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Mutations in the sulfate transporter gene, SCL26A2, lead to cartilage proteoglycan undersulfation resulting in chondrodysplasia in humans; the phenotype is mirrored in the diastrophic dysplasia (dtd) mouse. It remains unclear whether bone shortening and deformities are caused solely by changes in the cartilage matrix, or whether chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan undersulfation affects also signalling pathways involved in cell proliferation and differentiation. Therefore we studied macromolecular sulfation in the different zones of the dtd mouse growth plate and these data were related to growth plate histomorphometry and proliferation analysis.A 2-fold increase of non-sulfated disaccharide in dtd animals compared to wild-type littermates in the resting, proliferative and hypertrophic zones was detected indicating proteoglycan undersulfation; among the three zones the highest level of undersulfation was in the resting zone. The relative height of the hypertrophic zone and the average number of cells per column in the proliferative and hypertrophic zones were significantly reduced compared to wild-types; however the total height of the growth plate was within normal values. The chondrocyte proliferation rate, measured by bromodeoxyuridine labelling, was also significantly reduced in mutant mice. Immunohistochemistry combined with expression data of the dtd growth plate demonstrated that the sulfation defect alters the distribution pattern, but not expression, of Indian hedgehog, a long range morphogen required for chondrocyte proliferation and differentiation.These data suggest that in dtd mice proteoglycan undersulfation causes reduced chondrocyte proliferation in the proliferative zone via the Indian hedgehog pathway, therefore contributing to reduced long bone growth.  相似文献   
Before approaching anther culture as a tool to trigger an androgenic response in a new species, it is advisable to characterize and correlate flower and male gametophyte development to enable reproducible identification of the appropriate starting material. Buds and flowers of Opuntia ficus-indica cv. Gialla were classified in eight stages according to their total length at the earlier stages and the length of the corolla in flowers with emerging sepals. Due to the low condensation of chromatin in the microspore nucleus as well as in the vegetative nucleus of the bi- and tricellular pollen along with the high autofluorescence of the intricate exine, DAPI staining turned out not to be feasible in this species. Therefore an approach based on light-microscopy observation of semithin sections was used. These sections were stained with toluidine blue for general structure recognition and I2KI to study starch deposition. Correlations were made between the sequential floral and male gametophyte development. Using this approach we determined the timing of pollen formation and observed that pollen development is impaired in plants producing seedless fruits. Furthermore, anther culture was carried out with anthers collected from flower buds at stages 2 and 3. Most of the anthers produced callus, however no regeneration was obtained.  相似文献   
The new discipline of Evolutionary Developmental Biology (Evo-Devo) is facing the fascinating paradox of explaining morphological evolution using conserved pieces or genes to build divergent animals. The cephalochordate amphioxus is the closest living relative to the vertebrates, with a simple, chordate body plan, and a genome directly descended from the ancestor prior to the genome-wide duplications that occurred close to the origin of vertebrates. Amphioxus morphology may have remained relatively invariant since the divergence from the vertebrate lineage, but the amphioxus genome has not escaped evolution. We report the isolation of a second Emx gene (AmphiEmxB) arising from an independent duplication in the amphioxus genome. We also argue that a tandem duplication probably occurred in the Posterior part of the Hox cluster in amphioxus, giving rise to AmphiHox14, and discuss the structure of the chordate and vertebrate ancestral clusters. Also, a tandem duplication of Evx in the amphioxus lineage produced a prototypical Evx gene (AmphiEvxA) and a divergent gene (AmphiEvxB), no longer involved in typical Evx functions. These examples of specific gene duplications in amphioxus, and other previously reported duplications summarized here, emphasize the fact that amphioxus is not the ancestor of the vertebrates but 'only' the closest living relative to the ancestor, with a mix of prototypical and amphioxus-specific features in its genome.  相似文献   


Kanamycin, mainly used in the treatment of drug-resistant-tuberculosis, is known to cause irreversible hearing loss. Using the xeno-transplant model, we compared both in vitro and in vivo characteristics of human mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs) derived from adult tissues, bone marrow (BM-MSCs) and adipose tissue (ADSCs). These tissues were selected for their availability, in vitro multipotency and regenerative potential in vivo in kanamycin-deafened nod-scid mice.


