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Transient global amnesia (TGA) is a transitory, short-lasting neurological disorder characterized by a sudden onset of antero- and retrograde amnesia. Perfusion abnormalities in TGA have been evaluated mainly by use of positron emission tomography (PET) or single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT). In the present study we explore the value of dynamic susceptibility contrast perfusion-weighted MRI (PWI) in TGA in the acute phase.


From a MRI report database we identified TGA patients who underwent MRI including PWI in the acute phase and compared these to control subjects. Quantitative perfusion maps (cerebral blood flow (CBF) and volume (CBV)) were generated and analyzed by use of Signal Processing In NMR-Software (SPIN). CBF and CBV values in subcortical brain regions were assessed by use of VOI created in FIRST, a model-based segmentation tool in the Oxford Centre for Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Brain (FMRIB) Software Library (FSL).


Five TGA patients were included (2 men, 3 women). On PWI, no relevant perfusion alterations were found by visual inspection in TGA patients. Group comparisons for possible differences between TGA patients and control subjects showed significant lower rCBF values bilaterally in the hippocampus, in the left thalamus and globus pallidus as well as bilaterally in the putamen and the left caudate nucleus. Correspondingly, significant lower rCBV values were observed bilaterally in the hippocampus and the putamen as well as in the left caudate nucleus. Group comparisons for possible side differences in rCBF and rCBV values in TGA patients revealed a significant lower rCBV value in the left caudate nucleus.


Mere visual inspection of PWI is not sufficient for the assessment of perfusion changes in TGA in the acute phase. Group comparisons with healthy control subjects might be useful to detect subtle perfusion changes on PWI in TGA patients. However, this should be confirmed in larger data sets and serial PWI examinations.  相似文献   
Cathepsin S was detected in bovine kidney, spleen, lymph nodes and lung by immunochemical methods. The immunostaining of cathepsin S in kidney was concentrated to the cells of the proximal tubule, where the enzyme was present in cytoplasmic granules. The purification method for cathepsin S from bovine spleen involved (NH4)2SO4 fractionation, chromatography on CM-Sephadex C-50, gel filtration on Sephacryl S-200 and chromatofocusing (pH 8.0-6.0). The enzyme was partially destroyed by autolysis of the homogenate at pH 4.2. The isoelectric point of cathepsin S was 7.0. Cathepsin S was found to hydrolyse proteins at a similar rate to cathepsin L below pH 7.0. At pH values of 7.0-7.5 cathepsin S retained most of its activity, whereas cathepsin L was completely inactive.  相似文献   
An empirical regression model for the prediction of total dry matter intake (DMI) of dairy cows was developed and compared with four published intake models. The model was constructed to include both animal and dietary factors, which are known to affect DMI. For model development, a data set based on individual cow data from 10 change-over and four continuous milk production studies was collected (n = 1554). Relevant animal (live weight (LW), days in milk (DIM), parity and breed) and dietary (total and concentrate DMI, concentrate composition, forage digestibility and fermentation quality) data were collected. The model factors were limited to those that are available before the diets are fed to animals, that is, standardized energy corrected milk (sECM) yield, LW, DIM and diet quality (total diet DMI index (TDMI index)). As observed ECM yield is a function of both the production potential of the cow and diet quality, ECM yield standardized for DIM, TDMI index and metabolizable protein concentration was used in modelling. In the individual data set, correlation coefficients between sECM and TDMI index or DIM were much weaker (0.16 and 0.03) than corresponding coefficients with observed ECM (0.65 and 0.46), respectively. The model was constructed with a mixed model regression analysis using cow within trial as a random factor. The following mixed model was estimated for DMI prediction: DMI (kg DM/day) = -2.9 (±0.56)+0.258 (±0.011) × sECM (kg/day) + 0.0148 (±0.0009) × LW (kg) -0.0175 (±0.001) × DIM -5.85 (±0.41) × exp (-0.03 × DIM) + 0.09 (±0.002) × TDMI index. The mixed DMI model was evaluated with a treatment mean data set (207 studies, 992 diets), and the following relationship was found: Observed DMI (kg DM/day) = -0.10 (±0.33) + 1.004 (±0.019) × Predicted DMI (kg DM/day) with an adjusted residual mean square error of 0.362 kg/day. Evaluation of the residuals did not result in a significant mean bias or linear slope bias, and random error accounted for proportionally >0.99 of the error. In conclusion, the DMI model developed is considered robust because of low mean prediction error, accurate and precise validation, and numerically small differences in the parameter values of model variables when estimated with mixed or simple regression models. The Cornell Net Carbohydrate and Protein System was the most accurate of the four other published DMI models evaluated using individual or treatment mean data, but in most cases mean and linear slope biases were relatively high, and, interestingly, there were large differences in both mean and linear slope biases between the two data sets.  相似文献   
