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Oligodeoxyribonucleotides containing dA·dU base combinations were shown to form parallel stranded DNA. CD spectra and hyperchromicity profiles provide evidence that the structure is very similar to that of a related parallel stranded dA·oligomer. Thermal denaturation studies show that these parallel dAdU sequences are significantly less stable than their dA·analogues in either antiparallel or parallel stranded orientations. The stabilizing effect of the 5- methyl group is similar for parallel and antiparallel sequences. The minor groove binding drug Hoechst 33258 binds with similar affinity to APS dA·and APS dA·dU sequences. However, binding to the PS dA·hairpin is significantly impaired as a consequence of the different groove dimensions and the presence of thymine methyl groups at the binding site. This results in an 8.6 kJmoF reduced free energy of binding for the PS dA·sequence. Replacement of the bulky methyl group with a hydrogen (ie. T -> U) results in significantly stronger Hoechst 33258 binding to the parallel dA·dU sequences with a penalty of only 4.1 kJmol?1. Our data demonstrate that although Hoechst 33258 detects the altered groove, it is still able to bind a PS duplex containing dA·dU base pairs with high affinity, despite the large structural differences from its regular binding site in APS DNA.  相似文献   

CpG methylation determines a variety of biological functions of DNA. The methylation signal is interpreted by proteins containing a methyl-CpG binding domain (MBDs). Based on the NMR structure of MBD1 complexed with methylated DNA we analysed the recognition mode by means of molecular dynamics simulations.

As the protein is monomeric and recognizes a symmetrically methylated CpG step, the recognition mode is an asymmetric one. We find that the two methyl groups do not contribute equally to the binding energy. One methyl group is associated with the major part of the binding energy and the other one nearly does not contribute at all. The contribution of the two cytosine methyl groups to binding energy is calculated to be ?3.6 kcal/mol. This implies a contribution of greater than two orders of magnitude to the binding constant. The conserved amino acid Asp32 is known to be essential for DNA binding by MBD1, but so far no direct contact with DNA has been observed. We detected a direct DNA base contact to Asp32. This could be the main reason for the importance of this amino acid. MBD contacts DNA exclusively in the major groove, the minor groove is reserved for histone contacts. We found a deformation of the minor groove shape due to complexation by MBD1, which indicates an information transfer between the major and the minor groove.  相似文献   


Our aims were to characterize the fate of leaf-litter-derived nitrogen in the plant-soil-microbe system of a temperate beech forest of Southern Germany and to identify its importance for N nutrition of beech seedlings.


15N-labelled leaf litter was traced in situ into abiotic and biotic N pools in mineral soil as well as into beech seedlings and mycorrhizal root tips over three growing seasons.


There was a rapid transfer of 15N into the mineral soil already 21 days after tracer application with soil microbial biomass initially representing the dominant litter-N sink. However, 15N recovery in non-extractable soil N pools strongly increased over time and subsequently became the dominant 15N sink. Recovery in plant biomass accounted for only 0.025 % of 15N excess after 876 days. After three growing seasons, 15N excess recovery was characterized by the following sequence: non-extractable soil N?>>?extractable soil N including microbial biomass?>>?plant biomass?>?ectomycorrhizal root tips.


After quick vertical dislocation and cycling through microbial N pools, there was a rapid stabilization of leaf-litter-derived N in non-extractable N pools of the mineral soil. Very low 15N recovery in beech seedlings suggests a high importance of other N sources such as root litter for N nutrition of beech understorey.  相似文献   

Background and aims

In post mining landscapes as in the Lusatian region (Brandenburg, Germany), Pleistocene coarse-textured, sandy sediments are used for soil rehabilitation and land reclamation. The homogeneously-appearing initial soils are characterized by finer-textured soil clumps (fragments) of different sizes that are embedded in a sandy matrix. These soils with typical local-scale heterogeneity may serve as a model for studying how spatially-distributed soil fragments may be utilized by pioneering plant species. The aim of this study was to gain insight into the physical and chemical properties of sandy matrix and fragments that could possibly explain why embedded fragment may act as hot spots for root growth.


In 2009, three soil monoliths of dimension 50 cm?×?50 cm?×?50 cm that were exclusively vegetated by Lotus corniculatus L. planted in 2008 were studied. Each layer of 10 cm was sampled successively using a cubic metal frame with 10 cm edge length (25 samples per layer each with a volume of 1 l). The samples were analyzed for root biomass, root lengths and diameter, and for chemical and physical properties of sandy matrix and fragments.


