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Thyroid hormones (THs), and more precisely the 3,3',5-triiodo-l-thyronine (T(3)) acetic derivative 3,3',5-triiodothyroacetic acid (TRIAC), have been shown to activate metamorphosis in amphioxus. However, it remains unknown whether TRIAC is endogenously synthesized in amphioxus and more generally whether an active TH metabolism is regulating metamorphosis. Here we show that amphioxus naturally produces TRIAC from its precursors T(3) and l-thyroxine (T(4)), supporting its possible role as the active TH in amphioxus larvae. In addition, we show that blocking TH production inhibits metamorphosis and that this effect is compensated by exogenous T(3), suggesting that a peak of TH production is important for advancement of proper metamorphosis. Moreover, several amphioxus genes encoding proteins previously proposed to be involved in the TH signaling pathway display expression profiles correlated with metamorphosis. In particular, thyroid hormone receptor (TR) and deiodinases gene expressions are either up- or down-regulated during metamorphosis and by TH treatments. Overall, these results suggest that an active TH metabolism controls metamorphosis in amphioxus, and that endogenous TH production and metabolism as well as TH-regulated metamorphosis are ancestral in the chordate lineage.  相似文献   
Although polymicrobial infections, caused by combinations of viruses, bacteria, fungi and parasites, are being recognised with increasing frequency, little is known about the occurrence of within-species diversity in bacterial infections and the molecular and evolutionary bases of this diversity. We used multiple approaches to study the genomic and phenotypic diversity among 226 Escherichia coli isolates from deep and closed visceral infections occurring in 19 patients. We observed genomic variability among isolates from the same site within 11 patients. This diversity was of two types, as patients were infected either by several distinct E. coli clones (4 patients) or by members of a single clone that exhibit micro-heterogeneity (11 patients); both types of diversity were present in 4 patients. A surprisingly wide continuum of antibiotic resistance, outer membrane permeability, growth rate, stress resistance, red dry and rough morphotype characteristics and virulence properties were present within the isolates of single clones in 8 of the 11 patients showing genomic micro-heterogeneity. Many of the observed phenotypic differences within clones affected the trade-off between self-preservation and nutritional competence (SPANC). We showed in 3 patients that this phenotypic variability was associated with distinct levels of RpoS in co-existing isolates. Genome mutational analysis and global proteomic comparisons in isolates from a patient revealed a star-like relationship of changes amongst clonally diverging isolates. A mathematical model demonstrated that multiple genotypes with distinct RpoS levels can co-exist as a result of the SPANC trade-off. In the cases involving infection by a single clone, we present several lines of evidence to suggest diversification during the infectious process rather than an infection by multiple isolates exhibiting a micro-heterogeneity. Our results suggest that bacteria are subject to trade-offs during an infectious process and that the observed diversity resembled results obtained in experimental evolution studies. Whatever the mechanisms leading to diversity, our results have strong medical implications in terms of the need for more extensive isolate testing before deciding on antibiotic therapies.  相似文献   
A deficiency in major seed storage proteins is associated with a nearly two-fold increase in sulfur amino acid content in genetically related lines of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris). Their mature seed proteome was compared by an approach combining label-free quantification by spectral counting, 2-DE, and analysis of selective extracts. Lack of phaseolin, phytohemagglutinin and arcelin was mainly compensated by increases in legumin, α-amylase inhibitors and mannose lectin FRIL. Along with legumin, albumin-2, defensin and albumin-1 were major contributors to the elevated sulfur amino acid content. Coordinate induction of granule-bound starch synthase I, starch synthase II-2 and starch branching enzyme were associated with minor alteration of starch composition, whereas increased levels of UDP-glucose 4-epimerase were correlated with a 30% increase in raffinose content. Induction of cell division cycle protein 48 and ubiquitin suggested enhanced ER-associated degradation. This was not associated with a classical unfolded protein response as the levels of ER HSC70-cognate binding protein were actually reduced in the mutant. Repression of rab1 GTPase was consistent with decreased traffic through the secretory pathway. Collectively, these results have implications for the nutritional quality of common bean, and provide information on the pleiotropic phenotype associated with storage protein deficiency in a dicotyledonous seed.  相似文献   
Lipid-coated perfluorocarbon nanodroplets are submicrometer-diameter liquid-filled droplets with proposed applications in molecularly targeted therapeutics and ultrasound (US) imaging. Ultrasonic molecular imaging is unique in that the optimal application of these agents depends not only on the surface chemistry, but also on the applied US field, which can increase receptor-ligand binding and membrane fusion. Theory and experiments are combined to demonstrate the displacement of perfluorocarbon nanoparticles in the direction of US propagation, where a traveling US wave with a peak pressure on the order of megapascals and frequency in the megahertz range produces a particle translational velocity that is proportional to acoustic intensity and increases with increasing center frequency. Within a vessel with a diameter on the order of hundreds of micrometers or larger, particle velocity on the order of hundreds of micrometers per second is produced and the dominant mechanism for droplet displacement is shown to be bulk fluid streaming. A model for radiation force displacement of particles is developed and demonstrates that effective particle displacement should be feasible in the microvasculature. In a flowing system, acoustic manipulation of targeted droplets increases droplet retention. Additionally, we demonstrate the feasibility of US-enhanced particle internalization and therapeutic delivery.  相似文献   
