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Plant Molecular Biology -  相似文献   
Malformations of human cortical development (MCD) can cause severe disabilities. The lack of human‐specific models hampers our understanding of the molecular underpinnings of the intricate processes leading to MCD. Here, we use cerebral organoids derived from patients and genome edited‐induced pluripotent stem cells to address pathophysiological changes associated with a complex MCD caused by mutations in the echinoderm microtubule‐associated protein‐like 1 (EML1) gene. EML1‐deficient organoids display ectopic neural rosettes at the basal side of the ventricular zone areas and clusters of heterotopic neurons. Single‐cell RNA sequencing shows an upregulation of basal radial glial (RG) markers and human‐specific extracellular matrix components in the ectopic cell population. Gene ontology and molecular analyses suggest that ectopic progenitor cells originate from perturbed apical RG cell behavior and yes‐associated protein 1 (YAP1)‐triggered expansion. Our data highlight a progenitor origin of EML1 mutation‐induced MCD and provide new mechanistic insight into the human disease pathology.  相似文献   
We have previously described two replication-competent adenovirus vectors, named KD1 and KD3, for potential use in cancer gene therapy. KD1 and KD3 have two small deletions in the E1A gene that restrict efficient replication of these vectors to human cancer cell lines. These vectors also have increased capacity to lyse cells and spread from cell to cell because they overexpress the adenovirus death protein, an adenovirus protein required for efficient cell lysis and release of adenovirus from the cell. We now describe a new vector, named KD1-SPB, which is the KD1 vector with the E4 promoter replaced by the promoter for surfactant protein B (SPB). SPB promoter activity is restricted in the adult to type II alveolar epithelial cells and bronchial epithelial cells. Because KD1-SPB has the E1A mutations, it should replicate within and destroy only alveolar and bronchial cancer cells. We show that KD1-SPB replicates, lyses cells, and spreads from cell to cell as well as does KD1 in H441 cells, a human cancer cell line where the SPB promoter is active. KD1-SPB replicates, lyses cells, and spreads only poorly in Hep3B liver cancer cells. Replication was determined by expression of the E4ORF3 protein, viral DNA accumulation, fiber synthesis, and virus yield. Cell lysis and vector spread were measured by lactate dehydrogenase release and a "vector spread" assay. In addition to Hep3B cells, KD1-SPB also did not express E4ORF3 in HT29.14S (colon), HeLa (cervix), KB (nasopharynx), or LNCaP (prostate) cancer cell lines, in which the SPB promoter is not expected to be active. Following injection into H441 or Hep3B tumors growing in nude mice, KD1-SPB caused a three- to fourfold suppression of growth of H441 tumors, similar to that seen with KD1. KD1-SPB had only a minimal effect on the growth of Hep3B tumors, whereas KD1 again caused a three- to fourfold suppression. These results establish that the adenovirus E4 promoter can be replaced by a tissue-specific promoter in a replication-competent vector. The vector has three engineered safety features: the tissue-specific promoter, the mutations in E1A that preclude efficient replication in nondividing cells, and a deletion of the E3 genes which shield the virus from attack by the immune system. KD1-SPB may have use in treating human lung cancers in which the SPB promoter is active.  相似文献   
Tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-related apoptosis-inducing ligand (TRAIL) induces apoptosis through two receptors, TRAIL-R1 (also known as death receptor 4) and TRAIL-R2 (also known as death receptor 5), that are members of the TNF receptor superfamily of death domain-containing receptors. We show that human adenovirus type 5 encodes three proteins, named RID (previously named E3-10.4K/14.5K), E3-14.7K, and E1B-19K, that independently inhibit TRAIL-induced apoptosis of infected human cells. This conclusion was derived from studies using wild-type adenovirus, adenovirus replication-competent mutants that lack one or more of the RID, E3-14.7K, and E1B-19K genes, and adenovirus E1-minus replication-defective vectors that express all E3 genes, RID plus E3-14.7K only, RID only, or E3-14.7K only. RID inhibits TRAIL-induced apoptosis when cells are sensitized to TRAIL either by adenovirus infection or treatment with cycloheximide. RID induces the internalization of TRAIL-R1 from the cell surface, as shown by flow cytometry and indirect immunofluorescence for TRAIL-R1. TRAIL-R1 was internalized in distinct vesicles which are very likely to be endosomes and lysosomes. TRAIL-R1 is degraded, as indicated by