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With the development of covalent modification strategies for viral capsids comes the ability to convert them into modular carrier systems for drug molecules and imaging agents. With this overall goal in mind, we have used two orthogonal modification strategies to decorate the exterior surface of genome-free MS2 capsids with PEG chains, while installing 50-70 copies of a fluorescent dye inside as a drug cargo mimic. Despite the very high levels of modification, the capsids remained in the assembled state, as determined by TEM, size-exclusion chromatography, and dynamic light scattering analysis. The ability of the polymer coating to block the access of polyclonal antibodies to the capsid surface was probed using a sandwich ELISA, which indicated a 90% reduction in binding. Further experiments indicated that biotin groups placed at the distal ends of the polymer chains were still capable of binding to streptavidin, despite their proximity to the PEG layer. Finally, a modular strategy was developed for the attachment of small-molecule targeting groups to the polymer chains through an efficient oxime formation reaction. As a result of these studies, a robust and versatile new platform has emerged for the potential delivery of therapeutic cargo.  相似文献   
Three types of hemoglobins exist in higher plants, symbiotic, non-symbiotic, and truncated hemoglobins. Symbiotic (class II) hemoglobins play a role in oxygen supply to intracellular nitrogen-fixing symbionts in legume root nodules, and in one case ( Parasponia Sp.), a non-symbiotic (class I) hemoglobin has been recruited for this function. Here we report the induction of a host gene, dgtrHB1, encoding a truncated hemoglobin in Frankia-induced nodules of the actinorhizal plant Datisca glomerata. Induction takes place specifically in cells infected by the microsymbiont, prior to the onset of bacterial nitrogen fixation. A bacterial gene (Frankia trHBO) encoding a truncated hemoglobin with O (2)-binding kinetics suitable for the facilitation of O (2) diffusion ( ) is also expressed in symbiosis. Nodule oximetry confirms the presence of a molecule that binds oxygen reversibly in D. glomerata nodules, but indicates a low overall hemoglobin concentration suggesting a local function. Frankia trHbO is likely to be responsible for this activity. The function of the D. glomerata truncated hemoglobin is unknown; a possible role in nitric oxide detoxification is suggested.  相似文献   
We present the rationale for a cross‐disciplinary investigation addressing the ‘Devonian plant hypothesis’ which proposes that the evolutionary appearance of trees with deep, complex rooting systems represents one of the major biotic feedbacks on geochemical carbon cycling during the Phanerozoic. According to this hypothesis, trees have dramatically enhanced mineral weathering driving an increased flux of Ca2+ to the oceans and, ultimately, a 90% decline in atmospheric CO2 levels through the Palaeozoic. Furthermore, experimental studies indicate a key role for arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in soil–plant processes and especially in unlocking the limiting nutrient phosphorus in soil via Ca‐phosphate dissolution mineral weathering. This suggests co‐evolution of roots and symbiotic fungi since the Early Devonian could well have triggered positive feedbacks on weathering rates whereby root–fungal P release supports higher biomass forested ecosystems. Long‐standing areas of uncertainty in this paradigm include the following: (1) limited fossil record documenting the origin and timeline of the evolution of tree‐sized plants through the Devonian; and (2) the effects of the evolutionary advance of trees and their in situ rooting structures on palaeosol geochemistry. We are addressing these issues by integrating palaeobotanical studies with geochemical and mineralogical analyses of palaeosol sequences at selected sites across eastern North America with a particular focus on drill cores from Middle Devonian forests in Greene County, New York State.  相似文献   