MSCs were isolated from informed donors and expanded ex vivo. We evaluated their proliferation capacity in vitro using the hexosaminidase assay, the phenotypic profile using flow-cytometry of a panel of surface antigens, the osteogenic potential using alkaline phosphatase activity and the adipogenic potential using oil-red-O staining. MSCs were intravenously injected in deafened mice and cochleae, liver, spleen and kidney were sampled 7 and 30 days after transplantation. The dissected organs were analyzed using lectin histochemistry, immunohistochemistry, polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and dual color fluorescence in situ hybridization (DC-FISH).


MSCs showed similar in vitro characteristics, but ADSCs appeared to be more efficient after prolonged expansion. Both cell types engrafted in the cochlea of damaged mice, inducing regeneration of the damaged sensory structures. Several hybrid cells were detected in engrafted tissues.


BM-MSCs and ADSCs showed in vitro characteristics suitable for tissue regeneration and fused with resident cells in engrafted tissues. The data suggest that paracrine effect is the prevalent mechanism inducing tissue recovery. Overall, BM-MSCs and ADSCs appear to be valuable tools in regenerative medicine for hearing loss recovery.  相似文献   
New generation vaccines are in demand to include only the key antigens sufficient to confer protective immunity among the plethora of pathogen molecules. In the last decade, large-scale genomics-based technologies have emerged. Among them, the Reverse Vaccinology approach was successfully applied to the development of an innovative vaccine against Neisseria meningitidis serogroup B, now available on the market with the commercial name BEXSERO® (Novartis Vaccines). The limiting step of such approaches is the number of antigens to be tested in in vivo models. Several laboratories have been trying to refine the original approach in order to get to the identification of the relevant antigens straight from the genome. Here we report a new bioinformatics tool that moves a first step in this direction. The tool has been developed by identifying structural/functional features recurring in known bacterial protective antigens, the so called “Protectome space,” and using such “protective signatures” for protective antigen discovery. In particular, we applied this new approach to Staphylococcus aureus and Group B Streptococcus and we show that not only already known protective antigens were re-discovered, but also two new protective antigens were identified.Although vaccines based on attenuated pathogens as pioneered by Luis Pasteur have been shown to be extremely effective, safety and technical reasons recommend that new generation vaccines include few selected pathogen components which, in combination with immunostimulatory molecules, can induce long lasting protective responses. Such approach implies that the key antigens sufficient to confer protective immunity are singled out among the plethora of pathogen molecules. As it turns out, the search for such protective antigens can be extremely complicated.Genomic technologies have opened the way to new strategies in vaccine antigen discovery (1, 2, 3). Among them, Reverse Vaccinology (RV)1 has proved to be highly effective, as demonstrated by the fact that a new Serogroup B Neisseria meningitidis (MenB) vaccine, incorporating antigens selected by RV, is now available to defeat meningococcal meningitis (4, 5). In essence, RV is based on the simple assumption that cloning all annotated proteins/genes and screening them against a robust and reliable surrogate-of-protection assay must lead to the identification of all protective antigens. Because most of the assays available for protective antigen selection involve animal immunization and challenge, the number of antigens to be tested represents a severe bottleneck of the entire process. For this reason, despite the fact that RV is a brute force, inclusive approach (“test-all-to-lose-nothing” type of approach) in their pioneered work of MenB vaccine discovery, Pizza and co-workers did not test the entire collection of MenB proteins but rather restricted their analysis to the ones predicted to be surface-localized. This was based on the evidence that for an anti-MenB vaccine to be protective bactericidal antibodies must be induced, a property that only surface-exposed antigens have. For the selection of surface antigens Pizza and co-workers mainly used PSORT and other available tools like MOTIFS and FINDPATTERNS to find proteins carrying localization-associated features such as transmembrane domains, leader peptides, and lipobox and outer membrane anchoring motifs. At the end, 570 proteins were selected and entered the still very labor intensive screening phase. Over the last few years, our laboratories have been trying to move to more