Bulk density, water contents, total carbon, total nitrogen, and plant available calcium contents were higher for the fragments compared to the sandy matrix. The roots of L. corniculatus were heterogeneously distributed in the monoliths. The root density distributions for the 1 L samples indicated a positive influence of fragments on directed root growth. Fragments embedded in the sandy matrix were found to be strongly penetrated by roots despite their relatively high bulk density. The presence of fragments also led to an increased root biomass in the sandy matrix in the direct vicinity of fragments. Such direct effects on root development were accompanied by more indirect effects by locally-elevated moisture and nutrient contents.


The results suggest that finer-textured fragments embedded in coarser-textured sediments, can have favorable effect on plant and root development during the initial stages of establishment of vegetation cover. The fragments can act as water and nutrient hot spots to improve supply of pioneering plants especially in coarse-textured soil. The existence of small-scale heterogeneities owing to incomplete sediment mixing e.g., in soil reclamation, could be generally important for controlling the speed and direction of early plants-establishment, for instance, in the succession of post-mining areas.  相似文献   
The steep biogeochemical gradients near deep sea hydrothermal vents provide various niches for microbial life. Here we present biosignatures of such organisms enclosed in a modern and an ancient hydrothermal sulfide deposit (Turtle Pits, Mid-Atlantic Ridge, Recent; Yaman Kasy, Russia, Silurian). In the modern sulfide we found high amounts of specific bacterial and archaeal biomarkers with δ13C values between ?8 and ?37‰ VPDB. Our data indicate the presence of thermophilic members of the autotrophic Aquificales using the reductive tricarboxylic acid (rTCA) cycle as well as of methanogenic and chemolithoheterotrophic Archaea. In the ancient sample, most potential biomarkers of thermophiles were obscured by compounds derived from allochthonous organic matter (OM), except for an acyclic C40 biphytane and its C39 breakdown product. Both samples contained high amounts of unresolved complex mixtures (UCM) of hydrocarbons. Apparently, OM in the sulfides had to withstand high thermal stress, indicated by highly mature hopanes, steranes, and cheilanthanes with up to 41 carbon atoms.  相似文献   
Class IB phosphoinositide 3-kinase γ (PI3Kγ) comprises a single catalytic p110γ subunit, which binds to two non-catalytic subunits, p87 or p101, and controls a plethora of fundamental cellular responses. The non-catalytic subunits are assumed to be redundant adaptors for Gβγ enabling G-protein-coupled receptor-mediated regulation of PI3Kγ. Growing experimental data provide contradictory evidence. To elucidate the roles of the non-catalytic subunits in determining the specificity of PI3Kγ, we tested the impact of p87 and p101 in heterodimeric p87-p110γ and p101-p110γ complexes on the modulation of PI3Kγ activity in vitro and in living cells. RT-PCR, biochemical, and imaging data provide four lines of evidence: (i) specific expression patterns of p87 and p101, (ii) up-regulation of p101, providing the basis to consider p87 as a protein forming a constitutively and p101 as a protein forming an inducibly expressed PI3Kγ, (iii) differences in basal and stimulated enzymatic activities, and (iv) differences in complex stability, all indicating apparent diversity within class IB PI3Kγ. In conclusion, expression and activities of PI3Kγ are modified differently by p87 and p101 in vitro and in living cells, arguing for specific regulatory roles of the non-catalytic subunits in the differentiation of PI3Kγ signaling pathways.  相似文献   
The emergence of the highly virulent Ug99 race complex of the stem rust fungus (Puccinia graminis Pers. f. sp. tritici Eriks. and Henn.) threatens wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) production worldwide. One of the effective genes against the Ug99 race complex is Sr44, which was derived from Thinopyrum intermedium (Host) Barkworth and D.R. Dewey and mapped to the short arm of 7J (designated 7J#1S) present in the noncompensating T7DS-7J#1L?7J#1S translocation. Noncompensating wheat-alien translocations are known to cause genomic duplications and deficiencies leading to poor agronomic performance, precluding their direct use in wheat improvement. The present study was initiated to produce compensating wheat-Th. intermedium Robertsonian translocations with Sr44 resistance. One compensating RobT was identified consisting of the wheat 7DL arm translocated to the Th. intermedium 7J#1S arm resulting in T7DL?7J#1S. The T7DL?7J#1S stock was designated as TA5657. The 7DL?7J#1S stock carries Sr44 and has resistance to the Ug99 race complex. This compensating RobT with Sr44 resistance may be useful in wheat improvement. In addition, we identified an unnamed stem rust resistance gene located on the 7J#1L arm that confers resistance not only to Ug99, but also to race TRTTF, which is virulent to Sr44. However, the action of the second gene can be modified by the presence of suppressors in the recipient wheat cultivars.  相似文献   
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