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The assembly of the arabinan portions of cell wall polysaccharides in mycobacteria involves a family of arabinosyltransferases (AraT's) that promote the polymerization of decaprenolphosphoarabinose. Mycobacterial viability depends upon the ability of the organism to synthesize an intact arabinan and thus compounds that inhibit these AraT's are both useful biochemical tools as well as potential lead compounds for new anti-tuberculosis agents. We describe here the preparation of oligosaccharide fragments of mycobacterial arabinan that contain arabinofuranosyl residues modified at C-3 by the replacement of the hydroxyl group with an amino, azido or methoxy functionality. Subsequent testing of these oligosaccharides as inhibitors of mycobacterial AraT's revealed that all inhibited the enzymes, but to varying degrees. In further studies, each compound was shown to have only low activity as an inhibitor of mycobacterial growth.  相似文献   
CD1 proteins are antigen-presenting molecules that bind foreign and self-lipids and stimulate specific T cell responses. In the current study, we investigated ligand binding by CD1 proteins by developing a fluorescent probe binding approach using soluble recombinant human CD1 proteins. To increase stability and yield, soluble group 1 CD1 (CD1b and CD1c) and group 2 CD1 (CD1d) proteins were produced as single chain secreted CD1 proteins in which beta2-microglobulin was fused to the N termini of the CD1 heavy chains by a flexible peptide linker sequence. Analysis of ligand binding properties of single chain secreted CD1 proteins by using fluorescent lipid probes indicated significant differences in ligand preference and in pH dependence of binding by group 1 versus group 2 CD1 proteins. Whereas group 1 CD1 isoforms (CD1b and CD1c) show stronger binding of nitrobenzoxadiazole (NBD)-labeled dialkyl-based ligands (phosphatidylcholine, sphingomyelin, and ceramide), group 2 CD1 (CD1d) proteins were stronger binders of small hydrophobic probes such as 1-anilinonaphthalene-8-sulfonic acid and 4,4'-dianilino-1,1'-naphthyl-5,5'-disulfonic acid. Competition studies indicated that binding of fluorescent lipid probes involved association of the probe with the hydrophobic ligand binding groove of CD1 proteins. Analysis of selected alanine substitution mutants of human CD1b known to inhibit antigen presentation showed that NBD-labeled lipid probe binding could be used to distinguish mutations that interfere with ligand binding from those that affect T cell receptor docking. Our findings provide further evidence for the functional specialization of different CD1 isoforms and demonstrate the value of the fluorescent lipid probe binding method for assisting structure-based studies of CD1 function.  相似文献   
The genus Tsukamurella is a member of the phylogenetic group nocardioform actinomycetes and is closely related to the genus Mycobacterium. The mycobacterial cell envelope contains lipoglycans, and of particular interest is lipoarabinomannan, one of the most potent mycobacterial immunomodulatory molecules. We have investigated the presence of lipoglycans in Tsukamurella paurometabola and report here the isolation and structural characterization of a new lipoarabinomannan variant, designated TpaLAM. Matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization-mass spectrometric analysis revealed that TpaLAM had an average molecular mass of 12.5 kDa and consequently was slightly smaller than Mycobacterium tuberculosis lipoarabinomannan. Using a range of chemical degradations, NMR experiments, capillary electrophoresis, and mass spectrometry analyses, TpaLAM revealed an original carbohydrate structure. Indeed, TpaLAM contained a mannosylphosphatidyl-myo-inositol (MPI) anchor glycosylated by a linear (alpha1-->6)-Manp mannan domain, which is further substituted by an (alpha1-->5)-Araf chain. Half of the Araf units are further substituted at the O-2 position by a Manp-(alpha1-->2)-Manp-(alpha1--> dimannoside motif. Altogether, TpaLAM appears to be the most elaborated non-mycobacterial LAM molecule identified to date. TpaLAM was found to induce the pro-inflammatory cytokine tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha when tested with either human or murine monocyte/macrophage cell lines. This induction was completely abrogated in the presence of an anti-toll-like receptor-2 (TLR-2) antibody, suggesting that TLR-2 participates in the mediation of TNF-alpha production in response to TpaLAM. Moreover, we established that the lipomannan core of TpaLAM is the primary moiety responsible for the observed TNF-alpha-inducing activity. This conclusively demonstrates that a linear (alpha1-->6)-Manp chain, linked to the MPI anchor, is sufficient in providing pro-inflammatory activity.  相似文献   