To examine the different effects of rain pulse size on uptake of summer rains by three dominant desert plants in field conditions of desertified grasslands on the Ordos Plateau of northwestern China, we studied relationships between precipitation event size and rainwater uptake using stable isotopes of hydrogen in plant and soil water. Four natural precipitation events that represented precipitation sizes of 5.3, 8.3, 13.3, and 65.3 mm in the summer were chosen for the experiment. The perennial grass Stipa bungeana, the shrub Artemisia ordosia, and the herb Cynanchum komarovii – the dominant species in the communities – were compared for their use of summer rains with different pulse sizes based on the changes in the hydrogen isotope ratios (δD) of their stem water 7 days following each natural rain event. We found that S. bungeana and C. komarovii took advantage of shallow water sources derived from small (< 10 mm) rain events, A. ordosia took advantage of deeper soil water recharged by large (> 65 mm) rain events, and C. komarovii relied primarily on rain events of intermediate (10–20 mm) size. These different responses to rain pulses among species suggested that more frequent small rain events will promote the dominance of S. bungeana and C. komarovii, medium-sized events will facilitate development of C. komarovii, and large events will advance A. ordosia in this community. The rainwater utilization patterns of the three species would allow the coexistence of S. bungeana and A. ordosia or the coexistence of A. ordosia and C. komorovii in various successional serals following the disturbances. With an increase in variability of summer rain pulse size as predicted by climate change models, we expect that the structure of this community will undergo significant change in the future. Altered precipitation regimes, especially in combination with anthropogenic-related disturbances such as over-grazing, are likely to accelerate rates of degradation in northwestern China.  相似文献   
Phosphodiesterase 1 (PDE1) modulates vascular tone and the development of tolerance to nitric oxide (NO)-releasing drugs in the systemic circulation. Any role of PDE1 in the pulmonary circulation remains largely uncertain. We measured the expression of genes encoding PDE1 isozymes in the pulmonary vasculature and examined whether or not selective inhibition of PDE1 by vinpocetine attenuates pulmonary hypertension and augments the pulmonary vasodilator response to inhaled NO in lambs. Using RT-PCR, we detected PDE1A, PDE1B, and PDE1C mRNAs in pulmonary arteries and veins isolated from healthy lambs. In 13 lambs, the thromboxane A(2) analog U-46619 was infused intravenously to increase mean pulmonary arterial pressure to 35 mmHg. Four animals received an intravenous infusion of vinpocetine at incremental doses of 0.3, 1, and 3 mg.kg(-1).h(-1). In nine lambs, inhaled NO was administered in a random order at 2, 5, 10, and 20 ppm before and after an intravenous infusion of 1 mg.kg(-1).h(-1) vinpocetine. Administration of vinpocetine did not alter pulmonary and systemic hemodynamics or transpulmonary cGMP or cAMP release. Inhaled NO selectively reduced mean pulmonary arterial pressure, pulmonary capillary pressure, and pulmonary vascular resistance index, while increasing transpulmonary cGMP release. The addition of vinpocetine enhanced pulmonary vasodilation and transpulmonary cGMP release induced by NO breathing without causing systemic vasodilation but did not prolong the duration of pulmonary vasodilation after NO inhalation was discontinued. Our findings demonstrate that selective inhibition of PDE1 augments the therapeutic efficacy of inhaled NO in an ovine model of acute chemically induced pulmonary hypertension.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: T1DM and asthma are mediated by opposite arms of the cellular immune system namely T helper (Th)1 and Th2 CD4(+) cells, respectively. Our aim was to characterize the Th1/Th2 cytokine balance in patients with both T1DM and asthma. METHODS: Forty-four patients, mean age 19 years were matched by gender and age, to 4 paired groups: T1DM and asthma, asthma only, T1DM only and healthy controls. Peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) were stimulated in vitro with disease-specific recombinant antigens; glutamic acid decarboxylase and house dust mite (Der p1 antigen) for T1DM and asthma, respectively, and non-specific mitogens; phytohemaglutinin (PHA), tetanus toxin and anti-CD3 mAb. ELISPOT and ELISA technique were used to determine INF-gamma, IL-2, IL-4, IL-13 and IL-10 expression. RESULTS: Patients with T1DM and asthma demonstrated a similar cytokine pattern but lower Th1/Th2 ratio compared to patients with T1DM only. The Th2 cytokines response to Der p1 was enhanced in patients with both diseases compared to controls. The IL-10 overall secretion was higher in patients with both diseases compared to one disease only. CONCLUSION: The Th1 and Th2 secretory pattern of patients with T1DM and asthma combines features of both diseases suggesting a unique Th1/Th2 balance.  相似文献   
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