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The pathway construction and allosteric regulation of phenylalanine and tyrosine biosynthesis was examined in Neisseria gonorrhoeae. A single 3-deoxy-d-arabino-heptulosonate 7-phosphate (DAHP) synthase enzyme sensitive to feedback inhibition by l-phenylalanine was found. Chorismate mutase and prephenate dehydratase appear to co-exist as catalytic components of a bifunctional enzyme, known to be present in related genera. The latter enzyme activities were both feedback inhibited by l-phenylalanine. Prephenate dehydratase was strongly activated by l-tyrosine. NAD+-linked prephenate dehydrogenase and arogenate dehydrogenase activities coeluted following ion-exchange chromatography, suggesting their identity as catalytic properties of a single broad-specificity cyclohexadienyl dehydrogenase. Each dehydrogenase activity was inhibited by 4-hydroxyphenylpyruvate, but not by l-tyrosine. Two aromatic aminotransferases were resolved, one preferring the l-phenylalanine:2-ketoglutarate substrate combination and the other preferring the l-tyrosine: 2-ketoglutarate substrate combination. Each aminotransferase was also able to transaminate prephenate. The overall picture of regulation is one in which l-tyrosine modulates l-phenylalanine synthesis via activation of prephenate dehydratase. l-Phenylalanine in turn regulates early-pathway flow through inhibition of DAHP synthase. The recent phylogenetic positioning of N. gonorrhoeae makes it a key reference organism for emerging interpretations about aromatic-pathway evolution.  相似文献   
Chromohalobacter salexigens is one of nine currently known species of the genus Chromohalobacter in the family Halomonadaceae. It is the most halotolerant of the so-called 'moderately halophilic bacteria' currently known and, due to its strong euryhaline phenotype, it is an established model organism for prokaryotic osmoadaptation. C. salexigens strain 1H11(T) and Halomonas elongata are the first and the second members of the family Halomonadaceae with a completely sequenced genome. The 3,696,649 bp long chromosome with a total of 3,319 protein-coding and 93 RNA genes was sequenced as part of the DOE Joint Genome Institute Program DOEM 2004.  相似文献   
A canonical Wnt signal maintains adult mammary ductal stem cell activity, and this signal requires the Wnt signaling reception, LRP5. However, previous data from our laboratory have shown that LRP5 and LRP6 are co-expressed in mammary basal cells and that LRP6 is active, leading us to question why LRP6 is insufficient to mediate canonical signaling in the absence of LRP5. Here, we show that at endogenous levels of LRP5 and LRP6 both receptors are required to signal in response to some Wnt ligands both in vitro (in mouse embryonic fibroblasts and mammary epithelial cells) and in vivo (in mammary outgrowths). This subgroup of canonical ligands includes Wnt1, Wnt9b, and Wnt10b; the latter two are expressed in mammary gland. In contrast, the ligand commonly used experimentally, Wnt3a, prefers LRP6 and requires just one receptor regardless of cellular context. When either LRP5 or LRP6 is overexpressed, signaling remains ligand-dependent, but the requirement for both receptors is abrogated (regardless of ligand type). We have documented an LRP5-6 heteromer using immiscible filtration assisted by surface tension (IFAST) immunoprecipitation. Together, our data imply that under physiological conditions some Wnt ligands require both receptors to be present to generate a canonical signal. We have designed a model to explain our results based on the resistance of LRP5-6 heteromers to a selective inhibitor of E1/2-binding Wnt-LRP6 interaction. These data have implications for stem cell biology and for the analysis of the oncogenicity of LRP receptors that are often overexpressed in breast tumors.  相似文献   
Asthma is caused by T-helper cell 2 (Th2)-driven immune responses, but the immunological mechanisms that protect against asthma development are poorly understood. T-cell tolerance, induced by respiratory exposure to allergen, can inhibit the development of airway hyperreactivity (AHR), a cardinal feature of asthma, and we show here that regulatory T (T(R)) cells can mediate this protective effect. Mature pulmonary dendritic cells in the bronchial lymph nodes of mice exposed to respiratory allergen induced the development of T(R) cells, in a process that required T-cell costimulation via the inducible costimulator (ICOS-ICOS-ligand pathway. The T(R) cells produced IL-10, and had potent inhibitory activity; when adoptively transferred into sensitized mice, T(R) cells blocked the development of AHR. Both the development and the inhibitory function of regulatory cells were dependent on the presence of IL-10 and on ICOS-ICOS-ligand interactions. These studies demonstrate that T(R) cells and the ICOS-ICOS-ligand signaling pathway are critically involved in respiratory tolerance and in downregulating pulmonary inflammation in asthma.  相似文献   