Peramine is an insect-feeding deterrent produced by Epichloë species in symbiotic association with C3 grasses. The perA gene responsible for peramine synthesis encodes a two-module nonribosomal peptide synthetase. Alleles of perA are found in most Epichloë species; however, peramine is not produced by many perA-containing Epichloë isolates. The genetic basis of these peramine-negative chemotypes is often unknown. Using PCR and DNA sequencing, we analyzed the perA genes from 72 Epichloë isolates and identified causative mutations of perA null alleles. We found nonfunctional perA-ΔR* alleles, which contain a transposon-associated deletion of the perA region encoding the C-terminal reductase domain, are widespread within the Epichloë genus and represent a prevalent mutation found in nonhybrid species. Disparate phylogenies of adjacent A2 and T2 domains indicated that the deletion of the reductase domain (R*) likely occurred once and early in the evolution of the genus, and subsequently there have been several recombinations between those domains. A number of novel point, deletion, and insertion mutations responsible for abolishing peramine production in full-length perA alleles were also identified. The regions encoding the first and second adenylation domains (A1 and A2, respectively) were common sites for such mutations. Using this information, a method was developed to predict peramine chemotypes by combining PCR product size polymorphism analysis with sequencing of the perA adenylation domains.  相似文献   
The impact of proximity to a beef cattle feedlot on Escherichia coli O157:H7 contamination of leafy greens was examined. In each of 2 years, leafy greens were planted in nine plots located 60, 120, and 180 m from a cattle feedlot (3 plots at each distance). Leafy greens (270) and feedlot manure samples (100) were collected six different times from June to September in each year. Both E. coli O157:H7 and total E. coli bacteria were recovered from leafy greens at all plot distances. E. coli O157:H7 was recovered from 3.5% of leafy green samples per plot at 60 m, which was higher (P < 0.05) than the 1.8% of positive samples per plot at 180 m, indicating a decrease in contamination as distance from the feedlot was increased. Although E. coli O157:H7 was not recovered from air samples at any distance, total E. coli was recovered from air samples at the feedlot edge and all plot distances, indicating that airborne transport of the pathogen can occur. Results suggest that risk for airborne transport of E. coli O157:H7 from cattle production is increased when cattle pen surfaces are very dry and when this situation is combined with cattle management or cattle behaviors that generate airborne dust. Current leafy green field distance guidelines of 120 m (400 feet) may not be adequate to limit the transmission of E. coli O157:H7 to produce crops planted near concentrated animal feeding operations. Additional research is needed to determine safe set-back distances between cattle feedlots and crop production that will reduce fresh produce contamination.  相似文献   
Temporary all‐male social groups are formed in a number of animal species. We examined 34 years of data collected from 36 male Thornicroft's giraffe in the Luangwa Valley, Zambia, to test a set of predictions related to five possible functions of all‐male herds (predator protection, practicing aggressive skills, prolonging life, nutritional demands and resource learning). We found that all‐male herds were significantly smaller than mixed‐sex herds, usually contained a mature bull, and were not dependent upon season or habitat. Dyadic associations between males in single sex herds were quite weak, with <25% of potential male dyads sighted together in an all‐male herd. Our data are best explained as a resource learning strategy adopted by males to obtain more extensive knowledge about the habitat, including both food and female distribution. However, other benefits in the form of predator protection, dietary intake and sharpening competitive skills for future contests over estrous females also seem to mediate formation of giraffe all‐male groups. We conclude that the primary advantage of roaming in all‐male herds changes during the life history of males.  相似文献   
In cohesive social groups, travel progressions are often led by dominant or older individuals, but the leadership traits of individuals residing in flexible social systems are poorly known. Giraffe reside in herds characterized by fission–fusion dynamics frequently mediated by kinship. We analyzed 41 years (1971–2012) of longitudinal data collected from a community of Thornicroft's giraffe (Giraffa camelopardalis thornicrofti) living around South Luangwa National Park, Zambia, to assess the characteristics of herd leaders. Movement of giraffe in a single file progression was not associated with either season or time of day, but progressions were significantly more likely to occur when giraffe traveled in open areas. The oldest female in a herd was significantly more likely to be at the front position than expected, occupying the leadership niche on 79% of observations. We reason that matriarchal leadership in giraffe, as in African elephants, Loxodonta africana, is associated with resource learning. Giraffe societies are constructed on a heretofore unrecognized foundation that integrates relatedness and familiarity with matriarchal leadership in herd movement.  相似文献   
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