The DEAD-box RNA-helicase Dbp5/Rat8 is known for its function in nuclear mRNA export, where it displaces the export receptor Mex67 from the mRNA at the cytoplasmic side of the nuclear pore complex (NPC). Here we show that Dbp5 is also required for the nuclear export of both pre-ribosomal subunits. Yeast temperature-sensitive dbp5 mutants accumulate both ribosomal particles in their nuclei. Furthermore, Dbp5 genetically and physically interacts with known ribosomal transport factors such as Nmd3. Similar to mRNA export we show that also for ribosomal transport Dbp5 is required at the cytoplasmic side of the NPC. However, unlike its role in mRNA export, Dbp5 does not seem to undergo its ATPase cycle for this function, as ATPase-deficient dbp5 mutants that selectively inhibit mRNA export do not affect ribosomal transport. Furthermore, mutants of GLE1, the ATPase stimulating factor of Dbp5, show no major ribosomal export defects. Consequently, while Dbp5 uses its ATPase cycle to displace the export receptor Mex67 from the translocated mRNAs, Mex67 remains bound to ribosomal subunits upon transit to the cytoplasm, where it is detectable on translating ribosomes. Therefore, we propose a model, in which Dbp5 supports ribosomal transport by capturing ribosomal subunits upon their cytoplasmic appearance at the NPC, possibly by binding export factors such as Mex67. Thus, our findings reveal that although different ribonucleoparticles, mRNAs and pre-ribosomal subunits, use shared export factors, they utilize different transport mechanisms.  相似文献   
The biomass productivity of the energy willow Salix viminalis as a short-rotation woody crop depends on organ structure and functions that are under the control of genome size. Colchicine treatment of axillary buds resulted in a set of autotetraploid S. viminalis var. Energo genotypes (polyploid Energo [PP-E]; 2n = 4x = 76) with variation in the green pixel-based shoot surface area. In cases where increased shoot biomass was observed, it was primarily derived from larger leaf size and wider stem diameter. Autotetraploidy slowed primary growth and increased shoot diameter (a parameter of secondary growth). The duplicated genome size enlarged bark and wood layers in twigs sampled in the field. The PP-E plants developed wider leaves with thicker midrib and enlarged palisade parenchyma cells. Autotetraploid leaves contained significantly increased amounts of active gibberellins, cytokinins, salicylic acid, and jasmonate compared with diploid individuals. Greater net photosynthetic CO2 uptake was detected in leaves of PP-E plants with increased chlorophyll and carotenoid contents. Improved photosynthetic functions in tetraploids were also shown by more efficient electron transport rates of photosystems I and II. Autotetraploidization increased the biomass of the root system of PP-E plants relative to diploids. Sections of tetraploid roots showed thickening with enlarged cortex cells. Elevated amounts of indole acetic acid, active cytokinins, active gibberellin, and salicylic acid were detected in the root tips of these plants. The presented variation in traits of tetraploid willow genotypes provides a basis to use autopolyploidization as a chromosome engineering technique to alter the organ development of energy plants in order to improve biomass productivity.Energy security and climate change as global problems urge increased efforts to use plants as renewable energy sources both for power generation and transportation fuel production. Selected wood species, such as willows (Salix spp.), can be cultivated as short-rotation coppice for the rapid accumulation of biomass and reduction of CO2 emission. Coppicing reinvigorates shoot growth, resulting in a special woody plant life cycle that differs from natural tree development, which takes decades. In this cultivation system, small stem cuttings are planted at high densities (15,000–25,000 ha−1). In the soil, these dormant wood cuttings first produce roots and shoots that emerge from reactivated buds. During the first year, the growing shoots mature to woody stems. In the winter, these stems are cut back, and in the following spring, the cut stumps develop multiple shoots. The short-rotation coppice plantations are characterized by a very short, 2- to 3-year rotation, and the most productive varieties can produce up to 15 tons of oven-dried wood per hectare per year (Cunniff and Cerasuolo, 2011). The high-density willow plantations can also be efficiently used for heavy metal or organic phytoremediation, as reviewed by Marmiroli et al. (2011).The biomass productivity of shrub willows is largely dependent on coppicing