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Reproductive ecology of five pipefish species in one eelgrass meadow   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Synopsis Synopsis Pipefishes have rarely been watched in the wild and have never before been followed in their common seagrass habitats. This study explores the reproductive ecology of five species of pipefishes living in a Swedish eelgrass meadow during parts of four breeding seasons, tagging four of the species. Pipefish are remarkable for their specialised paternal care: only males aerate, osmoregulate and nourish the developing embryos. Two of the species (Entelurus aequoreus andNerophis ophidion) have simple ventral gluing of eggs on the trunk while three species (Syngnathus acus, S. rostellatus andS. typhle) have fully enclosed brood pouches on their tails. Males of the former species receive eggs from one female while males of the genusSyngnathus receive partial clutches from several females. Sex ratios of adults on the site differed from equal to male-biased to female-biased, according to species.S. typhle were most numerous and were resighted most often. They were present throughout the breeding season whereas there were temporal shifts in the presence of the other species on the meadow and in some sex ratios. Most species occurred in the deeper, denser part of the meadow but there was some habitat separation by species and sex. All species tended to stay low in the eelgrass, primarily coming up above the eelgrass to display and mate. No species showed site fidelity either to a home range or to the meadow, withE. aequoreus adults spending least time on the meadow. Sexual size dimorphism differed: males were larger inS. rostellatus, the same size inS acus and smaller in the other species. Although the species overlap in habitat requirements and breeding season, the only observed interspecific interactions were abortive courtships betweenSyngnathus species.  相似文献   
The gene for human tetranectin was isolated from a genomic library with a mixture of degenerate oligonucleotide probes. The gene is about 12 kbp and contains two intervening sequences. The gene encodes a protein of 202 amino acid residues, with a signal peptide of 21 amino acid residues, followed by the tetranectin sequence of 181 amino acid residues. Northern blot analysis revealed that tetranectin mRNA was present in all eight tissues tested with the highest concentration in lung. Southern blot analysis showed hybridization to two genes. Further investigations are needed to determine whether the genes are allelic or non-allelic.  相似文献   
Summary The reasons behind the absence of the prawn Palaemon adspersus and the presence of P. squilla in rockpools and on bare sand bottoms were studied. Some maximal abundances in different habitats are given. Introduction experiments into natural and artificial rockpools and measurements of tolerance towards low oxygen levels showed that nocturnal hypoxia excluded P. adspersus which was significantly more sensitive to oxygen depletion. Respiration rates measured by the closed-bottle method showed no interspecific difference.On bare sand bottoms P. aspersus was probably excluded by predators, since predator exclusion experiments in cages and predator inclusion experiments in containers showed that P. adaspersus was more vulnerable to predation than P. squilla.The costs for being able to cope with a wide array of habitat in P. squilla are probably balanced by the benefits of access to habitats such as intertidal rockpools, very shallow bottoms and deeper sand bottoms. Tolerance towards abiotic factors extends its habitat range upwards into shallower waters, and tolerance towards biotic factors, i.e. predation, extends it downwards.  相似文献   
The prevalence of primary and secondary hypertension was determined in a random sample of 7455 Swedish men aged 47 to 54 years. Three hundred and sizty-one men were undergoing treatment for hypertension. Seven hundred and ninety-eight men who had blood pressures above 175/115 mm Hg at preliminary screening were recalled for further blood pressure measurements. Those on treatment and all the untreated men whose blood pressures were still over 175/115 mm Hg then underwent extensive investigation for secondary hypertension. Renal parenchymal hypertension was found in 25 (3-6%) patients, renovascular hypertension in four (0-6%), and other forms of secondary hypertension in 11 (1-6%). The investigation led to surgical treatment in only two cases (0-3%). The low prevalence of secondary hypertension, especially surgically curable forms of hypertension, makes routine screening for these cases unnecessary, at least when patients with hypertension have been found at screening. These data must be taken into account in planning community control programmes in hypertension.  相似文献   
Esterifications catalysed by immobilised lipase from Candida rugosa (CRL) in cyclohexane at constant water activity (aw = 0.76) were studied using 2-methyl substituted octa-, nona- or decanoic acids and n-alcohols of varying chain length as substrates. The importance of controlling the water activity and choosing the right alcohol for obtaining maximum enantioselectivity is demonstrated. The immobilised lipase was easily recovered without loss of activity and enantioselectivity.  相似文献   
