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Exercise training has been used for treatment/prevention of many cardiovascular diseases, but the mechanisms need to be clarified. Thus, our aim was to compare oxidative stress parameters between rats submitted to a swimming training and sedentary rats (control). Twelve male rats were divided into two groups: control and exercise training. The exercise training had daily 1 h swimming sessions for 8 weeks and a load (5% of its body mass) was placed in rat's tail. Thereafter the animals were killed, aorta and heart were surgically removed and blood was collected. Body mass gain, thiobarbituric acid reactive species (TBARS), carbonyl content, total reactive antioxidant potential (TRAP), total antioxidant reactivity (TAR), superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity and catalase (CAT) activity were evaluted. The trained rats showed a lower body mass gain and no modifications on heart. An increased SOD activity was observed on aorta after the training, but no changes were seen for CAT activity, which led to an increased SOD/CAT ratio. The arterial TBARS was also increased for trained rats. The decrease in TRAP in exercise training was the single modification on plasma. Our findings suggest that the increased SOD activity could play a role in vascular adaptations to exercise training. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The effect of citric acid metabolism by Xanthomonas campestris on composition of xanthan has been studied. Citric acid consumption in fed-batch and continuous fermentation increased the pyruvic acid content of xanthan. An increase in pyruvic acid content in xanthan has been explained with the help of energy balance in xanthan biosynthesis.  相似文献   
Primary ciliary dyskinesia (PCD) is a group of heterogeneous disorders of unknown origin, usually inherited as an autosomal recessive trait. Its phenotype is characterized by axonemal abnormalities of respiratory cilia and sperm tails leading to bronchiectasis and sinusitis, which are sometimes associated with situs inversus (Kartagener syndrome) and male sterility. The main ciliary defect in PCD is an absence of dynein arms. We have isolated the first gene involved in PCD, using a candidate-gene approach developed on the basis of documented abnormalities of immotile strains of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, which carry axonemal ultrastructural defects reminiscent of PCD. Taking advantage of the evolutionary conservation of genes encoding axonemal proteins, we have isolated a human sequence (DNAI1) related to IC78, a C. reinhardtii gene encoding a dynein intermediate chain in which mutations are associated with the absence of outer dynein arms. DNAI1 is highly expressed in trachea and testis and is composed of 20 exons located at 9p13-p21. Two loss-of-function mutations of DNAI1 have been identified in a patient with PCD characterized by immotile respiratory cilia lacking outer dynein arms. In addition, we excluded linkage between this gene and similar PCD phenotypes in five other affected families, providing a clear demonstration of locus heterogeneity. These data reveal the critical role of DNAI1 in the development of human axonemal structures and open up new means for identification of additional genes involved in related developmental defects.  相似文献   
We compared the disaccharide composition of dermatan sulfate (DS) purified from the ventral skin of three species of rays from the Brazilian seacoast, Dasyatis americana, Dasyatis gutatta, Aetobatus narinari and of Potamotrygon motoro, a fresh water species that habits the Amazon River. DS obtained from the four species were composed of non-sulfated, mono-sulfated disaccharides bearing esterified sulfate groups at positions C-4 or C-6 of N-acetyl galactosamine (GalNAc), and disulfated disaccharides bearing esterified sulfate groups at positions C-2 of the uronic acid and at position C-4 or C-6 of GalNAc. However, DS from the skin of P. motoro presented a very low content of the disulfated disaccharides. The anticoagulant actions of ray skin DS, measured by both APTT clotting and HCII-mediated inhibition of thrombin assays, were compared to that of mammalian DS. DS from D. americana had both high APTT and HCII activities, whereas DS from D. gutatta showed activity profiles similar to those of mammalian DS. In contrast, DS from both A. narinari and P. motoro had no measurable activity in the APTT assay. Thus, the anticoagulant activity of ray skin DS is not merely a consequence of their charge density. We speculate that the differences among the anticoagulant activities of these three DS may be related to both different composition and arrangements of the disulfated disaccharide units within their polysaccharide chains.  相似文献   
Heptaldehyde-modified chitosan (heptyl-chitosan, CH-Hp) was investigated as adsorbent for chromatograhic separation of the flavonoids from A. moluccana. The amount of 2"-O-rhamnosylswertisin isolated (30.0 mg) was approx. twice as high as swertisin (17.5 mg). The improved surface hydrophobicity effected by the heptyl groups promoted the separation of flavonoids. From the results obtained, CH-Hp seems to be more suitable for separation of glycosylated flavonoids than other flavonoids. Thus, modified chitosan described here can be used for hydrophobic interaction chromatography as sucessfully illustrated with flavonoids.  相似文献   
