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Pseudomonas aeruginosa produces a number of alkylquinolone-type secondary metabolites best known for their antimicrobial effects and involvement in cell-cell communication. In the alkylquinolone biosynthetic pathway, the β-ketoacyl-(acyl carrier protein) synthase III (FabH)-like enzyme PqsBC catalyzes the condensation of octanoyl-coenzyme A and 2-aminobenzoylacetate (2-ABA) to form the signal molecule 2-heptyl-4(1H)-quinolone. PqsBC, a potential drug target, is unique for its heterodimeric arrangement and an active site different from that of canonical FabH-like enzymes. Considering the sequence dissimilarity between the subunits, a key question was how the two subunits are organized with respect to the active site. In this study, the PqsBC structure was determined to a 2 Å resolution, revealing that PqsB and PqsC have a pseudo-2-fold symmetry that unexpectedly mimics the FabH homodimer. PqsC has an active site composed of Cys-129 and His-269, and the surrounding active site cleft is hydrophobic in character and approximately twice the volume of related FabH enzymes that may be a requirement to accommodate the aromatic substrate 2-ABA. From physiological and kinetic studies, we identified 2-aminoacetophenone as a pathway-inherent competitive inhibitor of PqsBC, whose fluorescence properties could be used for in vitro binding studies. In a time-resolved setup, we demonstrated that the catalytic histidine is not involved in acyl-enzyme formation, but contributes to an acylation-dependent increase in affinity for the second substrate 2-ABA. Introduction of Asn into the PqsC active site led to significant activity toward the desamino substrate analog benzoylacetate, suggesting that the substrate 2-ABA itself supplies the asparagine-equivalent amino function that assists in catalysis.  相似文献   
Plant cell wall degradation into fermentable sugars by cellulases is one of the greatest barriers to biofuel production. Expansin protein loosens the plant cell wall by opening up the complex of cellulose microfibrils and polysaccharide matrix components thereby increasing its accessibility to cellulases. We over-expressed cucumber expansin in maize kernels to produce enough protein to assess its potential to serve as an industrial enzyme for applications particularly in biomass conversion. We used the globulin-1 embryo-preferred promoter to express the cucumber expansin gene in maize seed. Expansin protein was targeted to one of three sub-cellular locations: the cell wall, the vacuole, or the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). To assess the level of expansin accumulation in seeds of transgenic kernels, a high throughput expansin assay was developed. The highest expressing plants were chosen and enriched crude expansin extract from those plants was tested for synergistic effects with cellulase on several lignocellulosic substrates. Activity of recombinant cucumber expansin from transgenic kernels was confirmed on these pretreated substrates. The best transgenic lines (ER-targeted) can now be used for breeding to increase expansin expression for use in the biomass conversion industry. Results of these experiments show the success of expansin over-expression and accumulation in transgenic maize seed without negative impact on growth and development and confirm its synergistic effect with cellulase on deconstruction of complex cell wall substrates.  相似文献   
Identification of the polymorphisms controlling quantitative traits remains a challenge for plant geneticists. Multiparent advanced generation intercross (MAGIC) populations offer an alternative to traditional linkage or association mapping populations by increasing the precision of quantitative trait loci (QTL) mapping. Here, we present the first tomato MAGIC population and highlight its potential for the valorization of intraspecific variation, QTL mapping and causal polymorphism identification. The population was developed by crossing eight founder lines, selected to include a wide range of genetic diversity, whose genomes have been previously resequenced. We selected 1536 SNPs among the 4 million available to enhance haplotype prediction and recombination detection in the population. The linkage map obtained showed an 87% increase in recombination frequencies compared to biparental populations. The prediction of the haplotype origin was possible for 89% of the MAGIC line genomes, allowing QTL detection at the haplotype level. We grew the population in two greenhouse trials and detected QTLs for fruit weight. We mapped three stable QTLs and six specific of a location. Finally, we showed the potential of the MAGIC population when coupled with whole genome sequencing of founder lines to detect candidate SNPs underlying the QTLs. For a previously cloned QTL on chromosome 3, we used the predicted allelic effect of each founder and their genome sequences to select putative causal polymorphisms in the supporting interval. The number of candidate polymorphisms was reduced from 12 284 (in 800 genes) to 96 (in 54 genes), including the actual causal polymorphism. This population represents a new permanent resource for the tomato genetics community.  相似文献   


Francisella tularensis subspecies tularensis and holarctica are pathogenic to humans, whereas the two other subspecies, novicida and mediasiatica, rarely cause disease. To uncover the factors that allow subspecies tularensis and holarctica to be pathogenic to humans, we compared their genome sequences with the genome sequence of Francisella tularensis subspecies novicida U112, which is nonpathogenic to humans.


Comparison of the genomes of human pathogenic Francisella strains with the genome of U112 identifies genes specific to the human pathogenic strains and reveals pseudogenes that previously were unidentified. In addition, this analysis provides a coarse chronology of the evolutionary events that took place during the emergence of the human pathogenic strains. Genomic rearrangements at the level of insertion sequences (IS elements), point mutations, and small indels took place in the human pathogenic strains during and after differentiation from the nonpathogenic strain, resulting in gene inactivation.


