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Histone chaperones are at the hub of a diverse interaction networks integrating a plethora of chromatin modifying activities. Histone H3/H4 chaperone ASF1 is a target for cell-cycle regulated Tousled-like kinases (TLKs) and both proteins cooperate during chromatin replication. However, the precise role of post-translational modification of ASF1 remained unclear. Here, we identify the TLK phosphorylation sites for both Drosophila and human ASF1 proteins. Loss of TLK-mediated phosphorylation triggers hASF1a and dASF1 degradation by proteasome-dependent and independent mechanisms respectively. Consistent with this notion, introduction of phosphorylation-mimicking mutants inhibits hASF1a and dASF1 degradation. Human hASF1b is also targeted for proteasome-dependent degradation, but its stability is not affected by phosphorylation indicating that other mechanisms are likely to be involved in control of hASF1b levels. Together, these results suggest that ASF1 cellular levels are tightly controlled by distinct pathways and provide a molecular mechanism for post-translational regulation of dASF1 and hASF1a by TLK kinases.  相似文献   
Trauma such as burns induces a hypermetabolic response associated with altered central carbon and nitrogen metabolism. The liver plays a key role in these metabolic changes; however, studies to date have evaluated the metabolic state of liver using ex vivo perfusions or isotope labeling techniques targeted to specific pathways. Herein, we developed a unique mass balance approach to characterize the metabolic state of the liver in situ, and used it to quantify the metabolic changes to experimental burn injury in rats. Rats received a sham (control uninjured), 20% or 40% total body surface area (TBSA) scald burn, and were allowed to develop a hypermetabolic response. One day prior to evaluation, all animals were fasted to deplete glycogen stores. Four days post-burn, blood flow rates in major vessels of the liver were measured, and blood samples harvested. We combined measurements of metabolite concentrations and flow rates in the major vessels entering and leaving the liver with a steady-state mass balance model to generate a quantitative picture of the metabolic state of liver. The main findings were: (1) Sham-burned animals exhibited a gluconeogenic pattern, consistent with the fasted state; (2) the 20% TBSA burn inhibited gluconeogenesis and exhibited glycolytic-like features with very few other significant changes; (3) the 40% TBSA burn, by contrast, further enhanced gluconeogenesis and also increased amino acid extraction, urea cycle reactions, and several reactions involved in oxidative phosphorylation. These results suggest that increasing the severity of injury does not lead to a simple dose-dependent metabolic response, but rather leads to qualitatively different responses.  相似文献   
D(2)-like antagonists potentiate dopamine release. They also inhibit dopamine uptake by a mechanism yet to be clarified. Here, we monitored dopamine uptake in the striatum of anesthetized mice. The dopamine overflow was evoked by brief electrical stimulation of the medial forebrain bundle (four pulses at 100 Hz) and was monitored with carbon fiber electrodes combined with continuous amperometry. The decay phase of evoked overflows reflects dopamine half-life, which entirely depends on uptake. The D(2)-like antagonists haloperidol and eticlopride enhanced the half-life by 45% and 48%, respectively, a moderate effect as compared to the uptake blocker nomifensine (528%). Both D(2)-like antagonists did not affect dopamine uptake in mice lacking D(2) receptors. Inhibition of tonic dopamine release by gamma-butyrolactone did not mimic the enhancing effect of D(2) antagonists on dopamine half-life. However, prolonged stimulation boosted dopamine uptake and this effect was not observed after haloperidol treatment or in mice lacking D(2) receptors. Therefore, dopamine uptake is accelerated in conditions of excessive D(2) stimulation but not finely tuned in resting conditions. Inhibition of dopamine uptake by D(2) antagonists synergizes with the potentiation of dopamine release to strongly alter the phasic dopamine signaling.  相似文献   
Tenrecs are a diverse family of insectivores, with an Afro-Malagasian biogeographic distribution. Three subfamilies (Geogalinae, Oryzorictinae, Tenrecinae) are restricted to Madagascar and one subfamily, the otter shrews (Potamogalinae), occurs on the mainland. Morphological studies have generated conflicting hypotheses according to which both tenrecids and Malagassy tenrecs are either monophyletic or paraphyletic. Competing hypotheses have different implications for the biogeographic history of Tenrecidae. At present, there are no molecular studies that address these hypotheses. The present study provides sequences of a nuclear protein-coding gene (vWF) and the mitochondrial 12S rRNA, tRNA valine, and 16S rRNA genes from a potamogaline (Micropotamogale). New sequences of these genes are also reported for the tenrecine, Tenrec ecaudatus. The 12S sequences from these taxa were combined with data already available for this locus from two other tenrecids (Echinops telfairi, subfamily Tenrecinae and Oryzorictes talpoides, subfamily Oryzorictinae). Phylogenetic analyses provided strong bootstrap support for the monophyly of Tenrecidae and Malagasy tenrecs. The majority of statistical tests rejected morphological claims for both a Tenrecinae--Chrysochloridae clade and an Oryzorictinae--Potamogalinae clade. Molecular clock estimates suggest a split of otter shrews and Malagasy tenrecs at approximately 53 MYA. We estimate that the ancestor of Malagasy tenrecs dispersed to Madagascar subsequent to this split but prior to about 37 MYA.  相似文献   


