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We here describe an assay for the detection of interferon-like activity in Atlantic salmon based on the transient transfection of chinook salmon embryo cells (CHSE-214 cells) with a rainbow trout Mx1 promoter linked to a luciferase reporter. A beta-galactosidase gene under the control of a constitutively expressed beta-actin promoter was used as a transfection standard, and luciferase and beta gal expression were measured by a commercially available kit. Interferon containing supernatants from poly I:C- or CpG-stimulated leucocytes added to transfected CHSE-cells induced high luciferase expression (>60-fold induction compared to supernatants from non-stimulated cells). There was no response to supernatants from LPS- and ConA/PMA-stimulated leucocytes, demonstrating the specificity for type I interferon-like activity. Duplicate samples analysed using a cell protection assay for detection of antiviral activity correlated well with levels obtained by the Mx1 promoter reporter gene assay (R2=0.97), confirming the reporter assay as a reliable substitute for the standard antiviral assay. The Mx reporter gene assay also has advantages in terms of sensitivity, high dynamic range and reliability over the conventional cell protection assay.  相似文献   
Two biochemical deficits have been described in the substantia nigra in Parkinson's disease, decreased activity of mitochondrial complex I and reduced proteasomal activity. We analysed interactions between these deficits in primary mesencephalic cultures. Proteasome inhibitors (epoxomicin, MG132) exacerbated the toxicity of complex I inhibitors [rotenone, 1-methyl-4-phenylpyridinium (MPP+)] and of the toxic dopamine analogue 6-hydroxydopamine, but not of inhibitors of mitochondrial complex II-V or excitotoxins [N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA), kainate]. Rotenone and MPP+ increased free radicals and reduced proteasomal activity via adenosine triphosphate (ATP) depletion. 6-hydroxydopamine also increased free radicals, but did not affect ATP levels and increased proteasomal activity, presumably in response to oxidative damage. Proteasome inhibition potentiated the toxicity of rotenone, MPP+ and 6-hydroxydopamine at concentrations at which they increased free radical levels >/= 40% above baseline, exceeding the cellular capacity to detoxify oxidized proteins reduced by proteasome inhibition, and also exacerbated ATP depletion caused by complex I inhibition. Consistently, both free radical scavenging and stimulation of ATP production by glucose supplementation protected against the synergistic toxicity. In summary, proteasome inhibition increases neuronal vulnerability to normally subtoxic levels of free radicals and amplifies energy depletion following complex I inhibition.  相似文献   
The effects of the native alpha-conotoxin PnIA, its synthetic derivative [A10L]PnIA and alanine scan derivatives of [A10L]PnIA were investigated on chick wild type alpha7 and alpha7-L247T mutant nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs) expressed in Xenopus oocytes. PnIA and [A10L]PnIA inhibited acetylcholine (ACh)-activated currents at wtalpha7 receptors with IC50 values of 349 and 168 nm, respectively. Rates of onset of inhibition were similar for PnIA and [A10L]PnIA; however, the rate of recovery was slower for [A10L]PnIA, indicating that the increased potency of [A10L]PnIA at alpha7 receptors is conveyed by its slower rate of dissociation from the receptors. All the alanine mutants of [A10L]PnIA inhibited ACh-activated currents at wtalpha7 receptors. Insertion of an alanine residue between position 5 and 13 and at position 15 significantly reduced the ability of [A10L]PnIA to inhibit ACh-evoked currents. PnIA inhibited the non-desensitizing ACh-activated currents at alpha7-L247T receptors with an IC50 194 nm. In contrast, [A10L]PnIA and the alanine mutants potentiated the ACh-activated current alpha7-L247T receptors and in addition [A10L]PnIA acted as an agonist. PnIA stabilized the receptor in a state that is non-conducting in both the wild type and mutant receptors, whereas [A10L]PnIA stabilized a state that is non-conducting in the wild type receptor and conducting in the alpha7-L247T mutant. These data indicate that the change of a single amino acid side-chain, at position 10, is sufficient to change the toxin specificity for receptor states in the alpha7-L247T mutant.  相似文献   
