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The activation process of spinach phosphoribulokinase by thioredoxin f has been studied with the enzyme in a free, isolated state, or integrated in a multi-enzyme complex. The time periods required for enzyme activation are always smaller and the maximal enzyme velocities are always greater when chloroplast phosphoribulokinase is included in the multi-enzyme complex than when it is in the isolated state. Comparative kinetic studies show that phosphoribulokinase extracted from the complex behaves exactly as in the isolated state. The reduced form of the kinase, whatever it has been included in the complex or isolated from the chloroplasts, are deactivated by oxidized thioredoxins. In the absence of thioredoxin f however, the reduced form of the isolated enzyme undergoes spontaneous oxidation whereas the reduced kinase included in the multi-enzyme complex is stable. 'Unspecific' proteins such as bovine serum albumin do not provide any protection of the kinase against autooxidation, whereas 'homologous' specific proteins such as ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase dramatically decrease the rate of this autooxidation process. These results therefore support the view that interactions between phosphoribulokinase and the other components of the multi-enzyme complex play an important role in the modulation of the activity of this enzyme. The possible part of these interactions in the control of the Calvin cycle is discussed.  相似文献   
R. Bernice 《Hydrobiologia》1972,39(2):155-164
Summary Estimations of total nitrogen, non-protein nitrogen protein, amino acids, lipid, carbohydrate, ash and water contents are carried out for the two fairy shrimps Streptocephalus dichotomus and Branchinella kugenumaensis.The mean values for S. dichotomus are: T.N. - 12.13%; N.P.N. - 3.49%; Protein - 54.71%; Lipid - 11.01%; Carbohydrate - 7.43% and ash - 10.44% and for B. kugenumaensis are: T.N. - 12.63%; N.P.N. - 4.92%; Protein - 48.21%; Lipid - 17.14%; Carbohydrate - 8.93% and ash - 9.17% expressed as percentage dry weight.The protein ash contents are higher in S. dichotomus while non-protein nitrogen, lipid and carbohydrate are higher in B. kugenumaensis.These biochemical fractions show no significant difference between males and females in both S. dichotomus and B. kugenumaensis.The work on Streptocephalus dichotomus formed a part of a thesis submitted for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy to the University of Madras in 1970.  相似文献   
Ecological studies on streptocephalus dichotomus baird   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
R. Bernice 《Hydrobiologia》1972,39(2):217-240
Summary Streptocephalus dichotomus occurs in a wide variety of shallow andThe maximum period during which these animals occur was 18Studies on both seasonal and day time variations of the physicoThe rate of increase in the population is more or less identical inThe length frequency distribution in the different ponds showsSex ratio does not appear to follow any definite pattern at anyFemales start to bear eggs when 1.7 cm long and the maximumTwo genera, Branchinella kugenumaensis and S. dichotomus were seenThis work formed a part of the thesis submitted for the award of the Degree of  相似文献   
A woman’s lack of or limited reproductive autonomy could lead to adverse health effects, feeling of being inferior, and above all being unable to adequately care for her children. Little is known about the reproductive autonomy of married Ikwerre women of Rivers State, Nigeria. This study demonstrates how Ikwerre women understand the terms autonomy and reproductive rights and what affects the exercise of these rights. An exploratory research design was employed for this study. A semi-structured interview schedule was used to conduct thirty-four in-depth interviews and six focus group discussions with purposively sampled educated, semi-educated, and uneducated Ikwerre women in monogamous or polygynous marriages. The collected data was analysed qualitatively with MAXQDA 11 using open and axial coding. The interviews and focus group responses reveal a low level of awareness of autonomy and reproductive rights amongst the Ikwerre women in Nigeria. While some educated women were aware of their reproductive rights, cultural practices were reported to limit the exercise of these rights. Participants reported that Ikwerre culture is a patriarchal one where married women are expected to submit and obey their husbands in all matters; and a good married woman according to Ikwerre standard is one who complies with this culture. Women’s refusal of sexual advances from their husbands is described as not being acceptable in this culture; and hence rape in marriage is not recognized in Ikwerre culture. Education and awareness creation on the importance of women’s reproductive autonomy could improve their reproductive rights and autonomy in marital settings. Overcoming the patriarchal aspects of Ikwerre culture—for example, the greater value placed on male children than female children and treating women as incompetent individuals—is necessary to promote gender equality as well as help improve women’s reproductive autonomy.  相似文献   
Since 1985, when a bibliography concerning studies on surnames and genetic structure appeared, the number of publications on this subject has increased a thousandfold. New topics and uses have been added, but large gaps in knowledge remain. Only studies on isonymy in cities of nation states for recent times are well covered, and most studies are on populations that were selected because they are isolated and not because they are typical. This review, although not exhaustive, covers the literature published since 1985.  相似文献   
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