The guideline-recommended elements to include in discussions about goals of care with patients with serious illness are mostly based on expert opinion. We sought to identify which elements are most important to patients and their families.


We used a cross-sectional study design involving patients from 9 Canadian hospitals. We asked older adult patients with serious illness and their family members about the occurrence and importance of 11 guideline-recommended elements of goals-of-care discussions. In addition, we assessed concordance between prescribed goals of care and patient preferences, and we measured patient satisfaction with goals-of-care discussions using the Canadian Health Care Evaluation Project (CANHELP) questionnaire.


Our study participants included 233 patients (mean age 81.2 yr) and 205 family members (mean age 60.2 yr). Participants reported that clinical teams had addressed individual elements of goals-of-care discussions infrequently (range 1.4%–31.7%). Patients and family members identified the same 5 elements as being the most important to address: preferences for care in the event of life-threatening illness, values, prognosis, fears or concerns, and questions about goals of care. Addressing more elements was associated with both greater concordance between patients’ preferences and prescribed goals of care, and greater patient satisfaction.


We identified elements of goals-of-care discussions that are most important to older adult patients in hospital with serious illness and their family members. We found that guideline-recommended elements of goals-of-care discussions are not often addressed by health care providers. Our results can inform interventions to improve the determination of goals of care in the hospital setting.In Canada, dying is often an in-hospital, technology-laden experience.14 Rates of cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) before death continue to increase among older adult patients in hospital,5 and one-fifth of deaths in hospital occur in an intensive care unit.1,2,6,7 These observations contrast sharply with patient-reported preferences. A recent Canadian study found that 80% of older adult patients in hospital with a serious illness prefer a less aggressive and more comfort-oriented end-of-life care plan that does not include CPR.8Such patients and their families have identified communication with health care providers and decision-making about goals of care as high priorites for improving end-of-life care in Canada.9,10 We define “decision-making about goals of care” as an end-of-life communication and decision-making process that occurs between a clinician and a patient (or a substitute decision-maker if the patient is incapable) in an institutional setting to establish a plan of care. Often, this process includes deciding whether to use life-sustaining treatments.11 Current guidelines recommend that health care providers address 11 key elements when discussing goals of care with patients and families (Box 1).1214 However, these elements are mostly based on expert opinion and lack input from patients and their families.

Box 1:

Key elements of goals-of-care discussions with patients in hospital with serious illness1214