capability, early vigorous growth, shoot growth rate and final stem height, root system size, photosynthetic efficiency, formation and composition of woody stems, water and nutrient use, as well as abiotic and biotic stress tolerance. Genetic improvement of all these traits can be based on broad natural genetic resources represented by more than 400 species in the genus Salix. More than 200 species have hybrid origins, and ploidy levels vary from diploid up to dodecaploid (Suda and Argus, 1968; Newsholme, 1992). In addition to molecular marker-assisted clone selection, intraspecific and interspecific crosses have been shown to further extend genetic variability in breeding programs for biomass yield (Karp et al., 2011).During natural diversification and artificial crossings of Salix spp., the willow genomes frequently undergo polyploidization, resulting in triploid or tetraploid allopolyploids. In triploid hybrids, both heterosis and ploidy can contribute to the improved biomass yield (Serapiglia et al., 2014). While the alloploid triploids have attracted considerable attention in willow improvement, the potentials of autotetraploid willow genotypes have not been exploited so far. As shown for other short-rotation wood species (poplar [Populus spp.], black locust [Robinia pseudoacacia], Paulownia spp., and birch [Betula spp.]), doubling the chromosome set by colchicine treatment can cause significant changes in organ morphology or growth parameters (Tang et al., 2010; Cai and Kang, 2011; Harbard et al., 2012; Mu et al., 2012; Wang et al., 2013a, 2013b). In several polyploidization protocols, the in vitro cultured tissues are exposed to different doses of colchicine or other inhibitors of mitotic microtubule function, and plantlets are differentiated from polyploid somatic cells (Tang et al., 2010; Cai and Kang, 2011). Alternatively, seeds or apical meristems of germinating seedlings can be treated with a colchicine solution (Harbard et al., 2012). Allotetraploids of poplar were produced by zygotic chromosome doubling that was induced by colchicine and high-temperature treatment (Wang et al., 2013a).Since tetraploid willow plants with 2n = 4x = 76 chromosomes are expected to represent novel genetic variability, especially for organ development and physiological parameters, a polyploidization project was initiated that was based on a highly productive diploid energy willow (S. viminalis var. Energo). Colchicine treatment of reactivated axillary buds of the in vitro-grown energy willow plantlets resulted in autotetraploid shoots and, subsequently, plants. For comparison of diploid and tetraploid variants of willow plants, digital imaging of green organs and roots was used for phenotyping. Among the tetraploid lines, genotypes were identified with improved biomass production, better photosynthetic parameters, and altered organ structure and hormone composition. The new tetraploid willow variants produced can serve as a unique experimental material to uncover key factors in biomass production in this short-rotation energy plant. In the future, these plants can also serve as crossing partners of diploid lines for the production of novel triploid energy willow genotypes.  相似文献   
Protective antigen (PA) of the tripartite anthrax toxin binds to a cell surface receptor and mediates the transport of two enzymatic components, edema factor and lethal factor, into the cytosol of host cells. Here recombinant PA(63) from Bacillus anthracis was reconstituted into artificial lipid bilayer membranes and formed ion permeable channels. The heptameric PA(63)-channel contains a binding site for 4-aminoquinolones, which block ion transport through PA in vitro. This result allowed a detailed investigation of ligand binding and the stability constants for the binding of chloroquine, fluphenazine, and quinacrine to the binding site inside the PA(63)-channel were determined using titration experiments. Open PA(63)-channels exhibit 1/f noise in the frequency range between 1 and 100 Hz, whereas the spectral density of the ligand-induced current noise was of Lorentzian type. The analysis of the power density spectra allowed the evaluation of the on- and off-rate constants (k(1) and k(-1)) of ligand binding. The on-rate constants of ligand binding were between 10(6) and 10(8) M(-1) s(-1) and were dependent on the ionic strength of the aqueous phase, sidedness of ligand addition, as well as the orientation and intensity of the applied electric field. The off-rates varied between approximately 10 s(-1) and 2600 s(-1) and depended mainly on the structure of the ligand.  相似文献   