CD1d-restricted NKT cells use structurally conserved TCRs and recognize both self and foreign glycolipids, but the TCR features that determine these Ag specificities remain unclear. We investigated the TCR structures and lipid Ag recognition properties of five novel Valpha24-negative and 13 canonical Valpha24-positive/Vbeta11-positive human NKT cell clones generated using alpha-galactosylceramide (alpha-GalCer)-loaded CD1d tetramers. The Valpha24-negative clones expressed Vbeta11 paired with Valpha10, Valpha2, or Valpha3. Strikingly, their Valpha-chains had highly conserved rearrangements to Jalpha18, resulting in CDR3alpha loop sequences that are nearly identical to those of canonical TCRs. Valpha24-positive and Valpha24-negative clones responded similarly to alpha-GalCer and a closely related bacterial analog, suggesting that conservation of the CDR3alpha loop is sufficient for recognition of alpha-GalCer despite CDR1alpha and CDR2alpha sequence variation. Unlike Valpha24-positive clones, the Valpha24-negative clones responded poorly to a glucose-linked glycolipid (alpha-glucosylceramide), which correlated with their lack of a conserved CDR1alpha amino acid motif, suggesting that fine specificity for alpha-linked glycosphingolipids is influenced by Valpha-encoded TCR regions. Valpha24-negative clones showed no response to isoglobotrihexosylceramide, indicating that recognition of this mammalian lipid is not required for selection of Jalpha18-positive TCRs that can recognize alpha-GalCer. One alpha-GalCer-reactive, Valpha24-positive clone differed from the others in responding specifically to mammalian phospholipids, demonstrating that semi-invariant NKT TCRs have a capacity for private Ag specificities that are likely conferred by individual TCR beta-chain rearrangements. These results highlight the variation in Ag recognition among CD1d-restricted TCRs and suggest that TCR alpha-chain elements contribute to alpha-linked glycosphingolipid specificity, whereas TCR beta-chains can confer heterogeneous additional reactivities.  相似文献   
The cell wall mycolyl-arabinogalactan-peptidoglycan complex is essential in mycobacterial species, such as Mycobacterium tuberculosis, and is the target of several anti-tubercular drugs. For instance, ethambutol targets arabinogalactan biosynthesis through inhibition of the arabinofuranosyltransferases Mt-EmbA and Mt-EmbB. Following a detailed bioinformatics analysis of genes surrounding the conserved emb locus, we present the identification and characterization of a novel arabinofuranosyltransferase AftA (Rv3792). The enzyme catalyzes the addition of the first key arabinofuranosyl residue from the sugar donor beta-D-arabinofuranosyl-1-monophosphoryldecaprenol to the galactan domain of the cell wall, thus "priming" the galactan for further elaboration by the arabinofuranosyltransferases. Because aftA is an essential gene in M. tuberculosis, we deleted its orthologue in Corynebacterium glutamicum to produce a slow growing but viable mutant. Analysis of its cell wall revealed the complete absence of arabinose resulting in a truncated cell wall structure possessing only a galactan core with a concomitant loss of cell wall-bound mycolates. Complementation of the mutant was fully restored to the wild type phenotype by Cg-aftA. In addition, by developing an in vitro assay using recombinant Escherichia coli expressing Mt-aftA and use of cell wall galactan as an acceptor, we demonstrated the transfer of arabinose from beta-D-arabinofuranosyl-1-monophosphoryldecaprenol to galactan, and unlike the Mt-Emb proteins, Mt-AftA was not inhibited by ethambutol. This newly discovered glycosyltransferase represents an attractive drug target for further exploitation by chemotherapeutic intervention.  相似文献   
