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Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-gamma (PPARgamma), a member of the nuclear hormone receptor family, is a master regulator of adipogenesis. Humans with dominant negative PPARgamma mutations have features of the metabolic syndrome (severe insulin resistance, dyslipidemia, and hypertension). We created a knock-in mouse model containing a potent dominant negative PPARgamma L466A mutation, shown previously to inhibit wild-type PPARgamma action in vitro. Homozygous PPARgamma L466A knock-in mice die in utero. Heterozygous PPARgamma L466A knock-in (PPARKI) mice exhibit hypoplastic adipocytes, hypoadiponectinemia, increased serum-free fatty acids, and hepatic steatosis. When subjected to high fat diet feeding, PPARKI mice gain significantly less weight than controls. Hyperinsulinemic-euglycemic clamp studies in PPARKI mice revealed insulin resistance and reduced glucose uptake into skeletal muscle. Female PPARKI mice exhibit hypertension independent of diet. The PPARKI mouse provides a novel model for studying the relationship between impaired PPARgamma function and the metabolic syndrome.  相似文献   
Human flap endonuclease 1 (h-FEN1) mutations have dramatic effects on repeat instability. Current models for repeat expansion predict that h-FEN1 protein prevents mutations by removing 5'-flaps generated at ends of Okazaki fragments by strand displacement synthesis. The models propose that hairpin formations within flaps containing repeats enable them to escape h-FEN1 cleavage. Friedreich's ataxia is caused by expansion mutations in a d(GAA)n repeat tract. Single-stranded d(GAA)n repeat tracts, however, do not form stable hairpins until the repeat tracts are quite long. Therefore, to understand how d(GAA)n repeat expansions survive h-FEN1 activity, we determined the effects of h-FEN1 on d(GAA)n repeat expansion during replication of a d(TTC)n repeat template. Replication initiated within the repeat tract generated significant expansion that was suppressed by the addition of h-FEN1 at the start of replication. The ability of h-FEN1 to suppress expansion implies that DNA slippage generates a 5'-flap in the nascent strand independent of strand displacement synthesis by an upstream polymerase. Delaying the addition of h-FEN1 to the replication reaction abolished the ability of h-FEN1 ability to suppress d(GAA)n repeat expansion products of all sizes, including sizes unable to hairpin. Use of model substrates demonstrated that h-FEN1 cleaves d(GAA)n 5'-flaps joined to double-stranded nonrepeat sequences but not those joined to double-stranded repeat tracts. The results provide evidence that, given the opportunity, short d(GAA)n repeat expansion products rearrange from 5'-flaps to stable internal loops inside the repeat tract. Long expansion products are predicted to form hairpinned flaps and internal loops. Once formed, these DNA conformations resist h-FEN1. The biological implications of the results are discussed.  相似文献   
Idiopathic pneumonia syndrome (IPS) is a frequently fatal complication after allogeneic stem cell transplantation (allo-SCT) that responds poorly to standard immunosuppressive therapy. The pathophysiology of IPS involves the secretion of inflammatory cytokines including IFN-gamma and TNF-alpha along with the recruitment of donor T cells to the lung. CXCR3 is a chemokine receptor that is expressed on activated Th1/Tc1 T cell subsets and the expression of its ligands CXCL9 (monokine induced by IFN-gamma (Mig)) and CXCL10 (IFN-gamma-inducible protein 10 (IP-10)) can be induced in a variety of cell types by IFN-gamma alone or in combination with TNF-alpha. We used a lethally irradiated murine SCT model (B6 --> bm1) to evaluate the role of CXCR3 receptor:ligand interactions in the development of IPS. We found that Mig and IP-10 protein levels were significantly elevated in the bronchoalveolar lavage fluid of allo-SCT recipients compared with syngeneic controls and correlated with the infiltration of IFN-gamma-secreting CXCR3(+) donor T cells into the lung. The in vivo neutralization of either Mig or IP-10 significantly reduced the severity of IPS compared with control-treated animals, and an additive effect was observed when both ligands were blocked simultaneously. Complementary experiments using CXCR3(-/-) mice as SCT donors also resulted in a significant decrease in IPS. These data demonstrate that interactions involving CXCR3 and its primary ligands Mig and IP-10 significantly contribute to donor T cell recruitment to the lung after allo-SCT. Therefore, approaches focusing on the abrogation of these interactions may prove successful in preventing or treating lung injury that occurs in this setting.  相似文献   
Glucose in the gut lumen activates gut endocrine cells to release 5-HT, glucagon-like peptide 1/2 (GLP-1/2), and glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide (GIP), which act to change gastrointestinal function and regulate postprandial plasma glucose. There is evidence that both release and action of incretin hormones is reduced in type 2 diabetes (T2D). We measured cellular activation of enteroendocrine and enterochromaffin cells, enteric neurons, and vagal afferent neurons in response to intestinal glucose in a model of type 2 diabetes mellitus, the UCD-T2DM rat. Prediabetic (PD), recent-diabetic (RD, 2 wk postonset), and 3-mo diabetic (3MD) fasted UCD-T2DM rats were given an orogastric gavage of vehicle (water, 0.5 ml /100 g body wt) or glucose (330 μmol/100 g body wt); after 6 min tissue was removed and cellular activation was determined by immunohistochemistry for phosphorylated calcium calmodulin-dependent kinase II (pCaMKII). In PD rats, pCaMKII immunoreactivity was increased in duodenal 5-HT (P < 0.001), K (P < 0.01) and L (P < 0.01) cells in response to glucose; glucose-induced activation of all three cell types was significantly reduced in RD and 3MD compared with PD rats. Immunoreactivity for GLP-1, but not GIP, was significantly reduced in RD and 3MD compared with PD rats (P < 0.01). Administration of glucose significantly increased pCaMKII in enteric and vagal afferent neurons in PD rats; glucose-induced pCaMKII immunoreactivity was attenuated in enteric and vagal afferent neurons (P < 0.01, P < 0.001, respectively) in RD and 3MD. These data suggest that glucose sensing in enteroendocrine and enterochromaffin cells and activation of neural pathways is markedly impaired in UCD-T2DM rats.  相似文献   
