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Synthetic gene delivery systems represent an attractive alternative to viral vectors for DNA transfection. Cationic lipids are one of the most widely used non-viral vectors for the delivery of DNA into cultured cells and are easily synthesized, leading to a large variety of well-characterized molecules. This review discusses strategies for the design of efficient cationic lipids that overcome the critical barriers of in vitro transfection. A particular focus is placed on natural hydrophilic headgroups and lipophilic tails that have been used to synthesize biocompatible and non-toxic cationic lipids. We also present chemical features that have been investigated to enhance the transfection efficiency of cationic lipids by promoting the escape of lipoplexes from the endosomal compartment and DNA release from DNA-liposome complexes. Transfection efficiency studies using these strategies are likely to improve the understanding of the mechanism of cationic lipid-mediated gene delivery and to help the rational design of novel cationic lipids.  相似文献   
Control of biofilms requires rapid methods to identify compounds effective against them and to isolate resistance-compromised mutants for identifying genes involved in enhanced biofilm resistance. While rapid screening methods for microtiter plate well (“static”) biofilms are available, there are no methods for such screening of continuous flow biofilms (“flow biofilms”). Since the latter biofilms more closely approximate natural biofilms, development of a high-throughput (HTP) method for screening them is desirable. We describe here a new method using a device comprised of microfluidic channels and a distributed pneumatic pump (BioFlux) that provides fluid flow to 96 individual biofilms. This device allows fine control of continuous or intermittent fluid flow over a broad range of flow rates, and the use of a standard well plate format provides compatibility with plate readers. We show that use of green fluorescent protein (GFP)-expressing bacteria, staining with propidium iodide, and measurement of fluorescence with a plate reader permit rapid and accurate determination of biofilm viability. The biofilm viability measured with the plate reader agreed with that determined using plate counts, as well as with the results of fluorescence microscope image analysis. Using BioFlux and the plate reader, we were able to rapidly screen the effects of several antimicrobials on the viability of Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO1 flow biofilms.Bacterial biofilms are surface-attached communities that are encased in a polymeric matrix, which exhibit a high degree of resistance to antimicrobial agents and the host immune system (12, 16). This makes them medically important; diseases with a biofilm component are chronic and difficult to eradicate. Examples of such diseases are cystitis (1), endocarditis (31), cystic fibrosis (35), and middle-ear (17) and indwelling medical device-associated (20) infections. Biofilms also play important environmental roles in, for example, wastewater treatment (38), bioremediation (29, 30), biofouling (7), and biocorrosion (2). Better control of biofilms requires elucidation of the molecular basis of their superior resistance (by identifying resistance-compromised mutants) and identification of compounds with antibiofilm activity. While our understanding of these aspects of biofilms has increased (11, 15, 25-27, 36), further work, including development of accurate high-throughput (HTP) methods for screening biofilm viability, is needed.Two major biofilm models are studied in the laboratory, biofilms grown without a continuous flow of fresh medium and biofilms grown with a continuous flow of fresh medium; examples of these two models are microtiter well biofilms and flow cell biofilms, respectively. Methods have been developed for HTP screening of the viability of static biofilms (6, 28, 32, 33), but there are no methods for HTP screening of flow biofilms. The latter biofilms are typically grown in flow cells, which have to be examined individually to determine viability and thus cannot be used for rapid screening. An HTP screening method for flow biofilms is desirable, as these biofilms more closely approximate natural biofilms and can differ from static biofilms evidently due to hydrodynamic influences on cell signaling (22, 34). For example, the ability of rpoS-deficient Escherichia coli (lacking σS) to form flow biofilms is impaired, but its capacity to form biofilms under static conditions is enhanced (18).We describe here a new application of a recently developed device (8-10, 13), the “BioFlux” device consisting of microfluidic channels for biofilm growth. Other microfluidic devices have recently been used for biofilm formation (14, 19, 21, 23), but none of them has been used for HTP screening. The BioFlux device permits rapid measurement of the fluorescence of flow biofilms with a plate reader, which permits initial HTP screening of the viability of such biofilms.  相似文献   


The first two enzymatic steps of monoterpene indole alkaloid (MIA) biosynthetic pathway are catalysed by strictosidine synthase (STR) that condensates tryptamine and secologanin to form strictosidine and by strictosidine β-D-glucosidase (SGD) that subsequently hydrolyses the glucose moiety of strictosidine. The resulting unstable aglycon is rapidly converted into a highly reactive dialdehyde, from which more than 2,000 MIAs are derived. Many studies were conducted to elucidate the biosynthesis and regulation of pharmacologically valuable MIAs such as vinblastine and vincristine in Catharanthus roseus or ajmaline in Rauvolfia serpentina. However, very few reports focused on the MIA physiological functions.  相似文献   