Phosphorylation of proteins by Ser/Thr protein kinases (STPKs) has recently become of major physiological importance because of its possible involvement in virulence of bacterial pathogens. Although Mycobacterium tuberculosis has eleven STPKs, the nature and function of the substrates of these enzymes remain largely unknown. In this work, we have identified for the first time STPK substrates in M. tuberculosis forming part of the type II fatty acid synthase (FAS-II) system involved in mycolic acid biosynthesis: the malonyl-CoA::AcpM transacylase mtFabD, and the beta-ketoacyl AcpM synthases KasA and KasB. All three enzymes were phosphorylated in vitro by different kinases, suggesting a complex network of interactions between STPKs and these substrates. In addition, both KasA and KasB were efficiently phosphorylated in M. bovis BCG each at different sites and could be dephosphorylated by the M. tuberculosis Ser/Thr phosphatase PstP. Enzymatic studies revealed that, whereas phosphorylation decreases the activity of KasA in the elongation process of long chain fatty acids synthesis, this modification enhances that of KasB. Such a differential effect of phosphorylation may represent an unusual mechanism of FAS-II system regulation, allowing pathogenic mycobacteria to produce full-length mycolates, which are required for adaptation and intracellular survival in macrophages.  相似文献   
Human and mouse type I natural killer T (NKT) cells respond to a variety of CD1d-restricted glycolipid antigens (Ags), with their NKT cell antigen receptors (NKT TCRs) exhibiting reciprocal cross-species reactivity that is underpinned by a conserved NKT TCR-CD1d-Ag docking mode. Within this common docking footprint, the NKT TCR recognizes, to varying degrees of affinity, a range of Ags. Presently, it is unclear whether the human NKT TCRs will mirror the generalities underpinning the fine specificity of the mouse NKT TCR-CD1d-Ag interaction. Here, we assessed human NKT TCR recognition against altered glycolipid ligands of α-galactosylceramide (α-GalCer) and have determined the structures of a human NKT TCR in complex with CD1d-4′,4″-deoxy-α-GalCer and CD1d-α-GalCer with a shorter, di-unsaturated acyl chain (C20:2). Altered glycolipid ligands with acyl chain modifications did not affect the affinity of the human NKT TCR-CD1d-Ag interaction. Surprisingly, human NKT TCR recognition is more tolerant to modifications at the 4′-OH position in comparison with the 3′-OH position of α-GalCer, which contrasts the fine specificity of the mouse NKT TCR-CD1d-Ag recognition (4′-OH > 3′-OH). The fine specificity differences between human and mouse NKT TCRs was attributable to differing interactions between the respective complementarity-determining region 1α loops and the Ag. Accordingly, germline encoded fine-specificity differences underpin human and mouse type I NKT TCR interactions, which is an important consideration for therapeutic development and NKT cell physiology.  相似文献   
Huisgen [3+2] dipolar cycloaddition of 6″-azido-6″-deoxy-α-galactosyl ceramide 11 with a range of alkynes (or a benzyne precursor) yielded a series of triazole-containing α-galactosyl ceramide (α-GalCer) analogues in high yield. These α-GalCer analogues and the precursor azide 11 were tested for their ability to activate iNKT cells and stimulate IL-2 cytokine secretion in vitro, and IFN-γ and IL-4 cytokine secretion in vivo. Some of these analogues, specifically 11, 12b, 12f and 13, were more potent IL-2 stimulators than the prototypical CD1d agonist, α-GalCer 1. In terms of any cytokine bias, most of the triazole-containing analogues exhibited a small Th2 cytokine-biasing response relative to that shown by α-GalCer 1. In contrast, the cycloaddition precursor, namely azide 11, provided a small Th1 cytokine-biasing response.  相似文献   
Mycobacterium tuberculosis is a major human pathogen and the causative agent for the pulmonary disease, tuberculosis (TB). Current treatment programs to combat TB are under threat due to the emergence of multi-drug and extensively-drug resistant TB. Through the use of high throughput whole cell screening of an extensive compound library a number of imidazo[1,2-a]pyridine (IP) compounds were obtained as potent lead molecules active against M. tuberculosis and Mycobacterium bovis BCG. The IP inhibitors (1–4) demonstrated minimum inhibitory concentrations (MICs) in the range of 0.03 to 5 µM against a panel of M. tuberculosis strains. M. bovis BCG spontaneous resistant mutants were generated against IP 1, 3, and 4 at 5× MIC and subsequent whole genome sequencing identified a single nucleotide polymorphism 937ACC>937GCC (T313A) in qcrB, which encodes the b subunit of the electron transport ubiquinol cytochrome C reductase. This mutation also conferred cross-resistance against IP 1, 3 and 4 demonstrating a common target. Gene dosage experiments confirmed M. bovis BCG QcrB as the target where over-expression in M. bovis BCG led to an increase in MIC from 0.5 to >8 µM for IP 3. An acute murine model of TB infection established bacteriostatic activity of the IP series, which await further detailed characterization.  相似文献   
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