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The effects of AICI3 on uptake of Ca2+ and phosphate in roots of intact beech ( Fagus sylvatica L. provenance Maramures) plants were studied in nutrient solution and soil solution. Aluminium reduced the concentrations of Ca, Mg and P in plants and increased that of K. In short term experiments, uptake of Ca2+(45Ca) was reduced by exposure of the roots to Al. The effect of aluminium on Ca2+(45Ca) uptake was immediate and primarily of a competitive nature, preventing Ca2+ from being adsorbed. Uptake of 32P-phosphate increased with increasing Al concentration up to 0.1 m M and then decreased at higher Al concentrations. The effect of Al on 32P-phosphate uptake was most pronounced during the first hours of exposure. Growth of plants for 15 days in soil solution, collected from the upper A horizon of a beech forest soil, had no effect on uptake of Ca2+(45Ca) and 32P-phosphate, probably because of a low concentration of labile bound monomeric Al and binding of Al to organic compounds. Soil solution from the deeper B horizon reduced Ca2+(45Ca) uptake and increased 32P-phosphate uptake in a manner similar to that with Altreatment in nutrient solution. It is concluded that in soil solution from the deeper regions of the soil, mineral uptake by roots was affected by Al.  相似文献   
Atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP), a 28-residue peptide with cardiovascular and renal effects, is rapidly cleared from the circulation. Beside renal clearance, an extra-renal metabolism by the enzyme neutral endopeptidase-24.11 (NEP-24.11) has been proposed, since specific NEP-24.11-inhibitors increase endogenous plasma-ANP. NEP-24.11 is present in rat lung but its significance for ANP hydrolysis within the lung is unclear. The aim of this study was to investigate a possible degradation of rat ANP in a membrane preparation from rat lung. Hydrolysis products of ANP were separated by HPLC and further characterized by a pulmonary artery bioassay, by radioimmunoassay with different antisera, by peptide sequencing and by masspectrometry. Rat pulmonary membranes degraded ANP to one main metabolite lacking biological activity and with poor cross-reactivity to an antiserum recognising the central ring-structure of the peptide. Formation of the hydrolysis product was prevented by the NEP-24.11-inhibitor phosphoramidon (1 microM). Peptide sequencing of the metabolite revealed a cleavage between Cys7 and Phe8, which was confirmed by mass-spectrometry. The metabolite had an HPLC elution time identical to that of the product formed by purified porcine NEP-24.11. These findings suggest that ANP is metabolized and inactivated by endopeptidase-24.11 in rat lungs, the first organ exposed to ANP released from the heart.  相似文献   
The sex pheromones of Spilonota ocellana D. & S. and Spilonota laricana Hein. (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) were identified by chemical analysis and field trapping. Female moths of the two species produce (Z)-8-tetradecenyl acetate, (Z)-8-tetradecen-1-ol and dodecyl acetate in almost the same proportions (98:1:1 and 97:3:1). Males of both species were best attracted to a blend of 10:1 to 1:1 Z8-14Ac:Z8-14OH. This indicates that mating barriers other than sex pheromones exist between sympatric populations.  相似文献   
In Down syndrome (DS) or trisomy of chromosome 21, the β-amyloid (Aβ) peptide product of the amyloid precursor protein (APP) is present in excess. Evidence points to increased APP gene dose and Aβ as playing a critical role in cognitive difficulties experienced by people with DS. Particularly, Aβ is linked to the late-life emergence of dementia as associated with neuropathological markers of Alzheimer’s disease (AD). At present, no treatment targets Aβ–related pathogenesis in people with DS. Herein we used a vaccine containing the Aβ 1–15 peptide embedded into liposomes together with the adjuvant monophosphoryl lipid A (MPLA). Ts65Dn mice, a model of DS, were immunized with the anti-Aβ vaccine at 5 months of age and were examined for cognitive measures at 8 months of age. The status of basal forebrain cholinergic neurons and brain levels of APP and its proteolytic products were measured. Immunization of Ts65Dn mice resulted in robust anti-Aβ IgG titers, demonstrating the ability of the vaccine to break self-tolerance. The vaccine-induced antibodies reacted with Aβ without detectable binding to either APP or its C-terminal fragments. Vaccination of Ts65Dn mice resulted in a modest, but non-significant reduction in brain Aβ levels relative to vehicle-treated Ts65Dn mice, resulting in similar levels of Aβ as diploid (2N) mice. Importantly, vaccinated Ts65Dn mice showed resolution of memory deficits in the novel object recognition and contextual fear conditioning tests, as well as reduction of cholinergic neuron atrophy. No treatment adverse effects were observed; vaccine did not result in inflammation, cellular infiltration, or hemorrhage. These data are the first to show that an anti-Aβ immunotherapeutic approach may act to target Aβ-related pathology in a mouse model of DS.  相似文献   