Vaccinia virus, the prototypic poxvirus, efficiently and faithfully replicates its ~200-kb DNA genome within the cytoplasm of infected cells. This intracellular localization dictates that vaccinia virus encodes most, if not all, of its own DNA replication machinery. Included in the repertoire of viral replication proteins is the I3 protein, which binds to single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) with great specificity and stability and has been presumed to be the replicative ssDNA binding protein (SSB). We substantiate here that I3 colocalizes with bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU)-labeled nascent viral genomes and that these genomes accumulate in cytoplasmic factories that are delimited by membranes derived from the endoplasmic reticulum. Moreover, we report on a structure/function analysis of I3 involving the isolation and characterization of 10 clustered charge-to-alanine mutants. These mutants were analyzed for their biochemical properties (self-interaction and DNA binding) and biological competence. Three of the mutant proteins, encoded by the I3 alleles I3-4, -5, and -7, were deficient in self-interaction and unable to support virus viability, strongly suggesting that the multimerization of I3 is biologically significant. Mutant I3-5 was also deficient in DNA binding. Additionally, we demonstrate that small interfering RNA (siRNA)-mediated depletion of I3 causes a significant decrease in the accumulation of progeny genomes and that this reduction diminishes the yield of infectious virus.  相似文献   
BS Strunk  MN Novak  CL Young  K Karbstein 《Cell》2012,150(1):111-121
Assembly factors (AFs) prevent premature translation initiation on small (40S) ribosomal subunit assembly intermediates by blocking ligand binding. However, it is unclear how AFs are displaced from maturing 40S ribosomes, if or how maturing subunits are assessed for fidelity, and what prevents premature translation initiation once AFs dissociate. Here we show that maturation involves a translation-like cycle whereby the translation factor eIF5B, a GTPase, promotes joining of large (60S) subunits with pre-40S subunits to give 80S-like complexes, which are subsequently disassembled by the termination factor Rli1, an ATPase. The AFs Tsr1 and Rio2 block the mRNA channel and initiator tRNA binding site, and therefore 80S-like ribosomes lack mRNA or initiator tRNA. After Tsr1 and Rio2 dissociate from 80S-like complexes Rli1-directed displacement of 60S subunits allows for translation initiation. This cycle thus provides a functional test of 60S subunit binding and the GTPase site before ribosomes enter the translating pool.  相似文献   
1.?Habitat use can influence individual performance in a wide range of animals, either immediately or through carry-over effects in subsequent seasons. Given that many animal species also show consistent individual differences in reproductive success, it seems plausible that individuals may have consistent patterns of habitat use representing individual specializations, with concomitant fitness consequences. 2.?Stable-carbon isotope ratios from a range of tissues were used to discern individual consistency in habitat use along a terrestrial-aquatic gradient in a long-distance migrant, the Bewick's swan (Cygnus columbianus bewickii). These individual specialisations represented <15% of the isotopic breadth of the population for the majority of individuals and were seen to persist throughout autumn migration and overwintering until aquatic habitats were no longer available. 3.?Individual foraging specialisations were then used to demonstrate two consecutive carry-over effects associated with macroscale habitat segregation: consequences of breeding season processes for autumn habitat use; and consequences of autumn habitat use for future reproductive success. Adults that were successful breeders in the year of capture used terrestrial habitats significantly more than adults that were not successful, revealing a substantial cost of reproduction and extended parental care. Use of aquatic habitats during autumn was, however, associated with increased body condition prior to spring migration; and increased subsequent breeding success in adults that had been unsuccessful the year before. Yet adults that were successful breeders in the year of capture remained the most likely to be successful the following year, despite their use of terrestrial habitats. 4.?Our results uniquely demonstrate not only individual foraging specializations throughout the migration period, but also that processes during breeding and autumn migration, mediated by individual consistency, may play a fundamental role in the population dynamics of long-distance migrants. These findings, therefore, highlight the importance of long-term consistency to our understanding of habitat function, interindividual differences in fitness, population dynamics and the evolution of migratory strategies.  相似文献   
Vibrio fischeri cells are the sole colonists of a specialized light organ in the mantle cavity of the sepiolid squid Euprymna scolopes. The process begins when the bacteria aggregate in mucus secretions outside the light organ. The cells eventually leave the aggregate, enter the light organ, and encounter a rich supply of peptides. The need to dissociate from mucus and presumably utilize peptides led us to hypothesize that protease activity is integral to the colonization process. Protease activity associated with whole cells of Vibrio fischeri strain ES114 was identified as the product of a putative cell membrane-associated aminopeptidase (PepN). To characterize this activity, the aminopeptidase was cloned, overexpressed, and purified. Initial steady-state kinetic studies revealed that the aminopeptidase has broad activity, with a preference for basic and hydrophobic side chains and k(cat) and K(m) values that are lower and smaller, respectively, than those of Escherichia coli PepN. A V. fischeri mutant unable to produce PepN is significantly delayed in its ability to colonize squid within the first 12 h, but eventually it establishes a wild-type colonization level. Likewise, in competition with the wild type for colonization, the mutant is outcompeted at 12 h postinoculation but then competes evenly by 24 h. Also, the PepN-deficient strain fails to achieve wild-type levels of cells in aggregates, suggesting an explanation for the initial colonization delay. This study provides a foundation for more studies on PepN expression, localization, and role in the early stages of squid colonization.  相似文献   
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