Exportin-5 mediates nuclear export of minihelix-containing RNAs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The adenovirus VA1 RNA (VA1), a 160-nucleotide (nt)-long RNA transcribed by RNA polymerase III, is efficiently exported from the nucleus to the cytoplasm of infected cells, where it antagonizes the interferon-induced antiviral defense system. We recently reported that nuclear export of VA1 is mediated by a cis-acting RNA export motif, called minihelix, that comprises a double-stranded stem (>14 nt) with a base-paired 5' end and a 3-8-nt protruding 3' end. RNA export mediated by the minihelix motif is Ran-dependent, which indicates the involvement of a karyopherin-related factor (exportin) that remained to be determined. Here we show using microinjection in Xenopus laevis oocytes that VA1 is transported to the cytoplasm by exportin-5, a nuclear transport factor for double-stranded RNA binding proteins. Gel retardation assays revealed that exportin-5 directly interacts with VA1 RNA in a RanGTP-dependent manner. More generally, in vivo and in vitro competition experiments using various VA1-derived, but also artificial and cellular, RNAs lead to the conclusion that exportin-5 preferentially recognizes and transports minihelix motif-containing RNAs.  相似文献   
Social organisation of colonies of obligate plant-ants can affect their interaction with myrmecophyte hosts and with other ants competing for the resources they offer. An important parameter of social organisation is whether nest sites of a colony include one or several host individuals. We determined colony boundaries in a plant-ant associated with the rainforest understorey tree Leonardoxa africana subsp. africana, found in coastal forests of Cameroon (Central Africa). This myrmecophyte is strictly associated with two ants, Petalomyrmex phylax and Cataulacus mckeyi. Plants provide food and nesting sites for P. phylax, which protects young leaves against insect herbivores. This mutualism is often parasitised by C. mckeyi, which uses but does not protect the host. The presence of C. mckeyi on a tree excludes the mutualistic ant. Because Petalomyrmex -occupied trees are better protected, their growth and survival are superior to those of Cataulacus -occupied trees, giving P. phylax an advantage in occupation of nest sites. C. mckeyi often colonises trees that have lost their initial associate P. phylax, as a result of injury to the tree caused by disturbance. Polydomy may allow C. mckeyi to occupy small clumps of trees, without the necessity of claustral colony foundation in each tree. Investigating both the proximate (behavioural repertoire, colony odour) and the ultimate factors (genetic structure) that may influence colony closure, we precisely defined colony boundaries. We show that colonies of C. mckeyi are monogynous and facultatively polydomous, i.e. a colony occupies one to several Leonardoxa trees. Workers do not produce males. Thus, the hypothesis that polydomy allows workers in queenless nests to evade queen control for their reproduction is not supported in this instance. This particular colony structure may confer on C. mckeyi an advantage in short-distance dispersal, and this could help explain its persistence within the dynamic Leonardoxa system.  相似文献   
Protein N-myristoylation is an important lipid modification that affects the activity and membrane-binding properties of crucial proteins belonging to signal transduction cascades. The aim of this work was to develop a rapid and easy diagnostic method to check for (i) effective N-myristoylation of any given protein and (ii) easy proteome annotation. The N-myristoylation reaction was coupled to that of pyruvate dehydrogenase, and NADH was continuously detected spectrophotometrically. This method was optimized for and applied to full-length Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Arabidopsis thaliana N-myristoyltransferases and two A. thaliana enzyme derivatives. The data were validated by comparison with a previously described discontinuous assay, modification of the chemical nature of the substrates, and use of specific inhibitors. The kinetics of N-myristoylation were determined in vitro with various compounds including a full-length polypeptide substrate, a small G protein of the RAB family already known to be N-myristoylated in vivo. This automated assay can be used for proteomic studies to determine the N-myristoylation state of any protein.  相似文献   