The chronology of events suggests a substantial role for genetic drift in the formation of pseudogenes in Francisella genomes. Mutations that occurred early in the evolution, however, might have been fixed in the population either because of evolutionary bottlenecks or because they were pathoadaptive (beneficial in the context of infection). Because the structure of Francisella genomes is similar to that of the genomes of other emerging or highly pathogenic bacteria, this evolutionary scenario may be shared by pathogens from other species.  相似文献   
Ethanol from lignocellulosic biomass is being pursued as an alternative to petroleum-based transportation fuels. To succeed in this endeavour, efficient digestion of cellulose into monomeric sugar streams is a key step. Current production systems for cellulase enzymes, i.e. fungi and bacteria, cannot meet the cost and huge volume requirements of this commodity-based industry. Transgenic maize ( Zea mays L.) seed containing cellulase protein in embryo tissue, with protein localized to the endoplasmic reticulum, cell wall or vacuole, allows the recovery of commercial amounts of enzyme. E1 cellulase, an endo-β-1,4-glucanase from Acidothermus cellulolyticus , was recovered at levels greater than 16% total soluble protein (TSP) in single seed. More significantly, cellobiohydrolase I (CBH I), an exocellulase from Trichoderma reesei , also accumulated to levels greater than 16% TSP in single seed, nearly 1000-fold higher than the expression in any other plant reported in the literature. The catalytic domain was the dominant form of E1 that was detected in the endoplasmic reticulum and vacuole, whereas CBH I holoenzyme was present in the cell wall. With one exception, individual transgenic events contained single inserts. Recovery of high levels of enzyme in T2 ears demonstrated that expression is likely to be stable over multiple generations. The enzymes were active in cleaving soluble substrate.  相似文献   
The extinct aurochs (Bos primigenius primigenius) was a large type of cattle that ranged over almost the whole Eurasian continent. The aurochs is the wild progenitor of modern cattle, but it is unclear whether European aurochs contributed to this process. To provide new insights into the demographic history of aurochs and domestic cattle, we have generated high-confidence mitochondrial DNA sequences from 59 archaeological skeletal finds, which were attributed to wild European cattle populations based on their chronological date and/or morphology. All pre-Neolithic aurochs belonged to the previously designated P haplogroup, indicating that this represents the Late Glacial Central European signature. We also report one new and highly divergent haplotype in a Neolithic aurochs sample from Germany, which points to greater variability during the Pleistocene. Furthermore, the Neolithic and Bronze Age samples that were classified with confidence as European aurochs using morphological criteria all carry P haplotype mitochondrial DNA, suggesting continuity of Late Glacial and Early Holocene aurochs populations in Europe. Bayesian analysis indicates that recent population growth gives a significantly better fit to our data than a constant-sized population, an observation consistent with a postglacial expansion scenario, possibly from a single European refugial population. Previous work has shown that most ancient and modern European domestic cattle carry haplotypes previously designated T. This, in combination with our new finding of a T haplotype in a very Early Neolithic site in Syria, lends persuasive support to a scenario whereby gracile Near Eastern domestic populations, carrying predominantly T haplotypes, replaced P haplotype-carrying robust autochthonous aurochs populations in Europe, from the Early Neolithic onward. During the period of coexistence, it appears that domestic cattle were kept separate from wild aurochs and introgression was extremely rare.  相似文献   
Electromagnetic fields (EMFs) have been demonstrated to enhance mammalian peripheral nerve regeneration in vitro and in vivo. Using an EMF signal shown to enhance neurite outgrowth in vitro, we tested this field in vivo using three different amplitudes. The rat sciatic nerve was crushed. Whole body exposure was performed for 4 h/day for 5 days in a 96-turn solenoid coil controlled by a signal generator and power amplifier. The induced electric field at the target tissue consisted of a bipolar rectangular pulse, having 1 and 0.3 ms durations in each polarity, respectively. Pulse repetition rate was 2 per second. By varying the current, the coils produced fields consisting of sham (no current) and peak magnetic fields of 0.03 mT, 0.3 mT, and 3 mT, corresponding to peak induced electric fields of 1, 10, and 100 microV/cm, respectively, at the tissue target. Walking function was assessed over 43 days using video recording and measurement of the 1-5 toe-spread, using an imaging program. Comparing injured to uninjured hind limbs, mean responses were evaluated using a linear mixed statistical model. There was no difference found in recovery of the toe-spread function between any EMF treatments compared to sham.  相似文献   
The molecular mechanisms involved in the maturation of secretory granules, organelles that store hormones and neuropeptides, are poorly understood. As granule content proteins are processed, the composition of granule membranes changes, yielding constitutive-like secretion of immature content proteins and producing secretagogue-responsive mature granules. Constitutive-like secretion was not previously recognized as a process subject to regulation. We show that Kalirin and Trio, homologous Rho guanine nucleotide exchange factors (GEFs), which interact with a secretory granule resident protein, modulate cargo secretion from immature granules. Some of the Kalirin and Trio isoforms expressed in neuroendocrine cells colocalize with immature granules. Overexpression of their N-terminal GEF domain (GEF1) enhances secretion from immature granules, depleting cells of secretory cargo in the absence of secretagogue. This response requires GEF1 activity and is mimicked by Kalirin/Trio substrates Rac1 and RhoG. Accordingly, selective pharmacological inhibition of endogenous GEF1 activity decreases secretagogue-independent release of hormone precursors, accumulating product peptide in mature secretory granules. Kalirin/Trio modulation of cargo secretion from immature granules provides secretory cells with an extra layer of control over the sets of peptides released. Control of this step enhances the range of physiological responses that can be elicited, whereas lack of control could have pathological consequences.  相似文献   
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