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Laribacter hongkongensis is a Gram-negative, sea gull-shaped rod associated with community-acquired gastroenteritis. The bacterium has been found in diverse freshwater environments including fish, frogs and drinking water reservoirs. Using the complete genome sequence data of L. hongkongensis, we performed a comprehensive analysis of putative transport-related genes and genes related to chemotaxis, motility and quorum sensing, which may help the bacterium adapt to the changing environments and combat harmful substances.


A genome-wide analysis using Transport Classification Database TCDB, similarity and keyword searches revealed the presence of a large diversity of transporters (n = 457) and genes related to chemotaxis (n = 52) and flagellar biosynthesis (n = 40) in the L. hongkongensis genome. The transporters included those from all seven major transporter categories, which may allow the uptake of essential nutrients or ions, and extrusion of metabolic end products and hazardous substances. L. hongkongensis is unique among closely related members of Neisseriaceae family in possessing higher number of proteins related to transport of ammonium, urea and dicarboxylate, which may reflect the importance of nitrogen and dicarboxylate metabolism in this assacharolytic bacterium. Structural modeling of two C4-dicarboxylate transporters showed that they possessed similar structures to the determined structures of other DctP-TRAP transporters, with one having an unusual disulfide bond. Diverse mechanisms for iron transport, including hemin transporters for iron acquisition from host proteins, were also identified. In addition to the chemotaxis and flagella-related genes, the L. hongkongensis genome also contained two copies of qseB/qseC homologues of the AI-3 quorum sensing system.


The large number of diverse transporters and genes involved in chemotaxis, motility and quorum sensing suggested that the bacterium may utilize a complex system to adapt to different environments. Structural modeling will provide useful insights on the transporters in L. hongkongensis.  相似文献   


Females having a longer telomere and lifespan than males have been documented in many animals. Such linkage however has never been reported in fish. Progressive shortening of telomere length is an important aging mechanism. Mounting in vitro evidence has shown that telomere shortening beyond a critical length triggered replicative senescence or cell death. Estrogen has been postulated as a key factor contributing to maintenance of telomere and sex-dependent longevity in animals. This postulation remains unproven due to the lack of a suitable animal system for testing. Here, we introduce a teleost model, the Japanese medaka Oryzias latipes, which shows promise for research into the molecular mechanism(s) controlling sex difference in aging.


Using the medaka, we demonstrate for the first time in teleost that (i) sex differences (female?>?male) in telomere length and longevity also exist in fish, and (ii) a natural, ‘menopause’-like decline of plasma estrogen was evident in females during aging. Estrogen levels significantly correlated with telomerase activity as well as telomere length in female organs (not in males), suggesting estrogen could modulate telomere length via telomerase activation in a sex -specific manner. A hypothetical in vivo ‘critical’ terminal restriction fragment (TRF, representing telomere) length of approximately 4 kb was deduced in medaka liver for prediction of organismal mortality, which is highly comparable with that for human cells. An age conversion model was also established to enable age translation between medaka (in months) and human (in years). These novel tools are useful for future research on comparative biology of aging using medaka.