During northward migration, blackcaps that arrive to refuel at stopover sites in Israel's Negev Desert have reduced masses of organs that are important in food digestion and assimilation. We tested several predictions from the general hypothesis that smaller organs of digestion (small intestine and pancreas) and nutrient assimilation (liver) bring about a lower capacity to consume food and that the organs must be restored before blackcaps can feed and digest at a high rate. We used a fasting protocol to create a group of blackcaps with reduced intestine and liver mass (reduced by 45% and 36%, respectively) compared with controls fed ad lib. Because most of the small intestine's biochemical digestive capacity reside in enterocytes found on villi, we predicted and found that reduced intestinal mass in fasted blackcaps related mainly to changes in enterocytes rather than other cells and tissues such as nonabsorptive crypt cells or underlying muscle. Because migrating blackcaps that stop over to feed begin to increase in body mass only 2 d after arrival, we predicted and found a similar recovery period in blackcaps that were first fasted but then refed--the organ mass, structure, function, and ability to consume food was restored after 2 d of feeding. Another group of food-restricted blackcaps (fed at one-third ad lib. level) lost similar amounts of body mass as fasted blackcaps but had much greater capacity to consume food than fasted blackcaps, and so we predicted that they would exhibit little or no reduction in alimentary organs relative to controls fed ad lib. A surprising result was that, as in fasted blackcaps, in food-restricted blackcaps, the decreases in masses of small intestine, liver, and pancreas were proportionally greater than the decreases in body mass or in masses of nonalimentary organs (heart, pectoralis). Food restriction, like fasting, caused a decrease in amount of intestinal mucosa and an alteration in the phenotype of enterocytes. These results are thus not consistent with the general hypothesis, and although they can be rationalized by assuming that blackcaps fed ad lib. have excess digestive capacity, it may also be that the physiological process or processes limiting very high feeding rate lie elsewhere than in the digestive system.  相似文献   
The complete sequence of the 1,267,782 bp genome of Wolbachia pipientis wMel, an obligate intracellular bacteria of Drosophila melanogaster, has been determined. Wolbachia, which are found in a variety of invertebrate species, are of great interest due to their diverse interactions with different hosts, which range from many forms of reproductive parasitism to mutualistic symbioses. Analysis of the wMel genome, in particular phylogenomic comparisons with other intracellular bacteria, has revealed many insights into the biology and evolution of wMel and Wolbachia in general. For example, the wMel genome is unique among sequenced obligate intracellular species in both being highly streamlined and containing very high levels of repetitive DNA and mobile DNA elements. This observation, coupled with multiple evolutionary reconstructions, suggests that natural selection is somewhat inefficient in wMel, most likely owing to the occurrence of repeated population bottlenecks. Genome analysis predicts many metabolic differences with the closely related Rickettsia species, including the presence of intact glycolysis and purine synthesis, which may compensate for an inability to obtain ATP directly from its host, as Rickettsia can. Other discoveries include the apparent inability of wMel to synthesize lipopolysaccharide and the presence of the most genes encoding proteins with ankyrin repeat domains of any prokaryotic genome yet sequenced. Despite the ability of wMel to infect the germline of its host, we find no evidence for either recent lateral gene transfer between wMel and D. melanogaster or older transfers between Wolbachia and any host. Evolutionary analysis further supports the hypothesis that mitochondria share a common ancestor with the α-Proteobacteria, but shows little support for the grouping of mitochondria with species in the order Rickettsiales. With the availability of the complete genomes of both species and excellent genetic tools for the host, the wMel–D. melanogaster symbiosis is now an ideal system for studying the biology and evolution of Wolbachia infections.  相似文献   