Two independent lines of evidence support the localization of a schizophrenia susceptibility locus to the proximal long arm of chromosome 5. A partial trisomy of chromosome 5 (5q11.2-q13.3) cosegregates with the disorder in a Canadian family of Chinese descent, and DNA markers from proximal 5q cosegregate with schizophrenia (plus related disorders) in families of British and Icelandic descent. We constructed a human:hamster hybrid cell line (HHW 1064) whose only human complement is a chromosome 5 that is missing the trisomic region associated with schizophrenia. In combination with a "matched" cell hybrid (HHW 105) containing an intact chromosome 5, we physically mapped DNA markers relative to the trisomy. "Schizophrenia-linked" DNA markers p105-153Ra (D5S39) and p105-599Ha (D5S76) map within the trisomy and proximal to the 5q11.2 breakpoint, respectively. The hybrid cell lines HHW 105 and HHW 1064 together provide a means to identify and generate syntenic DNA markers to further investigate the location of a schizophrenia locus.  相似文献   
The deterministic properties of a two-locus model with mutation and selection have been investigated. The mutation process is unidirectional, and the model is so constructed that the genetic variation at one locus is selectively neutral in the absence of a mutant allele at the other locus. All genotypes with three or four mutant alleles are deleterious, while the double heterozygotes may have the same fitness as the standard genotype. If one of the mutant alleles becomes fixed in the population, then the other locus will show a regular one-locus mutation-selection balance. Such a boundary equilibrium may be unstable or stable in the full two-locus setting. In the symmetric case, which is analyzed in details, the population will either go to one of the two boundary equilibria, or to a fully polymorphic equilibrium at which both the mutant alleles are rare. The origin of reproductive separation between two populations via the fixation of complementary deleterious mutants at different loci, and the fixation of nonfunctional alleles at duplicated loci, are two biological processes which both can be studied with the present model. In the last part of the paper we show how the results from the deterministic analysis can be used to predict how different factors will influence the rates of evolution in these systems.  相似文献   
A number of human intraspecific hybrids were produced by fusing the 8-azaguanine-resistant cell line D98/AH-2 with PHA-stimulated lymphocytes from a normal human male, followed by selection in HAT medium. The parent cells differed in zymogram patterns for 4 enzyme systems. Hypoxanthine-guanine phophoribosyltransferase was missing in D98/AH-2 and was determined in the hybrids by the normal gene derived from the lymphocyte donor's X chromosome. The HL-A antigens of the lymphocyte donor as well as the W28 specificity from HeLa were easily recognized by a cytotoxicity assay on the hybrid cells, while D98/AH-2 itself was not killed in the normal way by any HL-4 typing sera. The initial hybrid karyotype in all lines was relatively stable, but slow loss of chromosomes occurred following extended growth in culture. The importance of the culture conditions for the rate of chromosome loss was demonstrated. The behavior of several chromosomes was followed in the hybrids and their derivatives. There was relatively nonspecific loss of small numbers of chromosomes, showing that loss of chromosomes from both the D98/AH-2 and the normal lymphocyte parent can occur. Cell lines resistant to 6-thioguanine were selected from the sensitive hybrids. Most had lost the lymphocyte donor's X chromosome, thereby losing the only active allele for HGPRT present in the initial hybrids. However, one line, DMR41, apparently retained the X chromosome and may have a mutated allele for HGPRT. Two lines that are the products of spontaneous segregation are also described. DM4CS and DM17A.  相似文献   
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