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We have previously described a new aspect of the Inhibitor of Apoptosis (IAP) family of proteins anti-apoptotic activity that involves the TAK1/JNK1 signal transduction pathway (1,2). Our findings suggest the existence of a novel mechanism that regulates the anti-apoptotic activity of IAPs that is separate from caspase inhibition but instead involves TAK1-mediated activation of JNK1. In a search for proteins involved in the XIAP/TAK1/JNK1 signaling pathway we isolated by yeast two-hybrid screening a novel X chromosome-linked IAP (XIAP)-interacting protein that we called ILPIP (hILP-Interacting Protein). Whereas ILPIP moderately activates JNK family members when expressed alone, it strongly enhances XIAP-mediated activation of JNK1, JNK2, and JNK3. The expression of a catalytically inactive mutant of TAK1 blocked XIAP/ILPIP synergistic activation of JNK1 thereby implicating TAK1 in this signaling pathway. ILPIP moderately protects against interleukin-1beta converting enzyme- or Fas-induced apoptosis and significantly potentiates the anti-apoptotic activity of XIAP. In vivo co-precipitation experiments show that both ILPIP and XIAP interact with TAK1 and tumor necrosis factor receptor-associated factor 6. Finally, expression of ILPIP did not affect the ability of XIAP to inhibit caspase activation, further supporting the idea that XIAP protection against apoptosis is achieved by two separate mechanisms: one requiring JNK1 activation and a second involving caspase inhibition.  相似文献   
Ultraviolet B and genotoxic drugs induce the expression of a vascular endothelial growth factor A (VEGF-A) splice variant (VEGF111) encoded by exons 1–4 and 8 in many cultured cells. Although not detected in a series of normal human and mouse tissue, VEGF111 expression is induced in MCF-7 xenografts in nude mice upon treatment by camptothecin. The skipping of exons that contain proteolytic cleavage sites and extracellular matrix–binding domains makes VEGF111 diffusible and resistant to proteolysis. Recombinant VEGF111 activates VEGF receptor 2 (VEGF-R2) and extracellularly regulated kinase 1/2 in human umbilical vascular endothelial cells and porcine aortic endothelial cells expressing VEGF-R2. The mitogenic and chemotactic activity and VEGF111's ability to promote vascular network formation during embyonic stem cell differentiation are similar to those of VEGF121 and 165. Tumors in nude mice formed by HEK293 cells expressing VEGF111 develop a more widespread network of numerous small vessels in the peritumoral tissue than those expressing other isoforms. Its potent angiogenic activity and remarkable resistance to proteolysis makes VEGF111 a potential adverse factor during chemotherapy but a beneficial therapeutic tool for ischemic diseases.  相似文献   
The successful development of parasitoids of herbivores depends on the quality of their host, which is often affected by the host plant. Therefore, a parasitoid’s oviposition decisions will directly depend on the host, but also on plant quality. Here, we investigated the direct effects of host species and the indirect effects of the host’s food plant on the oviposition decisions and performance of the gregarious ectoparasitoid Euplectrus platyhypenae Howard (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae). With a series of no‐choice experiments, we determined the oviposition and performance of the parasitoid on: (1) two caterpillar species, fall armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda JE Smith (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), and velvet armyworm, Spodoptera latifascia Walker, reared on maize (Zea mays L., Poaceae), (2) the same caterpillars reared on maize, bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L., Fabaceae), or squash (Cucurbita pepo L., Cucurbitaceae) leaves, and (3) S. latifascia caterpillars reared on leaves of wild and cultivated lima bean, Phaseolus lunatus L. All these insects and plants originate from Mesoamerica where they have coexisted for thousands of years in the traditional agricultural system known as Milpa in which maize, beans, and squash are planted together. We found that the preferred and best combination of host and host plant for parasitoid performance was S. frugiperda on maize. Parasitoids laid larger clutches, had higher survival, and more females and larger adults emerged from S. frugiperda reared on maize. However, when both caterpillar species were reared on squash, S. latifascia was the better host. Contrary to the literature, S. frugiperda was not able to develop on bean plants. Results from the lima bean experiment showed that parasitoid performance was best when S. latifascia was reared on leaves of cultivated compared to wild lima bean. These findings are discussed in the context of mixed cropping in which the ability of generalist parasitoids to switch among hosts and host plant species could be advantageous for pest management.  相似文献   