To examine relationships and test previous sectional delimitations within Fuchsia, this study used parsimony and maximum likelihood analyses with nuclear ITS and chloroplast trnL-F and rpl16 sequence data for 37 taxa representing all sections of Fuchsia and four outgroup taxa. Results support previous sectional delimitations, except for F. verrucosa, which is related to a Central American clade rather than to section Fuchsia and is described here as a new section Verrucosa. The basal relationships within Fuchsia are poorly resolved, suggesting an initial rapid diversification of the genus. Among the species sampled, there is strong support for a single South Pacific lineage, a southern South American/southern Brazilian lineage, a tropical Andean lineage, and one or two Central American and Mexican lineages. There is no clear support for an austral origin of the genus, as previously proposed, which is more consistent with Fuchsia's sister group relationship with the boreal Circaea. An ultrametric molecular clock analysis (all minimal dates) places the split between Fuchsia and Circaea at 41 million years ago (mya), with the diversification of the modern-day lineages of Fuchsia beginning at 31 mya. The South Pacific Fuchsia lineage branches off around 30 mya, consistent with fossil records from Australia and New Zealand. The large Andean section Fuchsia began to diversify around 22 mya, preceded by the divergence of the Caribbean F. triphylla at 25 mya. The Brazilian members of section Quelusia separated from the southern Andean F. magellanica around 13 mya, and the ancestor of the Tahitian F. cyrtandroides split off from the New Zealand species of section Skinnera approximately 8 mya.  相似文献   
Niobium is used as an alloy in the industrial and biomedical fields. The concentration of the toxic element in organs of a number of animal species has been defined by using radioactive niobium (95Nb). However, tissue lesions induced by niobium have only been studied at the light microscopy level. In this study, we used an electron probe X-ray analyzer equipped with a transmission electron microscope to define the localization of this element in kidney and bone marrow cells. Results demonstrated that niobium is located in the lysosome and that this element coprecipitates with phosphate. In kidney, lysosomes and precipitates are eliminated in the tubular lumen. In contrast, precipitates appear to be eliminated more slowly from the lysosomes of bone marrow macrophages. These processes therefore correspond to one of the mechanisms by which lysosomes eliminate certain toxic mineral elements and thus play a role in the more general process of the body's defenses.  相似文献   
A triad of tyrosine residues (Y152–154) in the cytochrome c1 subunit (C1) of the Rhodobacter capsulatus cytochrome bc1 complex (BC1) is ideally positioned to interact with cytochrome c2 (C2). Mutational analysis of these three tyrosines showed that, of the three, Y154 is the most important, since its mutation to alanine resulted in significantly reduced levels, destabilization, and inactivation of BC1. A second-site revertant of this mutant that regained photosynthetic capacity was found to have acquired two further mutations—A181T and A200V. The Y152Q mutation did not change the spectral or electrochemical properties of C1, and showed wild-type enzymatic C2 reduction rates, indicating that this mutation did not introduce major structural changes in C1 nor affect overall activity. Mutations Y153Q and Y153A, on the other hand, clearly affect the redox properties of C1 (e.g. by lowering the midpoint potential as much as 117 mV in Y153Q) and the activity by 90% and 50%, respectively. A more conservative Y153F mutant on the other hand, behaves similarly to wild-type. This underscores the importance of an aromatic residue at position Y153, presumably to maintain close packing with P184, which modeling indicates is likely to stabilize the sixth heme ligand conformation.  相似文献   
Calcineurin is a conserved calcium/calmodulin‐dependent protein phosphatase, consisting of a catalytic subunit A and a regulatory subunit B, which is involved in calcium‐dependent signalling and regulation of various important cellular processes. In this study, we functionally characterized the catalytic subunit A (CnaA) of the endophytic fungus Epichloë festucae which forms a symbiotic association with the grass host Lolium perenne. We deleted the CnaA‐encoding gene cnaA in E. festucae and examined its role in hyphal growth, cell wall integrity and symbiosis. This ΔcnaA strain had a severe growth defect with loss of radial growth and hyper‐branched hyphae. Transmission electron microscopy and confocal microscopy analysis of the mutant revealed cell wall defects, aberrant septation and the formation of intrahyphal hyphae, both in culture and in planta. The mutant strain also showed a reduced infection rate in planta. The fluorescence of mutant hyphae stained with WGA‐AF488 was reduced, indicating reduced chitin accessibility. Together, these results show that E. festucae CnaA is required for fungal growth, maintaining cell wall integrity and host colonization.  相似文献   
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