Cross-sectional studies have shown that the capacity of CD8+ cells from human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-infected patients and simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) SIVmac-infected macaques to suppress the replication of human and simian immunodeficiency viruses in vitro depends on the clinical stage of disease, but little is known about changes in this antiviral activity over time in individual HIV-infected patients or SIV-infected macaques. We assessed changes in the soluble factor-mediated noncytolytic antiviral activity of CD8+ cells over time in eight cynomolgus macaques infected with SIVmac251 to determine the pathophysiological role of this activity. CD8+ cell-associated antiviral activity increased rapidly in the first week after viral inoculation and remained detectable during the early phase of infection. The net increase in antiviral activity of CD8+ cells was correlated with plasma viral load throughout the 15 months of follow-up. CD8+ cells gradually lost their antiviral activity over time and acquired virus replication-enhancing capacity. Levels of antiviral activity correlated with CD4+ T-cell counts after viral set point. Concentrations of beta-chemokines and interleukin-16 in CD8+ cell supernatants were not correlated with this antiviral activity, and alpha-defensins were not detected. The soluble factor-mediated antiviral activity of CD8+ cells was neither cytolytic nor restricted to major histocompatibility complex. This longitudinal study strongly suggests that the increase in noncytolytic antiviral activity from baseline and the maintenance of this increase over time in cynomolgus macaques depend on both viral replication and CD4+ T cells.  相似文献   
Although laboratory dependence is an acknowledged problem in microbiology, it is seldom intensively studied or discussed. We demonstrate that laboratory dependence is real and quantifiable even in the popular model Escherichia coli. Here laboratory effects alter the equilibrium composition of a simple community composed of two strains of E. coli. Our data rule out changes in the bacterial strains, chemical batches, and human handling but implicate differences in growth medium, especially the water component.  相似文献   
We used the multilocus sequence typing (MLST) method to evaluate the genetic diversity of 46 Campylobacter jejuni isolates from chickens and to determine the link between quinolone resistance and sequence type (ST). There were a total of 16 ST genotypes, and the majority of them belonged to seven clonal complexes previously identified by using isolates from human disease. The ST-353 complex was the most common complex, whereas the ST-21, ST-42, ST-52, and ST-257 complexes were less well represented. The resistance phenotype varied for each ST, and the Thr-86-Ile substitution in the GyrA protein was the predominant mechanism of resistance to quinolone. Nine of the 14 isolates having the Thr-86-Ile substitution belonged to the ST-353 complex. MLST showed that the emergence of quinolone resistance is not related to the diffusion of a unique clone and that there is no link between ST genotype and quinolone resistance. Based on silent mutations, different variants of the gyrA gene were shown to exist for the same ST. These data provide useful information for understanding the epidemiology of C. jejuni in Senegal.  相似文献   
The ability of arterial smooth muscle to respond to vasoconstrictor stimuli is reduced in chronic portal hypertension (PHT). Additional evidence supports the existence of a postreceptor defect in vascular smooth muscle excitation contraction coupling. However, the nature of this defect is unclear. Recent studies have shown that vasoconstrictor stimuli induce actin polymerization in smooth muscle and that the associated increase in F-actin is necessary for force development. In the present study we have tested the hypothesis that impaired actin polymerization contributes to reduced vasoconstrictor function in small mesenteric arteries derived from rats with chronic prehepatic PHT. In vitro studies were conducted on small mesenteric artery vessel rings isolated from normal and PHT rats. Isometric tension responses to incremental concentrations of phenylephrine were significantly reduced in PHT arteries. The ability to polymerize actin in portal hypertensive mesenteric arteries stimulated by phenylephrine was attenuated compared with control. Inhibition of cAMP-dependent protein kinase (PKA) restored agonist-induced actin polymerization of arteries from PHT rats to normal levels. Depolymerization of actin in arteries from normal rats reduced maximal contractile force but not myosin phosphorylation, suggesting a key role for the dynamic regulation of actin polymerization in the maintenance of vascular smooth muscle contraction. We conclude that reductions in agonist-induced maximal force development of PHT vascular smooth muscle is due, in part, to impaired actin polymerization, and prolonged PKA activation may underlie these changes.  相似文献   
Agro-industrial by-products are a potential source of added-value phenolic acids with promising applications in the food and pharmaceutical industries. Here two purified feruloyl esterases from Aspergillus niger, FAEA and FAEB were tested for their ability to release phenolic acids such as caffeic acid, p-coumaric acid and ferulic acid from coffee pulp, apple marc and wheat straw. Their hydrolysis activity was evaluated and compared with their action on maize bran and sugar beet pulp. The specificity of both enzymes against natural and synthetic substrates was evaluated; particular attention was paid to quinic esters and lignin monomers. The efficiency of both enzymes on model substrates was studied. We show the ability of these enzymes to hydrolyze quinic esters and ester linkages between phenolic acids and lignin monomer.  相似文献   
Histone deacetylase (HDAC)-6 was recently identified as a dual substrate, possibly multisubstrate, deacetylase that can act both on acetylated histone tails and on alpha-tubulin acetylated on Lys40. HDAC-6 is unique among deacetylases in having two hdac domains, and we have used this enzyme as a useful model to dissect the structural requirements for the deacetylation reaction. In this report, we show that both hdac domains are required for the intact deacetylase activity of HDAC-6 in vitro and in vivo. The spatial arrangement of these two domains in HDAC-6 is essential and alteration of the linker region between the two domains severely affects the catalytic activity. Artificial chimeric HDACs, made by replacing the hdac domains in HDAC-6 with corresponding domains from other class II HDACs, show de novo deacetylase activity. Taken together, our results demonstrate for the first time that the spatial arrangement of hdac domains is critical for in vivo deacetylation reaction and may provide a useful model for the development of novel HDAC inhibitors.  相似文献   
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