  相似文献   
Abstract: The primary objective of this study was to determine the influence of stretch-induced cell injury on the metabolism of cellular phosphatidylcholine (PC). Neonatal rat astrocytes were grown to confluency in Silastic-bottomed tissue culture wells in medium that was usually supplemented with 10 µM unlabeled arachidonate. Cell injury was produced by stretching (5–10 mm) the Silastic membrane with a 50-ms pulse of compressed air. Stretch-induced cell injury increased the incorporation of [3H]choline into PC in an incubation time- and stretch magnitude-dependent manner. PC biosynthesis was increased three- to fourfold between 1.5 and 4.5 h after injury and returned to control levels by 24 h postinjury. Stretch-induced cell injury also increased the activity of several enzymes involved in the hydrolysis [phospholipase A2 (EC and C (PLC; EC] and biosynthesis [phosphocholine cytidylyltransferase (PCT; EC] of PC. Stretch-induced increases in PC biosynthesis and PCT activity correlated well (r = 0.983) and were significantly reduced by pretrating (1 h) the cells with an iron chelator (deferoxamine) or scavengers of reactive oxygen species such as superoxide dismutase and catalase. The stretch-dependent increase in PC biosynthesis was also reduced by antioxidants (vitamin E, vitamin E succinate, vitamin E phosphate, melatonin, and n-acetylcysteine). Arachidonate-enriched cells were more susceptible to stretch-induced injury because lactate dehydrogenase release and PC biosynthesis were significantly less in non-arachidonate-enriched cells. In summary, the data suggest that stretch-induced cell injury is (a) a result of an increase in the cellular level of hydroxyl radicals produced by an iron-catalyzed Haber-Weiss reaction, (b) due in part to the interaction of oxyradicals with the polyunsaturated fatty acids of cellular phospholipids such as PC, and (c) reversible as long as the cell's membrane repair functions (PC hydrolysis and biosynthesis) are sufficient to repair injured membranes. These results suggest that stretch-induced cell injury in vitro may mimic in part experimental traumatic brain injury in vivo because alterations in cellular PC biosynthesis and PLC activity are similar in both models. Therefore, this in vitro model of stretch-induced injury may supplement or be a reasonable alternative to some in vivo models of brain injury for determining the mechanisms by which traumatic cell injury results in cell dysfunction.  相似文献   
Bloomfield, Susan A., Beverly E. Girten, and Steven E. Weisbrode. Effects of vigorous exercise training and -agonist administration on bone response to hindlimb suspension.J. Appl. Physiol. 83(1):172-178, 1997.The effectiveness of dobutamine (Dob) inpreventing bone loss during 14 days of hindlimb suspension (Sus) wastested in exercise-trained (Ex; n = 25) and sedentary (Sed; n = 22) rats(age 155 days). One-half of each group was given Dob (2 mg · kg1 · day1)or saline (Sal). Histomorphometric measurements at midfemur revealed a17% smaller cortical bone area (CBA) and a 32% lower periostealmineral apposition rate (MAR) in suspended vs. nonsuspended Sed/Salrats. Dob abolished this decline in CBA in Sed/Sus rats, probably via an attenuation of the decrease in periosteal MAR; similarbut nonsignificant effects on cross-sectional moment of inertia wereobserved. Nonsuspended Ex rats had no change in bone CBA when CBA isindexed to body weight. Sus appeared to uncouple the relationshipbetween soleus weight and CBA. Dob attenuated the 43% decline insoleus weight after Sus in Ex but not in Sed rats. In summary, vigorousEx before Sus does not affect loss of bone mass due to unloading; Dobeffectively maintains CBA in Sed rats subjected to suspension.

Testicular steroidogenesis in rams was examined by constant infusion (3 hr) of [1-14C]-acetate into the testicular artery of four conscious standing animals.The following steroids (in order of decreasing levels of [14C] labeling) were secreted by the testis and found in testicular tissue: testosterone, dehydroepiandrosterone, 3β-hydroxy-5-androsten-17-one, androstenediol, 5-androsten-3β,17β-diol and 17-hydroxy-4-pregnene-3,20-dione. In addition, [14C] labeling of 17,20α-dihydroxy-4-pregnen-3-one occurred in testicular tissue but not in blood. This in vivo system with the conscious standing ram demonstrated an operative Δ5 steroidal pathway to testosterone. The physiological significance of 17,20α-dihydroxy-4-pregnen-3-one is not yet explained in this species.  相似文献   
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