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We studied benthic macroinvertebrate communities upstream and downstream of five small reservoirs (surface release in autumn–winters) (north Spain) to assess the effect of flow regulation on structural and functional characteristics of stream ecosystems. We based our approach on the use of structural metrics (density, biomass, richness and diversity) in combination with two functional diversity indices based on biological and ecological traits: FDPG index, related to species richness, and FDQ, which incorporates evenness across taxa. Although water physicochemical parameters were unaffected by the reservoirs during the study period (autumn–winter), macroinvertebrate metrics were lower below the dams, with detritivores (shredders and collector-gatherers) being the most affected. The alder leaf breakdown rate estimated by the litter-bag technique was related to the density, biomass, richness, diversity and FDPG index of shredders, compromising the ecosystem functioning. The most plausible origin for the observed differences in macroinvertebrate metrics between upstream and downstream reaches was the change of the flow regime caused by the impoundments at downstream sites, leading to droughts in summer in those naturally permanently flowing streams. The observed functional diversity loss might reduce the chances of the community to override natural or man-induced fluctuations in their environment with possible repercussions on important ecosystem functions and services.  相似文献   
Finding mates is frequently problematic for parasitoid wasps. In some parasitoid species, males rely on volatile, airborne sex pheromones for locating mates, while in others they rely on contact, trail sex pheromones. This study sought to shed light on the mate finding mechanism of males of Aphytis melinus. Specifically, the goal was to determine whether A. melinus males use airborne or contact pheromones, or both, for locating mates. The study showed that A. melinus males rely on a contact, trail sex pheromone for locating mates: A. melinus males responded to substrate-borne cues left by virgin females, while they did not respond to airborne cues from virgin females. Specifically, males more frequently encountered virgin females when the females walked across an arena to a fixed encounter point compared to when they were manually placed at the encounter point, and spent greater than expected time on surfaces previously visited by virgin females compared to control surfaces not visited by females. In contrast, males did not respond to airborne cues from virgin females in an airflow olfactometer nor to traps baited with virgin females in the field, and spent similar lengths of time on surfaces visited by newly-mated or 24-h mated females versus control surfaces not visited by females. The main effect of the trail sex pheromone on the behavior of A. melinus males was to direct their search and, so, increase the likelihood of encountering mates. This effect apparently is not preceded by longer-range attraction of males via an airborne female sex pheromone. Overall, the results of this study support a hypothesis in which A. melinus males searching on substrates on which females may be present rely exclusively on a trail sex pheromone to locate mates.  相似文献   
Bacterial osmoadaptation involves the cytoplasmic accumulation of compatible solutes to counteract extracellular osmolarity. The halophilic and highly halotolerant bacterium Chromohalobacter salexigens is able to grow up to 3 m NaCl in a minimal medium due to the de novo synthesis of ectoines. This is an osmoregulated pathway that burdens central metabolic routes by quantitatively drawing off TCA cycle intermediaries. Consequently, metabolism in C. salexigens has adapted to support this biosynthetic route. Metabolism of C. salexigens is more efficient at high salinity than at low salinity, as reflected by lower glucose consumption, lower metabolite overflow, and higher biomass yield. At low salinity, by-products (mainly gluconate, pyruvate, and acetate) accumulate extracellularly. Using [1-13C]-, [2-13C]-, [6-13C]-, and [U-13C6]glucose as carbon sources, we were able to determine the main central metabolic pathways involved in ectoines biosynthesis from glucose. C. salexigens uses the Entner-Doudoroff pathway rather than the standard glycolytic pathway for glucose catabolism, and anaplerotic activity is high to replenish the TCA cycle with the intermediaries withdrawn for ectoines biosynthesis. Metabolic flux ratios at low and high salinity were similar, revealing a certain metabolic rigidity, probably due to its specialization to support high biosynthetic fluxes and partially explaining why metabolic yields are so highly affected by salinity. This work represents an important contribution to the elucidation of specific metabolic adaptations in compatible solute-accumulating halophilic bacteria.  相似文献   