The Arabidopsis embryonic root meristem is initiated by the specification of a single cell, the hypophysis. This event critically requires the antagonistic auxin response regulators MONOPTEROS and BODENLOS, but their mechanism of action is unknown. We show that these proteins interact and transiently act in a small subdomain of the proembryo adjacent to the future hypophysis. Here they promote transport of auxin, which then elicits a second response in the hypophysis itself. Our results suggest that hypophysis specification is not the direct result of a primary auxin response but rather depends on cell-to-cell signaling triggered by auxin in adjacent cells.  相似文献   
Trisomy 13 in humans is the third most common autosomal abnormality at birth, after trisomy 21 and trisomy 18. It has a reported incidence of between 1:5,000 and 1:30,000 live births. It is associated with multiple abnormalities, many of which shorten lifespan. We describe here the first reported case of a baboon (Papio hamadryas) with trisomy of chromosome 17, which is homologous to human chromosome 13. The trisomic infant was born to a consanguineous pair of baboons and had morphological characteristics similar to those observed in human trisomy 13, including bilateral polydactyly in the upper limbs, a patent foramen ovale, and pyelectasis. Molecular DNA analysis using human chromosome 13 markers was consistent with the affected infant inheriting two copies of chromosome 17 derived from the same parental chromosome. This trisomy was, therefore, due to either an error in meiosis II or the result of postzygotic nondisjunction. The parental origin, however, could not be determined.  相似文献   
An intense colored marine bacterium, identified as Cellulophaga lytica, was isolated previously from a sea anemone surface on the Charente-Maritime rocky shore (Atlantic Coast, France), and iridescence of its colonies under direct light was recently described. In addition, iridescence intensities were found to differ strongly between C. lytica strains from different culture collections. However, importantly, the occurrence and distribution of iridescent bacteria in the marine environment were still unknown. Therefore, in this study, a search was undertaken for marine iridescent bacterial strains in different biotopes of the Charente-Maritime coast. Various marine samples (water, sediment, macroalgae, other macroorganisms and detritus) were collected from seven biotopes using a direct plate inoculation method. As a result, 34 iridescent strains related to the genus Cellulophaga, as well as 63 iridescent strains affiliated to the genera Tenacibaculum and Aquimarina, were isolated. Iridescent colors were different according to the genera but iridescent marine bacteria were widely distributed. However, a majority of strains were isolated from rocky shores and, in particular, red seaweed surfaces and mollusks. The data from the study suggested that isolates with iridescent properties were well conserved in stressful environments such as the coastal shoreline. This origin may provide an insight into the ecological and biological functions of iridescence.  相似文献   
Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) exerts crucial functions during pathological angiogenesis and normal physiology. We observed increased hematocrit (60-75%) after high-grade inhibition of VEGF by diverse methods, including adenoviral expression of soluble VEGF receptor (VEGFR) ectodomains, recombinant VEGF Trap protein and the VEGFR2-selective antibody DC101. Increased production of red blood cells (erythrocytosis) occurred in both mouse and primate models, and was associated with near-complete neutralization of VEGF corneal micropocket angiogenesis. High-grade inhibition of VEGF induced hepatic synthesis of erythropoietin (Epo, encoded by Epo) >40-fold through a HIF-1alpha-independent mechanism, in parallel with suppression of renal Epo mRNA. Studies using hepatocyte-specific deletion of the Vegfa gene and hepatocyte-endothelial cell cocultures indicated that blockade of VEGF induced hepatic Epo by interfering with homeostatic VEGFR2-dependent paracrine signaling involving interactions between hepatocytes and endothelial cells. These data indicate that VEGF is a previously unsuspected negative regulator of hepatic Epo synthesis and erythropoiesis and suggest that levels of Epo and erythrocytosis could represent noninvasive surrogate markers for stringent blockade of VEGF in vivo.  相似文献   
