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Site-directed mutagenesis has been used to produce mutant forms of yeast phosphoglycerate kinase in which the conserved active-site residue, Arg21, has been replaced by a methionine or a lysine. Kinetic results obtained using these mutant enzymes show that their Km for both 3-phospho-D-glycerate and ATP are significantly different from those recorded for the wild-type enzyme. The Vmax for the lysine mutant is reduced by a factor of two from that of the wild-type enzyme whereas the Vmax for the methionine mutant is reduced more than sevenfold. A very clean electron-density-difference map shows little, if any, evidence of a structural change associated with the C-terminal domain, although resonances in the NMR spectra associated with the ATP-binding site (C-terminal domain) are also affected by the mutation as one might expect from the kinetic results. The NMR data show that binding at both the 3-phospho-D-glycerate and the non-productive ATP-binding site (associated with the N-terminal domain) are affected in the mutant in a way which is different to that associated with the wild-type enzyme. These results, taken together with the X-ray and kinetic data, indicate that the non-productive ATP-binding site and the activating anion-binding site are both associated with the basic patch region of yeast phosphoglycerate kinase.  相似文献   
Aa Gymnastiar (Gym) is a popular Indonesian Muslim preacher who seems to be now at the pinnacle of his fame. He regularly gives advice to the head of state and to ministers and yet at the same time his approach to Islam appeals to all sections of the national Muslim community. His is a familiar face in newspaper columns and above all on television screens; Aa Gym has a masterful command of the media. This article describes and accounts for his popularity and discusses it in terms of continuity and change in the rise and decline of Muslim celebrities in Indonesia. It points out the difference between Gym and some obvious forerunners such as the scholar Hamka, and stresses that the nature of Gym's appeal is new in as much as he does not come from within the circle of traditional families of Muslim ulama . He seems to draw his information as much from secular sources of self-help manuals as from books of Sufi wisdom. Although very popular and influential among the general circle of believers, he is regarded with some suspicion by those who criticize his sufistic leanings and lack of an orthodox Muslim education. The article concludes by arguing that Gym and his approach to the implementation of Muslim precepts is more representative of the nature of Islam in Indonesia today than the activities of terrorists.  相似文献   
Homozygous lymphoblastoid cell lines representing various Dw subtypes of DR2 were examined for polymorphism at the DQ locus by molecular and cellular techniques. The subtypes studied included Dw2, Dw12, and a group heterogenous by cellular typing that we shall refer to as non-Dw2/non-Dw12. Restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis of cell lines representing these subtypes revealed DQ -specific patterns consistent with cellular typing. Two-dimensional gel electrophoresis of DQ molecules from representative cell lines revealed a structural polymorphism of DQ among the three subtypes. The DQ chain migrated to a position that was unique to each subtype and was consistent among various representative cell lines of each subtype. Nucleotide sequence analysis of cDNA clones of DQ from Dw2, Dw12, and non-Dw2/non-Dw12 lines confirmed that the variability resided at the genetic level. Variability was found in the form of numerous scattered nucleotide substitutions throughout the first domain of these alleles. The DQ gene of the non-Dw2/non-Dw12 cell line AZH was further found to be almost identical with the DQ gene of a DR1 line (Bell et al. 1985b), implicating a common evolutionary origin of these alleles. The only difference between these two sequences was due to an apparent gene conversion event at amino acid 57. T-cell cloning experiments resulted in the derivation of Epstein-Barr virus-specific, DQw1-restricted clones that proliferated against only those cell lines that exhibited the DQ gene common to AZH and the DR1 cell line. Thus, the polymorphism among DQ alleles within DR2 results in subtype-specific restriction.  相似文献   
Blidingia minima var. ramifera is reported for the first time in eastern North America. It occurs in the Gulf of St. Lawrence, Nova Scotia and in Maine. In the estuary of the West and Rights Rivers (Antigonish Harbour, Nova Scotia) it is the most common intertidal alga and during its maximum growth period (June-August) covers 75–90% of the intertidal zone for several km of shoreline at the mouth of the Rights River. In culture, spore germination and early development were typical of the taxon as described from Europe. The taxon is raised to specific status as Blidingia ramifera stat. nov. Blidingia subsalsa is confirmed from New England based on observations of spore germination in plants from Maine and Connecticut.  相似文献   
