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The conformation and molecular packing of 3-palmitoyl-dl-glycerol-1-phosphoryl-ethanolamine has been determined by a single crystal analysis (R = 0.115); it crystallizes in the monoclinic space group P21a with a unit cell of a = 7.66 A?, b = 9.08 A?, c = 37.08 A? and β = 90.2 °, with four molecules per unit cell. The molecules exist as configurational and conformational enantiomers and pack in a bilayer arrangement. The phosphorylethanolamine groups have an orientation parallel to the layer surface. The hydrocarbon chains are arranged according to the T∥ chain packing mode and adopt an extreme tilt of 57.5 ° with respect to the layer normal. The free glycerol hydroxyl group forms an intramolecular hydrogen bond with, a phosphate oxygen and thus affects the conformation and orientation of the head group. The phosphorylethanolamine dipoles are oriented parallel to each other in double rows, while they are antiparallel and form a continuous network in dilauroylphosphatidylethanolamine (Elder et al., 1977). The area per molecule in 3-palmitoyl-dl-glycerol-1-phosphorylethanolamine (34.8 Å2) is less than in diacylphosphatidylethanolamine (38.6 Å2), indicating that in the latter the hydrocarbon chains determine the molecular cross-section. The significance of the interaction and space requirement of the phosphorylethanolamine group for the phase behaviour of phosphatidylethanolamine is discussed.  相似文献   
Summary Secondary attachment site -lysogens were isolated in an Escherichia coli strain carrying multiple tandem 9.8 kb repeats. The repeat carried the structural gene for chromosomal -lactamase, ampC. One lysogen produced lysates with amp-transducing activity. Three types of phages with different densities were obtained from this lysogen. The one with the lowest density was found to be a helper cI857S7 phage. The other two phages showed identical restriction endonuclease fragmentation patterns. The difference in density was due to the presence or absence of phage tail. In damp the right cohesive end segment was deleted in a random fashion with the majority ending between 81.0% and 82.4% of . The chromosomal segment of damp was most likely located at the attachment site. The damp DNA was compared to that of a ColE1 hybrid carrying the chromosomal amp segment and a ColE1 hybrid carrying the same 9.8 kb amp repeat as the lysogen from which damp was isolated. It was found that the chromosomal part of damp constituted 9.8 kb, i.e. the size of one repeat. Moreover, the novel joint between adjacent repeats was present. In a attB-deleted E. coli K-12 strain, lysogenic for damp, highly ampicillin-resistant mutants occurred at an exceedingly high frequency. They were found to contain in the chromosome an amplified 9.8 kb repeat. This suggested that integration of the novel joint from damp into the amp region gives rise to an amplifiable duplication. In E. coli lysogenized for damp at attB highly ampicillin-resistant clones were also found at a high frequency. These clones carried multiple tandem repeats of damp DNA, each with an intact right end segment.  相似文献   
Hybridization can drive the convergence of territorial and sexual signals. However, non-genetic processes such as competition, environment matching, or cultural transmission, also generate this pattern. We investigated the effect of hybridization on song convergence between two interspecifically territorial warblers in a moving hybrid zone. We confirmed song convergence in each species. Using an AFLP-based genetic index, we detected an effect of genetics on song convergence in Hippolais polyglotta, the expanding species. Evidence was weaker for H. icterina, the receding species. In moving zones, introgression is expected to be larger in the expanding species than in the receding. Thus, the asymmetric contribution of the genetic index to convergence was consistent with expectations for genetically determined traits in moving hybrid zones, and the observed introgression pattern of AFLP markers. However, the geographical location of individuals had an effect on song variation too when genetics was accounted for, suggesting that convergence also has non-genetic explanations. We examine the possible role of alternative processes to that of hybridization and discuss their conflicting effects on reinforcement and hybrid zone dynamics.  相似文献   
Most biofilms in their natural environments are likely to consist of consortia of species that influence each other in synergistic and antagonistic manners. However, few reports specifically address interactions within multispecies biofilms. In this study, 17 epiphytic bacterial strains, isolated from the surface of the marine alga Ulva australis, were screened for synergistic interactions within biofilms when present together in different combinations. Four isolates, Microbacterium phyllosphaerae, Shewanella japonica, Dokdonia donghaensis, and Acinetobacter lwoffii, were found to interact synergistically in biofilms formed in 96-well microtiter plates: biofilm biomass was observed to increase by >167% in biofilms formed by the four strains compared to biofilms composed of single strains. When exposed to the antibacterial agent hydrogen peroxide or tetracycline, the relative activity (exposed versus nonexposed biofilms) of the four-species biofilm was markedly higher than that in any of the single-species biofilms. Moreover, in biofilms established on glass surfaces in flow cells and subjected to invasion by the antibacterial protein-producing Pseudoalteromonas tunicata, the four-species biofilms resisted invasion to a greater extent than did the biofilms formed by the single species. Replacement of each strain by its cell-free culture supernatant suggested that synergy was dependent both on species-specific physical interactions between cells and on extracellular secreted factors or less specific interactions. In summary, our data strongly indicate that synergistic effects promote biofilm biomass and resistance of the biofilm to antimicrobial agents and bacterial invasion in multispecies biofilms.  相似文献   