Pseudomonas aeruginosa is a Gram-negative opportunistic pathogen and a primary cause of infection in humans. P. aeruginosa can acquire resistance against multiple groups of antimicrobial agents, including β-lactams, aminoglycosides and fluoroquinolones, and multidrug resistance is increasing in this organism which makes treatment of the infections difficult and expensive. This has led to the unmet need for discovery of new compounds distinctly different from present antimicrobials. Protein synthesis is an essential metabolic process and a validated target for the development of new antibiotics. Translation initiation factor 1 from P. aeruginosa (Pa-IF1) is the smallest of the three initiation factors that acts to establish the 30S initiation complex to initiate translation during protein biosynthesis, and its structure is unknown. Here we report the 1H, 13C and 15N chemical shift assignments of Pa-IF1 as the basis for NMR structure determination and interaction studies. Secondary structure analyses deduced from the NMR chemical shift data have identified five β-strands with an unusually extended β-strand at the C-terminal end of the protein and one short α-helix arranged in the sequential order β1–β2–β3–α1–β4–β5. This is further supported by 15N–{1H} hetero NOEs. These secondary structure elements suggest the Pa-IF1 adopts the typical β-barrel structure and is composed of an oligomer-binding motif.  相似文献   
Aim Understanding the importance of ecological factors in the origin and maintenance of patterns of phenotypic variation among populations, in an explicit geographical context, is one of the main goals of human biology, ecology and evolutionary biology. Here we study the ecological factors responsible for craniofacial variation among human populations from South America. Location South America. Methods We studied a dataset of 718 males from 40 South American populations, coming from groups that inhabited different geographical and ecological regions. Cranial size and shape variation were studied using 30 cranial measurements. We first used spatial correlograms and interpolated maps to address spatial patterns. We then regressed the shape (principal component scores) and size variables against ecology (mean annual temperature and diet) using multiple and multivariate spatial regression. Finally, the expected magnitudes of shape and size divergence under the influence of genetic drift and mutations alone were evaluated using neutral expectation for the divergence rate. Results The spatial correlograms showed a cline affecting the entire South American distribution. Interpolated maps showed that size and allometric shape vary from south‐east to north‐west. Multiple and multivariate regression analyses suggested that diet has the largest and most significant effect on this pattern of size and allometric shape variation. Finally, the results of the divergence rate test suggested that random processes alone cannot account for the morphological divergence exhibited by cranial size and allometric shape scores among southernmost populations. Main conclusions Correlograms, spatial regression and divergence rate analyses showed that although local factors (neutral processes or local environmental conditions) are important to explain spatial interpopulation differentiation in cranial characteristics among these populations, there is significant correlation of cranial size and allometric shape variation with diet. Gene flow among human populations, or local environmental conditions, could explain spatial variation mainly at smaller spatial scales, whereas the large‐scale pattern of the South American dataset is mainly related to the high proportion of carbohydrates and low proportion of proteins consumed.  相似文献   
Abstract: Rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta) with endometriosis were identified using reproductive histories, serum levels CA-125, pelvic ultrasonography, laparoscopy, and histopathology. All animals were evaluated from a large breeding colony and had a history of infertility and/or spontaneous abortions. Laparoscopy and ultrasonography were performed on 40 macaques: 27 macaques from the breeding colony with elevated CA-125 levels, ten macaques from the breeding colony with normal or low serum CA-125 levels, and three macaques from another facility with previously diagnosed spontaneous endometriosis. Clinical endometriosis was diagnosed by laparoscopy in 16/37 (43%) macaques from the breeding colony and was confirmed by histologic examination in all animals biopsied. The disease was classified as minimal (40%), mild (25%), moderate (10%), or severe (25%). The most common sites of endometriosis were the serosal surface of the uterus (75%) and the posterior cul-de-sac (75%). In this study, CA-125 levels were useful in identifying animals from the breeding colony with endometriosis. The rhesus macaque provides a valuable animal model to study endometriosis and potentially to assess efficacy of therapeutic agents for this disease condition.  相似文献   
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