The synthetic retinoid 6-[3-(1-adamantyl)-4-hydroxyphenyl]-2-naphthalene carboxylic acid (AHPN/CD437) appears to possess an apoptotic activity superior to classical retinoids in vitro as in vivo. Numerous studies have shown that CD437-induced apoptosis is independent of its nuclear receptor activity, suggesting that CD437 might have a unique mechanism of action. The purpose of this study was to compare CD437- and all-trans retinoic acid (atRA)-induced cell death. CD437 provoked a rapid apoptotic phenotype immediately followed by secondary necrosis in RPMI 8226, U266 and L363 human myeloma cell lines. Nuclear apoptotic features were observed upon both CD437 and atRA treatments. In contrast, membrane blebbing and the subsequent formation of apoptotic bodies, a classical apoptotic event, was only observed upon atRA treatment. In addition, CD437, contrary to atRA, was unable to induce tissue transglutaminase (tTG), an intracellular enzyme involved in the formation of cross-linked protein polymers contributing to apoptotic morphological changes. Taken together, these data suggest that CD437 induces rapid but incomplete apoptotic phenotype in human myeloma cells.  相似文献   
The three iodothyronine selenodeiodinases catalyze the initiation and termination of thyroid hormone effects in vertebrates. Structural analyses of these proteins have been hindered by their integral membrane nature and the inefficient eukaryotic-specific pathway for selenoprotein synthesis. Hydrophobic cluster analysis used in combination with Position-specific Iterated BLAST reveals that their extramembrane portion belongs to the thioredoxin-fold superfamily for which experimental structure information exists. Moreover, a large deiodinase region imbedded in the thioredoxin fold shares strong similarities with the active site of iduronidase, a member of the clan GH-A-fold of glycoside hydrolases. This model can explain a number of results from previous mutagenesis analyses and permits new verifiable insights into the structural and functional properties of these enzymes.  相似文献   
A series of 1-cyano and 2-cyanohexahydroindolizino[8,7-b]indole derivatives was prepared by 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition of acrylonitrile with ylides derived from 3,4-dihydro-beta-carboline and its 6-methoxy, 6-benzyloxy, 9-methyl and 9-benzyl analogues. The products, together with their reduced 1- or 2-aminomethyl derivatives, were evaluated for cytotoxic activity in L1210 cancer cells. Compounds derived from 6-benzyloxy or 9-benzyl-3,4-dihydro-beta-carboline were found to be the most active, with IC(50)'s in the 2-50 microM range. Of these, two compounds, the 1- and 2-cyano 8-benzyloxyindolizino[8,7-b]indole derivatives 20a and 20c, respectively, were found by cytometric flux analysis to stop cancer cell growth at the G(2)M and 8N (>G(2)M) stage of the cell cycle. These two compounds also showed no loss of cytotoxic activity in K562R cancer cells resistant to doxorubicin.  相似文献   
Recently in yeast and animal cells, one particular class of ubiquitin ligase (E3), called the SCF, was demonstrated to regulate diverse processes including cell cycle and development. In plants SCF-dependent proteolysis is also involved in different developmental and hormonal regulations. To further investigate the function of SCF, we characterized at the molecular level the Arabidopsis RING-H2 finger protein AtRbx1. We demonstrated that the plant gene is able to functionally complement a yeast knockout mutant strain and showed that AtRbx1 protein interacts physically with at least two members of the Arabidopsis cullin family (AtCul1 and AtCul4). AtRbx1 also associates with AtCul1 and the Arabidopsis SKP1-related proteins in planta, indicating that it is part of plant SCF complexes. AtRbx1 mRNAs accumulate in various tissues of the plant, but at higher levels in tissues containing actively dividing cells. Finally to study the function of the gene in planta, we either overexpressed AtRbx1 or reduced its expression by a dsRNA strategy. Down-regulation of AtRbx1 impaired seedling growth and development, indicating that the gene is essential in plants. Furthermore, the AtRbx1-silenced plants showed a reduced level of AtCul1 protein, but accumulated higher level of cyclin D3.  相似文献   
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