Summary We have previously described the derivation of a monoclonal antibody, S2C6, to a novel 50 Kdalton antigen associated with human urinary bladder carcinoma. No reactions were obtained with carcinomas of unrelated origin or with normal urothelial cells. However, the antibody also reacted with a similar antigen on some cell lines of B lymphocyte origin. Using large panels of target cells we have now shown that this reactivity was entirely restricted to cells of the B lineage within the haematopoietic system. As opposed to its apparent restriction to malignant cells of the urothelium, the S2C6 antigen was expressed by normal B lymphocytes as well as by many malignant B cells (chronic lymphocytic leukaemia, hairy cell leukaemia and immunocytoma). Pre-B cells derived from acute lymphocytic leukaemia and plasma cells from multiple myeloma lacked the antigen. Expression was significantly enhanced on cultured B cells from Burkitt lymphomas and on Epstein-Barr virus-transformed lymphoblastoid cell lines including those of the pre-B phenotype derived from fetal bone marrow. As judged from the molecular size and the distribution pattern displayed by the S2C6 antigen it appears to be distinct from other B cell antigens previously described. A possible relation of the S2C6 antigen to a receptor for B cell growth factors is discussed.  相似文献   


Environmental footprints of wood pellets produced in British Columbia (BC) of Canada are to be estimated based on industry surveys and published emission factor data.  相似文献   
The apoE production by tissue macrophages is crucial for the prevention of atherosclerosis and the aim of this study was to further elucidate how this apolipoprotein is regulated by cytokines present during inflammation. Here we studied apoE production in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) and analysis was made with a newly developed apoE ELISpot assay. In PBMC, apoE secretion was restricted to monocytes with classical (CD14++CD16) and intermediate (CD14+CD16+) monocytes being the main producers. As earlier described for macrophages, production was strongly upregulated by TGF-β and downregulated by bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and the inflammatory cytokines IFN-γ, TNF-α and IL-1β. We could here show that a similar down-regulatory effect was also observed with the type I interferon, IFN-α, while IL-6, often regarded as one of the more prominent inflammatory cytokines, did not affect TGF-β-induced apoE production. The TNF-α inhibitor Enbrel could partly block the down-regulatory effect of IFN-γ, IFN-α and IL-1β, indicating that inhibition of apoE by these cytokines may be dependent on or synergize with TNF-α. Other cytokines tested, IL-2, IL-4, IL-12, IL-13, IL-17A and IL-23, had no inhibitory effect on apoE production. In contrast to the effect on monocytes, apoE production by primary hepatocytes and the hepatoma cell line HepG2 was more or less unaffected by treatment with cytokines or LPS.  相似文献   
Protozoan grazing is a major mortality factor faced by bacteria in the environment. Vibrio cholerae, the causative agent of the disease cholera, is a natural inhabitant of aquatic ecosystems, and its survival depends on its ability to respond to stresses, such as predation by heterotrophic protists. Previous results show that grazing pressure induces biofilm formation and enhances a smooth to rugose morphotypic shift, due to increased expression of Vibrio polysaccharide (VPS). In addition to negatively controlling vps genes, the global quorum sensing (QS) regulator, HapR, plays a role in grazing resistance as the ΔhapR strain is efficiently consumed while the wild type (WT) is not. Here, the relative and combined contributions of VPS and QS to grazing resistance were investigated by exposing VPS and HapR mutants and double mutants in VPS and HapR encoding genes at different phases of biofilm development to amoeboid and flagellate grazers. Data show that the WT biofilms were grazing resistant, the VPS mutants were less resistant than the WT strain, but more resistant than the QS mutant strain, and that QS contributes to grazing resistance mainly in mature biofilms. In addition, grazing effects on biofilms of mixed WT and QS mutant strains were investigated. The competitive fitness of each strain in mixed biofilms was determined by CFU and microscopy. Data show that protozoa selectively grazed the QS mutant in mixed biofilms, resulting in changes in the composition of the mixed community. A small proportion of QS mutant cells which comprised 4% of the mixed biofilm biovolume were embedded in grazing resistant WT microcolonies and shielded from predation, indicating the existence of associational protection in mixed biofilms.  相似文献   
Previous studies of the highly polygynous and strikingly sexually dimorphic Red Bishop, Euplectes orix (Ploceinae, weaverbirds), have suggested random female settlement patterns and no correlates of male reproductive success except the number of nest frames (‘cock's nests’) built by the male. Although this confirms the central role of the nest in weaverbird courtship it also contrasts with demonstrated sexual selection on male morphology and behaviour in several closely related Euplectes species. Two major aspects of male sexual advertising have not been included in previous studies; display behaviour and territory size. In this study we use multivariate selection analysis, with the number of active nests in a territory as the fitness measure, to identify direct and indirect sexual selection on male sexual behaviour, territory size and nest building. In accor–dance with previous findings, mating success was not strongly skewed among the territorial males, and females appeared to settle randomly with respect to available nests. The number of cock𠀧s nest built was the only determinant of male breeding success, even when controlling for male display activity and territory size. We argue that, despite their conspicuous sexual dimorphism, females settle independently of both male or territory quality, and that variance in male reproductive success is a consequence of male–male competition.  相似文献   
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