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We inserted the Tn10 tetracycline resistance determinant (tet) into the multicopy plasmid pACYC177, and we examined the phenotype of Escherichia coli K-12 strains harboring these plasmids. In agreement with others, we find that Tn10 tet exhibits a negative gene dosage effect. Strains carrying multicopy Tn10 tet plasmids are 4- to 12-fold less resistant to tetracycline than are strains with a single copy of Tn10 in the bacterial chromosome. In addition, we find that multicopy tet strains are 30- to 100-fold less resistant to the tetracycline derivative 5a,6-anhydrotetracycline than are single-copy tet strains. Multicopy tet strains are, in fact, 10- to 25-fold more sensitive to anhydrotetracycline than are strains that lack tet altogether. The hypersensitivity of multi-copy strains to anhydrotetracycline is correlated with the effectiveness of anhydrotetracycline as an inducer of tet gene expression, rather than its effectiveness as an inhibitor of protein synthesis. Anhydrotetracycline is 50- to 100-fold more effective than tetracycline as an inducer of tetracycline resistance and as an inducer of beta-galactosidase in strains that harbor tet-lac gene fusions. In contrast, anhydrotetracycline appears to be two- to fourfold less effective than tetracycline as an inhibitor of protein synthesis. Both anhydrotetracycline and tetracycline induce synthesis of tet polypeptides in minicells harboring multicopy tet plasmids. Differences between E. coli K-12 backgrounds influence the tetracycline and anhydrotetracycline sensitivity of multicopy strains; ZnCl2 enhances the tetracycline and anhydrotetracycline sensitivity of these strains two- to threefold. We propose that the overexpression of one or more Tn10 tet gene products inhibits the growth of multicopy tet strains and accounts for their relative sensitivity to inducers of tet gene expression.  相似文献   
Alkane oxidation in Candida tropicalis   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Résumé Les cellules du tissu glandulaire du testicule et de la glande interrénale de pleurodèle montrent les caractères généralement observés dans les cellules stéroïdogènes. Des différences existent entre les deux tissus. Le reticulum endoplasmique du tissu glandulaire est très développé et présent dans toutes les cellules qui sont d'aspect homogène. Au contraire, le tissu interrénal montre deux aspects cellulaires différents. Le premier se caractérise par un reticulum endoplasmique lisse relativement peu développé par rapport au tissu glandulaire, par des mitochondries petites et nombreuses, enfin par des liposomes denses et petits. Le deuxième aspect au contraire, se distingue par le petit nombre de mitochondries souvent géantes et à crêtes plus fréquemment organisées en faisceaux, par des liposomes nombreux de grandes dimensions et peu denses aux électrons.Le tissu glandulaire est très peu touché par l'hypophysectomie. Le reticulum persiste plusieurs mois comme d'ailleurs l'activité 5-3 -hydroxystéroïde deshydrogénase. Dans le tissu interrénal, la proportion des cellules d'aspects différents varie au profit des cellules à lipides abondants et à grandes mitochondries. L'activité 5-3 -hydroxystéroïde deshydrogénase est longtemps décelable.Le rôle du reticulum endoplasmique du tissu glandulaire est discuté en fonction des observations réalisées dans d'autres cellules stéroïdogènes à reticulum abondant. La signification des deux aspects cellulaires observés dans l'interrénale est discutée en relation avec les résultats expérimentaux obtenus en particulier chez le rat.Cette étude révèle que les critères d'activité d'une cellule stéroïdogène sont délicats à établir et doivent être différents d'un tissu à l'autre.
Tissues secreting steroid hormones in urodele amphibians
Summary The fine structure of testis glandular tissue and interrenal gland cells of Pleurodeles shows the general features observed in other steroïdogenic cells. Certain differences exist between the two tissues. The agranular endoplasmic reticulum of the glandular tissue cells is well developed and present in all cells of similar appearance. On the contrary, the interrenal tissue cells show two different features. The first is characterised by a poorly developed smooth endoplasmic reticulum, compared with that of the glandular tissue, by small and numerous mitochondria, and finally by small electron dense lipid droplets. The second feature is the small number of mitochondria often giant and with fascicles of straight tubular cristae and numerous large lipid droplets of low electron density.The effect of hypophysectomy on the glandular tissue cells seem very slight. The endoplasmic reticulum and the 5-3 -hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase activity persists for several months. In the interrenal tissue, the proportions of the two different cellular features are modified. Cells rich in lipids and with large mitochondria are more abundant. It is possible to demonstrate a 5-3 -hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase activity for a long time after hypophysectomy. The functional significance of the agranular endoplasmic reticulum is discussed in relation to some other observations on different steroidogenic cells with a well developed agranular endoplasmic reticulum. The significance of the two cellular features observed in the interrenal gland is discussed in connection with experimental data obtained in the frog and the rat.This study shows that it is difficult to define criteria of cellular activity, which probably differ from one tissue to another.