the disappearance of the TRAIL-R1 immunofluorescence signal. Degradation was inhibited by bafilomycin A1, a drug that prevents acidification of vesicles and the sorting of receptors from late endosomes to lysosomes, implying that degradation occurs in lysosomes. RID was also shown previously to internalize and degrade another death domain receptor, Fas, and to prevent apoptosis through Fas and the TNF receptor. RID was shown previously to force the internalization and degradation of the epidermal growth factor receptor. E1B-19K was shown previously to block apoptosis through Fas, and both E1B-19K and E3-14.7K were found to prevent apoptosis through the TNF receptor. These findings suggest that the receptors for TRAIL, Fas ligand, and TNF play a role in limiting virus infections. The ability of adenovirus to inhibit killing through these receptors may prolong acute and persistent infections.  相似文献   
Genetic diversity at variable-number-tandem-repeat (VNTR) loci was examined in the common cattail, Typha latifolia (Typhaceae), using three synthetic DNA probes composed of tandemly repeated “core” sequences (GACA, GATA, and GCAC). The principal objectives of this investigation were to determine whether: (1) the previously reported almost complete lack of polymorphism at allozyme loci in this species was indicative of a reduced amount of genetic diversity at VNTR loci as well; (2) VNTR markers were informative about possible clonal propagation; and (3) significant differences in genetic structure of sampling sites were associated with differences in environmental levels of pollutants at those sites. Previously, widespread sampling across the eastern United States, surveying across ten allozyme loci, has detected only two genotypes, involving a difference at a single locus, among 104 populations. In this study, the amount of genetic diversity detected at VNTR loci: (1) among ramets (N = 40; 40 genotypes detected) collected at ∼8-km intervals along a 320-km transect; (2) among ramets (N = 220; 117 genotypes detected) from five study sites separated by 50–3000 m; and (3) even among ramets within each study site [N = 44 per site; from 13 to 34 genotypes detected per site (270 m2)] exceeds that previously found in those more geographically widespread allozyme surveys. Among the 260 ramets analyzed here, the mean number of bands scored per individual was 48.61 (SD = 2.80). Mean genetic similarity among ramets collected along the 320-km transect was 0.91, which was within the range of mean genetic similarity within the five study sites (range: 0.89–0.95). Among the five study sites, 61% of the samples analyzed appeared to be clonal ramets, with up to 12 clones detected for 44 ramets sampled within a site. Clones grew intermingled and ranged up to 39 m in extent. Permutation tests of genetic similarity revealed significant genetic differentiation between each of the five study sites. Consistent with the previous allozyme studies, T. latifolia was characterized by extremely low genetic variation relative to levels of polymorphism detected at VNTR loci in other plant species. Estimated heterozygosity among ramets along the 320-km transect ranged from 0.11 to 0.13, while that within the five study sites ranged from 0.05 to 0.12. Estimates of Fst (0.32–0.41) also indicated considerable genetic subdivision among these stands. Significantly higher genetic diversity was detected at the two study sites that chemistry and toxicity data indicate to be the most severely impacted by pollutants. Although this correlation does not establish cause and effect, the results of this study indicate that the analysis of genetic diversity at VNTR loci may be a useful tool for monitoring anthropogenic-induced changes in the genetic structure of natural populations of plants.  相似文献   
Soft rot Erwinia spp., like other closely related plant pathogens, possess a type III secretion system (TTSS) (encoded by the hrp gene cluster) implicated in disease development. We report the sequence of the entire hrp gene cluster and adjacent dsp genes in Erwinia carotovora subsp. atroseptica SCRI1039. The cluster is similar in content and structural organization to that in E. amylovora. However, eight putative genes of unknown function located within the E. carotovora subsp. atroseptica cluster do not have homologues in the E. amylovora cluster. An arrayed set of Tn5 insertional mutants (mutation grid) was constructed and pooled to allow rapid isolation of mutants for any given gene by polymerase chain reaction screening. This novel approach was used to obtain mutations in two structural genes (hrcC and hrcV), the effector gene dspE/A, and the helper gene hrpN. An improved pathogenicity assay revealed that these mutations led to significantly reduced virulence, showing that both the putative E. carotovora subsp. atroseptica TTSS-delivered effector and helper proteins are required for potato infection.  相似文献   
