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The import of mitochondrial preproteins requires an electric potential across the inner membrane and the hydrolysis of ATP in the matrix. We assessed the contributions of the two energy sources to the translocation driving force responsible for movement of the polypeptide chain through the translocation channel and the unfolding of preprotein domains. The import-driving activity was directly analyzed by the determination of the protease resistances of saturating amounts of membrane-spanning translocation intermediates. The ability to generate a strong translocation-driving force was solely dependent on the activity of the ATP-dependent import motor complex in the matrix. For a sustained import-driving activity on the preprotein in transit, an unstructured N-terminal segment of more than 70 to 80 amino acid residues was required. The electric potential of the inner membrane was required to maintain the import-driving activity at a high level. The electrophoretic force of the potential exhibited only a limited capacity to unfold preprotein domains. We conclude that the membrane potential increases the probability of a dynamic interaction of the preprotein with the import motor. Polypeptide translocation and unfolding are mainly driven by the inward-directed translocation activity based on the functional cooperation of the import motor components.  相似文献   
Cytochrome b(558) is the catalytic core of the phagocyte NADPH oxidase that mediates the production of bactericidal reactive oxygen species. Cytochrome b(558) is formed by two subunits gp91-phox and p22-phox (1/1), non-covalently associated. Its activation depends on the interaction with cytosolic regulatory proteins (p67-phox, p47-phox, p40-phox and Rac) leading to an electron transfer from NADPH to molecular oxygen and to the release of superoxide anions. Several studies have suggested that the activation process was linked to a change in cytochrome b(558) conformation. Recently, we confirmed this hypothesis by isolating cytochrome b(558) in a constitutively active form. To characterize active and inactive cytochrome b(558) conformations, we produced four novel monoclonal antibodies (7A2, 13B6, 15B12 and 8G11) raised against a mixture of cytochrome b(558) purified from both resting and stimulated neutrophils. The four antibodies labeled gp91-phox and bound to both native and denatured cytochrome b(558). Interestingly, they were specific of extracellular domains of the protein. Phage display mapping combined to the study of recombinant gp91-phox truncated forms allowed the identification of epitope regions. These antibodies were then employed to investigate the NADPH oxidase activation process. In particular, they were shown to inhibit almost completely the NADPH oxidase activity reconstituted in vitro with membrane and cytosol. Moreover, flow cytometry analysis and confocal microscopy performed on stimulated neutrophils pointed out the capacity of the monoclonal antibody 13B6 to bind preferentially to the active form of cytochrome b(558). All these data suggested that the four novel antibodies are potentially powerful tools to detect the expression of cytochrome b(558) in intact cells and to analyze its membrane topology. Moreover, the antibody 13B6 may be conformationally sensitive and used as a probe for identifying the active NADPH oxidase complex in vivo.  相似文献   
SET domain-containing proteins of the SU(VAR)3-9 class are major regulators of heterochromatin in several eukaryotes, including mammals, insects, plants and fungi. The function of these polypeptides is mediated, at least in part, by their ability to methylate histone H3 on lysine 9 (H3K9). Indeed, mutants defective in SU(VAR)3-9 proteins have implicated di- and/or trimethyl H3K9 in the formation and/or maintenance of heterochromatin across the eukaryotic spectrum. Yet, the biological significance of monomethyl H3K9 has remained unclear because of the lack of mutants exclusively defective in this modification. Interestingly, a SU(VAR)3-9 homolog in the unicellular green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, SET3p, functions in vitro as a specific H3K9 monomethyltransferase. RNAi-mediated suppression of SET3 reactivated the expression of repetitive transgenic arrays and reduced global monomethyl H3K9 levels. Moreover, chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) assays demonstrated that transgene reactivation correlated with the partial loss of monomethyl H3K9 from their chromatin. In contrast, the levels of trimethyl H3K9 or the repression of euchromatic sequences were not affected by SET3 downregulation; whereas dimethyl H3K9 was undetectable in Chlamydomonas. Thus, our observations are consistent with a role for monomethyl H3K9 as an epigenetic mark of repressed chromatin and raise questions as to the functional distinctiveness of different H3K9 methylation states.  相似文献   