  • Ask about previous discussions or written documentation about the use of life-sustaining treatments
  • Offer a time to meet to discuss goals of care
  • Provide information about advance care planning to review before conversations with the physician
  • Disclose prognosis
  • Ask about patients’ values (i.e., what is important to them when considering health care decisions)
  • Provide information about outcomes, benefits and risks of life-sustaining treatments
  • Provide information about outcomes, benefits and risks of comfort measures
  • Prompt for additional questions about goals of care
  • Provide an opportunity to express fears or concerns
  • Ask about preferences for care in the event of a life-threatening illness
  • Facilitate access to legal documents to record patients’ wishes
Our primary objective was to determine which of these elements are most important to patients and their families. In addition, we examined whether these discussions were associated with concordance between patients’ (or family members’) preferences and prescribed goals of care, and with satisfaction with end-of-life communication and decision-making.  相似文献   
Knoxdaviesia proteae is one of the first native ophiostomatoid fungi discovered in South Africa, where it consistently occurs in the infructescences of the iconic Cape Biome plant, Protea repens. Although numerous studies have been undertaken to better understand the ecology of K. proteae, many questions remain to be answered, particularly given its unique niche and association with arthropods for dispersal. We describe the development and distribution of microsatellite markers in K. proteae through Interspersed Simple Sequence Repeat-Polymerase Chain Reaction (ISSR-PCR) enrichment and pyrosequencing. A large proportion of the 31492 sequences obtained from sequencing the enriched genomic DNA were characterised by microsatellites consisting of short tandem repeats and di- and tri-nucleotide motifs. Seventeen percent of these microsatellites contained flanking regions sufficient for primer design. Twenty-three primer pairs were tested, of which 12 amplified and 10 generated polymorphic fragments in K. proteae. Half of these could be transferred to the sister species, K. capensis. The developed markers will be used to investigate the reproductive system, genetic diversity and dispersal strategies of K. proteae.  相似文献   
Knoxdaviesia proteae, a fungus specific to the floral structures of the iconic Cape Floral Kingdom plant, Protea repens, is dispersed by mites phoretic on beetles that pollinate these flowers. Although the vectors of K. proteae have been identified, little is known regarding its patterns of distribution. Seed bearing infructescences of P. repens were sampled from current and previous flowering seasons, from which K. proteae individuals were isolated and cultured. The genotypes of K. proteae isolates were determined using 12 microsatellite markers specific to this species. Genetic diversity indices showed a high level of similarity between K. proteae isolates from the two different infructescence age classes. The heterozygosity of the population was high (0.74 ± 0.04), and exceptional genotypic diversity was encountered (Ĝ = 97.87%). Population differentiation was negligible, owing to the numerous migrants between the infructescence age classes (Nm = 47.83) and between P. repens trees (Nm = 2.96). Parsimony analysis revealed interconnected genotypes, indicative of recombination and homoplasies, and the index of linkage disequilibrium confirmed that outcrossing is prevalent in K. proteae ( = 0.0067; P = 0.132). The high diversity and panmixia in this population is likely a result of regular gene flow and an outcrossing reproductive strategy. The lack of genetic cohesion between individuals from a single P. repens tree suggests that K. proteae dispersal does not primarily occur over short distances via mites as hypothesized, but rather that long-distance dispersal by beetles plays an important part in the biology of these intriguing fungi.  相似文献   
Radiolarians of several radiolarites sections of the Pindos-Olonos zone, southern Peloponnesus, lead to propose direct datations of mesozoic sediments. The acuity of such datations allow to distinguish two periods for depositionof radiolarites s.s. in the tethyan region. The first period would be Upper Jurassic and general in tethyan realm, radiolarites depositing under various latitudes (0–35°N). This would be the result of a strong ocean surface current. The second period would be Upper Cretaceous (Vraconian—Coniacian) and be geographically much more restricted (0–15°N). This could result from a weaker current. The absence of radiolaritic sedimentation is possibly the result of the destruction or insulation of the accurate basins during the obduction of ophiolites on the apulo-african realm. The inventory of Late Cretaceous radiolarian fauna, rarely done on alpine series so far, shows similar result to those obtained in Central American and California.  相似文献   
The boron tolerance of two summer squash cultivars (Cucurbita pepo L. Aristocrat Zucchini and Peter Pan Scallop) and one winter squash cultivar (Cucurbita moschata Poir. Butter boy) was determined in large, outdoor sand cultures. Boron treatments were imposed by irrigation with culture solutions that contained 1.0, 3.0, 6.0, 9.0, 12.0, or 15.0 mg B L-1. Relative fruit yields of Zucchini, Scallop, and Butter boy were reduced 5.2%, 9.8%, and 4.3% with each unit (mg L-1) increase in soil solution B (Bsw)>2.7, 4.9, and 1.0 mg B L-1, respectively. Reduced yields of all cultivars were attributed to a reduction in fruit number and not fruit size. Boron concentrations in leaves and fruit were directly correlated to Bsw.  相似文献   
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