Equipe de Recherche associée au C. N. R. S. Cytologie Ultrastructurale n 129.  相似文献   
A simple, reliable method was developed for measuring brain acetylcholine (ACh) turnover using HPLC methodology. Mice were injected intravenously with [3H]choline ([3H]Ch), and the turnover rate of ACh was calculated from the formation of [3H]ACh. Ch and ACh were separated from phosphorylcholine and from other radioactive compounds using tetraphenylboron extraction and counterion/reverse-phase chromatography. Endogenous Ch and ACh were quantified electrochemically through hydrogen peroxide production in a postcolumn reactor containing covalently bonded ACh esterase and Ch oxidase. Labeled Ch and ACh were quantified in the same sample by collecting the chromatographic fractions for radioactive content determinations. The method is rapid, well adapted to large series, and highly reproducible, with recoveries of 72.1% for Ch and 79.3% for ACh. The turnover value in mouse cerebral hemispheres was 16.02 nmol g-1 min-1 and decreased to 9.94 nmol g-1 min-1 in mice treated with oxotremorine.  相似文献   
In the photosystem I of thylakoid membranes, the photoinduced electron transfer involves three iron-sulfur centers, A, B, and X. Among them, center X is characterized by very unusual spectroscopic and redox properties. Recent arguments have been presented in favor of a [2Fe-2S] structure for the clusters implicated in this center, but the number of these clusters is still a controversial question. By using an original EPR method, based on the differences in the relaxation properties of A, B, and X, we have determined the stoichiometry for the iron-sulfur clusters in photosystem I. Our measurements indicate that center X is composed of a single iron-sulfur cluster per P700. The possible implications of this result for the polypeptide composition of the core reaction center are discussed.  相似文献   
The gene encoding a putative G protein-coupled receptor (HG10) was cloned from human genomic DNA by low stringency PCR and found to be homologous to the recently described rat bradykinin B2 receptor. The receptor was expressed in xenopus oocytes and stably transfected CHO cell lines. Binding studies demonstrated that HG10 encodes a high affinity BK receptor with an apparent Kd of 150 pM. Displacement by BK agonists and antagonists allowed the characterization of the receptor as a B2 subtype. Functional coupling to the Ca(2+)-phosphatidylinositol cascade was demonstrated in transfected CHO cells where inositol phosphates accumulation and intracellular calcium concentration were elevated in response to BK stimulation. The agonistic and antagonistic properties of BK analogs do not match strictly the pharmacological profile described for the rat or guinea pig B2 receptor subtypes or the putative B3 subtype. This discrepancy is attributed either to species variability or to differences in the coupling efficiency of receptors to the transduction cascade in different cell types. From our results, the existence of B3 receptors and of B2 subtypes appears questionable.  相似文献   
The gene of high molecular weight, multiheme cytochrome c (Hmc) from the sulfate-reducing bacterium Desulfovibrio vulgaris Hildenborough has been overexpressed in Desulfovibrio desulfuricans G200. The recombinant protein has been purified. Its molecular weight (65,600), amino acid composition, and NH2-terminal sequence were found to be identical to those of the wild-type protein. The recombinant protein has been spectroscopically characterized (optical spectrum, EPR, circular dichroism) and compared to the wild-type protein. We have found 16 hemes per molecule by iron analysis and the pyridine hemochrome test. Both high- and low-spin features were observed in the EPR spectrum. A detailed spin quantitation analysis indicates 1 or 2 high-spin hemes and 14 or 15 low-spin hemes per molecule. The redox potentials of the hemes determined by voltammetric techniques gave an average of three different values, 0, -100, and -250 mV (versus NHE), for the wild-type and the recombinant cytochrome. The low potential values are similar to the values observed for the bis(histidinyl) coordinated hemes of cytochrome c3. A comparison of the arrangement of heme binding sites and coordinated histidines in the amino acid sequences of cytochrome c3 and Hmc has shown that the latter contains four domains, three of which are complete c3-like domains, while the fourth represents an incomplete c3-like domain which may contain His-Met coordinated hemes. These data are in agreement with the detailed study of the number and types of hemes reported in this paper.  相似文献   
Reviewers for 1988 and 1989  相似文献   
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