We hypothesized that transient high-glucose concentration interferes with mediation by nitric oxide (NO) of flow-induced dilation (FID) of arterioles due to enhanced production of superoxide. In isolated, pressurized (80 mmHg) rat gracilis muscle arterioles ( approximately 130 microm) after transient high-glucose treatment (tHG; incubation with 30 mM glucose for 1 h), FID was reduced (maximum: control, 38 +/- 4%; after tHG, 17 +/- 3%), which was not further diminished by the NO synthase (NOS) inhibitor N(omega)-nitro-l-arginine methyl ester (l-NAME; 18 +/- 2%). Correspondingly, an enhanced polyethylene-glycol-SOD (PEG-SOD)-sensitive superoxide production was detected after tHG in carotid arteries by dihydroethydine (DHE) staining. Presence of PEG-SOD during tHG prevented the reduction of FID (41 +/- 3%), which could be inhibited by l-NAME (20 +/- 4%). Administration of PEG-SOD after tHG did not prevent the reduction of FID (22 +/- 3%). Sepiapterin, a precursor of the NO synthase cofactor tetrahydrobiopterin (BH(4)), administered during tHG did not prevent the reduction of FID (maximum, 15 +/- 5%); however, it restored FID when administered after tHG (32 +/- 4%). Furthermore, inhibition of either glycolysis by 2-deoxyglucose or mitochondrial complex II by 2-thenoyltrifluoroacetone reduced the tHG-induced DHE-detectable enhanced superoxide production in carotid arteries and prevented FID reduction in arterioles (39 +/- 5 and 35 +/- 2%). Collectively, these findings suggest that in skeletal muscle arterioles, a transient elevation of glucose via its increased metabolism, elicits enhanced production of superoxide, which decreases the bioavailability of NO and the level of the NOS cofactor BH(4), resulting in a reduction of FID mediated by NO.  相似文献   
Mammalian neurons require a constant supply of oxygen to maintain adequate cellular functions and survival. Following sustained hypoxia during ischemic events in brain, the energy status of neurons and glia is compromised, which may subsequently lead to cell death by apoptosis and necrosis. Concomitant with energy depletion is the formation of the purine nucleoside adenosine, a powerful endogenous neuroprotectant. In this paper the effect of chemical hypoxia on cell survival and neurite outgrowth of primary cerebellar granule cells was investigated. Rotenone, a mitochondrial complex I inhibitor, induced a 30.4 +/- 3.6% loss of viable cells and a 35.0 +/- 4.4% loss of neurite formation of cerebellar granule cells, which was partially restored by the addition of purine nucleosides adenosine, inosine and guanosine. Inosine had the most striking effect of 37.7 +/- 2.9% rescue of viability and 71.2 +/- 18.4% rescue of neurite outgrowth. Data confirm the suggested role of purine nucleosides for the neuronal regeneration of primary brain cells following hypoxic insult.  相似文献   
SPAG11/isoform HE2C, an atypical anionic beta-defensin-like peptide   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A human caput epididymidal cDNA, HE2C, was cloned based on its homology to the known chimpanzee counterpart, suggesting that the encoded beta-defensin-like peptide represented a conserved component of the innate epididymidal epithelial defense system in primates. An approximately 6kDa HE2- related peptide was co-purified together with other HE2 isoforms from human seminal plasma by affinity chromatography. By its antibody reactivity as shown by Western blot analysis, this peptide was distinct from the more abundant HE2 isoforms and was concluded to correspond to HE2C. Similar to other HE2-encoded isoforms, the endogenous HE2C was proteolytically processed from a larger precursor by a furin-like prohormone convertase. This was confirmed by N-terminal sequencing. In order to study the structural and functional properties of HE2C it was recombinantly expressed in insect cells. Post-translational processing also occurred within these cells, yielding the mature processed HE2C peptide. Correct disulfide bonding of the recHE2C peptide was shown by p-aminophenylarsineoxide(PAPAO)-agarose binding assay. Purified recHE2C strongly bound to Escherichia coli DH5alpha and Bacillus subtilis; however, it did not exhibit microbicidal activity when tested in a radial diffusion assay against these bacteria. Different from the previously described beta-defensins, the mature HE2C peptide has an anionic pI and an algebraic net charge of -1. Also, it lacks the amphipathic transitions, which, according to the Shai-Matzusaki-Huang model, are prerequisite for the membranolytic activity of antimicrobial peptides.  相似文献   
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