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Most flowering plant species are hermaphroditic, but a small number of species in most plant families are unisexual (i.e., an individ-ual will produce only male or female gametes). Because species with unisexual flowers have evolved repeatedly from hermaphroditic progenitors, the mechanisms controlling sex determination in flowering plants are extremely diverse. Sex is most strongly determined by genotype in all species but the mechanisms range from a single controlling locus to sex chromosomes bearing several linked locirequired for sex determination. Plant hormones also influence sex expression with variable effects from species to species. Here, we review the genetic control of sex determination from a number of plant species to illustrate the variety of extant mechanisms. We emphasize species that are now used as models to investigate the molecular biology of sex determination. We also present our own investigations of the structure of plant sex chromosomes of white campion (Silene latifolia - Melan-drium album). The cytogenetic basis of sex determination in white campion is similar to mammals in that it has a male-specific Y-chromosome that carries dominant male determining genes. If one copy of this chromosome is in the genome, the plant is male. Otherwise it is female. Like mammalian Y-chromosomes, the white campion Y-chromosome is rich in repetitive DNA. We isolated repetitive sequences from microdissected Y-chromosomes of white campion to study the distribution of homologous repeated sequences on the Y-chromosome and the other chromosomes. We found the Y to be especially rich in repetitive sequences that were generally dispersed over all the white campion chromosomes. Despite its repetitive character, the Y-chromosome is mainly euchromatic. This may be due to the relatively recent evolution of the white campion sex chromosomes compared to the sex chromosomes of animals. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
The combined effects of microwave radiation and some drugs were studied in an isolated frog auricle preparation. The experiments established that exposure to pulse-modulated 915 MHz microwaves for up to 40 min had no effect on either the rate or the amplitude of spontaneous auricle twitches, unless the average absorbed power was high enough to produce preparation heating. Treatment of the preparation with saline containing (0.6–3.0) 10?5 M of propranolol or (0.5–1.5) 10?7 M of atropine altered neither its pacemaker nor its contractile functions; these drugs also had no effect when they were combined with nonthermal microwave irradiation. Caffeine (1 mM) strongly increased the average heart power, which was calculated as the product of twitch rate and amplitude. The caffeine effect appeared to be significantly augmented (by about 15%, P<0.02) under exposure to burst-type pulsed microwaves (pulse width, 1.5 msec; pause, 2.5 msec; 8 pulses/burst, 16 bursts/s; average SAR, 8–10 W/kg). By itself, this modulation was not effective; the heating of the preparation and saline during exposure was approximately 0.1°C, which could not account for the detected changes. The experimental results demonstrate that caffeine treatment increases the microwave sensitivity of the frog auricle preparation and reveals primarily subthreshold, nonthermal microwave effect. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
Ferritin, an iron storage protein, was isolated from larvae and pupae of Aedes aegypti grown in an iron-rich medium. Mosquito ferritin is a high molecular weight protein composed of several different, relatively small, subunits. Subunits of molecular mass 24, 26, and 28 kDa are equally abundant, while that of 30 kDa is present only in small amounts. The N-terminal sequence of the 24 and 26 kDa subunits are identical for the first 30 amino acids, while that of the 28 kDa subunit differs. Studies using antiserum raised against a subunit mixture showed that the ferritin subunits were present in larvae, pupae, and adult females, and were increased in animals exposed to excess iron. The antiserum also was used to screen a cDNA library from unfed adult female mosquitoes. Nine clones were obtained that differed only in a 27 bp insertion in the 3′ end. Rapid amplification of cDNA ends (RACE) was used to obtain the complete protein coding sequence. A putative iron-responsive element (IRE) is present in the 5′-untranslated region. The deduced amino acid sequence shows a typical leader sequence, consistent with the fact that most insect ferritins are secreted, rather than cytoplasmic proteins. The sequence encodes a mature polypeptide of 20,566 molecular weight, smaller than the estimated size of any of the subunits. However, the sequence exactly matches the N-terminal sequences of the 24 and 26 kDa subunits as determined by Edman degradation. Of the known ferritin sequences, that of the mosquito is most similar to that of somatic cells of a snail. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
This paper reports a case of XY gonadal dysgenesis in two sisters. Both patients presented an eunochoid female phenotype with normal external genitalia. At laparotomy, the elder sister was found to have bilateral gonadoblastoma. Cytogenetic studies, which included G and C banding and in situ hybridization, showed that the patients had an apparently normal 46, XY karyotype. PCR analyses revealed absence of the conserved portion (HMG box) of the SRY gene and of the Y chromosome pseudoautosomal boundary region sequence in both patients. The presence of the ZFY sequence was detected by Southern hybridization in the two affected sisters. The patients' father (46, XY, no mosaicism detected in peripheral blood lymphocytes) was positive for SRY and ZFY sequences. The occurrence of gonadoblastoma is discussed in terms of the genetic factors that may lead to tumor development.  相似文献   
