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Reclustering of scattered Golgi elements occurs along microtubules   总被引:43,自引:0,他引:43  
Depolymerization of the interphase microtubules by nocodazole results in the scattering and apparent fragmentation of the Golgi apparatus in Vero fibroblast cells. Upon removal of the drug, the interphase microtubules repolymerize, and the scattered Golgi elements move back to the region around the microtubule-organizing center (MTOC) within 40 to 60 min. Using a fluorescent lipid analogue (C6-NBD-ceramide) as a vital stain for the scattered Golgi elements, their relocation was visualized by video-enhanced fluorescence microscopy in Vero cells maintained at 20 degrees C. The NBD-labeled structures were identified as Golgi elements by their colocalization with galactosyltransferase in the fixed cells. During reclustering, NBD-labeled Golgi elements were observed to move by discontinuous saltations towards the MTOC with velocities of 0.1 to 0.4 micron/s. Paths along which Golgi elements moved were super-imposable on microtubules visualized by indirect immunofluorescence. Neither the collapse of intermediate filaments caused by microinjection of antibodies to vimentin nor the disruption of microfilaments by cytochalasin D had an effect on the reclustering of Golgi elements or the positioning of the Golgi apparatus. These data show that scattered Golgi elements move along microtubules back to the region around the MTOC, while neither intact intermediate filaments nor microfilaments are involved.  相似文献   
The egg laying pattern of the spotted stalk borer on sorghum and maize, Chilo partellus (Swinhoe) (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) was studied during the first three nights of oviposition under laboratory conditions. More than 50% of both eggs and egg batches are laid during the first night of oviposition. Batch size decreases with time, whereas mean egg weight remains constant.Larger females lay both larger eggs and egg batches than smaller ones. They are also more fecund but it is only the second night of oviposition that contributes significantly to this difference.The reproductive effort decreases much with time. Allocation of reproductive reserves to early eggs seems more important than having eggs evenly distributed over time. Larger females use proportionally more resources to the production of late eggs. Large eggs are likely to contain more yolk which could be of importance for the ballooning behaviour of newly hatched larvae.
Résumé La ponte de C. partellus Swinhoe a été étudiée au laboratoire pendant les trois premières nuits de la ponte. Plus de 50% des ooplaques et des oefs ont été pondus pendant la première nuit. La taille des ooplaques diminue avec le temps, tandis que le poids moyen des oeufs reste constant.Les grosses femelles pondent des ooplaques et des oeufs plus grands que les petites. Elles sont aussi plus fécondes, mais c'est seulement à la seconde nuit de ponte qu'est due cette différence.Le reproduction diminue beaucoup avec le temps. L'affectation aux premiers oeufs des réserves utilizées pour la reprodution semble plus importante que l'émission d'oeufs régulièrement répartis dans le temps. Les grosses femelles utilisent proportionnellement plus de ressources à la production d'oeufstardifs. Les gros oeufs contiennent vraisemblablement plus de vitellus que pourrait être nécessaire pour le comportement aérostatique des chenilles néonates.