Owing to a striking, and most likely fortuitous, structural and sequence similarity with the bacterial 16 S ribosomal A site, the RNA kissing-loop complex formed by the HIV-1 genomic RNA dimerization initiation site (DIS) specifically binds 4,5-disubstituted 2-deoxystreptamine (2-DOS) aminoglycoside antibiotics. We used chemical probing, molecular modeling, isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC) and UV melting to investigate aminoglycoside binding to the DIS loop–loop complex. We showed that apramycin, an aminoglycoside containing a bicyclic moiety, also binds the DIS, but in a different way than 4,5-disubstituted 2-DOS aminoglycosides. The determination of thermodynamic parameters for various aminoglycosides revealed the role of the different rings in the drug–RNA interaction. Surprisingly, we found that the affinity of lividomycin and neomycin for the DIS (Kd ~ 30 nM) is significantly higher than that obtained in the same experimental conditions for their natural target, the bacterial A site (Kd ~ 1.6 µM). In good agreement with their respective affinity, aminoglycoside increase the melting temperature of the loop–loop interaction and also block the conversion from kissing-loop complex to extended duplex. Taken together, our data might be useful for selecting new molecules with improved specificity and affinity toward the HIV-1 DIS RNA.  相似文献   
DNA damage checkpoints are signal transduction pathways that are activated after genotoxic insults to protect genomic integrity. At the site of DNA damage, ‘mediator’ proteins are in charge of recruiting ‘signal transducers’ to molecules ‘sensing’ the damage. Budding yeast Rad9, fission yeast Crb2 and metazoan 53BP1 are presented as mediators involved in the activation of checkpoint kinases. Here we show that, despite low sequence conservation, Rad9 exhibits a tandem tudor domain structurally close to those found in human/mouse 53BP1 and fission yeast Crb2. Moreover, this region is important for the resistance of Saccharomyces cerevisiae to different genotoxic stresses. It does not mediate direct binding to a histone H3 peptide dimethylated on K79, nor to a histone H4 peptide dimethylated on lysine 20, as was demonstrated for 53BP1. However, the tandem tudor region of Rad9 directly interacts with single-stranded DNA and double-stranded DNAs of various lengths and sequences through a positively charged region absent from 53BP1 and Crb2 but present in several yeast Rad9 homologs. Our results argue that the tandem tudor domains of Rad9, Crb2 and 53BP1 mediate chromatin binding next to double-strand breaks. However, their modes of chromatin recognition are different, suggesting that the corresponding interactions are differently regulated.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: The recent assembly of the complete sequence of the plastid genome of the model taxon Physcomitrella patens (Funariaceae, Bryophyta) revealed that a 71-kb fragment, encompassing much of the large single copy region, is inverted. This inversion of 57% of the genome is the largest rearrangement detected in the plastid genomes of plants to date. Although initially considered diagnostic of Physcomitrella patens, the inversion was recently shown to characterize the plastid genome of two species from related genera within Funariaceae, but was lacking in another member of Funariidae. The phylogenetic significance of the inversion has remained ambiguous. METHODS: Exemplars of all families included in Funariidae were surveyed. DNA sequences spanning the inversion break ends were amplified, using primers that anneal to genes on either side of the putative end points of the inversion. Primer combinations were designed to yield a product for either the inverted or the non-inverted architecture. KEY RESULTS: The survey reveals that exemplars of eight genera of Funariaceae, the sole species of Disceliaceae and three generic representatives of Encalyptales all share the 71-kb inversion in the large single copy of the plastid genome. By contrast, the plastid genome of Gigaspermaceae (Funariales) is characterized by a gene order congruent with that described for other mosses, liverworts and hornworts, and hence it does not possess this inversion. CONCLUSIONS: The phylogenetic distribution of the inversion in the gene order supports a hypothesis only weakly supported by inferences from sequence data whereby Funariales are paraphyletic, with Funariaceae and Disceliaceae sharing a common ancestor with Encalyptales, and Gigaspermaceae sister to this combined clade. To reflect these relationships, Gigaspermaceae are excluded from Funariales and accommodated in their own order, Gigaspermales order nov., within Funariideae.