Summary A large portion of the 13C resonance assignments for murine epidermal growth factor (mEGF) at pH 3.1 and 28°C has been determined at natural isotope abundance. Sequence-specific 13C assignments are reported for 100% of the assignable C, 96% of the C, 86% of the aromatic and 70% of the remaining peripheral aliphatic resonances of mEGF. A good correlation was observed between experimental and back-calculated C chemical shifts for regions of regular -sheet structure. These assignments also provide the basis for interpreting 1H13C heteronuclear NOE (HNOE) values in mEGF at natural isotope abundance. Some of the backbone polypeptide segments with high internal mobility, indicated by these 1H13C HNOE measurements, correlate with locations of residues involved in the putative mEGF-receptor binding site. Using four families of mEGF structures obtained over the last few years, we demonstrate that standard deviations between experimental and back-calculated C values can be used to monitor the refinement of this protein's structure, particularly for -sheet regions. Improved agreement between calculated and observed values of C is correlated with other measures of structure quality, including lowered values of residual constraint violations and more negative values of conformational energy. These results support the view that experimental conformation-dependent chemical shifts, C, can provide a reliable source of information for monitoring the process of protein structure refinement and are potentially useful restraints for driving the refinement.Abbreviations HSQC heteronuclear single-quantum coherence spectroscopy - PFG pulsed-field gradient - TOCSY 1H-1H total correlation spectroscopy - EGF epidermal growth factor - mEGF murine EGF - hEGF human EGF - hTGF human type- transforming growth factor - DIPSI spm-locking pulse sequence - NOE nuclear Overhauser effect - HNOE heteronuclear Overhauser effect  相似文献   
Ectopic ACTH syndrome   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Ectopic ACTH syndrome represents a cancer-induced amplification of a property [proopiomelanocortin (POMC) peptides production] normally present in the cells from which the cancer originated but with aberrant posttranslational processing of POMC resulting in a greatly elevated secretion of ACTH precursors. The classic ectopic ACTH-producing tumors described in the 1960s were highly malignant but more recently slowly growing tumors such as carcinoids are reported with increasing frequency. Clinical features of patients with ectopic ACTH were analyzed, including biochemical abnormalities, plasma ACTH, cortisol and urinary steroids. Dynamic tests such as high-dose dexamethasone suppression, metyrapone and ovine-CRH (oCRH) stimulation were explored, as well as inferior petrosal sinus ACTH sampling before and after oCRH. Among the tumor markers examined, elevation of ACTH precursors was uniformly present followed by increased output of calcitonin, gut hormones, oncofetal and placental hormones in decreasing order. Since more than 90% of ectopic ACTH tumors are neuroendocrine in nature exhibiting APUD characteristics, their 2 markers, neuron-specific enolase and chromogranins are very useful. The imaging procedures for localization of the tumor ranged from chest X-rays to computed tomography and magnetic resonance of the chest and abdomen. Abdominal ultrasonography was also useful. Finally somatostatin receptor scintigraphy permitted demonstration of unrecognized tumors and/or metastases, even when the tumors were occult. The ACTH content, immunostaining for APUD markers and altered POMC processing were evaluated in ectopic tumors and/or metastases. Occult ectopic ACTH syndrome of more than 4–6 months of symptoms without the emergence of an obvious source was reviewed. Since the tumors are often clinically and biochemically undistinguishable from pituitary-dependent Cushing's disease, inferior petrosal sinus sampling for ACTH after oCRH stimulation established the diagnosis in over 90% of the cases. 60% of the occult tumors were thoracic carcinoids (3/4 bronchial carcinoids), followed by small cell lung cancer and pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors. In 12% the primary etiology was not detected. The rare syndrome of ectopic CRH syndrome (6 published cases) leading to excessive stimulation of the pituitary which became hyperplastic and secreted excessive amounts of ACTH is discussed. Finally, the 12 published cases and 1 unreported patient with ectopic CRH-ACTH tumors were reviewed, the majority being metastatic small cell lung carcinomas, bronchial and thymic carcinoids.  相似文献   
Using the fluorescence-activated cell sorter (FACS II), we have analyzed the expression of H-2K- and H-2D-gene products on the membrane of various cellular components of the murine immune system. Using this serological technique we show a basic difference between T and B lymphocytes. Whereas all cellular components analyzed — hydrocortisone-resistant thymocytes, splenic T and B lymphocytes, macrophages and bone-marrow cells — expressed H-2K-subregion-encoded alloantigens at a high density, it seems that the high density expression of H-2D-encoded alloantigens is restricted mainly to B cells and to macrophages. Hydrocortisone-resistant thymocytes, splenic T lymphocytes and bone-marrow cells, on the other hand, showed significant expression of the H-2D alloantigens only at low membrane density. These results, then, provide evidence for the existence of an imbalance in serologically detectable expression of H-2K- and H-2D-region-gene products on the cell membrane of various cells comprising the murine immune system.Abbreviations usedin this paper DTH delayed type hypersensitivity - FCS fetal calf serum - FITC fluorescein isothiocyanate - HrT hydrocortisone-resistant thymocytes - Ig immunoglobulins P. De Baetselier is an EMBO and Euratom postdoctoral fellow  相似文献   
Summary A direct current electric field up to 3 mV/ cm was recorded in 33 sea water around the fishMyoxocephalus brandti, Hexogrammos octogrammos, Enophrys diceraus, Pleuronectes stellatus, Bathimaste r derjugini, Sebastes scorpaeniformis. The body surface potentials were positive in relation to the external and internal media; they attained 10 mV and slowly varied near the mean value at every point. The potentials at the surface points of individual skin sections adjoining the oral and branchial cavities, the anal orifice and peripheral fin sections were normally characterized by polarities opposite to those of body surface potentials (in sea water they were negative in relation to the external medium).When placed in sea water during their fresh water cycle, the salmonOncorhynchus keta and the fresh water fishSalvelinus alpinus andMisgurnus fossilis had no d.c. field.In fresh water containing less than 0.03 salt, a d.c. field up to 25 mV/cm was recorded around all the above mentioned species. The potentials had an opposite polarity to that recorded in sea water.The distribution of potentials over the fish surface depends on the species. The potentials at some points of the body surfaces were found to vary when other fish or metal objects were placed in the aquarium.The parameters of the direct current electric field generated by a whole fish and by isolated skin pieces were identical and varied by the same law with changed medium salinity. Thus it may be assumed that the d.c. electric field around the fish is produced by active electrogenic ion transport mechanisms localized in the skin.  相似文献   
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