Methylation of 2-125I-lysergic acid diethylamide (125I-LSD) at the N1 position produces a new derivative, N1-methyl-2-125I-lysergic acid diethylamide (125I-MIL), with improved selectivity and higher affinity for serotonin 5-HT2 receptors. In rat frontal cortex homogenates, specific binding of 125I-MIL represents 80-90% of total binding, and the apparent dissociation constant (KD) for serotonin 5-HT2 receptors is 0.14 nM (using 2 mg of tissue/ml). 125I-MIL also displays a high affinity for serotonin 5-HT1C receptors, with an apparent dissociation constant of 0.41 nM at this site. 125I-MIL exhibits at least 60-fold higher affinity for serotonin 5-HT2 receptors than for other classes of neurotransmitter receptors, with the dopamine D2 receptor as its most potent secondary binding site. Studies of the association and dissociation kinetics of 125I-MIL reveal a strong temperature dependence, with very slow association and dissociation rates at 0 degree C. Autoradiographic experiments confirm the improved specificity of 125I-MIL. Selective labeling of serotonin receptors was observed in all brain areas examined. In vivo binding studies in mice indicate that 125I-MIL is the best serotonin receptor label yet described, with the highest frontal cortex to cerebellum ratio of any serotonergic radioligand. 125I-MIL is a promising ligand for both in vitro and in vivo labeling of serotonin receptors in the mammalian brain.  相似文献   
2-Amino-3,8-dimethylimidazo(4,5-f)quinoxaline (MeIQx) is a potent mutagen found in cooked food. MeIQx and its isotopically labelled (13C, 15N2 and 14C) analogues were synthesised and used for metabolic studies in vivo. An equimolar mixture of MeIQx and its 13C, 15N2 stable isotope labelled analogue (containing tracer amounts of 14C-MeIQx) was given intraperitoneally to mice. Some 67% of the radioactivity was eliminated in urine and faeces within 24h. Four radiolabelled species were observed when urine was analysed by HPLC, corresponding to unchanged MeIQx and three more polar metabolites. Urine was analysed directly by HPLC-thermospray mass spectrometry. Four signals were observed containing the characteristic 1:1 isotopic doublet, corresponding to unchanged MeIQx, an MeIQx glucuronide, and two uncharacterized metabolites.  相似文献   
Complexes (2:1) of chymotrypsin with human alpha 2-macroglobulin have been prepared in the presence of 200 mM methylamine such that 90% of the chymotrypsin remains noncovalently bound to the alpha 2-macroglobulin. Reaction of this complex with the active-site-directed spin-labeling reagent 4-[(ethoxyfluorophosphinyl)oxy]-2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidinyl+ ++-1-oxy results in nitroxide labeling of the active-site serine residue of the complexed chymotrypsin. Electron spin resonance (ESR) spectra of this complex were recorded at 275 K in buffer and at 263 K in 50% glycerol. At 263 K in 50% glycerol the spectrum is that expected for a rigid glass, whereas at room temperature the ESR spectrum shows that the chymotrypsin is only slightly immobilized compared with free spin-labeled chymotrypsin. These findings are discussed in relation to possible models of inhibition of protease activity by alpha 2-macroglobulin. It is concluded that the trap mechanism of Barrett and Starkey [Barrett, A. J., & Starkey, P. M. (1973) Biochem. J. 133, 709-724] is the only model currently considered that can account for the present findings.  相似文献   
The development of an organ-culture system for rat colonic mucosa has enabled a direct assessment of the effect of epidermal growth factor (EGF) on cell division. An augmented mitotic index (AIm) has been employed to identify changes in cell proliferation. Explants of colonic mucosa from four animals were maintained in a medium containing serum for five days. On the fifth day of culture, half of the explants received fresh medium containing EGF (40 ng/ml) and the remainder (controls) fresh medium only. At 6, 12, 24 and 48 hr thereafter groups of both experimental and control explants received the metaphase-arresting drug vincristine (4 micrograms/ml) for 3 hr prior to fixation. The proportions of vincristine-arrested metaphases within the explants were determined. Analysis of the data indicates that when serum is present exogenous EGF exerts a trophic effect which increases with time (P less than 0.001). In a second experiment colonic explants from four animals were maintained for five days in a serum-free medium and were then divided into groups, each of which received one of a range of concentrations of EGF. The AIm was determined for each group after 36 hr. It was found that increasing concentrations of EGF produce a small but significant increase in cell proliferation (P less than 0.01). This effect, however, was less pronounced than that seen when serum was present. These results suggest that EGF has a trophic action on the colon and interacts with additional factors found in serum.  相似文献   
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