The ferredoxin from the thermoacidophile Acidianus ambivalens is a representative of the archaeal family of di-cluster [3Fe-4S][4Fe-4S] ferredoxins. Previous studies have shown that these ferredoxins are intrinsically very stable and led to the suggestion that upon protein unfolding the iron-sulfur clusters degraded via linear three-iron sulfur center species, with 610 and 520 nm absorption bands, resembling those observed in purple aconitase. In this work, a kinetic and spectroscopic investigation on the alkaline chemical denaturation of the protein was performed in an attempt to elucidate the degradation pathway of the iron-sulfur centers in respect to protein unfolding events. For this purpose we investigated cluster dissociation, iron release and protein unfolding by complementary biophysical techniques. We found that shortly after initial protein unfolding, iron release proceeds monophasically at a rate comparable to that of cluster degradation, and that no typical EPR features of linear three-iron sulfur centers are observed. Further, it was observed that EDTA prevents formation of the transient bands and that sulfide significantly enhances its intensity and lifetime, even after protein unfolding. Altogether, our data suggest that iron sulfides, which are formed from the release of iron and sulfide resulting from cluster degradation during protein unfolding in alkaline conditions, are in fact responsible for the observed intermediate spectral species, thus disproving the hypothesis suggesting the presence of a linear three-iron center intermediate. Kinetic studies monitored by visible, fluorescence and UV second-derivative spectroscopies have elicited that upon initial perturbation of the tertiary structure the iron-sulfur centers start decomposing and that the presence of EDTA accelerates the process. Also, the presence of EDTA lowers the observed melting temperature in thermal ramp experiments and the midpoint denaturant concentration in equilibrium chemical unfolding experiments, further suggesting that the clusters also play a structural role in the maintenance of the conformation of the folded state.  相似文献   
In the current study we investigated the effect of the branched-chain alpha-keto acids (BCKA) co-ketoisocaproic (KIC), alpha-keto-beta-methylvaleric (KMV), and alpha-ketoisovaleric (KIV) acids, which accumulate in maple syrup urine disease (MSUD), on the in vitro uptake of [3H]glutamate by cerebral cortical slices from rats aged 9, 21, and 60 days of life. We initially observed that glutamate uptake into cerebral cortex of 9- and 21-day-old rats was significantly higher, as compared to that of 60-day-old rats. Furthermore, KIC inhibited this uptake by tissue slices at all ages studied, whereas KMV and KIV produced the same effect only in cortical slices of 21- and 60-day-old rats. Kinetic assays showed that KIC significantly inhibited glutamate uptake in the presence of high glutamate concentrations (50 microM and greater). We also verified that the reduction of glutamate uptake was not due to cellular death, as evidenced by tetrazolium salt and lactate dehydrogenase viability tests of cortical slices in the presence of the BCKA. It is therefore presumed that the reduced glutamate uptake caused by the BCKA accumulating in MSUD may lead to higher extracellular glutamate levels and potentially to excitotoxicity, which may contribute to the neurological dysfunction of the affected individuals.  相似文献   
We have constructed and validated the first cocoa (Theobroma cacao L.) BAC library, with the aim of developing molecular resources to study the structure and evolution of the genome of this perennial crop. This library contains 36,864 clones with an average insert size of 120 kb, representing approximately ten haploid genome equivalents. It was constructed from the genotype Scavina-6 (Sca-6), a Forastero clone highly resistant to cocoa pathogens and a parent of existing mapping populations. Validation of the BAC library was carried out with a set of 13 genetically-anchored single copy and one duplicated markers. An average of nine BAC clones per probe was identified, giving an initial experimental estimation of the genome coverage represented in the library. Screening of the library with a set of resistance gene analogues (RGAs), previously mapped in cocoa and co-localizing with QTL for resistance to Phytophthora traits, confirmed at the physical level the tight clustering of RGAs in the cocoa genome and provided the first insights into the relationships between genetic and physical distances in the cocoa genome. This library represents an available BAC resource for structural genomic studies or map-based cloning of genes corresponding to important QTLs for agronomic traits such as resistance genes to major cocoa pathogens like Phytophthora spp (palmivora and megakarya), Crinipellis perniciosa and Moniliophthora roreri.Communicated by J.W. Snape  相似文献   
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