Sun BC  Halpern BP 《Chemical senses》2005,30(8):693-706
Identifications (IDs) of paired retronasal and orthonasal odorants were studied, with stimuli limited to air phase. Odorants were liquid extracts of plant materials, sold as food flavorings, matched by each subject both for retronasal-only and orthonasal-only air phase intensities and then learned to 100% correct veridical name retronasal-only and orthonasal-only IDs. Subjects were tested for ID of (a) retronasal-only and orthonasal-only odorants, (b) homogeneously paired odorant (the same odorant in retronasal and orthonasal locations), and (c) heterogeneously paired odorants (different odorants in retronasal and orthonasal locations). Paired odorants were presented in two different sequences: retronasal location odorant smelled first or orthonasal location odorant smelled first. IDs were reported after odorants were removed. Results were as follows: (a) no significant differences between correct ID of odorants when in retronasal-only versus orthonasal-only locations, although percent correct IDs were lower for half the retronasal-only location odorants; (b) correct ID of a homogeneously paired odorant equaled or exceeded its unpaired ID, with two successive, identical IDs reported on the majority of its trials; (c) with heterogeneous pairs, for all odorants when in the orthonasal location of a pair, correct ID occurred less often than when these odorants were presented orthonasal-only, but for odorants in the retronasal location, correct ID equaled or exceeded retronasal-only correct ID; and (d) perceived order of presentation of heterogeneous pairs was the reverse of the physically presented sequence for both retronasal-first and orthonasal-first conditions. The heterogeneous odorant ID outcome supports the concept that processing of retronasal and orthonasal odorants differ, and the perceived reversal of the presented sequence is in agreement with the importance of recency in odorant memory.  相似文献   


The pathogenesis of insulin resistance in the absence of obesity is unknown. In obesity, multiple stress kinases have been identified that impair the insulin signaling pathway via serine phosphorylation of key second messenger proteins. These stress kinases are activated through various mechanisms related to lipid oversupply locally in insulin target tissues and in various adipose depots.

Methodology/Principal Findings

To explore whether specific stress kinases that have been implicated in the insulin resistance of obesity are potentially contributing to insulin resistance in non-obese individuals, twenty healthy, non-obese, normoglycemic subjects identified as insulin sensitive or resistant were studied. Vastus lateralis muscle biopsies obtained during euglycemic, hyperinsulinemic clamp were evaluated for insulin signaling and for activation of stress kinase pathways. Total and regional adipose stores and intramyocellular lipids (IMCL) were assessed by DXA, MRI and 1H-MRS. In muscle of resistant subjects, phosphorylation of JNK was increased (1.36±0.23 vs. 0.78±0.10 OD units, P<0.05), while there was no evidence for activation of p38 MAPK or IKKβ. IRS-1 serine phosphorylation was increased (1.30±0.09 vs. 0.22±0.03 OD units, P<0.005) while insulin-stimulated tyrosine phosphorylation decreased (10.97±0.95 vs. 0.89±0.50 OD units, P<0.005). IMCL levels were twice as high in insulin resistant subjects (3.26±0.48 vs. 1.58±0.35% H2O peak, P<0.05), who also displayed increased total fat and abdominal fat when compared to insulin sensitive controls.


This is the first report demonstrating that insulin resistance in non-obese, normoglycemic subjects is associated with activation of the JNK pathway related to increased IMCL and higher total body and abdominal adipose stores. While JNK activation is consistent with a primary impact of muscle lipid accumulation on metabolic stress, further work is necessary to determine the relative contributions of the various mediators of impaired insulin signaling in this population.  相似文献   
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