The striking similarity in estrogen profile between aging female O. latipes and women enables studying the influence of “postmenopausal” decline of estrogen on telomere and longevity without the need of invasive ovariectomy. Medaka fish is advantageous for studying the direct effect of increased estrogen on telomere length and longevity without the breast cancer complications reported in rodents. The findings strongly support the notion that O. latipes is a unique non-mammalian model for validation of estrogenic influence on telomere and longevity in vertebrates. This laboratory model fish is of potential significance for deciphering the ostensibly conserved mechanism(s) of sex-associated longevity in vertebrates.
Proteolysis plays an important role in mitochondrial biogenesis, from the processing of newly imported precursor proteins to the degradation of mitochondrial targeting peptides. Disruption of peptide degradation activity in yeast, plant and mammalian mitochondria is known to have deleterious consequences for organism physiology, highlighting the important role of mitochondrial peptidases. In the present work, we show that the human mitochondrial peptidase neurolysin (hNLN) can degrade mitochondrial presequence peptides as well as other fragments up to 19 amino acids long. The crystal structure of hNLNE475Q in complex with the products of neurotensin cleavage at 2.7 Å revealed a closed conformation with an internal cavity that restricts substrate length and highlighted the mechanism of enzyme opening/closing that is necessary for substrate binding and catalytic activity. Analysis of peptide degradation in vitro showed that hNLN cooperates with presequence protease (PreP or PITRM1) in the degradation of long targeting peptides and amyloid-β peptide, Aβ1–40, associated with Alzheimer disease, particularly cleaving the hydrophobic fragment Aβ35–40. These findings suggest that a network of proteases may be required for complete degradation of peptides localized in mitochondria.  相似文献   
We describe here a case of homologous introns containing homologous open reading frames (ORFs) that are inserted at the same site in the large subunit (LSU) rRNA gene of different organelles in distantly related organisms. We show that the chloroplast LSU rRNA gene of the green alga Chlamydomonas pallidostigmatica contains a group I intron (CpLSU.2) encoding a site-specific endonuclease (I-CpaI). This intron is inserted at the identical site (corresponding to position 1931-1932 of the Escherichia coli 23S rRNA sequence) as a group I intron (AcLSU.m1) in the mitochondrial LSU rRNA gene of the amoeboid protozoon Acanthamoeba castellanii. The CpLSU.2 intron displays a remarkable degree of nucleotide similarity in both primary sequence and secondary structure to the AcLSU.m1 intron; moreover, the Acanthamoeba intron contains an ORF in the same location within its secondary structure as the CpLSU.2 ORF and shares with it a strikingly high level of amino acid similarity (65%; 42% identity). A comprehensive survey of intron distribution at site 1931 of the chloroplast LSU rRNA gene reveals a rather restricted occurrence within the polyphyletic genus Chlamydomonas, with no evidence of this intron among a number of non- Chlamydomonad green algae surveyed, nor in land plants. A parallel survey of homologues of a previously described and similar intron/ORF pair (C. reinhardtii chloroplast CrLSU/A. castellanii mitochondrial AcLSU.m3) also shows a restricted occurrence of this intron (site 2593) among chloroplasts, although the intron distribution is somewhat broader than that observed at site 1931, with site-2593 introns appearing in several green algal branches outside of the Chlamydomonas lineage. The available data, while not definitive, are most consistent with a relatively recent horizontal transfer of both site-1931 and site- 2593 introns (and their contained ORFs) between the chloroplast of a Chlamydomonas-type organism and the mitochondrion of an Acanthamoeba- like organism, probably in the direction chloroplast to mitochondrion. The data also suggest that both introns could have been acquired in a single event.   相似文献   
The spores of Anabaena doliolum formed in light (light spores)and after transfer to darkness (dark spores) are biochemicallydifferent in that the light spores contain chlorophyll a andphycocyanin, while dark spores seem to lack them. The apparentbiosyntheses accompanying dark-spore germination seem to proceedin the following order: RNA, chlorophyll a, phycocyanin andDNA. Results of chloramphenicol treatment indicate that proteinsynthesis precedes RNA synthesis. The biosynthetic events followingRNA synthesis show a requirement for light.  相似文献   
Experiments performed in the field and in the laboratory show that the barnacle, Balanus improvisus, preferentially settles on smooth surfaces. Settlement and recruitment of B. improvisus was evaluated on micro-textured surfaces with scales of surface texture ranging from 1 to 100 μm in profile heights. Surface texture with profile heights within a topographic range of 30-45 μm reduced settlement and recruitment by 92% as compared to smooth surfaces. The reduction in recruitment on micro-textured surfaces is best explained by behavioural responses to surface topography. Behavioural experiments show that cyprids have a higher propensity for smooth surfaces than for micro-textured surfaces. Cyprids spend more time exploring smooth surfaces and more time swimming when exposed to micro-textured surfaces. Micro-textured surfaces are more often rejected by cyprids after exploration than smooth surfaces. It is suggested that some scales of surface texture could be exploited to improve future anti-fouling techniques in geographical areas where Balanus improvisus is a severe fouling problem.  相似文献   
The heat-labile enterotoxin from Escherichia coli (LT) is responsible for so-called traveller's diarrhea and is closely related to the cholera toxin (CT). Toxin binding to GM1 at the epithelial cell surface of the small intestine initiates the subsequent diarrheal disease. However, LT has a broader receptor specificity than CT in that it also binds to N-acetyllactosamine-terminated structures. The unrelated lectin from Erythrina corallodendron (ECorL) shares this latter binding property. The findings that both ECorL and porcine LT (pLT) bind to lactose as well as to neolactotetraosylceramide suggests a common structural theme in their respective primary binding sites. Superimposing the terminal galactose of the lactoses in the respective crystal structures of pLT and ECorL reveals striking structural similarities around the galactose despite the lack of sequence and folding homology, whereas the interactions of the penultimate GlcNAcb3 in the neolactotetraosylceramide differ. The binding of branched neolactohexaosylceramide to either protein reveals an enhanced affinity relative to neolactotetraosylceramide. The b3-linked branch is found to bind to the primary Gal binding pocket of both proteins, whereas the b6-linked branch outside this site provides additional interactions in accordance with the higher binding affinities found for this compound. While the remarkable architectural similarities of the primary galactose binding sites of pLT and ECorL point to a convergent evolution of these subsites, the distinguishing structural features determining the overall carbohydrate specificities are located in extended binding site regions. In pLT, Arg13 is thus found to play a crucial role in enhancing the affinity not only for N-acetyllactosamine-terminated structures but also for GM1 as compared to human LT (hLT) and CT. The physiological relevance of the binding of N-acetyllactosamine-containing glycoconjugates to LT and ECorL is briefly discussed.  相似文献   
Procarboxypeptidase U [proCPU, thrombin-activatable fibrinolysis inhibitor (TAFI), EC] belongs to the metallocarboxypeptidase family and is a zymogen found in human plasma. ProCPU has been proposed to be a molecular link between coagulation and fibrinolysis. Upon activation of proCPU, the active enzyme (CPU) rapidly becomes inactive due to its intrinsic instability. The inherent instability of CPU is likely to be of major importance for the in vivo down-regulation of its activity, but the underlying structural mechanisms of this fast and spontaneous loss of activity of CPU have not yet been explained, and they severely inhibit the structural characterization of CPU. In this study, we screened for more thermostable versions of CPU to increase our understanding of the mechanism underlying the instability of CPU's activity. We have shown that single as well as a few 2-4 mutations in human CPU can prolong the half-life of CPU's activity at 37 degrees C from 0.2 h of wild-type CPU to 0.5-5.5 h for the mutants. We provide evidence that the gain in stable activity is accompanied by a gain in thermostability of the enzyme and increased resistance to proteolytic digest by trypsin. Using one of the stable mutants, we demonstrate the importance of CPU stability over proCPU concentration in down-regulating fibrinolysis.  相似文献   
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