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We have cloned the gene encoding a 43-kilodalton transaminase from Escherichia coli K-12 with a specificity for L-phosphinothricin [L-homoalanine-4-yl-(methyl)phosphinic acid], the active ingredient of the herbicide Basta (Hoechst AG). The structural gene was isolated, together with its own promoter, and shown to be localized on a 1.6-kilobase DraI-BamHI fragment. The gene is subject to catabolite repression by glucose; however, repression could be relieved completely when 4-aminobutyrate (GABA) served as the sole nitrogen source. The regulation pattern obtained and a comparison of the restriction map of the initially cloned 15-kilobase SalI fragment with the physical map of the E. coli K-12 genome suggest that the cloned gene is identical with gabT, a locus on the gab gene cluster of E. coli K-12 which codes for the GABA:2-ketoglutartate transaminase (EC A number of expression plasmids carrying the isolated transaminase gene were constructed. With these constructs, the transaminase expression in transformants of E. coli could be increased up to 80-fold compared with that in a wild-type control, and the transaminase constituted up to 20% of the total soluble protein of the bacteria. Thus, the protein crude extracts of the transformants could be used, after a simple heat precipitation step, for the biotechnological production of L-phosphinothricin in an enzyme reactor.  相似文献   
Collapsible-tube flow with self-excited oscillations has been extensively investigated. Though physiologically relevant, forced oscillation coupled with self-excited oscillation has received little attention in this context. Based on an ODE model of collapsible-tube flow, the present study applies modern dynamics methods to investigate numerically the responses of forced oscillation to a limit-cycle oscillation which has topological characteristics discovered in previous unforced experiments. A devil's staircase and period-doubling cascades are presented with forcing frequency and amplitude as control parameters. In both cases, details are provided in a bifurcation diagram. Poincaré sections, a frequency spectrum and the largest Lyapunov exponents verify the existence of chaos in some circumstances. The thin fractal structure found in the strange attractors is believed to be a result of high damping and low stiffness in such systems.  相似文献   
The objective of the present study was to determine if destruction of ovarian antral follicles by laser-cauterization affects CL lifespan during the estrous cycle of the gilt. Cyclic gilts were randomly assigned to either SHAM, laser (L) or laser-estradiol (L-E2) treatment groups, with the L-E2 group receiving a 5-mg intramuscular (i.m.) injection of estradiol-17beta cypionate at the time of the first surgery. Ovarian antral follicles were laser-cauterized on either Days 12 and 14 (L12) or Days 14 and 17 (L14) of the estrous cycle. In the L12-E2 group, 3 of 4 gilts had extended mean interestrus intervals of more than 22 days compared with 0 of 4, 0 of 6, 0 of 7 and 1 of 5 gilts in the SHAM, L12, L14 and L14-E2 groups, respectively. The L12-E2 gilts had a longer (P<0.05) mean interestrus interval (23.5+/-1.3 days) than the L12 (20.0+/-1.1 days), L14 (20.7+/-1.0 days) and SHAM (20.5+/-1.3 days). The mean interestrus interval of L14-E2 gilts (21.8+/-1.2 days) did not differ from those of the L12-E2 group or the L12, L14 and SHAM group gilts. Six additional gilts were injected with 5 mg estradiol cypionate-17beta to serve as nonsurgical controls for E2 treatment. Gilts (3 of 3) given an E2 injection on Day 12 had extended mean interestrus interval (26.0+/-2.6 days), while 2 of 3 gilts injected with E2 on day 14 had extended mean interestrus intervals (27.7+/-2.1 days). These results indicate that in cyclic gilts destruction of ovarian follicles by laser-cauterization did not affect CL lifespan, and that luteolysis is not dependent on the presence of antral follicles.  相似文献   
RNase MRP is a site-specific ribonucleoprotein endoribonuclease that cleaves RNA from the mitochondrial origin of replication in a manner consistent with a role in priming leading-strand DNA synthesis. Despite the fact that the only known RNA substrate for this enzyme is complementary to mitochondrial DNA, the majority of the RNase MRP activity in a cell is found in the nucleus. The recent characterization of this activity in Saccharomyces cerevisiae and subsequent cloning of the gene coding for the RNA subunit of the yeast enzyme have enabled a genetic approach to the identification of a nuclear role for this ribonuclease. Since the gene for the RNA component of RNase MRP, NME1, is essential in yeast cells and RNase MRP in mammalian cells appears to be localized to nucleoli within the nucleus, we utilized both regulated expression and temperature-conditional mutations of NME1 to assay for a possible effect on rRNA processing. Depletion of the RNA component of the enzyme was accomplished by using the glucose-repressed GAL1 promoter. Shortly after the shift to glucose, the RNA component of the enzyme was found to be depleted severely, and rRNA processing was found to be normal at all sites except the B1 processing site. The B1 site, at the 5' end of the mature 5.8S rRNA, is actually composed of two cleavage sites 7 nucleotides apart. This cleavage normally generates two species of 5.8S rRNA at a ratio of 10:1 (small to large) in most eukaryotes. After RNase MRP depletion, yeast cells were found to have almost exclusively the larger species of 5.8S rRNA. In addition, an aberrant 309-nucleotide precursor that stretched from the A2 to E processing sites of rRNA accumulated in these cells. Temperature-conditional mutations in the RNase MRP RNA gene gave an identical phenotype.Translation in yeast cells depleted of the smaller 5.8S rRNA was found to remain robust, suggesting a possible function for two 5.8S rRNAs in the regulated translation of select messages. These results are consistent with RNase MRP playing a role in a late step of rRNA processing. The data also indicate a requirement for having the smaller form of 5.8S rRNA, and they argue for processing at the B1 position being composed of two separate cleavage events catalyzed by two different activities.  相似文献   
We investigated an Alu element at the end of intron 8 of the human vitamin D-binding protein (hDBP, group-specific component, GC) gene that shows a polymorphic poly(A) tail due to a variable number of tandem repeats (AluVpA) forming the 3 end of this member of the most abundant class of short interspersed repeated DNA element (SINES). The Alu element sequence in intron 8 of the GC gene was identical in all three common GC alleles (GC*1F, GC*1S, and GC*2) and could be classified as an Alu-Sa or Alu class-II sequence. The polymerase chain reaction was used to amplify selectively a fragment of about 200 bp containing the identified (TAAA)n repeat from genomic DNA of 188 unrelated human subjects. The size of the amplified products was determined by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Four alleles (named GC-18*6, GC-I8*8, GC-I8*10, and GC-18*11) were found that differed in size by multiples of four nucleotides. The allele frequencies ranged from 0.0053 to 0.8511 and the observed heterozygosity was 26%. The stable inheritance of this polymorphic patterned poly(A) sequence was confirmed by a segregation study of a highly informative family with 19 members. Statistically significant linkage disequilibrium between the AluVpA and the GC isoelectric focusing (IEF) phenotypes was found in a sample of 188 unrelated individuals and delta values were calculated from the observed haplotype distribution.  相似文献   
The Huhner test is an easy, unpainful, unexpensive test which must be done first at the time of unfertility exploration. His clinical and prognosticated interest is much debated because many imprecisions in its realisation and interpretation occur. Our multicentric study proves that this test is quite standardized in his realisation but a loss of its efficacity appears by the fact of a inadequate collaboration between attending physicians and biologists.  相似文献   
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