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Hypoglycemic sulfonylureas such as glibenclamide have been widely used to treat type 2 diabetic patients for 40 yr, but controversy remains about their mode of action. The widely held view is that they promote rapid insulin exocytosis by binding to and blocking pancreatic beta-cell ATP-dependent K+ (KATP) channels in the plasma membrane. This event stimulates Ca2+ influx and sets in motion the exocytotic release of insulin. However, recent reports show that >90% of glibenclamide-binding sites are localized intracellularly and that the drug can stimulate insulin release independently of changes in KATP channels and cytoplasmic free Ca2+. Also, glibenclamide specifically and progressively accumulates in islets in association with secretory granules and mitochondria and causes long-lasting insulin secretion. It has been proposed that nutrient insulin secretagogues stimulate insulin release by increasing formation of malonyl-CoA, which, by blocking carnitine palmitoyltransferase 1 (CPT-1), switches fatty acid (FA) catabolism to synthesis of PKC-activating lipids. We show that glibenclamide dose-dependently inhibits beta-cell CPT-1 activity, consequently suppressing FA oxidation to the same extent as glucose in cultured fetal rat islets. This is associated with enhanced diacylglycerol (DAG) formation, PKC activation, and KATP-independent glibenclamide-stimulated insulin exocytosis. The fat oxidation inhibitor etomoxir stimulated KATP-independent insulin secretion to the same extent as glibenclamide, and the action of both drugs was not additive. We propose a mechanism in which inhibition of CPT-1 activity by glibenclamide switches beta-cell FA metabolism to DAG synthesis and subsequent PKC-dependent and KATP-independent insulin exocytosis. We suggest that chronic CPT inhibition, through the progressive islet accumulation of glibenclamide, may explain the prolonged stimulation of insulin secretion in some diabetic patients even after drug removal that contributes to the sustained hypoglycemia of the sulfonylurea.  相似文献   
Preceding the onset of type 1 diabetes mellitus, pancreatic islets are infiltrated by macrophages secreting interleukin-1beta (IL-1beta) which induces beta-cell apoptosis and exerts inhibitory actions on islet beta-cell insulin secretion. IL-1beta seems to act chiefly through induction of nitric oxide (NO) synthesis. Hence, IL-1beta and NO have been implicated as key effector molecules in type 1 diabetes mellitus. In this paper, the influence of endogenously produced and exogenously delivered NO on the regulation of cell proliferation, cell viability and discrete parts of the stimulus-secretion coupling in insulin-secreting RINm5F cells was investigated. Because vitamin E may delay diabetes onset in animal models, we also investigated whether tocopherols may protect beta-cells from the suppressive actions of IL-1 and NO in vitro. To this end, the impact of NO on insulin secretory responses to activation of phospholipase C (by carbamylcholine), protein kinase C (by phorbol ester), adenylyl cyclase (by forskolin), and Ca(2+) influx through voltage-activated Ca(2+) channels (by K(+)-induced depolarization) was monitored in culture after treatment with IL-1beta or by co-incubation with the NO donor spermine-NONOate. It was found that cell proliferation, viability, insulin production and the stimulation of insulin release evoked by carbamylcholine and phorbol ester were impeded by IL-1beta or spermine-NONOate, whereas the hormone output by the other secretagogues was not altered by NO. Pretreatment with gamma-tocopherol (but not alpha-tocopherol) afforded a partial protection against the inhibitory effects of NO, whereas specifically inhibiting inducible NO synthase with N-nitro-L-arginine completely reversed the IL-1beta effects. In contrast, inhibiting guanylyl cyclase with ODQ (1H-[1,2, 4]oxadiazolo[4,3-alpha]-quinoxaline-1-one) or blocking low voltage-activated Ca(2+) channels with NiCl(2) failed to influence the actions of NO. In conclusion, our data show that NO inhibits growth and insulin secretion in RINm5F cells, and that gamma-tocopherol may partially prevent this. The results suggest that phospholipase C or protein kinase C may be targeted by NO. In contrast, cGMP or low voltage-activated Ca(2+) channels appear not to mediate the toxicity of NO in these cells. These adverse effects of NO on the beta-cell, and the protection by gamma-tocopherol, may be of importance for the development of the impaired insulin secretion characterizing type 1 diabetes mellitus, and offer possibilities for intervention in this process.  相似文献   