Succinic acid (SA) is an important platform molecule in the synthesis of a number of commodity and specialty chemicals. In the present work, dual-phase batch fermentations with the E. coli strain AFP184 were performed using a medium suited for large-scale industrial production of SA. The ability of the strain to ferment different sugars was investigated. The sugars studied were sucrose, glucose, fructose, xylose, and equal mixtures of glucose and fructose and glucose and xylose at a total initial sugar concentration of 100 g L-1. AFP184 was able to utilize all sugars and sugar combinations except sucrose for biomass generation and succinate production. For sucrose as a substrate no succinic acid was produced and none of the sucrose was metabolized. The succinic acid yield from glucose (0.83 g succinic acid per gram glucose consumed anaerobically) was higher than the yield from fructose (0.66 g g-1). When using xylose as a carbon source, a yield of 0.50 g g-1 was obtained. In the mixed-sugar fermentations no catabolite repression was detected. Mixtures of glucose and xylose resulted in higher yields (0.60 g g-1) than use of xylose alone. Fermenting glucose mixed with fructose gave a lower yield (0.58 g g-1) than fructose used as the sole carbon source. The reason is an increased pyruvate production. The pyruvate concentration decreased later in the fermentation. Final succinic acid concentrations were in the range of 25-40 g L-1. Acetic and pyruvic acid were the only other products detected and accumulated to concentrations of 2.7-6.7 and 0-2.7 g L-1. Production of succinic acid decreased when organic acid concentrations reached approximately 30 g L-1. This study demonstrates that E. coli strain AFP184 is able to produce succinic acid in a low cost medium from a variety of sugars with only small amounts of byproducts formed.  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE--To study the acceptability, costs, psychosocial consequences, and organisation of screening for carcinoma of the prostate. DESIGN--A randomly selected population was personally invited for digital rectal examination by a urologist and a general practitioner. Further examinations were performed if induration was felt. Each man completed a questionnaire on his response to the examination. SETTING--General practices in the area of Norrköping. PATIENTS--1494 Men aged 50-69 randomly selected from a population of 9026. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE--Prostates having a firm nodular consistency. RESULTS--Carcinoma of the prostate was suspected in 45 of 1163 patients examined; in 10 by the general practitioners, in 10 by the urologists, and in 25 by both. Forty four men had a fine needle aspiration biopsy, and carcinomas were found in 13 cases. Of these, one had been suspected by the general practitioner, four by urologists, and eight by both. The cost for each man was 11.60 pounds, and the cost for each case of carcinoma detected and treated by potentially curative methods was 2477 pounds. Of the 13 men with carcinoma, 10 underwent radical prostatectomy and one radiotherapy. One man had advanced disease and was given endocrine treatment, another was not treated. Only 193 men felt distress during the initial examination. Of the 44 men who had an aspiration biopsy, 25 experienced anxiety. CONCLUSIONS--Screening for carcinoma of the prostate by a urologist or a general practitioner using digital rectal examination is a cost effective method of early diagnosis. Whether such screening leads to prolonged survival, however, remains doubtful.  相似文献   
Gene transfer agents (GTAs) randomly transfer short fragments of a bacterial genome. A novel putative GTA was recently discovered in the mouse-infecting bacterium Bartonella grahamii. Although GTAs are widespread in phylogenetically diverse bacteria, their role in evolution is largely unknown. Here, we present a comparative analysis of 16 Bartonella genomes ranging from 1.4 to 2.6 Mb in size, including six novel genomes from Bartonella isolated from a cow, two moose, two dogs, and a kangaroo. A phylogenetic tree inferred from 428 orthologous core genes indicates that the deadly human pathogen B. bacilliformis is related to the ruminant-adapted clade, rather than being the earliest diverging species in the genus as previously thought. A gene flux analysis identified 12 genes for a GTA and a phage-derived origin of replication as the most conserved innovations. These are located in a region of a few hundred kb that also contains 8 insertions of gene clusters for type III, IV, and V secretion systems, and genes for putatively secreted molecules such as cholera-like toxins. The phylogenies indicate a recent transfer of seven genes in the virB gene cluster for a type IV secretion system from a cat-adapted B. henselae to a dog-adapted B. vinsonii strain. We show that the B. henselae GTA is functional and can transfer genes in vitro. We suggest that the maintenance of the GTA is driven by selection to increase the likelihood of horizontal gene transfer and argue that this process is beneficial at the population level, by facilitating adaptive evolution of the host-adaptation systems and thereby expansion of the host range size. The process counters gene loss and forces all cells to contribute to the production of the GTA and the secreted molecules. The results advance our understanding of the role that GTAs play for the evolution of bacterial genomes.  相似文献   
Sexual ornaments are used both in intra‐ and intersexual contexts, and these signals have evolved to function in the particular habitat the animal is adapted to. Habitat characteristics may, however, change rapidly due to anthropogenic effects, sometimes at rates too fast for many organisms to adaptively respond. In aquatic ecosystems, eutrophication is currently changing chemical as well as visual properties of the environment. Algae blooms increase water turbidity, and the reduction of water transparency thus has the potential to alter visual ornaments and their perception. However, results are not congruent. Rather, algae turbidity may decrease, increase, or leave ornaments unaffected. The effect seems to depend on exposure time, condition, population and species. Here, we found that the perception of sexual signals, but not their expression, was hampered by turbidity in the sex‐role‐reversed pipefish Nerophis ophidion. In a laboratory experiment we found that female sexual ornaments (i.e., blue color markings and a skinfold) and fecundity was unaffected by turbidity. Male adaptive mate choice for larger females with large ornament was, however, hampered under turbid conditions, whereas in clear water males choose larger, more ornamented females. Thus, we show that water turbidity had no effect on signal expression but did hamper ornament perception and consequently randomized mate choice.  相似文献   
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