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Summary In order to determine the ploidy of individual embryo-like structures (ELSs) following chromosome doubling treatments, a method was developed to determine the DNA content (ploidy level) of nuclei from single ELSs weighing as little as 1 mg using flow cytometry. About half (53%) of the ELSs which formed during anther culture of the maize inbred line used in control medium were haploid, 27% mixoploid and 20% diploid. Gibberellic acid (GA3) increased the diploid percentage to 52% without affecting the mixoploid frequency (26%). A four day treatment with the chromosome doubling agent colchicine (50M) increased chromosome doubling while oryzalin eliminated the diploidy and mixoploidy. When regenerable callus cultures were initiated from the ELSs none were found to be mixoploid but the haploid and diploid proportions were similar to that of the ELSs analyzed. Regenerable cultures could not be initiated from the colchicine treated ELSs, however. These studies show that with the genotype used here, GA3 and colchicine increased the amount of chromosome doubling of the ELSs while oryzalin and pronamide did not. The mixoploidy which existed in about 25% of the ELSs was never observed in calli apparently because these structures do not initiate callus or cells of only one ploidy level grew.Abbreviations ELS embryo-like structure - GA3 gibberellin A3  相似文献   
An electrophoretic analysis using 17 enzyme loci was carried out on specimens of the gastric nematode of macropodid marsupials, Rugopharynx australis (Mönnig, 1926), collected from Macropus eugenii (Desmarest), M. fuliginosus (Desmarest), M. giganteus Shaw, M. robustus Gould, M. rufogriseus (Desmarest), M. rufus (Desmarest), Thylogale billardierii (Desmarest) and Wallabia bicolor (Desmarest) from south-eastern Australia. The extent of fixed genetic differences between nematodes from different host species ranged from 0–53%. The two distinct morphological forms of the parasite found in M. rufogriseus differed at 50% of loci. Specimens present in M. fuliginosus and M. giganteus were indistinguishable genetically, as were nematodes from M. rufus and M. robustus. Of the two morphologically distinct congeners included in the analysis as controls, Rugopharynx epsilon (Johnston & Mawson, 1939) was genetically distinct (46–69% fixed genetic differences) from all specimens of the R. australis complex while R. rufogrisea Magzoub, 1964 was closely related to one of the two species occuring in M. rufogriseus. It was concluded that R. australis is a species complex, with a genetically distinct species present in M. eugenii, M. fuliginosus/M. giganteus, M. robustus/M. rufus, W. bicolor and T. billardierii, and two species in M. rufogriseus.  相似文献   
Contamination in a trace element laboratory can come from a variety of sources, including laboratory gloves. Therefore, vinyl and latex gloves were obtained from as many manufacturers as would supply gloves. These gloves were either prepared for acid-washing and subsequent soaking in an acid solution, or immersed in an acid solution for a duration of either 1 min or 1 h. Incubation washes were analyzed for a variety of trace elements by flame atomic abosrption spectroscopy (AAS) or inductively coupled mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). Results indicated that only three brands of vinyl gloves were acceptable for use in a trace element laboratory, whereas others had contamination of different elements. Latex gloves contained such high levels of biologically important elements that they were not considered suitable for routine trace element work. Vinyl gloves of choice should be routinely acid-washed before use in a trace element laboratory.  相似文献   
Seed bank experiments are described to assess the species richness potential of coal slurry ponds reclaimed as wetlands (ranging from 6 to more than 40 years old). Experimental treatments test the drawdown and flooded conditions characteristic of the vegetation dynamics of emergent wetlands in the Upper Mississippi Valley. More seedlings, primarily annuals, emerged from exposed wet sediments (freely drained) than under continuous flooded sediments in cold ponds (339 versus 136 seedlings m?2, respectively) and in natural ponds (163 versus 47, respectively). More seeds were produced by plants established in freely drained conditions than under flooded conditions from sediments in the coal ponds (26546 versus 1842 seeds m?2, respectively) and the natural ponds (28430 versus 4526, respectively). Similarly, more biomass was also produced by these plants in freely drained than under flooded conditions in coal ponds (118 versus 47 g m?2, respectively) and natural ponds (118 versus 52, respectively). Fertilization (NPK) did not affect germination for the most part, but it did affect seed set and biomass production, especially for C4 annuals such as Echinochloa crusgalli and Panicum dichotomiflorum. I propose that lime (calcium carbonate) and fertilizer be applied during the first few scheduled drawdowns for these coal slurry ponds reclaimed as wetlands to increase the number of species and to allow their more rapid development as self-sustaining systems.  相似文献   