selective strategies. Our ultimate goal, we like to refer to as the “Holy Grail of Vaccinology,” is to identify protective antigens by “simply” scanning the genome sequence of any given pathogen, thus avoiding time consuming “wet science” and “move straight from genome to the clinic” (6).With this objective in mind, we have developed a series of proteomics-based protocols that, in combination with bioinformatics tools, have substantially reduced the number of antigens to be tested in the surrogate-of-protection assays (7, 8). In particular, we have recently described a three-technology strategy that allows to narrow the number of antigens to be tested in the animal models down to less than ten (9). However, this strategy still requires high throughput experimental activities. Therefore, the availability of in silico tools that selectively and accurately single out relevant categories of antigens among the complexity of pathogen components would greatly facilitate the vaccine discovery process.In the present work, we describe a new bioinformatics approach that brings an additional contribution to our “from genome to clinic” goal. The approach has been developed on the basis of the assumption that protective antigens are protective in that they have specific structural/functional features (“protective signatures”) that distinguish them from immunologically irrelevant pathogen components. These features have been identified by using existing databases and prediction tools, such as PFam and SMART. Our approach focuses on protein biological role rather than its localization: it is completely protein localization unbiased, and lead to the identification of both surface-exposed and secreted antigens (which are the majority in extracellular bacteria) as well as cytoplasmic protective antigens (for instance, antigens that elicit interferon γ producing CD4+ T cells, thus potentiating the killing activity of phagocytic cells toward intracellular pathogens). Should these assumptions be valid, PS could be identified if: (1) all known protective antigens are compiled to create what we refer to as “the Protectome space,” and (2) Protectome is subjected to computer-assisted scrutiny using selected tools. Once signatures are identified, novel protective antigens of a pathogen of interest should be identifiable by scanning its genome sequence in search for proteins that carry one or more protective signatures. A similar attempt has been reported (10), where the discrimination of protective antigens versus nonprotective antigens was tried using statistical methods based on amino acid compositional analysis and auto cross-covariance. This model was implemented in a server for the prediction of vaccine candidates, that is, Vaxijen (www.darrenflower.info/Vaxijen); however, the selection criteria applied are still too general leading to a list of candidates that include ca. 30% of the total genome ORFs very similarly to the number of antigens predicted by classical RV based on the presence of localization signals.Here we show that Protectome analysis unravels specific signatures embedded in protective antigens, most of them related to the biological role/function of the proteins. These signatures narrow down the candidate list to ca. 3% of the total ORFs content and can be exploited for protective antigen discovery. Indeed, the strategy was validated by demonstrating that well characterized vaccine components could be identified by scanning the genome sequence of the corresponding pathogens for the presence of the PS. Furthermore, when the approach was applied to Staphylococcus aureus and Streptococcus agalactiae (Group B Streptococcus, GBS) not only already known protective antigens were rediscovered, but also two new protective antigens were identified.  相似文献   
We have analyzed midgut development during the fifth larval instar in the tobacco budworm Heliothis virescens. In prepupae, the midgut formed during larval instars undergoes a complete renewal process. This drastic remodeling of the alimentary canal involves the destruction of the old cells by programmed cell-death mechanisms (autophagy and apoptosis). Massive proliferation and differentiation of regenerative stem cells take place at the end of the fifth instar and give rise to a new fully functioning epithelium that is capable of digesting and absorbing nutrients and that is maintained throughout the subsequent pupal stage. Midgut replacement in H. virescens is achieved by a balance between this active proliferation process and cell-death mechanisms and is different from similar processes characterized in other insects. This work was supported by FAR 2006 (University of Insubria) to G.T., by a MIUR-FIRB-COFIN grant (no. RBNE01YXA8/2004077251), and by the Centro Grandi Attrezzature (University of Insubria).  相似文献   
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