The maltose ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporter of Salmonella typhimurium is composed of a membrane-associated complex (MalFGK(2)) and a periplasmic substrate binding protein. To further elucidate protein-protein interactions between the subunits, we have studied the dissociation and reassembly of the MalFGK(2) complex at the level of purified components in proteoliposomes. First, we optimized the yield in purified complex protein by taking advantage of a newly constructed expression plasmid that carries the malK, malF and malG genes in tandem orientation. Incorporated in proteoliposomes, the complex exhibited maltose binding protein/maltose-dependent ATPase activity with a V(max) of 1.25 micromol P(i)/min/mg and a K(m) of 0.1 mM. ATPase activity was sensitive to vanadate and enzyme IIA(Glc), a component of the enterobacterial glucose transport system. The proteoliposomes displayed maltose transport activity with an initial rate of 61 nmol/min/mg. Treatment of proteoliposomes with 6.6 M urea resulted in the release of medium-exposed MalK subunits concomitant with the complete loss of ATPase activity. By adding increasing amounts of purified MalK to urea-treated proteoliposomes, about 50% of vanadate-sensitive ATPase activity relative to the control could be recovered. Furthermore, the phenotype of MalKQ140K that exhibits ATPase activity in solution but not when associated with MalFG was confirmed by reassembly with MalK-depleted proteoliposomes.  相似文献   
The replacement linker histones H1(0) and H5 are present in frog and chicken erythrocytes, respectively, and their accumulation coincides with cessation of proliferation and compaction of chromatin. These cells have been analyzed for the affinity of linker histones for chromatin with cytochemical and biochemical methods. Our results show a stronger association between linker histones and chromatin in chicken erythrocyte nuclei than in frog erythrocyte nuclei. Analyses of linker histones from chicken erythrocytes using capillary electrophoresis showed H5 to be the subtype strongest associated with chromatin. The corresponding analyses of frog erythrocyte linker histones using reverse-phase high performance liquid chromatography showed that H1(0) dissociated from chromatin at somewhat higher ionic strength than the three additional subtypes present in frog blood but at lower ionic strength than chicken H5. Which of the two H1(0) variants in frog is expressed in erythrocytes has thus far been unknown. Amino acid sequencing showed that H1(0)-2 is the only H1(0) subtype present in frog erythrocytes and that it is 100% acetylated at its N termini. In conclusion, our results show differences between frog and chicken linker histone affinity for chromatin probably caused by the specific subtype composition present in each cell type. Our data also indicate a lack of correlation between linker histone affinity and chromatin condensation.  相似文献   
Studies of the desiccation tolerance of 15-month-old Licania platypus (Hemsl.) Fritsch seedlings were performed on potted plants. Pots were watered to field capacity and then dehydrated for 23-46 d to reach various visible wilting stages from slightly-wilted to dead. Root hydraulic conductance, k(r), was measured with a high-pressure flow meter and whole-stem hydraulic conductance, k(ws), was measured by a vacuum chamber method. Leaf punches were harvested for measurement of leaf water potential by a thermocouple psychrometer and for measurement of fresh- and dry-weight. L. platypus was surprisingly desiccation-tolerant, suggesting that most species of central Panama may be well adapted to the seasonality of rainfall in the region. The slightly-wilted stage corresponded to leaf water potentials and relative water contents of -2.7 MPa and 0.85, respectively, but plants did not die until these values fell to -7.5 MPa and 0.14, respectively. As desiccation proceeded k(r) and k(ws) declined relative to irrigated controls, but k(ws) was more sensitive to desiccation than k(r). Values of k(ws) declined by 70-85% in slightly-wilted to dead plants, respectively. By comparison, k(r) showed no significant change in slightly-wilted plants and fell by about 50% in plants having severely-wilted to dead shoots.  相似文献   
Phospholipids in the developing soybean seed   总被引:4,自引:10,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
The distribution of phospholipids in developing soybean seeds [Glycine max (L.) Merr., var. “Chippewa 64,” “Harosoy 63,” “Wayne,” and “Clark 63”] was followed. From 30 to 60 days after flowering expressed as mole per cent of phospholipid phosphorus phosphatidic acid decreased from 14.8 to 9.1; phosphatidylinositol increased from 0 to 9.1; phosphatidylcholine increased from 8.2 to 9.8; phosphatidylethanolamine increased from 5.3 to 8.6; phosphatidylglycerol increased from 3.2 to 4.8; diphosphatidylglycerol increased from 2.7 to 4.1; and N-acylphosphatidylethanolamine decreased from 65.8 to 54.6. However, from 60 days after flowering to maturity, phosphatidic acid decreased to 0; phosphatidylinositol increased roughly 2-fold; phosphatidylcholine increased roughly 4.7-fold; phosphatidylethanolamine increased 3-fold; N-acylphosphatidylethanolamine decreased 11-fold; whereas phosphatidylglycerol and diphosphatidylglycerol remained essentially constant. Percentages of individual phospholipid species were not statistically different between any two varieties at a given time period.  相似文献   
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