X-Ray analysis of the ferritin of Escherichia coli (Ec-FTN) and of Ec-FTN crystals soaked in (NH4)2Fe(SO4)2 has revealed the presence of three iron-binding sites per subunit. Two of these form a di-iron site in the centre of the subunit as has been proposed for the ‘ferroxidase centres’ of human ferritin H chains. This di-iron site, lying within the 4-alpha-helix bundle, resemble those of ribonucleotide reductase, methane monoxygenase and haemerythrin. The third iron is bound by ligands unique to Ec-FTN on the inner surface of the protein shell. It is speculated that this state may represent the nucleation centre of a novel type of Fe(III) cluster, recently observed in Ec-FTN.  相似文献   
Approximately 90% of human Robertsonian translocations occur between nonhomologous acrocentric chromosomes, producing dicentric elements which are stable in meiosis and mitosis, implying that one centromere is functionally inactivated or suppressed. To determine if this suppression is random, centromeric activity in 48 human dicentric Robertsonian translocations was assigned by assessment of the primary constrictions using dual color fluorescence in situ hybridzation (FISH). Preferential activity/constriction of one centromere was observed in all except three different rearrangements. The activity is meiotically stable since intrafamilial consistency of a preferentially active centromere existed in members of six families. These results support evidence for nonrandom centromeric activity in humans and, more importantly, suggest a functional hierarchy in Robertsonian translocations with the chromosome 14 centromere most often active and the chromosome 15 centromere least often active.  相似文献   
Electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (ESI-MS) has proven to be a useful tool for examining noncovalent complexes between proteins and a variety of ligands. It has also been used to distinguish between denatured and refolded forms of proteins. Surfactants are frequently employed to enhance solubilization or to modify the tertiary or quaternary structure of proteins, but are usually considered incompatible with mass spectrometry. A broad range of ionic, nonionic, and zwitterionic surfactants was examined to characterize their effects on ESI-MS and on protein structure under ESI-MS conditions. Solution conditions studied include 4% acetic acid/50% acetonitrile/46% H2O and 100% aqueous. Of the surfactants examined, the nonionic saccharides, such as n-dodecyl-beta-D-glucopyranoside, at 0.1% to 0.01% (w/v) concentrations, performed best, with limited interference from chemical background and adduct formation. Under the experimental conditions used, ESI-MS performance in the presence of surfactants was found to be unrelated to critical micelle concentration. It is demonstrated that surfactants can affect both the tertiary and quaternary structures of proteins under conditions used for ESI-MS. However, several of the surfactants caused significant shifts in the charge-state distributions, which appeared to be independent of conformational effects. These observations suggest that surfactants, used in conjunction with ESI-MS, can be useful for protein structure studies, if care is used in the interpretation of the results.  相似文献   
Wheat leaves were exposed to light treatments that excite preferentially Photosystem I (PS I) or Photosystem II (PS II) and induce State 1 or State 2, respectively. Simultaneous measurements of CO2 assimilation, chlorophyll fluorescence and absorbance at 820 nm were used to estimate the quantum efficiencies of CO2 assimilation and PS II and PS I photochemistry during State transitions. State transitions were found to be associated with changes in the efficiency with which an absorbed photon is transferred to an open PS II reaction centre, but did not correlate with changes in the quantum efficiencies of PS II photochemistry or CO2 assimilation. Studies of the phosphorylation status of the light harvesting chlorophyll protein complex associated with PS II (LHC II) in wheat leaves and using chlorina mutants of barley which are deficient in this complex demonstrate that the changes in the effective antennae size of Photosystem II occurring during State transitions require LHC II and correlate with the phosphorylation status of LHC II. However, such correlations were not found in maize leaves. It is concluded that State transitions in C3 leaves are associated with phosphorylation-induced modifications of the PS II antennae, but these changes do not serve to optimise the use of light absorbed by the leaf for CO2 assimilation.Abbreviations Fm, Fo, Fv maximal, minimal and variable fluorescence yields - Fm, Fv maximal and variable fluorescence yields in a light adapted state - LHC II light harvesting chlorophyll a/b protein complex associated with PS II - qP photochemical quenching - A820 light-induced absorbance change at 820 nm - PS I, PS II relative quantum efficiencies of PS I and PS II photochemistry - CO 2 quantum yield of CO2 assimilation  相似文献   
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