Seasonal patterns in assimilation of externally produced, allochthonous, organic matter into aquatic food webs are poorly understood, especially in brown-water lakes. We studied the allochthony (share biomass of terrestrial origin) in cladoceran, calanoid and cyclopoid micro-crustacean zooplankton from late winter to fall during two years in a small humic lake (Sweden). The use of allochthonous resources was important for sustaining a small population of calanoids in the water column during late winter. However, in summer the calanoids shifted to 100% herbivory, increasing their biomass several-fold by making efficient use of the pelagic primary production. In contrast, the cyclopoids and cladocerans remained at high levels of allochthony throughout the seasons, both groups showing the mean allochthony of 0.56 (range in mean 0.17-0.79 and 0.34-0.75, for the respective group, depending on model parameters). Our study shows that terrestrial organic matter can be an important resource for cyclopoids and cladocerans on an annual basis, forming a significant link between terrestrial organic matter and the higher trophic levels of the food web, but it can also be important for sustaining otherwise herbivorous calanoids during periods of low primary production in late winter.  相似文献   
Nature’s fastest motors are the cochlear outer hair cells (OHCs). These sensory cells use a membrane protein, Slc26a5 (prestin), to generate mechanical force at high frequencies, which is essential for explaining the exquisite hearing sensitivity of mammalian ears. Previous studies suggest that Slc26a5 continuously diffuses within the membrane, but how can a freely moving motor protein effectively convey forces critical for hearing? To provide direct evidence in OHCs for freely moving Slc26a5 molecules, we created a knockin mouse where Slc26a5 is fused with YFP. These mice and four other strains expressing fluorescently labeled membrane proteins were used to examine their lateral diffusion in the OHC lateral wall. All five proteins showed minimal diffusion, but did move after pharmacological disruption of membrane-associated structures with a cholesterol-depleting agent and salicylate. Thus, our results demonstrate that OHC lateral wall structure constrains the mobility of plasma membrane proteins and that the integrity of such membrane-associated structures are critical for Slc26a5’s active and structural roles. The structural constraint of membrane proteins may exemplify convergent evolution of cellular motors across species. Our findings also suggest a possible mechanism for disorders of cholesterol metabolism with hearing loss such as Niemann-Pick Type C diseases.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT Management of Pacific Flyway Canada geese (Branta canadensis) requires information on winter distribution of different populations. Recoveries of tarsus bands from Vancouver Canada geese (B. canadensis fulva) marked in southeast Alaska, USA, ≥4 decades ago suggested that ≥83% of the population was non-migratory and that annual adult survival was high (Ŝ = 0.836). However, recovery distribution of tarsus bands was potentially biased due to geographic differences in harvest intensity in the Pacific Flyway. Also, winter distribution of Vancouver Canada geese could have shifted since the 1960s, as has occurred for some other populations of Canada geese. Because winter distribution and annual survival of this population had not recently been evaluated, we surgically implanted very high frequency radiotransmitters in 166 adult female Canada geese in southeast Alaska. We captured Vancouver Canada geese during molt at 2 sites where adults with goslings were present (breeding areas) and 2 sites where we observed nonbreeding birds only. During winter radiotracking flights in southeast Alaska, we detected 98% of 85 females marked at breeding areas and 83% of 70 females marked at nonbreeding sites, excluding 11 females that died prior to the onset of winter radiotracking. We detected no radiomarked females in coastal British Columbia, or western Washington and Oregon, USA. Most (70%) females moved ≤30 km between November and March. Our model-averaged estimate of annual survival (Ŝ = 0.844, SE = 0.050) was similar to the estimate of annual survival of geese marked from 1956 to 1960. Likely <2% of Vancouver Canada geese that nest in southeast Alaska migrate to winter areas in Oregon or Washington where they could intermix with Canada geese from other populations in the Pacific Flyway. Because annual survival of adult Vancouver Canada geese was high and showed evidence of long-term consistency, managers should examine how reproductive success and recruitment may affect the population.  相似文献   
