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The meiofaunal community of artificial water-filled tree holes was determined, and the bottom-up effects of different amounts of leaf litter on abundance and diversity were estimated. We assume a positive impact of leaf litter on meiofaunal abundances, species diversity, and trophic links. Plastic cups with different amounts of leaf litter were placed in a beech forest (Teutoburg Forest, Bielefeld, Germany) for 24 weeks. As early as 1 week later, the artificial tree holes were colonized by bdelloid rotifers, tardigrades, and nematodes. Rotifers were dominant throughout the experiment, followed by nematodes and tardigrades. The 29 nematode species that were identified included bacterial and hyphal feeders, with common species such as Plectus cirratus/accuminatus and Aphelenchoides parietinus predominating. Impacts of water volume (up to complete desiccation), pH, and O2 on the meiofaunal community were not detected, whereas the addition of leaf litter resulted in bottom-up effects. Nematode abundance, especially that of bacterial feeders, and species number increased with increasing leaf input. The predatory nematode Prionchulus muscorum was found only in treatments containing high leaf content. Rotifer abundances were partly negatively affected by the amount of added leaves and, like tardigrades, showed a reversal in their correlation at higher leaf inputs. Our study revealed the fast colonization of small water bodies by meiofaunal organisms and the importance of passively distribution. Furthermore, the results provide a comparison with the meiofaunal community in lakes and soil.  相似文献   
Summary A reexamination of the second spermatogenic division of the mealy bug, Planococcus citri (Risso), a lecanoid coccid, has revealed hitherto unknown spindle activity of the euchromatic set of chromosomes during anaphase II. An initial large half spindle elaborated by the heterochromatic chromosomes in early metaphase, gives way to a less pronounced, but clearly visible bipolar spindle involving both sets of chromosomes at early anaphase. There is no lengthening of the spindle or cell, but the separation of the chromosomes occurs around the periphery of the cell with the aid of interzonal activity. The active participation of the euchromatic chromosome during the separation is furthermore inferred by the formation of bridges resulting from euchromatic-heterochromatic translocations.  相似文献   
Ohne ZusammenfassungHerrn Professor Dr. Karl Höfler zu seinem 70. Geburtstag in Dankbarkeit gewidmet.This investigation was supported by the International Atomic Energy Agency.  相似文献   
The adaptive immune response of human CD8 T cells to invading pathogens involves the differentiation of naive cells into memory and effector cells. However, the lineage relationship between memory and effector cells and the differentiation of CD8 T cells into distinct subsets of effector cell subpopulations are subjects of considerable debate. CD7 identifies three populations of CD8 T cells: CD7 high (CD7(high)), low (CD7(low)), and negative (CD7(neg)) that translate into subsets with distinct functional properties. The CD7(high) subset contains naive and memory cells and the CD7(low) and CD7(neg) subsets contain effector cells. The effector cells can functionally be divided into cytokine-secreting effector CD8 T cells and lytic effector CD8 T cells. These data provide a model of human CD8 T cell differentiation in which specialized distinct subpopulations can be identified by expression of CD7.  相似文献   
Ras converting enzyme 1 (Rce1) is an integral membrane endoprotease localized to the endoplasmic reticulum that mediates the cleavage of the carboxyl-terminal three amino acids from CaaX proteins, whose members play important roles in cell signaling processes. Examples include the Ras family of small GTPases, the γ-subunit of heterotrimeric GTPases, nuclear lamins, and protein kinases and phosphatases. CaaX proteins, especially Ras, have been implicated in cancer, and understanding the post-translational modifications of CaaX proteins would provide insight into their biological function and regulation. Many proteolytic mechanisms have been proposed for Rce1, but sequence alignment, mutational studies, topology, and recent crystallographic data point to a novel mechanism involving a glutamate-activated water and an oxyanion hole. Studies using in vivo and in vitro reporters of Rce1 activity have revealed that the enzyme cleaves only prenylated substrates and the identity of the a2 amino residue in the Ca1a2X sequence is most critical for recognition, preferring Ile, Leu, or Val. Substrate mimetics can be somewhat effective inhibitors of Rce1 in vitro. Small-molecule inhibitor discovery is currently limited by the lack of structural information on a eukaryotic enzyme, but a set of 8-hydroxyquinoline derivatives has demonstrated an ability to mislocalize all three mammalian Ras isoforms, giving optimism that potent, selective inhibitors might be developed. Much remains to be discovered regarding cleavage specificity, the impact of chemical inhibition, and the potential of Rce1 as a therapeutic target, not only for cancer, but also for other diseases.  相似文献   
A population of cyclomorphic Bosmina coregoni was studied in Lake Östersjön, southwestern Sweden and results from field samples collected in 1988, 1989, 1990 and 1991 are presented. Animals collected in summer have remarkably higher carapace and prolonged antennule compared to what we call the normal morph. In 1991 the extreme morph reach its maximum body length, body height and antennule length in July to September. The occurrence of the extreme morph coincide with the hatching of the predaceous cladoceran Leptodora kindtii.The two morphs fluctuate in abundance and in relation to each other. In early spring only the normal morph occurred in the samples followed by a period of about two months when the two morphs were found together, in July only the extreme morph was found. In September the two morphs were again present in the lake. As has been shown for other cladoceran, the conspicuous carapace and antennule could be an adaptive response that decreases mortality due to invertebrate predation. Spectacular features like these are likely also accompanied by some sort of costs.  相似文献   
Meiocardia agassizii Dall, 1886 is a bivalve that belongs to the family Glos‐sidae, Gray 1847. Described by Dall in 1886, it was dredged by the U.S. Fish Commission off Trinidad from a depth of 210 m. The same species was dredged for the first time in the South Atlantic off the mouth of Rio Doce, Espirito Santo, Brazil. As the specimen was well preserved the study of the soft parts was possible. The mantle, siphons and the organs of the mantle cavity were described and compared to those of Glossus humanus, which belongs to the same family.  相似文献   
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