The cis/trans interconversion of Glt-Ala-Ala-Pro-Phe-4-nitroanilide and Glt-Ala-Gly-Pro-Phe-4-nitroanilide was studied both enzymatically and nonenzymatically by measuring kinetic β-deuterium isotope effects. The hydrogen atom at the α-carbon atom of the Xaa residue within the Xaa-Pro moiety was substituted by deuterium. In the nonenzymatic case the transition state of rotation is reflected by kH/kD > 1. When catalysed by 17 kDa PPIase the same bond rotation is characterized by kH/kD < 1. This suggests a covalent mechanism of catalysis which involves an approximately tetravalent carbon of the prolyl imidic bond for the transition state of reaction.  相似文献   
Summary Molecules such as antibodies that bind to cell surfaces can be used to deliver cytotoxic drugs to selected cells. To be effective the drug must usually be taken into the cells by endocytosis. In this study a T-cell line (CCRFCEM) was effectively killed by liposomes carrying a photosensitizer and bearing the antibody OKT4 (anti-CD4). The unconjugated antibody does not induce antigenic modulation in the target cells, an indication of the absence of endocytosis, and would therefore not normally have been selected as an agent for drug delivery. It cannot, however, be concluded with certainty that the conjugates act at the cell surface and several alternative explanations of their efficacy are offered.  相似文献   
Summary When 458 parents of children suffering from cystic fibrosis (CF) from all over the German Democratic Republic were interviewed to determine the number of their siblings, it was found that the maternal families had a total of 1369 children and the paternal, 1220. While the fathers of CF patients tended to originate from families with one or two children, more mothers than fathers came from families with three to twelve children (P=0.01). The average number of children in the maternal families was 2.99; in the paternal families, only 2.66. To rule out any methodological errors, sibs of mothers and fathers of various control groups were studied. We found that the number of siblings in these groups was balanced. The differences in our findings are probably due to CF heterozygosity. The underlying mechanism is unknown.  相似文献   
Summary A total of 30 cases of 46,XX true hermaphroditism was analysed for Y-DNA sequences including the recently cloned gene for male testis-determination SRY. In 3 cases, a portion of the Y chromosome including SRY was present and, in 2 cases, was localised, to Xp22 by in situ hybridisation. Since previous studies have shown that the majority of XX males are generated by an X-Y chromosomal interchange, the Xp22 position of the Yp material suggests that certain cases of hermaphroditism can arise by the same meiotic event. The phenotype in the 3 SRY-positive cases may be caused by X-inactivation resulting in somatic mosaicism of testis-determining factor expression giving rise to both testicular and ovarian tissues. Autosomal or X-linked mutation(s) elsewhere in the sex-determining pathway may explain the phenotype observed in the remaining 27 SRY-negative cases.  相似文献   
Nucleoside triphosphates are required to open the CFTR chloride channel.   总被引:39,自引:0,他引:39  
The CFTR Cl- channel contains two predicted nucleotide-binding domains (NBD1 and NBD2); therefore, we examined the effect of ATP on channel activity. Once phosphorylated by cAMP-dependent protein kinase (PKA), channels required cytosolic ATP to open. Activation occurred by a PKA-independent mechanism. ATP gamma S substituted for ATP in PKA phosphorylation, but it did not open the channel. Several hydrolyzable nucleotides (ATP greater than GTP greater than ITP approximately UTP greater than CTP) reversibly activated phosphorylated channels, but nonhydrolyzable analogs and Mg(2+)-free ATP did not. Studies of CFTR mutants indicated that ATP controls channel activity independent of the R domain and suggested that hydrolysis of ATP by NBD1 may be sufficient for channel opening. The finding that nucleoside triphosphates regulate CFTR begins to explain why CF-associated mutations in the NBDs block Cl- channel function.  相似文献   
Summary Two members of the human zinc finger Krüppel family, ZNF 12 (KOX 3) and ZNF 26 (KOX 20), have been localized by somatic cell hybrid analysis and in situ chromosomal hybridization. The presence of individual human zinc finger genes in mouse-human hybrid DNAs was correlated with the presence of specific human chromosomes or regions of chromosomes in the corresponding cell hybrids. Analysis of such mouse-human hybrid DNAs allowed the assignment of the ZNF 12 (KOX 3) gene to chromosome region 7p. The ZNF 26 (KOX 20) gene segregated with chromosome region 12q13-qter. The zinc finger genes ZNF 12 (KOX 3) and ZNF 26 (KOX 20) were localized by in situ chromosomal hybridization to human chromosome regions 7p22-21 and 12q24.33, respectively. These genes and the previously mapped ZNF 24 (KOX 17) and ZNF 29 (KOX 26) genes, are found near fragile sites.  相似文献   
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