1. Rates of whole‐system metabolism (production and respiration) are fundamental indicators of ecosystem structure and function. Although first‐order, proximal controls are well understood, assessments of the interactions between proximal controls and distal controls, such as land use and geographic region, are lacking. Thus, the influence of land use on stream metabolism across geographic regions is unknown. Further, there is limited understanding of how land use may alter variability in ecosystem metabolism across regions. 2. Stream metabolism was measured in nine streams in each of eight regions (n = 72) across the United States and Puerto Rico. In each region, three streams were selected from a range of three land uses: agriculturally influenced, urban‐influenced, and reference streams. Stream metabolism was estimated from diel changes in dissolved oxygen concentrations in each stream reach with correction for reaeration and groundwater input. 3. Gross primary production (GPP) was highest in regions with little riparian vegetation (sagebrush steppe in Wyoming, desert shrub in Arizona/New Mexico) and lowest in forested regions (North Carolina, Oregon). In contrast, ecosystem respiration (ER) varied both within and among regions. Reference streams had significantly lower rates of GPP than urban or agriculturally influenced streams. 4. GPP was positively correlated with photosynthetically active radiation and autotrophic biomass. Multiple regression models compared using Akaike’s information criterion (AIC) indicated GPP increased with water column ammonium and the fraction of the catchment in urban and reference land‐use categories. Multiple regression models also identified velocity, temperature, nitrate, ammonium, dissolved organic carbon, GPP, coarse benthic organic matter, fine benthic organic matter and the fraction of all land‐use categories in the catchment as regulators of ER. 5. Structural equation modelling indicated significant distal as well as proximal control pathways including a direct effect of land‐use on GPP as well as SRP, DIN, and PAR effects on GPP; GPP effects on autotrophic biomass, organic matter, and ER; and organic matter effects on ER. 6. Overall, consideration of the data separated by land‐use categories showed reduced inter‐regional variability in rates of metabolism, indicating that the influence of agricultural and urban land use can obscure regional differences in stream metabolism.  相似文献   


Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) frequently involves the loss of tolerance to citrullinated antigens, which may play a role in pathogenicity. Citrullinated fibrinogen is commonly found in inflamed synovial tissue and is a frequent target of autoantibodies in RA patients. To obtain insight into the B-cell response to citrullinated fibrinogen in RA, its autoepitopes were systematically mapped using a new methodology.  相似文献   
Research into dolphin swimming historically was guided by false assumptions pertaining to maximum speed. Accurate measurements on swimming speed and duration of effort of free-ranging dolphins are rare. To examine the variance of maximum swimming speeds, nearly 2,000 speed measurements were obtained for both captive and free-ranging dolphins, including Tursiops truncatus, Pseudorca crassidens, Delphinus capensis , and Delphinus delpbis . Measurements were made from videotapes of dolphins trained to swim fast around a large pool or jumping to a maximum height, videotapes of captured wild dolphins immediately after release, and sequential aerial photographs of a school of free-ranging dolphins startled by a passing airplane. Maximum horizontal speeds for trained animals were 8.2 m/sec for T. truncatus , 8.0 m/sec for D. delphis , and 8.0 m/sec for P. crassidens . Maximum speeds for T. truncatus swimming upwards, prior to vertical leaps ranged from 8.2 to 11.2 m/sec. Wild T. truncatus demonstrated a maximum speed of 5.7 m/sec. Maximum swimming speed of free-ranging D. capensis responding to multiple passes by a low flying airplane was 6.7 m/sec. There was no evidence that the freeranging dolphins have superior swimming capabilities to captive animals. The results of this study imply that realistic maximum swimming speeds for dolphins are lower than previous reports which were based on sparse data and imprecise measurement techniques.  相似文献   
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