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: By using the technique of replicas of a developing apex it is possible to obtain a direct measure of phyllotactic parameters (plastochrone and platochronic ratio) involved in the initiation of two successive primordia at the level of the SAM. The goal of this study is to compare, in a real time setting, the value of phyllotactic parameters in distichous systems using Begonia as a case study, with the value of the same parameters in spiral phyllotactic systems. METHODS: To determine the real-time sequence of events at the level of the SAM, replicas were made of the developing apex at different intervals using previously described techniques. Impression moulds were made at 24-h intervals. The following phyllotactic parameters were measured: plastochrone, angle of divergence, plastochrone ratio and ratio between the diameter of the leaf and the apex. RESULTS: The time between the appearance of two successive leaves is 15-20 d. The average value of the plastochrone ratio (R) is 1.3, and the ratio of the leaf to the diameter of the apex (Gamma) is 2.5. The angle of divergence varies from 165 masculine to 180 masculine. The speed of advection of the primordium from the apex, varies from 0.28 to 0.37 microm d(-1). CONCLUSIONS: The speed of advection of primordia in Begonia is lower than that of Anagalis. This is not in accordance with theoretical simulations that predict the opposite. In Begonia, the plastochrone ratio does not reflect the real time of appearance of two successive primordia. The time separating the appearance of two primordia is not directly related to the distance of these two primordia from the centre of the apex but is related instead to the enlargement of leaves.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is the leading cause of blindness in the Western World. It is now evident that both genetic and environmental factors contribute to disease susceptibility. We tested the hypotheses that (a) a common coding SNP in the LOC387715 gene is associated with advanced AMD (geographic atrophy or choroidal neovascularization), and (b) that modifiable environmental exposures alter AMD susceptibility associated with this SNP. METHODS: A case-control association analysis was performed on participants (530 advanced AMD cases and 280 controls) ascertained as part of the multi-center Age-Related Eye Disease Study. AMD status was determined by the reading center from fundus photographs using the AREDS AMD grading categorization. Environmental risk factor exposure data was collected from participants whose DNA was also genotyped for the LOC387715 gene SNP rs10490924. Multivariate logistic regression analyses were performed. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS: The number of risk alleles at the LOC387715 SNP was associated with advanced AMD, with odds ratios (OR) = 3.0 (95% confidence interval (CI) 2.1-4.3) for the GT heterozygous genotype and OR = 12.1 (5.6-26.5) for the homozygous TT risk genotype, after controlling for demographic and behavioral risk factors. The LOC387715 SNP was associated with both forms of advanced AMD. Current cigarette smoking and body mass index were independently related to AMD, controlling for genotype. However, there was no statistical interaction between LOC387715 genotype and smoking with regard to advanced AMD development.  相似文献   
The conformational behavior of receptor-bound acetylcholine (ACh) was investigated by molecular dynamics simulations. Based on the great similarity among muscarinic receptors, the study was focused on the human M(1), M(2), and M(5) receptors as previously modeled by us. The results showed that receptor-bound ACh was not frozen in a single preferred conformation but preserved an unexpected fraction of its conformational space. However, there were marked differences between the three receptors since the ligand was mostly trans in the M(1) receptor, equally distributed among trans and gauche conformers in M(2), and exclusively gauche in the M(5); the greater flexibility of M(2)-bound ACh was paralleled by the greater flexibility of the occupied M(2) binding site. By contrast, the property space of receptor-bound ACh, and particularly its virtual (computed, conformation-dependent) lipophilicity, was restricted to relatively narrow ranges optimal for successful interaction. Experimental binding investigations to the individual human M(1), M(2), and M(5) muscarinic receptors showed ACh to have a 10-fold higher affinity for the M(2) compared to the M(1) and M(5) receptors. This selectivity was not confirmed by the calculated binding scores, a fact postulated to be caused by the absence of an entropy component in such binding scores. Indeed, the Shannon entropy of all geometric and physicochemical properties monitored were markedly higher in M(2)-bound ACh compared to M(1)-bound and M(5)-bound ACh. This finding suggests that the selectivity profile of acetylcholine for the M(2) receptor is largely entropy-driven, a fact that might explain the intrinsic difficulty to design subtype-selective muscarinic agonists.  相似文献   
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